Labels:bulletin board | earth | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abcdeFghi ABCDE FGHIJKL mNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0/2 345 678910 #%^ ><C{/^";? The quicK brown Fox umps over the (az.) dog The quick brown Fox jumps over the taz-y dog. 24 The quick brown Fox Jjumps the lazy dog. 36 The quicK brown Fox jumps over the lazy dog. 8-77 he quick brown Fox jumps over the laz dog. he quicK brown Fox jum over The laz dog T he quicK brown FoX ium over the laz deFghi mnopgrstunvxyz HIJKL MNOPORSTUVWXYZ guck umpscer