Labels:bulletin board | dog | earth | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sand | sky | water OCR: abede fshiik/Mopgr stwwxyz ABC DEFGHI 7> MNOPG RSTUVWXYZ 01234 ~!@# -)+fv%$ => "CE3N" :/? The guict trown fox juMps over the /a2y dos The guict brown xof juMps over the /a2y dos The 3rown xof jUMPs over the 1a2y dos 36 Tye 3rowN xof jUMps ov er the 1azy dos. 8 h 9Uick brown fox oV er the lazy 60 ay 9Uick 3rown fox JUMPS 9Uick brow fox 5dwnr V abedefghiik IMnopar rstwwxyz 6869 guick sdwn qUick hrown 5dwn