Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | field | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abcdefghi IKI LMnOPORS tuvwxyz ABODEFGHIJ KL LMNOPQRSTUV VWXYZ 0123456789 ~@+%^g*-+>, ,<.[{}" ;/? The quick brown jumps oveg the Lazy do4 The quick bRown fox jumps oveR the Lazy dog. 24 The quick bRown fox jumps OveR the Lazy dog 36 The quick bRoWn fox jumps OVeR the Lazy dog 48 The Quick bRoWn fox jumps oVeR the Lazy dog 0 The Quick bRoWn fox jum OVeR the Lazy dog The Quick bKoWn oX um OVeR the Lazy abedefghi ABCDEF 64H1 IKLMNOPQR WXYZ aveg