Labels:grass | person | reckoner | sky | tree OCR: abcdefghijKImnopg stuvWxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ 01234 56789 ~!@#$7 ^&*()- +=><.[ The qeick braun juinps the clog. The quick fox juwrps over the lazy hoop 2.4 The quicK hrown xof stunt over the lazy bop The quicK fox jumps over the lazy clog The quicK MMOAy fox stunf over the hZ0| clog The quicK MMoig fox stwm1 over the hZ01 docy The quicK fox stMm1 over the hZ01 clog ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQ brawh junps orey brown juwps MMoAg stuni ovev stun1