Labels:bulletin board | earth | grass | lodestone | person | plant | reckoner | sky OCR: abedefgh jlaimnopgr stuvwXyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 012 34 56789 !@# +5%^) +=>,< .}\"::? The quick orowf fox jumps over the Jazy dog 18 The Guick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 24 The quick brown fox jumps Orrr the lazy dog 36 The qUick brown fox sdun! over the lazy dog The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 60 The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The GUick brown fox JUmps over the lazy abedefghi jkimnopgr stuWwXyz MNOPQRSTUVXYZ bron qUicke