Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | pole | reckoner | sky OCR: abcde VWXyz ABCDE FGHI JKL MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ OI23456789 ~!@# $%^**()-_+=><.L]{31\":;/? The quicK brown Cox jumps over the iazy bap The quicK broun Fox jumps over the lazy dog 24 The quicK br own Fox sdmn! over the lQZY dog: 36 The MO!mb brown Fox jumps over the lazy bop 48 The quicK brown Fox sawnr over the iazY bop 60 The quicK brown Fox over the Iaz The quicK brown Fox sdmn! over JKLMNOPORSTU IVWXY7 3456 1a2y 1azy sdwn sawn