Labels:bulletin board | earth | grass | paper | person | plant | reckoner | sky OCR: Abc defghijk/mnopgrstwvwryz ABCDE MNOPORS TUVW xYz 0123456 789 1@##%^ -+=7 \v{}[]'> The quick browm jumps Ov2r the /Azy The quicK brown for jumps Over the IAzy dog. The quiCK browm for jumps Ovet the 1Azy dog. The quicK browm *Qt jumps ovet the 1Azy d0g. 8h The 6M019 YQt jumps over the 1Azy d09. 60 The browm YQJ jumps Over the 1Azy dO9 The UMQI9 YQJ jumps over the ABCDEFGHIIKL MNOPOR STUVW 3456 9uiCK