Labels:grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sand | sky | water OCR: Abcde Aghijk(mnopBr stUVaxyz ABCDE EGHL TKL MNOPqR3TUVWXYZ 012 34 56729~1@# +%^#*- AUON The guick broan fox jumps over the dag. The gUick br Own fox jumps the lAZY doq The gUick brown fox jumps over the lAZY dog. The gUick brown fox jumps OVer the lAZY doq he BUick 5rown fox jumps lAZY d09 BUick uMo-G fox jumps >yt Yo?n8 -own nI mos Aghi iklmnopg FGHLJKL NNOPORSTUVWXYZ 6789 jUmos 3rown sdunl