Labels:earth | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | water OCR: abcde ghijkimroPoy stuvwxye ABCDEA FGHI JKLMNOAO RS TUVWXYz 012345 6319 1@+%4+- -+=><.{}\ 5/? te brcun fox, ave the bop the gCK brown foxjumps over the lazy dog. 2 the geiCk brown fox jumPs over the lazy dog. 3 the qUiCk brown fox jumPs OVCr the lazy dog. the guick brown fox jumPs OVCr the lazy doc guick brown fox OVCr the Z0I quick brown X jumPs OVCr abca HefghijumnoPg Stuvuxue CDEF THPJ MNOA RSTUvWXVz quCk JjumPs browr jumP YZDI