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- Breeze Designer for Windows version 1.0
- ---------------------------------------
- Release 3
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- --------------------------------
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- Contact Information
- -------------------
- Neville Richards
- PO Box 687
- Lane Cove
- NSW 2066
- Australia
- EMail: neville@imagos.dialix.oz.au
- Requirements
- ------------
- This program requires at minimum a 386 with co-processor,
- and 4Mb free RAM, running Windows 3.1x or later.
- Features
- --------
- - Modelling primatives; cube, sphere, cone, cylinder, torus, polygon
- - Extrusion; Text (TrueType fonts), heightfields, spline paths
- - Iso-surfaces; blobs (metaballs)
- - Surfaces of revolution (sweeps)
- - Multiple model views and zoom factors
- - Inbuilt texture builder
- - Inbuilt flat shading preview
- - Object grouping
- - Keyframe animation support, with tween function and spline paths
- - Transition position, scale and rotation between frames
- - Import Autodesk 3D-Studio 3DS format models
- - Import AutoCAD 2D and 3D DXF files
- - Third party plug-in module support
- - Render and view from within program
- - No program limit to the number of objects
- Whats New
- ---------
- Version 1.0 Release 3 11-2-95
- Enhanced support for groups
- Added support for blobs
- Added internal text generation
- Added polygon extrude
- Added color selector in texture builder
- Added helix and line point generators
- Added plug-in installation option
- Enhanced point editing facility
- Enhanced plug-in interface for macro language
- Enhanced 'about' for system information
- Updated online help
- Version 1.0 Release 2 8-1-95
- Enhanced options selection
- Enhanced render setup selection
- Enhanced keyboard support
- Decompose objects
- Updated online help
- Version 1.0 Release 1 22-12-94
- Initial public release
- Limitations
- -----------
- - Complex 3DS objects cause out of memory errors
- - Internal render does not depth sort objects.
- If you find this program useful please register, and/or
- let me know is any problems are encountered with this
- program. Anyone intestested in contributing to this
- project is also most welcome to contact me, preferably
- by e-mail. Any contributions accepted.
- Copyright Information
- ---------------------
- Breeze Designer (C) 1994,1995 Neville Richards. All
- Rights Reserved.
- This is a beta release of the Breeze Designer for Windows.
- This package is copyright freeware. No responsibility is
- taken for any damage or losses caused by this program.
- This program and associated utilities are distributed as
- is, without support.
- This program and its associated utilities may not be
- sold, or distributed for any commercial purposes, without
- prior written approval from the author.
- Installation
- ------------
- Breeze is a 3D modelling and design tool for Windows. The
- texture preview options have been optimised for high
- colour and above Windows video driver.
- To install Breeze Designer, first as necessary, unpack
- the ZIP files into a temporary directory. Run the supplied
- 'Setup' utility from the installation diskette or from a
- temporary directory, by selecting Run from the program
- manager File menu then type A:\SETUP and return. The A:
- should be replaced by the directory containing the Breeze
- Designer installation files, as necessary. The setup will
- allow you to select; the installation source directory,
- installation directory and the installed components to be
- installed. These components include:
- 1. Program executables and settings files.
- 2. Texture sample images (optional).
- 3. Sample files (optional).
- 4. Macro language (optional)*
- 5. Plug-in Software Development Kit (optional)*
- If you are using an external rendering package, such as
- POV, select the 'Render Setup; button, on the options
- dialog, and enter the directories for the renderer program
- and includes as well as the directory and name for an
- external image viewer.
- If you are upgrading from an earlier version, it is
- recommended to delete the old program and program setting
- files before installing this version. The program
- settings file should be found in the Windows directory.
- Please see the on-line help for further information, and
- remember to register.
- Neville Richards