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Text File | 1996-11-15 | 186.2 KB | 4,828 lines |
- Polyray v1.5
- (c) 1991, 1992 Alexander R. Enzmann
- 8 November 1992
- All Rights Reserved
- Table of contents
- 1 Introduction & Shareware Information 1
- 1.0 Installation 1
- 1.1 Origin and Credits 2
- 1.2 Useful Tools 3
- 1.3 Contents of This Document 3
- 1.4 Quick demo (You really should read this section) 4
- 1.5 Command Line Options 6
- 1.6 Initialization File 8
- 1.7 Rendering Options 9
- 1.7.1 Raytracing 9
- Antialiasing 9
- Dithering 11
- Bounding Slabs 11
- Shading Quality Flags 12
- 1.7.2 Scan Conversion 13
- 1.7.3 Wireframe 14
- 2 Detailed Description of the Polyray Input Format 14
- 2.1 Expressions 15
- 2.1.1 Numeric expressions 15
- 2.1.2 Vector Expressions 16
- 2.1.3 Array Expressions 17
- 2.1.4 Conditional Expressions 19
- 2.1.5 Run-Time expressions 20
- 2.1.6 Named Expressions 20
- 2.2 Definition of the viewpoint 21
- 2.3 Objects/Surfaces 23
- 2.3.1 Object Modifiers 25
- Position and Orientation Modifiers 25
- Translation 25
- Rotation 25
- Scaling 26
- Shear 26
- Bounding Boxes 26
- Subdivision of Primitives 27
- Shading Flags 28
- 2.3.2 Primitives 29
- Bezier patch 30
- Blob 31
- Box 32
- Cone 33
- Cylinder 33
- Disc 33
- Implicit function 34
- Height Field 35
- File Based Height Fields 35
- 8 Bit Format 36
- 16 Bit Format 36
- 24 Bit Format 37
- Implicit Height Fields 37
- Lathe Surface 38
- Parabola 39
- Polygon 40
- Polynomial Function 40
- Sphere 42
- Sweep Surface 42
- Torus 43
- Triangular patch 44
- 2.3.3 Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) 44
- 2.3.4 Gridded Objects 46
- 2.3.5 Bounding Slabs 47
- 2.4 Color and Lighting 47
- 2.4.1 Light Sources 47
- Positional Lights 48
- Spot Lights 48
- Textured Lights 49
- 2.4.2 Background Color 49
- 2.4.3 Textures 50
- Procedural Textures 50
- Standard Shading Model 50
- Ambient Light 51
- Diffuse Light 52
- Specular Highlights 52
- Reflected Light 52
- Transmitted Light 53
- Microfacet Distribution 53
- Checker Texture 54
- Hexagon Texture 55
- Noise Surface 55
- Layered Textures 58
- Functional Textures 60
- Image maps 61
- 2.5 Comments 63
- 2.6 Animation support 63
- 2.7 Conditional processing 63
- 2.8 Include files 65
- 2.9 File flush 65
- 3 File Formats 65
- 3.1 Output files 65
- 4 Algorithms 66
- 4.1 Processing polynomial expressions 66
- 4.1.1 Example equation representation 66
- 4.1.2 Allowed Formula Syntax 67
- 4.1.3 Rules for processing formulas 67
- 4.2 Processing of arbitrary functional surfaces 68
- 4.2.1 Spherical coordinates 68
- 4.3 Three dimensional noise generation 69
- 4.4 Marching Cubes 70
- 5 Outstanding issues 71
- 5.1 To do list 71
- 5.2 Known Bugs 71
- 6 Revision History 72
- 7 Bibliography 77
- 8 Sample files 77
- 9 Polyray grammar 78
- 1
- 1 Introduction & Shareware Information
- The program "Polyray" is a raytracer able to render a wide
- variety of shapes and surfaces. The means of description range
- from standard primitives like box, sphere, etc. to 3 variable
- polynomial expression, and finally (and slowest of all) surfaces
- containing transcendental functions like sin, cos, log. The
- files associated with Polyray are distributed in three pieces:
- the executable, a collection of document files, and a collection
- of data files.
- As of version 1.5, Polyray is a Shareware program, rather than
- Freeware. If you enjoy this program, use it frequently, and can
- afford to pay a registration fee, then send $35 to:
- Alexander Enzmann
- 20 Clinton St.
- Woburn, Ma 01801
- Please include your name and mailing address.
- If you formally register this program, you will receive free the
- next release of Polyray, when it occurs. In addition you will be
- contributing to my ability to purchase software tools to make
- Polyray a better program. If you don't register this program,
- don't feel bad - I'm poor too - but you also shouldn't expect as
- prompt a response to questions or bugs. Note that the Polyray
- executables and the Polyray documents (including this document)
- are copyrighted. The data files are public domain, you may use
- them in any way you please.
- If you want a good reference book about raytracing, buy the book:
- "Introduction to Ray Tracing", edited by Andrew Glassner,
- Academic Press, 1989. That book is excellent and will provide
- many of the background details that are not contained here. For
- an abbreviated list of Polyray's syntax, see the file
- "quickref.txt".
- This document contains a step by step description of a simple
- scene file to get you familiar with the structure of Polyray
- data. By working through the example and by reviewing the
- examples in the data archive, you will be able to see how the
- various features are used.
- The data files are ASCII text, the image file formats are Targa
- (see section 3.1 for the supported input and output formats). It
- is unlikely that other image formats will be supported. The
- Targa format is supported by many image processing programs so if
- you need to translate between Targa and something else it is
- 2
- quite simple. (Using the Targa formats also means that I didn't
- have to define my own format and then build conversion programs
- or try to convince others to build conversion programs.)
- The only display mode is the standard 320x200 VGA color mode. I
- tried to get good SVGA display code working, but with all the
- alternatives it was just a bit too much. For this reason, the
- display for Polyray should be considered an aid during debugging
- of images, and as a way to monitor the status of the image you
- are rendering. For viewing the final image, there are many image
- viewers and many image format conversion programs that will
- convert TGA to whatever format you prefer (PICLAB being one of
- the best for all purpose work).
- The standard executable requires IBM PC compatible with at least
- a 386 and 387, VGA graphics, and a minimum of 2 Mbytes of RAM to
- run. Other memory models will be made available if enough
- requests are made. The distributed executable uses a DOS
- extender in order to grab as much memory as is available. It has
- been successfully run with both HIMEM.SYS, and 386MAX.SYS. Under
- Windows it will run in a DOS window, however if you use the
- graphics display it will need to be run full screen.
- I'm interested in any comments/bug reports. I can be reached via
- email by:
- Compuserve as: Alexander Enzmann 70323,2461
- Internet as: xander@mitre.org
- or via the postal service at:
- Alexander Enzmann
- 20 Clinton St.
- Woburn, Ma 01801
- 1.1 Origin and Credits
- This original code for this program was based on the "mtv" ray-
- tracer, written (and placed in the public domain) by Mark
- VandeWettering.
- Many thanks go to David Mason for his numerous comments and
- suggestions (and for adding a new feature to DTA every time I
- needed to test something). Thanks also to the Cafe Algiers in
- Cambridge Ma. for providing a place to get heavily caffinated and
- rap about ray-tracing and image processing for hours at a time.
- 3
- 1.2 Useful tools
- There are several types of tools that you will want to have to
- work with
- this program (in relative order of importance):
- o An ASCII text editor for preparing and modifying input
- files.
- o A picture viewer for viewing images.
- o An image processing program for translation between Targa
- and some other format.
- o An animation generator that will take a series of Targa
- images and produce an animation file.
- o An animation viewer for playing an animation on the
- screen.
- For the IBM-PC/Clone world (which is what I use at home), there
- are several popular and easily available programs: "PICLAB",
- which will read process and write several popular graphics file
- formats, "VPIC" (Shareware) which displays images quickly and
- supports many different video boards, "DTA" which will take a
- bunch of Targa files and produce a "FLI" format animation, and
- "aaplay" or "play80" which will show a FLI on a VGA screen.
- 1.3 Contents of this document
- This document describes the input format and capabilities of the
- "Polyray" ray-tracing program. The following features are
- supported:
- o Viewpoint (camera) characteristics,
- o Positional (point), directional (spotlight) light sources,
- and functional (textured) lights.
- o Background color,
- o Surface characteristics of objects,
- 4
- o Shape primitives:
- Bezier patch, blob, box, cone, cylinder, disc, implicit
- function, height field, lathe surface, parabola,
- polygon, polynomial function, sphere, sweep surface,
- torus, triangular patches
- o Animation support,
- o Conditional processing,
- o Include files,
- o Named values and objects.
- o Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
- o Grids of objects
- o User definable (functional) textures
- o Initialization file for default values
- 1.4 Quick demo
- This section describes one of the simplest possible data files: a
- single sphere and a single light source. In what follows
- anything following a double slash, "//" is a comment and is
- ignored by Polyray. The data file is the following indented
- lines. You can either use the file "sphere.pi" in the data
- archive, or copy these declarations into a new file.
- // We start by setting up the camera. This is where the eye
- // is located, and describes how wide a field of view will
- // be used, and the resolution (# of pixels wide and high)
- // of the resulting image.
- viewpoint {
- from <0,0,-8> // The location of the eye
- at <0,0,0> // The point that we are looking at
- up <0,1,0> // The direction that will be up
- angle 45 // The vertical field of view
- resolution 160, 160 // The image will be 160x160 pixels
- }
- // Next define the color of the background. This is the
- // color that is used for any pixel that isn't part of an
- // object. In this file it will color the image around the
- // sphere.
- 5
- background skyblue
- // Next is a light source. This is a point light source a
- // little above, to the left, and behind the eye.
- light <-10,3, -20>
- // The following declaration is a "texture" that will be
- // applied to the sphere. It will be red at every point but
- // where the light is reflecting directly towards the eye -
- // at that point there will be a bright white spot.
- define shiny_red
- texture {
- surface {
- ambient red, 0.2 // Always a little red
- diffuse red, 0.4 // Where the light is hitting
- // the sphere, the color will be
- // a little brighter.
- specular white, 0.8 // A white highlight.
- microfacet Reitz 10 // The highlight drops to half
- // its intensity at an angle of
- // 10 degrees.
- }
- }
- // Finally we declare the sphere. It sits right at the
- // origin, and has a radius of two. Following the
- // declaration of the sphere, we associate the texture
- // declared above.
- object {
- sphere <0, 0, 0>, 2
- shiny_red
- }
- Now that we have a data file, lets render it and show it on the
- screen. First of all we can look at a wireframe representation
- of the file. Enter the following commands (DOS prompts are in
- capitals).
- C> polyray sphere.pi -r 2 -V 1 -W
- An outline of the sphere will be drawn on the screen, press
- any key to get back to DOS
- Next lets do a raytrace. Enter the following:
- C> polyray sphere.pi -V 1
- The sphere will be drawn a line at a time, when it is done
- you will be returned to DOS
- 6
- The output image will be the default output file, "out.tga". You
- can view it directly with VPIC or TGVIEW (although VPIC will not
- have the full range of colors that were generated by the
- raytrace). If you have PICLAB, then the following commands will
- load the image, map its colors into a spectrum that matches the
- colors in the image, then will display it.
- C> piclab
- > tload out
- > makepal
- > map
- > show
- hit any key to get back to PICLAB's command line
- > quit
- C>
- You should see a greatly improved image quality over the display
- that is shown during tracing.
- Now that you have seen a simple image, you have two options: go
- render some or all of the files in the data archive, or continue
- reading the documents. For those of you that prefer immediately
- getting started, there are a series of DOS batch files that
- pretty well automate the rendering of the sample scenes. (When
- you unzip the data files, remember to use the /d switch so that
- all the subdirectories will be created.)
- 1.5 Command Line Options
- A number of operations can be manipulated through values in an
- initialization file, within the data file, or from the command
- line (processed in that order, with the last read having the
- highest precedence). The command line values will be displayed
- if no arguments are given to Polyray.
- The values that can be specified at the command line, with a
- brief description of their meaning are:
- -a Perform simple antialiasing (neighbor
- averaging)
- -A Perform adaptive antialiasing (based on
- threshold)
- -b pixels Set the maximum number of pixels that will be
- calculated between file flushes
- -B Flush the output file every scan line
- 7
- -d probability Dither objects using the given probability
- -D scale Dither all rays using the given probability
- -J Perform jittered antialiasing (fixed # of
- samples/pixel)
- -o filename The output file name, the default output
- file name if not specified is "out.tga"
- -p bits/pixel Set the number of bits per pixel in the
- output file (must be one of 8, 16, 24, 32)
- -P pallette Which pallette option to use [0=grey, 1=666,
- 2=884]
- -q flags Turn on/off various global shading options
- -Q Abort if any key is hit during trace
- -r renderer Which rendering method: [0=raytrace, 1=scan
- convert, 2=wireframe]
- -R Resume an interrupted trace.
- -s samples # of samples per pixel when performing
- antialiasing
- -t status_vals Status display type
- [0=none,1=totals,2=line,3=pixel].
- -T threshold Threshold to start oversampling
- -u Write the output file in uncompressed form
- -v Trace from bottom to top
- -V mode Use VGA display while tracing [0=none,1=VGA]
- -W Wait for key before clearing display
- -x columns Set the x resolution
- -y lines Set the y resolution
- -z start_line Start a trace at a specified line
- If no arguments are given then Polyray will give a brief
- 8
- description of the command line options.
- 1.6 Initialization File
- The first operation carried out by Polyray is to read the
- initialization file "polyray.ini". This file can be used to tune
- a number of the default variables used during rendering. This
- file must appear in the current directory. This file does not
- have to exist, it is typically used as a convenience to eliminate
- retyping command line parameters.
- Each entry in the initialization file must appear on a separate
- line, and have the form:
- default_name value
- The names are text. The values are numeric for some names, and
- text for others. The allowed names and values are:
- abort_test true/false/on/off
- alias_threshold [Min value to start adaptive antialiasing]
- antialias none/filter/jitter/adaptive
- display none/vga
- max_level [max depth of recursion]
- max_lights [max # of lights]
- max_queue_size [max # of objects in a priority queue]
- max_samples [# samples for antialiasing]
- pixel_size [8, 16, 24, 32]
- pixel_encoding none/rle
- renderer ray_trace/scan_convert/wire_frame
- shade_flags [default/bit mask of flags, see sec]
- shadow_tolerance [minimum distance for blocking objects]
- status none/totals/line/pixel
- warnings on/off
- A typical example of "polyray.ini" would be:
- abort_test off
- alias_threshold 0.05
- antialias adaptive
- display vga
- max_samples 8
- pixel_size 24
- status line
- If no initialization file exists, then Polyray will use the
- following default values:
- abort_test on
- alias_threshold 0.2
- 9
- antialias none
- display none
- max_level 5
- max_lights 64
- max_queue_size 128
- max_samples 4
- pixel_size 16
- pixel_encoding rle
- renderer ray_trace
- shade_flags default
- shadow_tolerance 0.001
- status line
- warnings on
- 1.7 Rendering Options
- Polyray supports three very distinct means of rendering scenes:
- raytracing, polygon scan conversion, and wireframe. Raytracing
- is often a very time consuming process, however a number of types
- of surfaces can be rendered with this technique that are very
- difficult or impossible using traditional techniques.
- 1.7.1 Raytracing
- Polyray is at heart a raytracer. The quality of the images that
- can be produced is entirely a function of how long you want to
- wait for results. There are certain options that allow you to
- adjust how you want to trade off quality Vs speed Vs memory
- requirements.
- The basic operation in raytracing is that of shooting a ray from
- the eye, through a pixel, and finally hitting an object. For
- each type of primitive there is specialized code that helps
- determine if a ray has hit that primitive. The standard way that
- Polyray generates an image is to use one ray per pixel and to
- test that ray against all of the objects in the data file.
- The following sections describe how you can cause Polyray to use
- more rays per pixel to improve image quality, skip pixels or
- objects in a probabilistic way to improve rendering speed, or
- partition objects in such a way that not all objects need to be
- tested for every ray. Each of these techniques has benefits and
- drawbacks.
- Antialiasing
- The representation of rays is as a 1 dimensional line. On the
- other hand pixels and objects have a definite size. This can
- lead to a problem known as "aliasing", where a ray may not
- 10
- intersect an object because the object only partially overlaps a
- pixel, or the pixel should have color contributed by several
- objects that overlap it, none of which completely fills the
- pixel. Aliasing often shows up as a staircase effect on the edges
- of objects.
- Polyray offers three ways to reduce aliasing: by filtering, by
- oversampling with a fixed number of samples, and by adaptive
- oversampling. Filtering smoothes the output image by averaging
- the color values of neighboring pixels to the pixel being
- rendered. Oversampling is performed by adding extra rays through
- random jittering of the direction of the ray within the pixel
- being traced. By averaging the result of all of the rays that
- are shot through a single pixel, aliasing problems can be greatly
- reduced.
- The filtering process adds little overhead to the rendering
- process, however the resolution of the image is degraded by the
- averaging process. Jittered antialiasing slows down the
- rendering process in direct proportion to the number of extra
- rays, but results in the best image quality.
- Oversampling can be performed in two ways, either by using a
- fixed number of rays per pixel, or by adaptive antialiasing. The
- former will always shoot the same number of rays through each
- pixel, regardless of picture complexity. The latter initially
- shoots just one ray through each pixel, if a pixel's color is
- significantly different that any of its neighbors, then
- additional rays are fired.
- The two initialization (and command line) variables that will
- affect the performance of adaptive antialiasing are
- "alias_threshold" and "max_samples". The first is a measure of
- how different a pixel must be with respect to its neighbors
- before antialiasing will kick in. If a pixel has the value: <r1,
- g1, b1>, and it's neighbor has the value <r2, g2, b2> (RGB values
- between 0 and 1 inclusive), then the "distance" between the two
- colors is:
- dist = sqrt((r1 - r2)^2 + (b1 - b2)^2 + (g1 - g2)^2)
- This is the standard Pythagorean formula for values specified in
- RGB. If "dist" is greater than the value of "alias_threshold",
- then extra rays will be fired through the pixel in order to
- determine an averaged color for that pixel.
- 11
- Note: Performing the distance test in RGB space may not be the
- best way to determine when antialiasing should occur. Future
- versions of Polyray may perform distance calculations in LAB
- space.
- Dithering
- In order to speed up the generation of an image (and to produce
- some interesting effects), several dithering options are
- available: Dithering all rays, dithering all objects, and
- dithering of specific objects. Associated with each option is a
- probability value between 0 and 1. During rendering, if the
- dithering option is being used, Polyray generates a random number
- between 0 and 1 and compares it to the probability value. If the
- random number is greater than the probability value then the ray
- (or object) will be ignored.
- Dithering of rays is a way to sample the entire image, for
- example if a probability value of 0.5 is given, then only half of
- all rays will be traced through the scene. The final image will
- be severely degraded, however the amount of time taken to trace
- the scene will be cut approximately in half.
- Dithering of objects is a way to simulate transparency, without
- the overhead of generating secondary rays during the raytracing
- process. It also can be used as an interesting optical effect -
- during an animation, if the probability value is successively
- lowered from 1 to 0, the object will dissolve away.
- Negative dither values as well as those above 1.0 will have no
- effect. The way dithering works is: Right before a check is
- made to see if the current ray will intersect an object a random
- number between 0 and 1 is generated. If this number is less than
- the dither value then the intersection check will be made. If
- the random number is greater than the dither value then Polyray
- assumes that there is no hit.
- Sample files: dither.pi, bnddithr.pi
- Bounding Slabs
- For scenes with large numbers of small objects, there are
- optimization tricks that can take advantage of the distribution
- of the objects. An easy one to implement, and one that often
- results in huge time savings are bounding slabs. The basic idea
- of a bounding slab is to sort all objects along a particular
- direction. Once this sorting step has been performed, then
- during rendering the ray can be quickly checked against a slab
- (which can represent many objects rather than just one) to see if
- 12
- intersection tests need to be made on the contents of the slab.
- The most important caveats with Polyray's implementation of
- bounding slabs are:
- o Scenes with only a few large objects will derive little
- speed benefits.
- o If there is a lot of overlap of the positions of the
- objects in the scene, then there will be little
- advantage to the slabs.
- o If the direction of the slabs does not correspond to a
- direction that easily sorts objects, then there will be
- little speed gained.
- However, for data files that are generated by another program,
- the requirements for effective use of bounding slabs are often
- met. For example, most of the data files generated by the SPD
- programs will be rendered orders of magnitude faster with
- bounding slabs than without.
- Shading Quality Flags
- By specifying a series of bits, various shading options can be
- turned on and off. The value of each flag, as well as the
- meaning are:
- 1 Shadow_Check Shadows will be generated
- 2 Reflect_Check Reflectivity will be tested
- 4 Transmit_Check Check for refraction
- 8 Two_Sides If on, highlighting will be performed on
- both sides of a surface.
- 16 Cast_Shadow Determines if an object casts shadows.
- 32 Primary_Rays If off, then primary rays (those from
- the eye) are not checked against the
- object.
- The default settings of these flags are:
- raytracing Shadow_Check + Reflect_Check +
- Transmit_Check + Two_Sides + Cast_Shadow
- + Primary_Rays (= 63)
- 13
- scan conversion [Two_Sides, = 8]
- wireframe Not applicable
- The assumption made is that during raytracing the highest quality
- is desired, and consequently every shading test is made. The
- assumption for scan conversion is that you are trying to render
- quickly, and hence most of the complex shading options are turned
- off.
- If any of the flags are explicitly set and scan conversion is
- used to render the scene, then at every pixel that is displayed,
- a recursive call to the raytracer will be made to determine the
- correct shading. Note that due to the faceted nature of objects
- during scan conversion, shadowing, and especially refraction can
- get messed up during scan conversion.
- For example if you want to do a scan conversion that contains
- shadows, you would use the following:
- polyray xxx.pi -r 1 -q 1
- or if you wanted to do raytracing with no shadows, reflection
- turned on, transparency turned off, and with diffuse and specular
- shading performed for both sides of surfaces you would use
- options 2 and 8:
- polyray xxx.pi -q 10
- Note: texturing cannot be turned off.
- 1.7.2 Scan Conversion
- In order to support a quicker render of images Polyray can render
- most primitives as a series of polygons. Each polygon is scan
- converted using a Z-Buffer for depth information, and a S-Buffer
- for color information.
- The scan conversion process does not by default provide support
- for: shadows, reflectivity, or transparency. It is possible to
- instruct Polyray to use raytracing to perform these shading
- operations through the use of either the global shade flags or by
- setting shade flags for a specific object. An alternative method
- for quickly testing shadows using shadow buffers is in the works.
- The memory requirements for performing scan conversion can be
- quite substantial. You need at least as much memory as is
- required for raytracing, plus at least 7 bytes per pixel for the
- final image. In order to correctly keep track of depth and color
- 14
- - 4 bytes are used for the depth of each pixel in the Z-Buffer
- (32 bit floating point number), and 3 bytes are used for each
- pixel in the S-Buffer (1 byte each for red, green, and blue).
- During scan conversion, the number of polygons used to cover the
- surface of a primitive is controlled using the keywords
- "u_steps", and "v_steps". These two values control how many
- steps around and along the surface of the object values are
- generated to create polygons. The higher the number of steps,
- the smoother the final appearance. Note however that if the
- object is very small then there is little reason to use a fine
- mesh - hand tuning is sometimes required to get the best balance
- between speed and appearance.
- Generating isosurfaces for blobs, polynomial functions and
- implicit functions, followed by polygonalization of the surfaces
- is performed using a "marching cubes" algorithm. Currently the
- value of "u_steps" determines the number of slices along the x-
- axis, and the value of "v_steps" controls the number of slices
- along the y-axis and along the z-axis. Future versions may
- introduce a third value to allow independent control of y and z.
- 1.7.3 Wireframe
- In most cases the fastest way to display a model is by showing a
- wireframe representation. Polyray supports this as a variant of
- the scan conversion process. When drawing a wireframe image only
- the edges of the polygons that are generated as part of scan
- conversion are drawn onto the screen. A big problem with
- wireframe representations is that CSG operations are not
- performed. If you use CSG intersection, difference, or clipping,
- you may see a lot of stuff that will not appear in the final
- image.
- Note that there are images that render slower in scan conversion
- and wireframe than raytracing! These are typically those files
- that contain large numbers of spheres and cones. The scan
- conversion process generates every possible part of each object,
- whereas the raytracer is able to sort the objects an only display
- the visible parts of the surfaces.
- 2 Detailed description of the Polyray input format:
- An input file describes the basic components of an image:
- o A viewpoint that characterizes where the eye is, where it
- is looking and what its orientation is.
- o Objects, their shape, placement, and orientation.
- 15
- o Light sources, their placement and color.
- o Textures for coloring and patterning surfaces.
- Beyond the fundamentals, there are many components that exist
- either as a convenience such as definable expressions, or
- textures. This section of the document describes in detail the
- syntax of all of the components of an input file
- 2.1 Expressions
- There are four basic types of expressions that are used in
- polyray:
- o fexper: Floating point expression (i.e. 0.5, 2 *
- sin(1.33)). These are used at any point a floating
- point value is needed, such as the radius of a sphere or
- the amount of contribution of a part of the lighting
- model.
- o vexper:- Vector valued expression (i.e. <0, 1, 0>, red,
- 12 * <2, sin(x), 17> + P). Used for color expressions,
- describing positions, describing orientations, etc.
- o arrays: Lists of expressions (i.e. [0, 1, 17, 42],
- [<0,1,0>, <2*sin(theta), 42, -4>, 2*<3, 7, 2>]
- o cexper: Conditional expression (i.e. x < 42).
- The following sections describe the syntax for each of these
- types of expressions, as well as how to define variables in terms
- of expressions.
- 2.1.1 Numeric expressions
- In most places where a number can be used (i.e. scale values,
- angles, RGB components, etc.) a simple floating point expression
- (fexper) may be used. These expressions can contain any of the
- following terms:
- val A floating point number or defined
- value
- '(' fexper ')' Parenthesised expression
- fexper ^ fexper Same as pow(x, y)
- fexper * fexper Multiplication
- fexper / fexper Division
- fexper + fexper Addition
- fexper - fexper Subtraction
- 16
- -fexper Unary minus
- acos(fexper) Arccosine, (radians for all trig
- functions)
- asin(fexper) Arcsin
- atan(fexper) Arctangent
- ceil(fexper) Ceiling function
- cos(fexper) Cosine
- cosh(fexper) Hyperbolic cosine
- degrees(fexper) Converts radians to degrees
- exp(fexper) e^x, standard exponential function
- fabs(fexper) Absolute value
- floor(fexper) Floor function
- fmod(fexper, fexper) Modulus function for floating point
- values
- ln(fexper) Natural logarithm
- log(fexper) Logarithm base 10
- noise(vexper, fexper) Correlated noise function
- pow(fexper, fexper) Exponentiation (x^y)
- radians(fexper) Converts degrees to radians
- sawtooth(fexper) Sawtooth function (range 0 -> 1)
- sin(fexper) Sine
- sinh(fexper) Hyperbolic sine
- sqrt(fexper) Square root
- tan(fexper) Tangent
- tanh(fexper) Hyperbolic tangent
- visible(vexper, vexper) Returns 1 if second point visible from
- first.
- vexper[i] Extract component i from a vector or
- an array.
- vexper . vexper Dot product of two vectors
- |fexper| Absolute value (same as fabs)
- |vexper| Length of a vector
- 2.1.2 Vector Expressions
- In most places where a vector can be used (i.e. color values,
- rotation angles, locations, ...), a vector expression is allowed.
- The expressions can contain any of the following terms:
- vexper + vexper Addition
- vexper - vexper Subtraction
- vexper * vexper Cross product
- vexper * fexper Scaling of a vector by a scalar
- fexper * vexper Scaling of a vector by a scalar
- vexper / fexper Inverse scaling of a vector by a
- scalar
- brownian(vexper) Makes a random displacement of a
- vector
- 17
- color_wheel(x, y, z) RGB color wheel using x and z (y
- ignored), the color returned is based
- on <x, z> using the chart below:
- Z-Axis
- ^
- |
- |
- Green Yellow
- \ /
- \ /
- Cyan ---- * ---- Red -----> X-Axis
- / \
- / \
- Blue Magenta
- Intermediate colors are generated by
- interpolation.
- rotate(vexper, vexper) Rotate the point given in the first
- argument by the angles given in the
- second argument. (angles in degrees)
- rotate(vexper, vexper,
- fexper) Rotate the point in the first argument
- around the axis given in the second
- argument, by the angle in the third
- argument. (angle in degrees)
- reflect(vexper, vexper) Reflect the first vector about the
- second vector (particularly useful in
- environment maps)
- 2.1.3 Arrays
- Arrays are a way to represent data in a convenient list form. A
- good use for arrays is to hold a number of locations for polygon
- vertices or as locations for objects in successive frames of an
- animation.
- As an example, a way to define a tetrahedron (4 sided solid) is
- to define its vertices, and which vertices make up its faces. By
- using this information in an object declaration, we can make a
- tetrahedron out of polygons very easily.
- 18
- define tetrahedron_faces
- [<0, 1, 2>, <0, 2, 3>, <0, 3, 1>, <1, 3, 2>]
- define tetrahedron_vertices
- [<0, 0, sqrt(3)>, <0, (2*sqrt(2)*sqrt(3))/3, -sqrt(3)/3>,
- <-sqrt(2), -(sqrt(2)*sqrt(3))/3, -sqrt(3)/3>,
- <sqrt(2), -(sqrt(2)*sqrt(3))/3, -sqrt(3)/3>]
- define tcf tetrahedron_faces
- define tcv tetrahedron_vertices
- define tetrahedron
- object {
- object { polygon 3, tcv[tcf[ 0][0]],
- tcv[tcf[ 0][1]], tcv[tcf[ 0][2]] } +
- object { polygon 3, tcv[tcf[ 1][0]],
- tcv[tcf[ 1][1]], tcv[tcf[ 1][2]] } +
- object { polygon 3, tcv[tcf[ 2][0]],
- tcv[tcf[ 2][1]], tcv[tcf[ 2][2]] } +
- object { polygon 3, tcv[tcf[ 3][0]],
- tcv[tcf[ 3][1]], tcv[tcf[ 3][2]] }
- }
- What happened in the object declaration is that each polygon
- grabbed a series of vertex indices from the array
- "tetrahedron_faces", then used that index to grab the actual
- location in space of that vertex.
- Another example is to use an array to store a series of view
- directions so that we can use animation to generate a series of
- very distinct renders of the same scene:
- define location <0, 0, 0>
- define at_vecs [<1, 0, 0>, <-1, 0, 0>, < 0, 1, 0>, < 0,-1, 0>,
- < 0, 0,-1>, < 0, 0, 1>]
- define up_vecs [< 0, 1, 0>, < 0, 1, 0>, < 0, 0, 1>,
- < 0, 0,-1>, < 0, 1, 0>, < 0, 1, 0>]
- // Generate six frames
- start_frame 0
- end_frame 5
- // Each frame generates the view in a specific direction. The
- // vectors stored in the arrays "at_vecs", and "up_vecs" turn
- // the camera in such a way as to generate image maps correct
- // for using in an environment map.
- viewpoint {
- from location
- at location + at_vecs[frame]
- 19
- up up_vecs[frame]
- ...
- }
- ... Rest of the data file ...
- Sample files: plyhdrn.pi, environ.pi
- 2.1.4 Conditional Expressions
- Conditional expressions are used in one of two places:
- conditional processing of declarations (see section 2.7) or
- conditional value functions.
- cexper has one of the following forms:
- !cexper
- cexper && cexper
- cexper || cexper
- fexper < fexper
- fexper <= fexper
- fexper > fexper
- fexper >= fexper
- fexper == fexper
- vexper == vexper
- A use of conditional expressions is to define a texture based on
- other expressions, the format of this expression is:
- (cexper ? true_value : false_value)
- Where true_value/false_value can be either floating point or
- vector values. This type of expression is taken directly from
- the equivalent in the C language. An example of how this is used
- (from the file "spot1.pi") is:
- special surface {
- color white
- ambient (visible(W, throw_offset) == 0
- ? 0
- : (P[0] < 1 ? 1
- : (P[0] > throw_length ? 0
- : (throw_length - P[0]) / throw_length)))
- transmission (visible(W, throw_offset) == 1
- ? (P[0] < 1 ? 0
- : (P[0] > throw_length ? 1
- : P[0] / throw_length))
- : 1), 1
- 20
- }
- In this case conditional statements are used to determine the
- surface characteristics of a cone defining the boundary of a
- spotlight. The amount of ambient light is modified with distance
- from the apex of the cone, the visibility of the cone is modified
- based on both distance and on a determination if the cone is
- behind an object with respect to the source of the light.
- 2.1.5 Run-Time expressions
- There are a few expressions that only have meaning during the
- rendering process:
- I The direction of the ray that struck the
- object
- P The point of intersection in "object"
- coordinates (you can also use x, y, or z to
- represent a single component of P).
- N The normal to the point of intersection in
- "world" coordinates
- W The point of intersection in "world"
- coordinates
- These expressions describe the interaction of a ray and an
- object. To use them effectively, you need to understand the
- distinction between "world" coordinates and "object" coordinates.
- Object coordinates describe a point or a direction with respect
- to an object as it was originally defined. World coordinates
- describe a point with respect to an object after it has been
- rotated/translated/scaled. Typically texturing is done in object
- coordinates so that as the object is moved around the texture
- will move with it. On the other hand shading is done in world
- coordinates.
- NOTE: Capitalization of these variables is important.
- 2.1.6 Named Expressions
- A major convenience for creating input files is the ability to
- create named definitions of surface models, object definitions,
- vectors, etc. The way a value is defined takes one of the
- following forms:
- define token expression
- define token object { ... }
- 21
- define token surface { ... }
- define token texture { ... }
- define token transform { ... }
- Objects, surfaces, and textures can either be instantiated as-is
- by using the token name alone, or it can be instantiated and
- modified:
- token,
- or
- token { ... modifiers ... },
- Polyray keeps track of what type of entity the token represents
- and will parse the expressions accordingly.
- Note: It is not possible to have two types of entities referred
- to by the same name. If a name is reused, then a warning will be
- printed, and all references to that name will use the new
- definition from that point on.
- 2.2 Definition of the viewpoint
- The viewpoint and its associated components define the position
- and orientation the view will be generated from.
- The format of the declaration is:
- viewpoint {
- from vexper
- at vexper
- up vexper
- angle fexper
- hither fexper
- resolution fexper, fexper
- aspect fexper
- yon fexper
- dither_rays fexper
- dither_objects fexper
- max_trace_depth fexper
- aperture fexper
- focal_distance fexper
- }
- Order of the entries defining the viewpoint is not important,
- unless you redefine some field. (In which case the last is used.)
- The parameters are:
- aspect The ratio of width to height. (Default: 1.0.)
- 22
- at A position to be at the center of the image,
- in XYZ world coordinates. (Default: <0, 0, 0>)
- angle The field of view (in degrees), from the
- center of the top row to the center of the
- bottom row. (Default: 45 degrees)
- from The eye location in XYZ. (Default: <0, 0, -10>)
- hither Distance to front of view pyramid. Any
- intersection less than this value will be
- ignored. (Defaults: 1.0e-3)
- resolution The number of pixels wide and high of the
- raster. (Default: 256x256)
- up A vector defining which direction is up, as
- an XYZ vector. (Default: <0, 1, 0>)
- yon Distance to back of view pyramid. Any
- intersection beyond this distance will be
- ignored. (Defaults to 1.0e5)
- dither_rays Rays will be skipped if a random number is
- above the given value.
- dither_objects For each ray, Ray-surface checks will skipped
- for an object if a random number is above the
- given value.
- max_trace_depth This allows you to tailor the amount of
- recursion allowed for scenes with reflection
- and/or transparency. (Default: 5)
- aperture If larger than 0, then extra rays are shot
- (controlled by "max_samples" in the
- initialization file) to produce a blurred
- image. (Good values are between 0.1 and
- 0.5.)
- focal_distance Distance from the eye to the point that
- things are in focus, this defaults to the
- distance between "from" and "at".
- The view vectors will be coerced so that they are perpendicular
- to the vector from the eye (from) to the point of interest (at).
- 23
- A typical declaration is:
- viewpoint {
- from <0, 5, -5>
- at <0, 0, 0>
- up <0, 1, 0>
- angle 30
- resolution 320, 160
- aspect 2
- }
- In this declaration the eye is five units behind the origin, five
- units above the x-z plane and is looking at the origin. The up
- direction is aligned with the y-axis, the field of view is 30
- degrees and the output file will default to 320x160 pixels.
- In this example it is assumed that pixels are square, and hence
- the aspect ratio is set to width/height. If you were generating
- an image for a screen that has pixels half as wide as they are
- high then the aspect ratio would be set to one.
- 2.3 Objects/Surfaces
- In order to make pictures, the light has to hit something.
- Polyray supports several primitive objects, and the following
- sections describe the syntax for describing the primitives, as
- well as how more complex primitives can be built from simple
- ones.
- The "object" declaration is how polyray associates a surface with
- its lighting characteristics, and its orientation. This
- declaration includes one of the primitive shapes (sphere,
- polygon, ...), and optionally: a texture declaration (set to a
- matte white if none is defined), orientation declarations, or a
- bounding box declaration.
- The format the declaration is:
- object {
- shape_declaration
- [texture_declaration]
- [transformation declarations]
- [subdivision declarations]
- [bounding box declaration]
- }
- There are three separate ways that an object can be rendered by
- Polyray, raytracing, scan conversion, or wireframe. The steps
- taken by each of these methods are:
- 24
- Raytracing
- 1) Find the object that seems closest to the eye along the
- current ray. The bounding slab process is what
- determines what order objects will be tested against the
- ray.
- 2) Find all intersections of the ray with the object. (Up
- to the maximum number of intersections.)
- Scan Conversion
- 1) The object is broken up into a number of rectangles (the
- actual number depends on the values of "u_steps" and
- "v_steps" in the object declarations).
- 2) The rectangle is clipped so that only the visible part
- will be rendered.
- 3) The clipped polygon is scan converted a line at a time.
- As the scan conversion takes place, the object and world
- coordinates of the polygon are interpolated from
- vertices.
- 4) As each pixel is generated by scan conversion, its
- distance from the eye is checked against a Z-Buffer.
- 5) If the distance is less than the value in the Z-Buffer,
- then any CSG and clipping operations associated with the
- object are performed.
- 6) If the pixel passes the depth check and CSG checks, then
- the pixel is shaded using the texture information
- associated with the object. The depth to the pixel is
- stored in the Z-Buffer and the color associated with the
- pixel is stored in the S-Buffer.
- Wireframe
- 1) The object is broken up into a number of rectangles (the
- actual number depends on the values of "u_steps" and
- "v_steps" in the object declarations).
- 2) The rectangle is clipped so that only the visible part
- will be rendered.
- 3) The clipped rectangle is displayed on the screen. CSG is
- not taken into consideration in a wireframe image.
- 25
- Determining if a point is inside an object is performed by
- evaluating the function that describes the object using the point
- of intersection. If the value is less than or equal to 0 then
- the point is inside. Some primitives do not have an inside
- (triangular patches), others do not have a well defined inside
- (cylinder).
- The following sub-sections describe the format of the individual
- parts of an object declaration. (Note: The shape declaration
- MUST be first in the declaration, as any operations that follow
- have to have data to work on.)
- 2.3.1 Object Modifiers
- Position and Orientation Modifiers
- The position, orientation, and size of an object can be modified
- through one of four linear transformations: translation,
- rotation, scaling, and shear.
- Translation
- Translation moves the position of an object by the number of
- units specified in the associated vector. The format of the
- declaration is:
- translate <xt, yt, zt>
- For example the declaration:
- translate <0, 20, -4>
- will move the entire object up 20 units along the y axis and back
- 4 units along the (negative) z axis.
- Rotation
- Rotation revolves the position of an object about the x, y, and z
- axes (in that order). The amount of rotation is specified in
- degrees for each of the axes. The direction of rotations follows
- a left-handed convention: if the thumb of your left hand points
- along the positive direction of an axis, then the direction your
- fingers curl is the positive direction of rotation.
- The format of the declaration is:
- rotate <xr, yr, zr>
- 26
- For example the declaration:
- rotate <30, 0, 20>
- will rotate the object by 30 degrees about the x axis, followed
- by 20 degrees about the z axis.
- Remember: Left Handed Rotations.
- Scaling
- Scaling alters the size of an object by a given amount with
- respect to each of the coordinate axes. The format of the
- declaration is:
- scale <xs, ys, zs>
- Shear
- A less frequently used, but occasionally useful transformation is
- linear shear. Shear scales along one axis by an amount that is
- proportional to the location on another axis. The format of the
- declaration is:
- shear yx, zx, xy, zy, xz, yz
- Typically only one or two of the components will be non-zero, for
- example the declaration:
- shear 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
- will shear an object more and more to the right as y gets larger
- and larger. The order of the letters in the declaration is
- descriptive, shear ... ab, ... means shear along direction a by
- the amount "ab" times the position b.
- This declaration should probably be split into three: one that
- associates shear in x with the y and z values, one that
- associates shear in y with x and z values, and one that
- associates shear in z with x and y values.
- You might want to look at the file "xander.pi" - this uses shear
- on boxes to make diagonally slanted parts of letters.
- Bounding box
- In order to speed up the process of determining if a ray
- intersects an object and in order to define good bounds for
- surfaces such as polynomials and implicit surfaces, a bounding
- 27
- box can be specified. A short example of how it is used to
- define bounds of a polynomial:
- define r0 3
- define r1 1
- define torus_expression (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - (r0^2 + r1^2))^2 -
- 4 * r0^2 * (r1^2 - z^2)
- object {
- polynomial torus_expression
- shiny_red
- bounding_box <-(r0+r1), -(r0+r1), -r1>,
- <(r0+r1), (r0+r1), r1>
- }
- The test for intersecting a ray against a box is much faster than
- performing the test for the polynomial equation. In addition the
- box helps the scan conversion process determine where to look for
- the surface of the torus.
- Subdivision of Primitives
- The amount of subdivision of a primitive that is performed before
- it is displayed as polygons is tunable. These declarations only
- take effect during scan conversion - they are ignored during
- raytracing. The two declarations are:
- u_steps n
- v_steps m
- Where U generally refers to the number of steps "around" the
- primitive (the number of steps around the equator of a sphere for
- example). The parameter V refers to the number of steps along
- the primitive (latitudes on a sphere). Cone and cylinder
- primitives only require 1 step along V, but for smoothness may
- require many steps in U.
- For blobs, polynomials, and implicit surfaces, the v_steps
- component plays double duty, specifying how many subdivisions to
- perform along both the y-axis and the z-axis.
- 28
- Shading Flags
- It is possible to tune the shading that will be performed for
- each object. The values of each bit in the flag has the same
- meaning as that given for global shading in section
- 1) Shadow_Check Shadows will be generated
- 2) Reflect_Check Reflectivity will be tested
- 4) Transmit_Check Check for refraction
- 8) Two_Sides If on, highlighting will be performed on
- both sides of a surface.
- 16) Cast_Shadow Determines if an object can cast a
- shadow
- 32) Primary_Rays If off, then primary rays (those from
- the eye) are not checked against the
- object
- The declaration has the form:
- shading_flags xx
- i.e. if the value 50 is used for "xx" above, then this object can
- be reflective and will cast shadows, however there will be no
- tests for transparency and there will be no shading of the back
- sides of surfaces.
- Note: the shading flag only affects the object in which the
- declaration is made. This means that if you want the shading
- values affected for all parts if a CSG object, then you will need
- a declaration in every component.
- 29
- 2.3.2 Primitives
- Primitives are the lowest level of shape description. Typically
- a scene will contain many primitives, appearing either
- individually or as aggregates using either Constructive Solid
- Geometry (CSG) operations or gridded objects.
- The primitive shapes that can be used in Polyray include the
- following:
- o Bezier patch
- o Blob
- o Box
- o Cone
- o Cylinder
- o Disc
- o Implicit surface
- o Height field
- o Lathe surface
- o Parabola
- o Polygon
- o Polynomial surface
- o Sphere
- o Sweep surface
- o Torus
- o Triangular patch
- Descriptions of each of these primitive shapes, as well as
- references to data files that demonstrate them are given in the
- following subsections. Following the description of the
- primitives are descriptions of how CSG and grids can be built.
- 30
- Bezier patches
- A Bezier patch is a form of bicubic patch that interpolates its
- control vertices. The patch is defined in terms of a 4x4 array
- of control vertices, as well as several tuning values.
- The format of the declaration is:
- bezier subdivision_type, flatness_value,
- u_subdivisions, v_subdivision,
- [ 16 comma-separated vertices, i.e.
- <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, ..., <x15, y15, z15> ]
- The subdivision type controls how the patch is represented
- internally. The valid values and their meaning are:
- 1) Store only the minimum information needed. Least storage
- requirement but takes more time during rendering.
- 2) Store a hierarchical tree of bounding spheres that
- contain smaller and smaller pieces of the patch. This
- tree is used during rendering to speed up the ray-
- surface intersection process. Faster but requires more
- memory.
- The flatness value is used to determine how far a patch should be
- subdivided before it can be considered "flat". The smaller this
- value, the more the patch will be subdivided (limited by the next
- two values).
- The number of levels of subdivision of the patch, in each
- direction, is controlled by the two parameters "u_subdivisions",
- and "v_subdivisions". The more subdivisions allowed, the
- smoother the approximation to the patch, however storage and
- processing time go up.
- An example of a bezier patch is:
- object {
- bezier 2, 0.05, 3, 3,
- <0, 0, 2>, <1, 0, 0>, <2, 0, 0>, <3, 0,-2>,
- <0, 1, 0>, <1, 1, 0>, <2, 1, 0>, <3, 1, 0>,
- <0, 2, 0>, <1, 2, 0>, <2, 2, 0>, <3, 2, 0>,
- <0, 3, 2>, <1, 3, 0>, <2, 3, 0>, <3, 3,-2>
- rotate <30, -70, 0>
- shiny_red
- }
- 31
- Sample files: bezier0.pi, teapot.pi, teapot.inc
- Blob
- A blob describes a smooth potential field around one or more
- spherical, cylindrical, or planar components.
- The format of the declaration is:
- blob threshold:
- blob_component1
- [, blob_component2 ]
- [, etc. for each component ]
- The threshold is the minimum potential value that will be
- considered when examining the interaction of the various
- components of the blob. Each blob component one of two forms:
- sphere <x, y, z>, strength, radius
- cylinder <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, strength, radius
- plane <nx, ny, nz>, d, strength, dist
- The strength component describes how strong the potential field
- is around the center of the component, the "radius" component
- describes the maximum distance at which the component will
- interact with other components. For a spherical blob component
- the vector <x,y,z> gives the center of the potential field around
- the component. For a cylindrical blob component the vector <x0,
- y0, z0> defines one end of the axis of a cylinder, the vector
- <x1, y1, z1> defines the other end of the axis of a cylinder. A
- planar blob component is defined by the standard plane equation
- with <nx, ny, nz> defining the normal and "d" defining the
- distance of the plane from the origin along the normal.
- Note: The ends of a cylindrical blob component are given
- hemispherical caps.
- Note: The colon and the commas in the declaration really are
- important.
- An example of a blob is:
- object {
- blob 0.5:
- cylinder <0, 0, 0>, <5, 0, 0>, 1, 0.7,
- cylinder <1, -3, 0>, <3, 2, 0>, 1, 1.4,
- sphere <3, -0.8, 0>, 1, 1,
- sphere <4, 0.5, 0>, 1, 1,
- sphere <1, 1, 0>, 1, 1,
- 32
- sphere <1, 1.5, 0>, 1, 1,
- sphere <1, 2.7, 0>, 1, 1
- texture {
- surface {
- color red
- ambient 0.2
- diffuse 0.8
- specular white, 1
- microfacet Phong 5
- }
- }
- }
- Note: since a blob is essentially a collection of 4th order
- polynomials, it is possible to specify which quartic root solver
- to use. See section, "Polynomial surface" for a
- description of the "root_solver" statement.
- Sample file: blob.pi
- Box
- A box is rectangular solid that has its edges aligned with the x,
- y, and z axes. it is defined in terms of two diagonally opposite
- corners. The alignment can be changed by rotations after the
- shape declaration.
- The format of the declaration is:
- box <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>
- Usually the convention is that the first point is the front-lower-
- left point and the second is the back-upper-right point. The
- following declaration is four boxes stacked on top of each other:
- define pyramid
- object {
- object { box <-1, 3, -1>, <1, 4, 1> }
- + object { box <-2, 2, -2>, <2, 3, 2> }
- + object { box <-3, 1, -3>, <3, 2, 3> }
- + object { box <-4, 0, -4>, <4, 1, 4> }
- matte_blue
- }
- Sample file: boxes.pi
- 33
- Cone
- A cone is defined in terms of a base point, an apex point, and
- the radii at those two points. Note that cones are not closed.
- The format of the declaration is:
- cone <x0, y0, z0>, r0, <x1, y1, z1>, r1
- An example declaration of a cone is:
- object {
- cone <0, 0, 0>, 4, <4, 0, 0>, 0
- shiny_red
- }
- Sample file: cone.pi, cones.pi
- Cylinder
- A cylinder is defined in terms of a bottom point, a top point,
- and its radius. Note that cylinders are not closed.
- The format of the declaration is:
- cylinder <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, r
- An example of a cylinder is:
- object {
- cylinder <-3, -2, 0>, <0, 1, 3>, 0.5
- shiny_red
- }
- Sample file: cylinder.pi
- Disc
- A disc is defined in terms of a center a normal and either a
- radius, or using an inner radius and an outer radius. If only
- one radius is given, then the disc has the appearance of a (very)
- flat coin. If two radii are given, then the disc takes the shape
- of an annulus (washer) where the disc extends from the first
- radius to the second radius. Typical uses for discs are as caps
- for cones and cylinders, or as ground planes (using a really big
- radius).
- The format of the declaration is:
- 34
- disc <cx, cy, cz>, <nx, ny, nz>, r
- or
- disc <cx, cy, cz>, <nx, ny, nz>, ir, or
- The center vector <cx,cy,cz> defines where the center of the disc
- is located, the normal vector <nx,ny,nz> defines the direction
- that is perpendicular to the disc. i.e. a disc having the center
- <0,0,0> and the normal <0,1,0> would put the disc in the x-z
- plane with the y-axis coming straight out of the center.
- An example of a disc is:
- object {
- disc <0, 2, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 3
- rotate <-30, 20, 0>
- shiny_red
- }
- Note: a disc is infinitely thin. If you look at it edge-on it
- will disappear.
- Sample file: disc.pi
- Implicit Surface
- The format of the declaration is:
- function f(x,y,z)
- The function f(x,y,z) may be any algebraic expression composed of
- the variables: x, y, z, a numerical value (i.e. 0.5), the
- operators: +, -, *, /, ^, and the functions: cos, cosh, exp,
- fabs, ln, log, sin, sinh, tan, tanh. The code is not
- particularly fast, not is it totally accurate, however the
- capability to ray-trace such a wide class of functions by a SW
- program is (I believe) unique to Polyray.
- The distance along the ray that solutions will be found in are
- determined by the following:
- o If there is a bounding box, then the entry and exit
- points of the ray with the box will be used as the
- search interval.
- o If there is no bounding box then the interval from 0.01
- to 100 will be used.
- o Solutions must be more than 1.0e-4 units distant from
- each other.
- 35
- Note: the absolute value can be written with vertical bars, i.e.
- |x|^0.75.
- The following object is taken from "sombrero.pi" and is a surface
- that looks very much like diminishing ripples on the surface of
- water.
- define a_const 1.0
- define b_const 2.0
- define c_const 3.0
- define two_pi_a 2.0 * 3.14159265358 * a_const
- // Define a diminishing cosine surface (sombrero)
- object {
- function y - c_const * cos(two_pi_a * sqrt(x^2 + z^2)) *
- exp(-b_const * sqrt(x^2 + z^2))
- matte_red
- bounds object { box <-4, -4, -4>, <4, 4, 4> }
- }
- Sample files: sinsurf.pi, sectorl.pi, sombrero.pi, superq.pi,
- zonal.pi
- Height Field
- There are two ways that height fields can be specified, either by
- using data stored in a Targa file, or using an implicit function
- of the form y = f(x, z).
- The default orientation of a height field is that the entire
- field lies in the square 0 <= x <= 1, 0 <= z <= 1. File based
- height fields are always in this orientation, implicit height
- fields can optionally be defined over a different area of the x-z
- plane. The height value is used for y.
- File Based Height Fields
- Height fields data can be read from a Targa format file. The
- only formats currently supported are 8, 16 and 24 bit
- uncompressed.
- By using "smooth_" in front of the declaration, an extra step is
- performed that calculates normals to the height field at every
- point within the field. The result of this is a greatly smoothed
- appearance, at the expense of around three times as much memory
- being used.
- The format of the declaration is:
- 36
- height_field "filename"
- smooth_height_field "filename"
- The sample program "wake.c" generates a Targa file that simulates
- the wake behind a boat.
- Sample file: wake.pi (requires that "wave.tga" be generated by
- "wake.c")
- The way the pixel values of the file are interpreted are:
- 8 Bit Format
- Each pixel in the file (Type 3 Targa, raw greyscale image) is
- represented by a single byte. The byte is treated as a signed
- integer, giving a range of values from -127 to 127.
- If you are generating a Targa file to use in Polyray, given a
- height, add 128 to the height and write it as an unsigned char.
- The following code fragment shows what the statement would look
- like.
- float height;
- FILE *height_file;
- ... calculate each eight ...
- fputc((unsigned char)(height += 128.0), height_file);
- 16 Bit Format
- Each pixel in the file (Type 1 or type 2 Targa) is represented by
- two bytes, low then high. The high component defines the integer
- component of the height, the low component holds the fractional
- part scaled by 255. The entire value is offset by 128 to
- compensate for the unsigned nature of the storage bytes. As an
- example the values high = 140, low = 37 would be translated to
- the height:
- (140 + 37 / 256) - 128 = 12.144
- similarly if you are generating a Targa file to use in Polyray,
- given a height, add 128 to the height, extract the integer
- component, then extract the scaled fractional component. The
- following code fragment shows a way of generating the low and
- high bytes from a floating point number.
- unsigned char low, high;
- 37
- float height;
- FILE *height_file;
- ...
- height += 128.0;
- high = (unsigned char)height;
- height -= (float)high;
- low = (unsigned char)(256.0 * height);
- fputc(low, height_file);
- fputc(high, height_file);
- 24 Bit Format
- The red component defines the integer component of the height,
- the green component holds the fractional part scaled by 255, the
- blue component is ignored. The entire value is offset by 128 to
- compensate for the unsigned nature of the RGB values. As an
- example the values r = 140, g = 37, and b = 0 would be
- translated to the height:
- (140 + 37 / 256) - 128 = 12.144
- similarly if you are generating a Targa file to use in Polyray,
- given a height, add 128 to the height, extract the integer
- component, then extract the scaled fractional component. The
- following code fragment shows a way of generating the RGB
- components from a floating point number.
- unsigned char r, g, b;
- float height;
- FILE *height_file;
- ...
- height += 128.0;
- r = (unsigned char)height;
- height -= (float)r;
- g = (unsigned char)(256.0 * height);
- b = 0;
- fputc(b, height_file);
- fputc(g, height_file);
- fputc(r, height_file);
- Implicit Height Fields
- Another way to define height fields is by evaluating a
- 38
- mathematical function over a grid. Given a function y = f(x, z),
- Polyray will evaluate the function over a specified area and
- generate a height field based on the function. This method can
- be used to generate images of many sorts of functions that are
- not easily represented by collections of simpler primitives.
- The valid formats of the declaration are:
- height_fn xsize, zsize, min_x, max_x, min_z, max_z, expression
- height_fn xsize, zsize, expression
- smooth_height_fn xsize, zsize, min_x, max_x, min_z, max_z,
- expression
- smooth_height_fn xsize, zsize, expression
- If the four values min_x, max_x, min_z, and max_z are not defined
- then the default square 0 <= x <= 1, 0 <= z <= 1 will be used.
- For example,
- // Define constants for the sombrero function
- define a_const 1.0
- define b_const 2.0
- define c_const 3.0
- define two_pi_a 2.0 * 3.14159265358 * a_const
- // Define a diminishing cosine surface (sombrero)
- object {
- height_fn 80, 80, -4, 4, -4, 4,
- c_const * cos(two_pi_a * sqrt(x^2 + z^2)) *
- exp(-b_const * sqrt(x^2 + z^2))
- shiny_red
- }
- will build a height field 80x80, covering the area from -4 <= x
- <= 4, and -4 <= z <= 4.
- Compare the run-time performance and visual quality of the
- sombrero function as defined in "sombfn.pi" with the sombrero
- function as defined in "sombrero.pi". The former uses a height
- field representation and renders quite fast. The latter uses a
- very general function representation and gives smoother but very
- slow results.
- Sample file: sombfn.pi, sinfn.pi
- Lathe surfaces
- A lathe surface is a polygon that has been revolved about the y-
- axis. This surface allows you to build objects that are
- 39
- symmetric about an axis, simply by defining 2D points.
- The format of the declaration is:
- lathe type, direction, total_vertices,
- <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>
- [, <vert2.x, vert2.y, vert2.z>]
- [, etc. for total_vertices vertices]
- The value of "type" is either 1, or 2. If the value is 1, then
- the surface will simply revolve the line segments. If the value
- is 2, then the surface will be represented by a spline that
- approximates the line segments that were given. A lathe surface
- of type 2 is a very good way to smooth off corners in a set of
- line segments.
- The value of the vector "direction" is used to change the
- orientation of the lathe. For a lathe surface that goes straight
- up and down the y-axis, use <0, 1, 0> for "direction. For a
- lathe surface that lies on the x-axis, you would use <1, 0, 0>
- for the direction.
- Sample file: lathe1.pi, lathe2.pi
- Note that CSG will really only work correctly if you close the
- lathe - that is either make the end point of the lathe the same
- as the start point, or make the x-value of the start and end
- points equal zero. Lathes, unlike polygons are not automatically
- closed by Polyray.
- Note: since a splined lathe surface (type = 2) is a 4th order
- polynomial, it is possible to specify which quartic root solver
- to use. See section, "Polynomial surface" for a
- description of the "root_solver" statement.
- Parabola
- A parabola is defined in terms of a bottom point, a top point,
- and its radius at the top.
- The format of the declaration is:
- parabola <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, r
- The vector <x0,y0,z0> defines the "top" of the parabola - the
- part that comes to a point. The vector <x1,y1,z1> defines the
- "bottom" of the parabola, the width of the parabola at this point
- is "r".
- An example of a parabola declaration is:
- 40
- object {
- parabola <0, 6, 0>, <0, 0, 0>, 3
- translate <16, 0, 16>
- steel_blue
- }
- This is sort of like a salt shaker shape with a rounded top and
- the base on the x-z plane.
- Polygon
- Although polygons are not very interesting mathematically, there
- are many sorts of objects that are much easier to represent with
- polygons. Polyray assumes that all polygons are closed and
- automatically adds a side from the last vertex to the first
- vertex.
- The format of the declaration is:
- polygon total_vertices,
- <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>
- [, <vert2.x, vert2.y, vert2.z>]
- [, etc. for total_vertices vertices]
- As with the sphere, note the comma separating each vertex of the
- polygon.
- I use polygons as a floor in a lot of images. They are a little
- slower than the corresponding plane, but for scan conversion they
- are a lot easier to handle. An example of a checkered floor made
- from a polygon is:
- object {
- polygon 4, <-20, 0, -20>, <-20, 0, 20>,
- < 20, 0, 20>, < 20, 0, -20>
- texture {
- checker matte_white, matte_black
- translate <0, -0.1, 0>
- scale <2, 1, 2>
- }
- }
- Polynomial surface
- The format of the declaration is:
- polynomial f(x,y,z)
- The function f(x,y,z) must be a simple polynomial, i.e.
- 41
- x^2+y^2+z^2-1.0 is the definition of a sphere of radius 1
- centered at (0,0,0). See section 4.1 for a little more detail on
- restrictions on the form of the polynomial.
- For quartic equations, there are three available ways to solve
- for roots, by specifying which one is desired, it is possible to
- tune for quality or speed. The method of Ferrari is the fastest,
- but also the most numerically unstable. By default the method of
- Vieta is used. Sturm sequences (which are the slowest) should be
- used where the highest quality is desired.
- The declaration of which root solver to use takes one of the
- forms:
- root_solver Ferrari
- root_solver Vieta
- root_solver Sturm
- (Capitalization is important - these are proper nouns after all.)
- Note: due to unavoidable numerical inaccuracies, not all
- polynomial surfaces will render correctly from all directions.
- The following example, taken from "devil.pi" defines a quartic
- polynomial. The use of the CSG clipping object is to trim
- uninteresting parts of the surface. The bounding box declaration
- helps the scan conversion routines figure out where to look for
- the surface.
- // Variant of a devil's curve in 3-space. This figure has a
- // top and bottom part that are very similar to a hyperboloid
- // of one sheet, however the central region is pinched in the
- // middle leaving two teardrop shaped holes.
- object {
- object {
- polynomial x^4 + 2*x^2*z^2 - 0.36*x^2 - y^4 +
- 0.25*y^2 + z^4
- root_solver Ferrari
- }
- & object { box <-2, -2, -0.5>, <2, 2, 0.5> }
- bounding_box <-2, -2, -0.5>, <2, 2, 0.5>
- rotate <10, 20, 0>
- translate <0, 3, -10>
- shiny_red
- }
- Note: as the order of the polynomial goes up, the numerical
- accuracy required to render the surface correctly also goes up.
- One problem that starts to rear its ugly head starting at around
- 3rd to 4th order equations is a problem with determining shadows
- 42
- correctly. The result is black spots on the surface. You can
- ease this problem to a certain extent by making the value of
- "shadow_tolerance" larger. For 4th and higher equations, you
- will want to use a value of at least 0.05, rather than the
- default 0.001.
- Sample file: torus.pi, many others
- Spheres
- Spheres are the simplest 3D object to render and a sphere
- primitive enjoys a speed advantage over most other primitives.
- The format of the declaration is:
- sphere <center.x, center.y, center.z>, radius
- Note the comma after the center vector, it really is necessary.
- My basic benchmark file is a single sphere, illuminated by a
- single light. The definition of the sphere is:
- object {
- sphere <0, 0, 0>, 2
- shiny_red
- }
- Sample file: sphere.pi
- Sweep surface
- A sweep surface, also referred to as an extruded surface, is a
- polygon that has been swept along a given direction. It can be
- used to make multi-sided beams, or to create ribbon-like objects.
- The format of the declaration is:
- sweep type, direction, total_vertices,
- <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>
- [, <vert2.x, vert2.y, vert2.z>]
- [, etc. for total_vertices vertices]
- The value of "type" is either 1, or 2. If the value is 1, then
- the surface will be a set of connected squares. If the value is
- 2, then the surface will be represented by a spline that
- approximates the line segments that were given.
- The value of the vector "direction" is used to change the
- orientation of the sweep. For a sweep surface that is extruded
- straight up and down the y-axis, use <0, 1, 0> for "direction.
- 43
- The size of the vector "direction" will also affect the amount of
- extrusion, i.e. if |direction| = 2, then the extrusion will be
- two units in that direction.
- An example of a sweep surface is:
- // Sweep made from connected quadratic splines.
- object {
- sweep 2, <0, 2, 0>, 16,
- <0, 0>, <0, 1>, <-1, 1>, <-1, -1>, <2, -1>, <2, 3>,
- <-4, 3>, <-4, -4>, <4, -4>, <4, -11>, <-2, -11>,
- <-2, -7>, <2, -7>, <2, -9>, <0, -9>, <0, -8>
- translate <0, 0, -4>
- scale <1, 0.5, 1>
- rotate <0,-45, 0>
- translate <10, 0, -18>
- shiny_yellow
- }
- Sample file: sweep1.pi, sweep2.pi
- Note that CSG will really only work correctly if you close the
- sweep - that is make the end point of the sweep the same as the
- start point. Sweeps, unlike polygons are not automatically
- closed by Polyray.
- Torus
- The torus primitive is a doughnut shaped surface that is defined
- by a center point, the distance from the center point to the
- middle of the ring of the doughnut, the radius of the ring of the
- doughnut, and the orientation of the surface.
- The format of the declaration is:
- torus r0, r1, <center.x, center.y, center.z>,
- <dir.x, dir.y, dir.z>
- As an example, a torus that has major radius 1, minor radius 0.4,
- and is oriented so that the ring lies in the x-z plane would be
- declared as:
- object {
- torus 1, 0.4, <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>
- shiny_red
- }
- Note: since a torus is a 4th order polynomial, it is possible to
- 44
- specify which quartic root solver to use. See section,
- "Polynomial surface" for a description of the "root_solver"
- statement.
- Sample file: torus.pi
- Triangular patches
- A triangular patch is defined by a set of vertices and their
- normals. When calculating shading information for a triangular
- patch, the normal information is used to interpolate the final
- normal from the intersection point to produce a smooth shaded
- triangle.
- The format of the declaration is:
- patch <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>, <norm1.x,norm1.y,norm1.z>,
- <vert2.x,vert2.y,vert2.z>, <norm2.x,norm2.y,norm2.z>,
- <vert3.x,vert3.y,vert3.z>, <norm3.x,norm3.y,norm3.z>
- Smooth patch data is usually generated as the output of another
- program.
- 2.3.3 Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
- Objects can be defined in terms of the union, intersection, and
- inverse of other objects. The operations and the symbols used
- are:
- csgexper + csgexper - Union
- csgexper * csgexper - Intersection
- csgexper - csgexper - Difference
- csgexper & csgexper - Clip the first object by the second
- ~csgexper - Inverse
- (csgexper) - Parenthesised expression
- Union simply collects two objects together. Union is a
- convienient way to group objects in such a way as to be able to
- transform them as a group. Intersection keeps only those parts
- of each object that are "inside" the other object. Difference
- keeps all parts of the two surfaces that are inside the first
- object and outside the second. Clipping removes all parts of the
- first object that are outside the second. The inverse operation
- inverts the "inside" to be the outside and vice-versa. (i.e. a -
- b is the same as a * ~b).
- 45
- Note that intersection and difference require a clear inside and
- outside. Not all primitives have well defined sides. Those that
- do are:
- Spheres, Boxes, Polynomials, Blobs, and Functions.
- Other surfaces that do not always have a clear inside/outside,
- but work reasonably well in CSG intersections are: Cylinders,
- Cones, Discs, Lathes, Parabola, Polygons, and Sweeps.
- Using Cylinders, Cones, and Parabolas works correctly, but the
- open ends of these surfaces will also be open in the resulting
- CSG. To close them off you can use a disc shape.
- Using Discs, and Polygons in a CSG is really the same as doing a
- CSG with the plane that they lie in. If fact, a large disc is an
- excellent choice for clipping or intersecting an object, as the
- inside/outside test is very fast.
- Lathes, and Sweeps use Jordan's rule to determine if a point is
- inside. This means that given a test point, if a line from that
- point to infinity crosses the surface an odd number of times,
- then the point is inside. The net result is that if the lathe
- (or sweep) is not closed, then you may get odd results in a CSG
- intersection (or difference).
- Height fields don't work well with CSG.
- As an example, the following file will generate a view of a
- sphere of radius 1 with a hole of radius 0.5 through the middle:
- viewpoint {
- from <0,0,-8>
- at <0,0,0>
- up <0,1,0>
- angle 30
- resolution 160, 160
- }
- background white
- light <0, 20, -40>
- include "colors.inc"
- define cylinder_z object { cylinder <0,0,-2>, <0,0,2>, 0.5 }
- define unit_sphere object { sphere <0,0,0>, 1 }
- // Define a CSG shape by deleting a cylinder from a sphere
- object {
- 46
- unit_sphere { shiny_red } - cylinder_z { shiny_yellow }
- rotate <0, 20, 0>
- }
- Sample files: lens.pi, polytope.pi
- 2.3.4 Gridded objects
- A gridded object is a way to compactly represent a rectangular
- arrangement of objects by using an image map. Each object is
- placed within a 1x1 cube that has its lower left corner at the
- location <i, 0, j> and its upper right corner at <i+1, 1, j+1>.
- The color index of each pixel in the image map is used to
- determine which of a set of objects will be placed at the
- corresponding position in space.
- The gridded object is much faster to render than the
- corresponding layout of objects. The major drawback is that
- every object must be scaled and translated to completely fit into
- a 1x1x1 cube that has corners at <0,0,0> and <1,1,1>.
- The size of the entire grid is determined by the number of pixels
- in the image. A 16x32 image would go from 0 to 16 along the x-
- axis and the last row would range from 0 to 16 at 31 units in z
- out from the x-axis.
- The format of the declaration is:
- gridded "image.tga",
- object1
- object2
- object3
- ...
- An example of how a gridded object is declared is:
- define tiny_sphere object { sphere <0.5, 0.4, 0.5>, 0.4 }
- define pointy_cone object { cone <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>, 0.4,
- <0.5, 1, 0.5>, 0 }
- object {
- gridded "grdimg0.tga",
- tiny_sphere { shiny_coral }
- tiny_sphere { shiny_red }
- pointy_cone { shiny_green }
- translate <-10, 0, -10>
- rotate <0, 210, 0>
- }
- In the image "grdimg0.tga", there are a total of 3 colors used,
- 47
- every pixel that uses color index 0 will generate a shiny "coral"
- colored sphere, every pixel that uses index will generate a red
- sphere, every pixel that uses index 2 will generate a green cone,
- and every other color index used in the image will leave the
- corresponding space empty.
- Sample files: grid.pi, river.pi
- 2.3.5 Bounding Slabs
- Bounding slabs are used by Polyray to sort the objects in the
- scene along the coordinate axes. For scenes with many objects,
- the result is often greatly reduced rendering times over a non-
- optimized renderer.
- This sorting operation can lead to the generation of many new
- objects that will contain the ones defined in the data file.
- Bounding slabs work best when there are many small objects, and
- when the objects are oriented in such a way that they can be
- separated by the slabs.
- 2.4 Color and lighting
- The color space used in polyray is RGB, with values of each
- component specified as a value from 0 -> 1. The way the color
- and shading of surfaces is specified is described in the
- following sections.
- RGB colors are defined as either a three component vector, such
- as <0.6, 0.196078, 0.8>, or as one of the X11R3 named colors
- (which for the value given is DarkOrchid). One of these days
- when I feel like typing and not thinking (or if I find them on
- line), I'll put in the X11R4 colors.
- The coloring of objects is determined by the interaction of
- lights, the shape of the surface it is striking, and the
- characteristics of the surface itself.
- 2.4.1 Light sources
- Light sources are one of: simple positional light sources, spot
- lights, or textured lights. None of these lights have any
- physical size. The lights do not appear in the scene, only the
- effects of the lights.
- 48
- Positional Lights
- A positional light is defined by its RGB color and its XYZ
- position.
- The format of the declaration is:
- light color, location
- light location
- The second declaration will use white as the color.
- Spot Lights
- The format of the declaration is:
- spot_light color, location, pointed_at, Tightness, Angle,
- Falloff
- spot_light location, pointed_at
- The vector "location" defines the position of the spot light, the
- vector "pointed_at" defines the point at which the spot light is
- directed. The optional components are:
- Color The color of the spotlight
- Tightness The power function used to determine the
- shape of the hot spot
- Angle The angle (in degrees) of the full effect of
- the spot light
- Falloff A larger angle at which the amount of light
- falls to nothing
- A sample declaration is:
- spot_light white, <10,10,0>, <3,0,0>, 3, 5, 20
- Sample file: spot0.pi, spot1.pi
- 49
- Textured lights
- Textured lights are an extension of point lights that use a
- function (including image maps) to describe the intensity & color
- of the light in each direction. The format of the declaration
- is:
- textured_light {
- color fexper
- [scale/translate/rotate/shear]
- }
- Sample file: environ.pi, ilight.pi
- 2.4.2 Background color
- The background color is the one used if the current ray does not
- strike any objects. The color can be any vector expression,
- although is usually a simple RGB color value.
- The format of the declaration is:
- background <R,G,B>
- or
- background color
- If no background color is set black will be used.
- An interesting trick that can be performed with the background is
- to use an image map as the background color (it is also a way to
- translate from one Targa format to another). The way this can be
- done is:
- background planar_imagemap(image("test1.tga", P)
- Note that there are problems associated with textured backgrounds
- - if you have reflectivity in the scene & a reflected ray doesn't
- hit an object, it may reflect an undesired part of the
- "background".
- 50
- 2.4.3 Textures
- Polyray supports a few simple procedural textures: a standard
- shading model, a checker texture, a hexagon texture, a noise
- texture, and layered textures. In addition, a very flexible
- (although slower) functional texture is supported. The general
- syntax of a texture is:
- texture { [texture declaration] }
- or
- texture_sym
- Where "texture_sym" is a previously defined texture declaration.
- Procedural Textures
- Standard Shading Model
- Unlike many other ray-tracers, surfaces in Polyray do not have a
- single color that is used for all of the components of the
- shading model. Instead a number of characteristics of the
- surface must be defined (with a matte white being the default).
- A surface declaration has the form:
- surface {
- [ surface definitions ]
- }
- For example, the following declaration is a red surface with a
- white highlight, corresponding to the often seen "plastic"
- texture:
- define shiny_red
- texture {
- surface {
- ambient red, 0.2
- diffuse red, 0.6
- specular white, 0.8
- microfacet Reitz 10
- }
- }
- The allowed surface characteristics that can be defined are:
- ambient - Light given off by the surface
- diffuse - Light reflected in all directions
- specular - Amount and color of specular highlights
- reflection - Reflectivity of the surface
- 51
- transmission - Amount and color of refracted light
- microfacet - Specular lighting model (see below)
- The lighting equation used is (in somewhat simplified terms):
- L = ambient + diffuse + specular + reflected + transmitted, or
- L = Ka + Kd * (l1 + l2 + ...) + Ks * (l1 + l2 + ...) + Kr + Kt
- Where l1, l2, ... are the lights, Ka is the ambient term, Kd is
- the diffuse term, Ks is the specular term, Kr is the reflective
- term, and Kt it the transmitted (refractive) term. Each of these
- terms has a scale value and a filter value (the filter defaults
- to white/clear if unspecified).
- See the file "colors.inc" for a number of declarations of surface
- characteristics, including: mirror, glass, shiny, and matte.
- For lots of detail on lighting models, and the theory behind how
- color is used in computer generated images, run (don't walk) down
- to your local computer bookstore and get:
- "Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery"
- Roy Hall, 1989
- Springer Verlag
- Source code in the back of that book was the inspiration for the
- microfacet distribution models implemented for Polyray.
- Note that you don't really have to specify all of the color
- components if you don't want to. If the color of a particular
- part of the surface declaration is not defined, then the value of
- the "color" component will be examined to see if it was declared.
- If so, then that color will be used as the filter. As an
- example, the declaration above could also be written as:
- define shiny_red
- texture {
- surface {
- color red
- ambient 0.2
- diffuse 0.6
- specular white, 0.8
- microfacet Reitz 10
- }
- }
- Ambient light
- Ambient lighting is the light given off by the surface itself.
- 52
- The format of the declaration is:
- ambient color, scale
- ambient scale
- As always, color indicates either an RGB triple like
- <1.0,0.7,0.9>, or a named color. scale gives the amount of
- contribution that ambient gives to the overall amount light
- coming from the pixel. The scale values should lie in the range
- 0.0 -> 1.0
- Diffuse light
- Diffuse lighting is the light given off by the surface under
- stimulation by a light source.
- The format of the declaration is:
- diffuse color, scale
- diffuse scale
- The only information used for diffuse calculations is the angle
- of incidence of the light on the surface.
- Specular highlights
- The format of the declaration is:
- specular color, scale
- specular scale
- The means of calculating specular highlights is by default the
- Phong model. Other models are selected through the Microfacet
- distribution declaration.
- Reflected light
- Reflected light is the color of whatever lies in the reflected
- direction as calculated by the relationship of the view angle and
- the normal to the surface.
- The format of the declaration is:
- reflection scale
- reflection color, scale
- Typically, only the scale factor is included in the reflection
- declaration, this corresponds to all colors being reflected with
- intensity proportional to the scale. A color filter is allowed
- 53
- in the reflection definition, and this allows the modification of
- the color being reflected (I'm not sure if this is useful, but I
- included it anyway).
- Transmitted light
- Transmitted light is the color of whatever lies in the refracted
- direction as calculated by the relationship of the view angle,
- the normal to the surface, and the index of refraction of the
- material.
- The format of the declaration is:
- transmit scale, ior
- transmit color, scale, ior
- Typically, only the scale factor is included in the transmitted
- declaration, this corresponds to all colors being transmitted
- with intensity proportional to the scale. A color filter is
- allowed in the transmitted definition, and this allows the
- modification of the color being transmitted by making the
- transmission filter different from the color of the surface
- itself.
- It is possible to have surfaces with colors very different than
- the one closest to the eye become apparent. (See "gsphere.pi"
- for an example, a red sphere is in the foreground, a green sphere
- and a blue sphere behind. The specular highlights of the red
- sphere go to yellow, and blue light is transmitted through the
- red sphere.)
- A more complex file is "lens.pi" in which two convex lenses are
- lined up in front of the viewer. The magnified view of part of a
- grid of colored balls is very apparent in the front lens.
- Microfacet distribution
- The microfacet distribution is a function that determines how the
- specular highlighting is calculated for an object.
- The format of the declaration is:
- microfacet Distribution_name falloff_angle
- microfacet falloff_angle
- The distribution name is one of: Blinn, Cook, Gaussian, Phong,
- Reitz. The falloff angle is the angle at which the specular
- highlight falls to 50% of its maximum intensity. (The smaller
- the falloff angle, the sharper the highlight.) If a microfacet
- name is not given, then the Phong model is
- 54
- used.
- The falloff angle must be specified in degrees, with values in
- the range
- 0 to 45. The falloff angle corresponds to the roughness of the
- surface, the smaller the angle, the smoother the surface. A very
- wide falloff angle will give the same sort of shading that
- diffuse shading gives.
- Note: as stated before, look at the book by Hall. I have found
- falloff values of 5-10 degrees to give nice tight highlights.
- Using falloff angle may seem a bit backwards from other
- raytracers, which typically use a value defining the power of a
- cosine function to define highlight size. When using a power
- value, the higher the power, the smaller the highlight. Using
- angles seems a little tidier since the smaller the angle, the
- smaller the highlight.
- Checker
- the checker texture has the form:
- texture {
- checker texture1, texture2
- }
- where texture1 and texture2 are texture declarations (or texture
- constants).
- A standard sort of checkered plane can be defined with the
- following:
- // Define a matte red surface
- define matte_red
- texture {
- surface {
- ambient red, 0.1
- diffuse red, 0.5
- }
- }
- // Define a matte blue surface
- define matte_blue
- texture {
- surface {
- ambient blue, 0.2
- diffuse blue, 0.8
- }
- }
- 55
- // Define a plane that has red and blue checkers
- object {
- disc <0, 0.01, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 5000
- texture {
- checker matte_red, matte_blue
- }
- }
- For a sample file, look at "spot0.pi". This file has a sphere
- with a red/blue checker, and a plane with a black/white checker.
- Note A distinct problem with checkerboards is one of aliasing at
- great distances. To help with aliasing, either use larger checks
- (by adding a scale to the texture), or make sure there is a very
- low light level at great distances.
- Hexagon
- the hexagon texture is oriented in the x-z plane, and has the
- form:
- texture {
- hexagon texture1, texture2, texture3
- }
- This texture produces a honeycomb tiling of the three textures in
- the declaration. Remember that this tiling is with respect to
- the x-z plane, if you want it on a vertical wall you will need to
- rotate the texture.
- Noise surfaces
- The complexity and speed of rendering of the noise surface type
- lies between the standard shading model and the special surfaces
- described below. It is an attempt to capture a large number of
- the standard 3D texturing operations in a single declaration.
- A noise surface declaration has the form:
- texture {
- noise surface {
- [ noise surface definition ]
- }
- }
- The allowed surface characteristics that can be defined are:
- color <r, g, b> Basic surface color (used if the noise
- function generates a value not
- contained in the color map)
- 56
- ambient scale Amount of ambient contribution
- diffuse scale Diffuse contribution
- specular color, scale Amount and color of specular
- highlights, if the color is not given
- then the body color is used.
- reflection scale Reflectivity of the surface
- transmission scale, ior Amount of refracted light
- microfacet kind angle Specular lighting model (see the
- description of a standard surface)
- color_map(map_entries) Define the color map (see
- following section on color map
- definitions for further details)
- bump_scale fexper How much the bumpiness affects the
- normal to the surface
- frequency fexper Affects the wavelength of ripples and
- waves
- phase fexper Affects the phase of the ripples and
- waves
- lookup_fn index Selects a predefined lookup function
- normal_fn index Selects a predefined normal modifier
- octaves fexper Number of octaves of noise to use
- position_fn index How the intersection point is used in
- the process of generating a noise
- texture
- position_scale fexper Amount of contribution of the position
- value to the overall texture
- turbulence fexper Amount of contribution of the noise to
- the overall texture.
- The way the final color of the texture is decided is by
- calculating a floating point value using the following general
- 57
- formula:
- index = lookup_fn(position_scale * position_fn +
- turbulence * noise3d(P, octaves))
- The index value that is calculated is then used to lookup a color
- from the color map. This final color is used for the ambient,
- diffuse, reflection and transmission filters. The functions that
- are currently available, with their corresponding indices are:
- Position functions:
- Index Effect
- 1 x value in the object coordinate system
- 2 x value in the world coordinate system
- 3 Distance from the z axis
- 4 Distance from the origin
- 5 Distance around the y-axis (ranges from 0 -> 1)
- default: 0.0
- Lookup functions:
- Index Effect
- 1 sawtooth function, result from 0 -> 1
- 2 sin function, result from 0->1
- 3 ramp function, result from 0->1
- default: no modification made
- Definitions of these function numbers that make sense are:
- define position_plain 0
- define position_objectx 1
- define position_worldx 2
- define position_cylindrical 3
- define position_spherical 4
- define position_radial 5
- define lookup_plain 0
- define lookup_sawtooth 1
- define lookup_sin 2
- define lookup_ramp 3
- An example of a texture defined this way is a simple white
- marble:
- define white_marble_texture
- texture {
- noise surface {
- color white
- position_fn position_objectx
- lookup_fn lookup_sawtooth
- octaves 3
- 58
- turbulence 3
- ambient 0.2
- diffuse 0.8
- specular 0.3
- microfacet Reitz 5
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.8, <1, 1, 1>, <0.6, 0.6, 0.6>]
- [0.8, 1.0, <0.6, 0.6, 0.6>, <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>])
- }
- }
- In addition to coloration, the bumpiness of the surface can be
- affected by selecting a function to modify the normal. The
- currently supported normal modifier functions are:
- Index Effect
- 1 Make random bumps in the surface
- 2 Add ripples to the surface
- 3 Give the surface a dented appearance
- default: no change
- Definitions that make sense are:
- define default_normal 0
- define bump_normal 1
- define ripple_normal 2
- define dented_normal 3
- See also the file "texture.txt" for a little more explanation and
- a few more texture definitions.
- Sample file: textures.inc
- Layered Textures
- A layered texture is a way of piling one texture on top of
- another. If the top most texture has any transparency, the layer
- below it will be shaded, and its color will be added to the color
- generated in the first layer. This process repeats through every
- layer until either an opaque layer is reached, or there are no
- more layers.
- The format of the declaration is:
- texture {
- layered
- texture1,
- texture2,
- ...
- textureN
- 59
- }
- The first texture in the list is the top texture layer, the last
- is the bottom texture layer. As an example, the following
- defines a marble texture that has mirror in its veins. The way
- it works is by using an alpha value in the color map, so as the
- color in the vein goes to black, the alpha increases to 1.0. The
- bottom layer in this case is mirror, and only appears when we are
- looking into the veined part of the texture.
- // Sample Polyray file
- // A gradient texture with changing 'alpha' values
- //
- viewpoint {
- from <0, 2, -10>
- at <0,0,0>
- up <0,1,0>
- angle 35
- resolution 80, 80
- aspect 1
- }
- include "colors.inc"
- background midnightblue
- light <-10, 7, -5>
- define position_objectx 1
- define lookup_sawtooth 1
- // Make a variant on white marble that has transparency in its
- // veins
- define alpha_white_marble
- texture {
- noise surface {
- color white
- position_fn position_objectx
- lookup_fn lookup_sawtooth
- octaves 3
- turbulence 3
- ambient 0.3
- diffuse 0.8
- specular 0.3
- microfacet Reitz 5
- color_map([0.0, 0.2, white, 0, white, 0]
- [0.2, 0.5, white, 0, black, 0.2]
- [0.6, 1.0, black, 0.2, black, 1])
- }
- }
- 60
- // We now build the layered texture from the one just
- // defined, as well as the "mirror" texture from "colors.inc"
- define mirror_veined_marble
- texture {
- layered
- alpha_white_marble,
- mirror
- }
- // Make a sphere that has the layered texture
- object {
- sphere <0, 0, 0>, 2
- mirror_veined_marble
- }
- // Add a checkered floor, so we see something in the mirrored
- // part of the sphere.
- object {
- disc <0, -2.005, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 10
- texture { checker matte_white, matte_black }
- }
- Sample files: layer1.pi, layer2.pi
- Functional Textures
- The most general textures in Polyray are functional textures.
- These textures are evaluated at run-time based on the expressions
- given for the components of the lighting model. The general
- syntax for a surface using a functional texture is:
- special surface {
- [ surface declaration ]
- }
- In addition to the components usually defined in a surface
- declaration, it is possible to define a function that deflects
- the normal, and a "body" color that will be used as the color
- filter in the ambient, diffuse, etc. components of the surface
- declaration. The format of the two declarations
- are:
- color vexper
- and
- normal vexper
- An example of how a functional texture can be defined is:
- define sin_color_offset (sin(3.14*fmod(x*y*z,1)+otheta)+1)/2
- 61
- define sin_color <sin_color_offset, 0, 1 - sin_color_offset>
- define xyz_sin_texture
- texture {
- special surface {
- color sin_color
- ambient 0.2
- diffuse 0.7
- specular white, 0.2
- microfacet Reitz 10
- }
- }
- In this example, the color of the surface is defined based on the
- location of the intersection point using the vector defined as
- "sin_color".
- Sample files: cossph.pi, cwheel.pi.
- Image maps
- A type of coloring that can be used involves the use of an
- existing image projected onto a surface. There are four types of
- projection supported, planar, cylindrical, spherical, and
- environment. Input files for use as image maps may be 8, 16, 24,
- and 32 bit uncompressed, RLE compressed, or color mapped Targa
- files.
- The declaration of an image map is:
- image("imfile.tga")
- Typically, an image will be associated with a variable through a
- definition such as:
- define myimage image("imfile.tga")
- The image is projected onto a shape by means of a "projection".
- The four types of projection are declared by:
- planar_imagemap(image, coordinate [, repeat]),
- cylindrical_imagemap(image, coordinate [, repeat]),
- spherical_imagemap(image, coordinate)
- environment_map(environment(image1, image2, image3, image4,
- image5, image6))
- The planar projection maps the entire raster image into the
- coordinates 0 <= x <= 1, 0 <= z <= 1. The vector value given as
- "coordinate" is used to select a color by multiplying the x value
- by the number of columns, and the z value by the number of rows.
- 62
- The color appearing at that position in the raster will then be
- returned as the result. If a "repeat" value is given then entire
- surface, repeating between every integer Value of x and/or z.
- The cylindrical projection wraps the image about a cylinder that
- has one end at the origin and the other at <0, 1, 0>. If a
- "repeat" value is given, then the image will be repeated along
- the y-axis, if none is given, then any part of the object that is
- not covered by the image will be given the color of pixel (0, 0).
- The spherical projection wraps the image about an origin centered
- sphere. The top and bottom seam are folded into the north and
- south poles respectively. The left and right edges are brought
- together on the positive x axis.
- The environment map wraps six images around a point. This method
- is a standard way to fake reflections by wrapping the images that
- would be seen from a point inside an object around the object. A
- sample of this technique can be seen by rendering "room1.pi"
- (which generates the images) followed by rendering "room0.pi"
- (which wraps the images around a sphere).
- Following are a couple of examples of objects and textures that
- make use of image maps:
- define hivolt_image image("hivolt.tga")
- define hivolt_tex
- texture {
- special surface {
- color cylindrical_imagemap(hivolt_image, P, 1)
- ambient 0.9
- diffuse 0.1
- }
- scale <1, 2, 1>
- translate <0, -1, 0>
- }
- object { cylinder <0, -1, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 3 hivolt_tex }
- and
- define disc_image image("test.tga")
- define disc_tex
- texture {
- special surface {
- color planar_imagemap(disc_image, P)
- ambient 0.9
- diffuse 0.1
- }
- translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
- scale <7*4/3, 1, 7>
- 63
- rotate <90, 0, 0>
- }
- object {
- disc <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 1>, 6
- u_steps 10
- disc_tex
- }
- Single line comments are allowed and have the following format:
- // [ any text to end of the line ]
- As soon as the two characters "//" are detected, the rest of the
- line is considered a comment.
- 2.6 Animation support
- An animation is generated by rendering a series of frames,
- numbered from 0 to some total value. The declarations in polyray
- that support the generation of multiple Targa images are:
- total_frames val The total number of frames in the animation
- start_frame val The value of the first frame to be rendered
- end_frame val The last frame to be rendered
- outfile "name"
- outfile name Polyray appends the frame number to this
- string in order to generate distinct Targa
- files.
- The values of "total_frames", "start_frame", and "end_frame", as
- well as the value of the current frame, "frame", are usable in
- arithmetic expressions in the input file. Note that these
- statements should appear before the use of: total_frames,
- start_frame, end_frame, or frame as a part of an expression.
- Typically I put the declarations right at the top of the file.
- WARNING: if the string given for "outfile" is longer than 5
- characters, the three digit frame number that is appended will be
- truncated by DOS. Make sure this string is short enough or you
- will end up overwriting image files.
- Sample files: whirl.pi, plane.pi, squish.pi
- 2.7 Conditional processing
- 64
- In support of animation generation (and also because I sometimes
- like to toggle attributes of objects), polyray supports limited
- conditional processing. The syntax for this is:
- if (cexper) {
- [object/light/... declarations]
- }
- else {
- [other object/light/... declarations]
- }
- The sample file "rsphere.pi" shows how it can be used to modify
- the color characteristics of a moving sphere.
- The use of conditional statements is limited to the top level of
- the data file. You cannot put a conditional within an object or
- texture declaration. i.e.
- object {
- if (foo == 42) {
- sphere <0, 0, 0>, 4
- }
- else {
- disc <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 4
- }
- }
- is not a valid use of an "if" statement, whereas:
- if (foo == 42) {
- object {
- sphere <0, 0, 0>, 4
- }
- }
- else {
- object {
- disc <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 4
- }
- }
- or
- if (foo == 42)
- object { sphere <0, 0, 0>, 4 }
- else if (foo = 12) {
- object { torus 3.0, 1.0, <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0> }
- object { cylinder <0, -1, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 0.5 }
- }
- else
- object { disc <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 4 }
- 65
- are valid.
- Note: the curly brackets "{}" are required if there are multiple
- statements within the conditional, and not required if there is a
- single statement.
- 2.8 Include files
- In order to allow breaking an input file into several files (as
- well as supporting the use of library files), it is possible to
- direct polyray to process another file. The syntax is:
- include "filename"
- Beware that trying to use "#include ..." will fail as Polyray
- will consider it a comment.
- 2.9 File flush
- Due to unforeseen occurrences, like power outages, or roommates
- that hit the reset button so they can do word processing, it is
- possible to specify how often the output file will be flushed to
- disk. The default is to wait until the entire file has been
- written before a flush (which is a little quicker but you lose
- everything if a crash occurs).
- The format of the declaration is:
- file_flush xxx
- The number xxx indicates the maximum number of pixels that will
- be written before a file flush will occur. This value can be as
- low as 1 - this will force a flush after every pixel (only for
- the very paranoid).
- 3 File formats
- 3.1 Output files
- Currently the output file formats are 8, 16, 24, and 32 bit
- uncompressed and RLE compressed Targa (types 2, 3, and 10). If
- no output file is defined with the '-o' command line option, the
- file "out.tga" will be used. The command line option -u
- specifies that no compression should be used on the output file.
- The default output format is an RLE compressed 16 bit color
- format. This format holds 5 bits for each of red, green, and
- blue. The reason for choosing this format is that very few can
- afford 24 bit color boards and this format meets the limits of
- the typical 8 and 15 bit color boards. If you have the hardware
- 66
- to display more than 32K colors then set the command line
- switches or set the defaults in the initialization file to
- generate 24 or 32 bit Targa files. If you are only interested in
- greyscale images, the 8 bit format is appropriate.
- 4 Algorithms
- 4.1 Processing polynomial expressions
- The program in its current form allows the definition of
- polynomial surfaces of degree less than 33 (Due to numerical
- problems, don't bother with polynomials of degree more than
- around 10, and if possible keep them less than 6.)
- The way that polynomial expressions are processed and manipulated
- follows the following steps:
- 1) Parse the expression as taken from the input file. The
- YACC parser that is used to process the input file
- creates a parse tree of the expression as it is read.
- The format for allowed expressions is described in
- section 4.1.2.
- 2) Expand the expression into a sum of simple
- subexpressions. After the parse tree has been built,
- the expression is expanded so that the expression is in
- expanded form. (i.e. (x+1)^2 is rewritten as x^2 + 2*x +
- 1.) The rules for doing this are explained in section
- 4.1.3.
- 3) Determine what order polynomial is represented by the
- expression. Every term in the expanded expression is
- examined to see what the largest order of x, y, and z is
- used. This determines the order N of the polynomial.
- From this value, the number of possible terms of that
- order is computed.
- 4) Create an array of coefficients for the general three
- variable polynomial equation of order N. There are a
- total of (N+1)*(N+2)*(N+3)/6 terms in the general
- equation. The values of each of the coefficients in the
- expanded expression are then substituted into the array
- of coefficients.
- Note that the storage of expressions is not particularly
- efficient for high orders of N.
- 4.1.1 Example equation representation
- 67
- As an example of how the parse tree is expanded, given the input:
- (x+y)*(1-x-z) + (x-z)^2.
- The expanded representation is:
- -1*x*y + -3*x*z + x + -1*y*z + y + z^2
- This is a polynomial of order 2, and the array of coefficients
- is:
- 0 0 1 -1 -3 -1 1 1 0 0
- 4.1.2 Allowed Formula Syntax
- The keyword here is "simple" algebraic expressions. The only
- allowed variables are "x", "y", and "z" (and only lower case).
- Constants are floating point numbers. The operations allowed
- between constants and the three variable symbols are: addition,
- subtraction, multiplication, unary minus, and exponentiation by
- an positive integer power. Examples of expressions that can be
- processed are:
- x^2+y-42
- (1+x+y+z)^2 * 2*(x-y)*(z-x*(133-z^2))
- 27*x-y*42*y^2
- (x^2+y^2+z^2+3)^2 - (x*y-x^2)*z^2
- Examples of expressions that cannot be processed are:
- x/y
- x^0.5+y
- 2(x-y)
- x^-2
- 4.1.3 Rules for processing formulas
- There are only a few rules needed to simplify a polynomial
- expression to the point that it can be easily turned into an
- array of coefficients. They appear below, with the letters A, B,
- C, and D standing for an arbitrary sub-expression. The rules
- used to simplify an expression are:
- Addition:
- No simplification needed for the term: A + B
- Subtraction:
- A-B -> A + (-B)
- Unary minus:
- 68
- -(A*B) -> (-A * B)
- -(A+B) -> (-A + -B)
- Multiplication:
- A*(B+C) -> A*B + A*C
- (A+B)*C -> A*C + B*C
- (A+B)*(C+D) -> A*C + A*D + B*C + B*D
- Exponentiation:
- (A*B)^n -> A^n * B^n
- (A+B)^n -> C(n,0) * A^n + C(n,1) * A^(n-1) * B + ...
- C(n,n-1) * A * B^(n-1) + C(n,n) * B^n
- { C(n, r) is the binomial coefficient }
- Each of the subexpressions is further simplified until every term
- in the expression has the form: const * x^i * y^j * z^k.
- 4.2 Processing of arbitrary functional surfaces
- The basic algorithm for determining a point of intersection using
- interval math is quite simple:
- 1) Given a range of allowed values for the ray parameter T,
- a range of function values is calculated.
- 2) If the range does not include 0 then there is no
- intersection.
- 3) If the range includes 0, then:
- A) The range of values of the derivative of the function
- is calculated for the allowed values of the ray
- parameter T.
- B) If the range of values of the derivative includes 0,
- then the interval for T is bisected and we process each
- subinterval starting with step 1.
- C) If the range of values of the derivative does not
- include 0, then we know that there is exactly one
- solution of the function in the current interval. A
- standard root solver using the regula-falsi method is
- called to find the root.
- There is of course much more to this...
- 4.2.1 Spherical coordinates
- To ray-trace functions that are defined in terms of spherical
- coordinates use the substitutions:
- 69
- r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2),
- theta = atan(y/x),
- phi = atan(sqrt(x^2 + y^2)/z)
- Sample file: sectorl.pi, zonal.pi
- 4.3 Three dimensional noise generation
- The way Polyray generates noise values from vector inputs follows
- the following steps:
- 1) The integer part of the x, y, and z values of the vector
- are determined.
- 2) The eight integer points surrounding the input vector are
- determined.
- 3) A hashing function (described below) is applied to the
- integer points surrounding the input vector, resulting
- in eight random numbers.
- 4) A final number is determine by weighting the values
- associated with the surrounding points with the distance
- from the input vector to those points.
- The result of this is that each point on an integer lattice has a
- random value, but each fractional value inside a unit cube in the
- lattice is related to its surrounding points.
- The hashing function I use takes the bottom 10 bits of the
- integer parts of the input vector, squishes them into a single
- number, then crunches this value through a series of adds,
- multiplies, and mods to get a single result. The algorithm is:
- K = ((x & 0x03ff) << 20) |
- ((y & 0x03ff) << 10) |
- (z & 0x03ff);
- Kt = 0;
- for (i=0;i<mult_table_size;i++)
- Kt = ((Kt + K) * mult_table[i]) % HASH_SIZE;
- result = (Flt)Kt / (Flt)(HASH_SIZE - 1);
- The number and value of the entries in "mult_table" were chosen
- at random, as was the value HASH_SIZE. I haven't bothered to
- determine if the results from this hashing function really are
- spread evenly, however the visual results from using it are quite
- good.
- 70
- 4.4 Marching Cubes
- The marching cubes algorithm puts a lattice over the three
- dimensional space that an object sits in. By stepping through
- each subcube in the lattice and looking for places where the
- surface passes through a subcube, a good guess at a polygonal
- cover for the surface can be generated. This algorithm is used
- for scan converting blobs, polynomial functions, and implicit
- functions.
- As each cube is processed, every vertex of the cube is tested to
- see if it is inside the object "hot", or outside the object
- "cold". There are a total of 2^8 = 256 possible combinations of
- hot and cold vertices.
- The processing of each subcube in the lattice takes these steps:
- o Each of the 8 vertices of the cube corresponds to a bit
- in an unsigned char. If the vertex is hot then the bit
- is set to 1, if the vertex is cold the bit is set to 0.
- o Using a little combinatorics and group theory, it is
- possible to classify, under the group of solid rotations
- of the cube, each of the 256 possibilities to one of 23
- unique base cases. (You can actually drop down to 14,
- but it would have made parts of the algorithm more
- complicated.)
- o Each of the base cases has an entry in a table of
- triangles that separate the hot vertices from the cold
- vertices for that case.
- o By using the inverse of the rotations that took the cube
- into the base case, the triangles are rotated to
- separate the hot and cold vertices of the original cube.
- o The amount of hot and amount of cold that are separated
- by each triangle is examined in order to see how much to
- push the triangle up or down. This is a linear
- interpolation that helps to keep the triangles close to
- the actual surface.
- o Now that the triangles are known and in approximately the
- right place, the normal scan conversion routine is
- called for each triangle.
- The biggest drawback of this algorithm is that the number of
- evaluations goes up with the cube of the resolution of the
- lattice. For example, if u_steps is 20 and v_steps is 20 (the
- 71
- default), then 20x20x20 = 8000 individual subcubes are visited.
- If you were to increase the resolution by a factor of 5, there
- would be 100x100x100 = 1,000,000 subcubes visited.
- Another problem is one of aliasing. If the surface is very
- complex and/or contains many small features, and the number of
- steps along the axes is insufficient to properly determine
- inside/outside, then large portions of the surface can disappear.
- The solution is to increase the step sizes, or to raytrace,
- either option will increase processing time.
- Note: when I built the table of triangles, I made the assumption
- that if there are two ways to split hot from cold, that hot would
- always connect to hot. One example of this choice is when the
- vertices: (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), and (1, 1, 1) are all
- hot and the rest are cold.
- 5 Outstanding Issues
- Polyray will probably never be "done". And in this respect, the
- next two sections list some things that are planned for the
- future, as well as things that should already have been fixed.
- 5.1 To do list
- Parameterised objects and textures. This will occur in the
- next major release of Polyray, due to the extreme structural
- changes required.
- The ability to execute a "system" command. During the
- generation of an animation it would be nice to call an
- external program that in turn generates an include file
- containing data for the current frame of the animation.
- (This works in the 286 version & the GCC compiled 386
- version, but the Zortech compiled 386 version doesn't
- support system calls.)
- User definable positioning of display elements, in
- particular placement of the image as it is drawn, and
- placement of the status display during the trace.
- Appending ".pi" to input file names that do not have an
- extension.
- Adding a default search path for the init file & include
- files.
- 5.2 Known Bugs
- It is possible to specify surface components that have no
- 72
- meaning for the type of surface that is being declared. i.e.
- octaves in a special surface.
- The initialization file "polyray.ini" has to be in the
- current directory.
- Environment maps don't quite mesh at the seams.
- Shading in scan conversion doesn't always match that from
- raytracing. Not much can be done about this other than
- increasing the values of "u_steps" and "v_steps".
- 6 Revision History
- Version 1.5
- Released: 3 November 1992
- o Found the missing top line in scan converted images -
- Polyray was using the background color for the entire
- top line.
- o Added layered textures.
- o Expression processing code improved - bugs removed,
- memory used diminished.
- o Plugged memory leaks. Extensive debugging of memory
- allocations and frees performed. Animations should be
- much happier now.
- o No longer need to define maximum number of primitives.
- o Added support for greyscale Targa (type 3) files. These
- can be used as the output format, as imagemaps, and as
- height fields.
- o Buggy SVGA support removed. Only standard VGA mode
- (320x200) supported.
- o Gridded objects added.
- o Arrays added
- o Components of CSG objects are now properly sorted by
- bounding slabs
- o User defined bounding slabs removed. Polyray will always
- use bounding slabs aligned with the x, y, and z-axes.
- 73
- o Clipping and bounding objects removed. Clipping is now
- performed in CSG, bounding is specified using a
- "bounding_box" declaration.
- o Added wireframe display mode.
- o Added planar blob types. (Also added toroidal blob
- types, but they only appear in scan conversion images
- due to the extreme numerical precision needed to
- raytrace them.)
- o Added smooth height fields.
- o Fixed shading bug involving transparent objects &
- multiple light sources.
- o Fixed diffuse lighting from colored lights.
- o Changed RLE Targa output so that line boundaries are not
- crossed.
- Version 1.4
- Released: 11 April 1992
- o Support for many SVGA boards at 640x480 resolution in 256
- colors. See documentation for the -V flag. (Note: SVGA
- displays only work on the 286 versions.)
- o Changed the way the status output is managed. Now
- requires a number following the -t flag. Note that line
- and pixel status will screw up SVGA displays - drawing
- goes to the wrong place starting around line 100. If
- using SVGA display then either use no status, or
- "totals".
- o Added cylindrical blob components. Changed the syntax
- for blobs to accommodate the new type.
- o Added lathe surfaces made from either line segments or
- quadratic splines.
- o Added sweep surfaces made from quadratic splines.
- o Height field syntax changed slightly. Non-square height
- fields now handled correctly.
- o Added adaptive antialiasing.
- o Squashed bug in shading routines that affected almost all
- 74
- primitives. This bug was most noticeable for objects
- that were scaled using different values for x, y, and z.
- o Added transparency values to color maps.
- o Added new keywords to the file "polyray.ini":
- shadow_tolerance, antialias, alias_threshold,
- max_samples. Lines that begin with "// " in polyray.ini
- are now treated as comments.
- o Short document called "texture.txt" is now included in
- "plydoc.zip". This describes in a little more detail
- how to go about developing solid textures using Polyray.
- o Added command line argument "-z start_line". This allows
- the user to start a trace somewhere in the middle of an
- image. Note that an image that was started this way
- cannot be correctly resumed & completed. (You may be
- able to use image cut and paste utilities though.)
- Version 1.3
- (not released)
- o Added support for scan converting implicit functions and
- polynomial surfaces using the marching cubes algorithm.
- This technique can be slow, and is restricted to objects
- that have user defined bounding shapes, but now Polyray
- is able to scan convert any primitive.
- o A global shading flag has been added in order to
- selectively turn on/off some of the more time consuming
- shading options. This option will also allow for the
- use of raytracing as a way of determining shadows,
- reflectivity, and transparency during scan conversion.
- o Added new keywords to the file "polyray.ini": pixel_size,
- pixel_encoding, shade_flags.
- o Improved refraction code to (mostly) handle transparent
- surfaces that are defined by CSG intersection.
- o Fixed discoloring of shadows that receive some light
- through a transparent object.
- o Jittered antialiasing was not being called when the
- option was selected, this has been fixed.
- o Fixed parsing of blobs and polygons that had large
- numbers of entries. Previously the parser would fail
- 75
- after 50-60 elements in a blob and the same number of
- vertices of a polygon.
- o In keeping with the format used by POV-Ray and Vivid,
- comments may now start with "//" as well as "#". The
- use of the pound symbol for comments may be phased out
- in future versions.
- Version 1.2
- Released: 16 February 1992
- o Scan conversion of many primitives, using Z-Buffer
- techniques.
- o New primitives: sweep surface, torus
- o Support for the standard 320x200 VGA display in 256
- colors.
- o An initialization file ("polyray.ini") is read before
- processing. This allows greater flexibility in tuning
- many of the default values used by Polyray.
- o User defined bounding slabs added. This greatly improves
- speed of rendering on data files with many small
- objects.
- o Noise surface added.
- o Symbol table routines completely reworked. Improved
- speed for data files containing many definitions.
- o Bug in the texturing of height fields corrected.
- Version 1.1
- (not released)
- o Added parabola primitive
- o Dithering of rays, and objects
- o Blob code improved, shading corrected, intersection code
- is faster and returns fewer incorrect results.
- Version 1.0
- Released: 27 December 1991
- 76
- o Several changes in input syntax were made, the most
- notable result being that commas are required in many
- more places. The reason for this is that due to the
- very flexible nature of expressions possible, a certain
- amount of syntactic sugar is required to remove
- ambiguities from the parser.
- o Several new primitives were added: boxes, cones,
- cylinders, discs, height fields, and Bezier patches.
- o A new way of doing textures was added - each component of
- the lighting model can be specified by an implicit
- function that is evaluated at run time. Using this
- feature leads to slower textures, however because the
- textures are defined in the data file instead of within
- Polyray, development of mathematical texturing can be
- developed without making alterations to Polyray.
- o File flush commands in the data file and at the command
- line were added.
- o Several new Targa variants were added.
- o Image mapping added.
- o Numerous bug fixes have occurred.
- Version 0.3 (beta)
- Released: 14 October 1991
- o This release added Constructive Solid Geometry,
- functional surfaces defined in terms of transcendental
- functions, a checker texture, and compressed Targa
- output.
- o Polyray no longer accepted a list of bounding/clipping
- objects, only a single object is allowed. since CSG can
- be used to define complex shapes, this is not a
- limitation, and even better makes for cleaner data
- files.
- Version 0.2 (beta)
- (not released)
- o This release added animation support, defined objects,
- arithmetic expression parsing, and blobs.
- 77
- Version 0.1 (beta)
- (not released)
- o First incarnation of Polyray. This version had code for
- polynomial equations and some of the basic surface types
- contained in "mtv".
- 7 Bibliography
- "Introduction to Ray Tracing"
- Edited by Andrew Glassner
- Academic Press, 1989
- "Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery"
- Roy Hall
- Springer Verlag, 1989
- "Numerical Recipes in C"
- Press, et al.
- Cambridge University Press, 1988
- "CRC Handbook of Mathematical Curves and Surfaces"
- David H. von Seggern
- CRC Press, 1990
- "Robust Ray Intersection with Interval Arithmetic"
- D.P. Mitchell,
- from:
- "Proceedings Graphics Interface '90"
- Canadian Information Processing Society
- 8 Sample files
- A number of sample files are referenced in this document. These
- files are contained in a separate archive, and demonstrate
- various features of Polyray.
- Simple demo files:
- boxes.pi cone.pi cossph.pi cwheel.pi
- cylinder.pi disc.pi gsphere.pi sphere.pi
- spot0.pi
- Sample color/texture definitions:
- colors.inc textures.inc
- Polynomial surfaces:
- 78
- bicorn.pi bifolia.pi cassini.pi csaddle.pi
- devil.pi folium.pi helix.pi hyptorus.pi
- kampyle.pi lemnisca.pi loop.pi monkey.pi
- parabol.pi partorus.pi piriform.pi qparab.pi
- qsaddle.pi quarcyl.pi quarpara.pi steiner.pi
- strophid.pi tcubic.pi tear5.pi torus.pi
- trough.pi twincone.pi twinglob.pi witch.pi
- Implicit function surfaces
- sectorl.pi sombrero.pi sinsurf.pi superq.pi
- zonal.pi
- Bezier patches
- bezier0.pi teapot.pi teapot.inc
- Height Fields
- hfnoise.pi sombfn.pi sinfn.pi wake.pi
- Image mapping
- map1.pi
- Texturing, CSG, etc.
- lens.pi lookpond.pi marble.pi polytope.pi
- spot1.pi wood.pi xander.pi
- Data file generators:
- balls.c coil.c gears.c hilbert.c
- mountain.c sphcoil.c tetra.c
- Animation files:
- plane.pi squish.pi whirl.pi
- 9 Polyray Grammar
- What follows is the complete YACC grammar used to parse Polyray
- input files. Only the actions taken at each rule have been
- deleted. The conventions used in the grammar are: keywords
- (terminal symbols like "sphere") appear in all caps, i.e. SPHERE.
- All other grammar rules (nonterminals) appear in lower case. The
- terminal symbols, including punctuation, are either recognized by
- the lexical analyzer or by lookup from one of the symbol tables.
- (Note there is one ambiguity present in the grammar - the "if ..
- if .. else" construct.)
- 79
- scene
- : elementlist
- ;
- elementlist
- : elementlist element
- | element
- ;
- element
- : background
- | camera
- | definition
- | flush_statement
- | frame_decl
- | if_statement
- | light
- | object
- | outfile
- | system_call
- ;
- defined_token
- ;
- definition
- : DEFINE defined_token surface
- | DEFINE defined_token texture
- | DEFINE defined_token object
- | DEFINE defined_token transform
- | DEFINE defined_token expression
- | DEFINE TOKEN surface
- | DEFINE TOKEN texture
- | DEFINE TOKEN object
- | DEFINE TOKEN transform
- | DEFINE TOKEN expression
- ;
- object
- : OBJECT '{' object_decls '}'
- | OBJECT_SYM '{' object_modifier_decls '}'
- ;
- 80
- object_modifier_decls
- : object_modifier_decl object_modifier_decls
- | object_modifier_decl
- ;
- object_modifier_decl
- : texture
- | transform
- | DITHER fexper
- | ROTATE point
- | ROTATE point ',' fexper
- | SHEAR fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ','
- fexper ',' fexper
- | TRANSLATE point
- | SCALE point
- | U_STEPS fexper
- | V_STEPS fexper
- | SHADING_FLAGS fexper
- | BOUNDING_BOX point ',' point
- ;
- object_decls
- : shape_decl
- | shape_decl object_modifier_decls
- ;
- shape_decl
- : bezier
- | blob
- | box
- | cone
- | cylinder
- | csg
- | disc
- | function
- | gridded
- | height_field
- | height_fn
- | lathe
- | parabola
- | polygon
- | polynomial
- | ppatch
- | smooth_height_field
- | smooth_height_fn
- | sphere
- | sweep
- 81
- | torus
- ;
- camera_exper
- : ANGLE fexper
- | APERTURE fexper
- | AT point
- | ASPECT fexper
- | MAX_TRACE_DEPTH fexper
- | DITHER_RAYS fexper
- | FROM point
- | HITHER fexper
- | YON fexper
- | RESOLUTION fexper ',' fexper
- | UP point
- ;
- camera_expers
- : camera_expers camera_exper
- | camera_exper
- ;
- camera
- : VIEWPOINT '{' camera_expers '}'
- ;
- light_modifier_decl
- : COLOR expression
- | transform
- | ROTATE point
- | ROTATE point ',' fexper
- | SHEAR fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ','
- fexper ',' fexper
- | TRANSLATE point
- | SCALE point
- ;
- light_modifier_decls
- : light_modifier_decl light_modifier_decls
- |
- ;
- light
- : LIGHT point ',' point
- | LIGHT point
- | SPOT_LIGHT point ',' point
- | SPOT_LIGHT point ',' point ',' point ',' fexper ','
- fexper ',' fexper
- 82
- | TEXTURED_LIGHT '{' light_modifier_decls '}'
- ;
- background
- : BACKGROUND expression
- ;
- surface_declaration
- : COLOR expression
- | COLOR_MAP '(' map_entries ',' expression ')'
- | COLOR_MAP '(' map_entries ')'
- | AMBIENT expression ',' expression
- | AMBIENT expression
- | BUMP_SCALE expression
- | DIFFUSE expression ',' expression
- | DIFFUSE expression
- | FREQUENCY expression
- | LOOKUP_FUNCTION expression
- | MICROFACET PHONG expression
- | MICROFACET BLINN expression
- | MICROFACET REITZ expression
- | MICROFACET COOK expression
- | MICROFACET expression
- | NORMAL expression
- | OCTAVES expression
- | PHASE expression
- | POSITION_FUNCTION expression
- | POSITION_SCALE expression
- | REFLECTION expression ',' expression
- | REFLECTION expression
- | SPECULAR expression ',' expression
- | SPECULAR expression
- | TRANSMISSION expression ',' expression ',' expression
- | TRANSMISSION expression ',' expression
- | TURBULENCE expression
- ;
- surface_declarations
- : surface_declaration surface_declarations
- |
- ;
- surface
- : SURFACE '{' surface_declarations '}'
- | SURFACE_SYM '{' surface_declarations '}'
- ;
- texture_modifier_decls
- 83
- : texture_modifier_decl texture_modifier_decls
- | texture_modifier_decl
- ;
- texture_modifier_decl
- : transform
- | ROTATE point
- | ROTATE point ',' fexper
- | SHEAR fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ','
- fexper ',' fexper
- | TRANSLATE point
- | SCALE point
- ;
- texture_declarations
- : texture_declaration texture_modifier_decls
- | texture_declaration
- ;
- texture_declaration
- : surface
- | SPECIAL surface
- | NOISE surface
- | CHECKER texture ',' texture
- | HEXAGON texture ',' texture ',' texture
- | LAYERED texture_list
- ;
- texture
- : TEXTURE '{' texture_declarations '}'
- | TEXTURE_SYM '{' texture_modifier_decls '}'
- ;
- texture_list
- : texture
- | texture_list ',' texture
- ;
- transform_declaration
- : ROTATE point
- | ROTATE point ',' fexper
- | SCALE point
- | TRANSLATE point
- ;
- transform_declarations
- : transform_declaration
- | transform_declarations transform_declaration
- ;
- 84
- transform
- transform_declarations '}'
- | TRANSFORM_SYM '{' transform_declarations '}'
- ;
- bezier_points
- : bezier_points ',' point
- | point
- ;
- bezier
- : BEZIER fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ','
- bezier_points
- ;
- blob
- : BLOB fexper ':' blobelements
- ;
- blobelements
- : blobelement
- | blobelements ',' blobelement
- ;
- blobelement
- : fexper ',' fexper ',' point
- | SPHERE point ',' fexper ',' fexper
- | CYLINDER point ',' point ',' fexper ',' fexper
- | PLANE point ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper
- | TORUS point ',' point ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper
- ;
- box
- : BOX point ',' point
- ;
- cone
- : CONE point ',' fexper ',' point ',' fexper
- ;
- csg
- : csg_tree
- ;
- csg_tree
- : '(' csg_tree ')'
- | csg_tree '+' csg_tree
- 85
- | csg_tree '-' csg_tree
- | csg_tree '*' csg_tree
- | '~' csg_tree
- | csg_tree '&' csg_tree
- | object
- ;
- cylinder
- : CYLINDER point ',' point ',' fexper
- ;
- disc
- : DISC point ',' point ',' fexper
- | DISC point ',' point ',' fexper ',' fexper
- ;
- function
- : FUNCTION expression
- ;
- gridded
- : GRIDDED sexper ',' object_list
- ;
- object_list
- : object
- | object object_list
- ;
- height_field
- : HEIGHT_FIELD sexper
- ;
- height_fn
- : HEIGHT_FN fexper ',' fexper ','
- fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ','
- expression
- | HEIGHT_FN fexper ',' fexper ',' expression
- ;
- lathe
- : LATHE fexper ',' point ',' fexper ',' pointlist
- ;
- parabola
- : PARABOLA point ',' point ',' fexper
- ;
- polygon:
- POLYGON fexper ',' pointlist
- 86
- ;
- polynomial
- : POLYNOMIAL expression
- ;
- ppatch
- : PATCH point ',' point ',' point ',' point ',' point ','
- point
- ;
- smooth_height_field
- ;
- smooth_height_fn
- : SMOOTH_HEIGHT_FN fexper ',' fexper ','
- fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ',' fexper ','
- expression
- | SMOOTH_HEIGHT_FN fexper ',' fexper ',' expression
- ;
- sphere
- : SPHERE point ',' fexper
- ;
- sweep
- : SWEEP fexper ',' point ',' fexper ',' pointlist
- ;
- torus
- : TORUS fexper ',' fexper ',' point ',' point
- ;
- fexper
- : expression
- ;
- point
- : expression
- ;
- sexper
- : expression
- ;
- pointlist
- : point
- | pointlist ',' point
- ;
- 87
- expression
- : '(' expression ')'
- | '[' expression_list ']'
- | '<' expression ',' expression '>'
- | '<' expression ',' expression ',' expression '>'
- | expression '[' expression ']'
- | '(' conditional '?' expression ':' expression ')'
- | expression '^' expression
- | expression '%' expression
- | expression '*' expression
- | expression '.' expression
- | expression '/' expression
- | expression '+' expression
- | expression '-' expression
- | '-' expression %prec UMINUS
- | '|' expression '|'
- | COLOR_MAP '(' map_entries ',' expression ')'
- | COLOR_MAP '(' map_entries ')'
- | NOISE '(' expression ')'
- | NOISE '(' expression ',' expression ')'
- | ROTATE '(' expression ',' expression ')'
- | ROTATE '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')'
- | TOKEN '(' expression_list ')'
- | NUM
- ;
- expression_list
- : expression
- | expression ',' expression_list
- ;
- conditional
- : '(' conditional ')'
- | expression '<' expression
- | expression '>' expression
- | expression LTEQ_SYM expression
- | expression GTEQ_SYM expression
- | expression EQUAL_SYM expression
- | conditional AND_SYM conditional
- | conditional OR_SYM conditional
- | '!' conditional
- ;
- 88
- map_entry
- : '[' fexper ',' fexper ',' point ',' point ']'
- | '[' fexper ',' fexper ',' point ',' fexper ',' point ','
- fexper ']'
- ;
- map_entries
- : map_entry map_entries
- | map_entry
- ;
- frame_decl
- : end_frame_decl
- | start_frame_decl
- | total_frames_decl
- ;
- end_frame_decl
- : END_FRAME fexper
- ;
- start_frame_decl
- : START_FRAME fexper
- ;
- total_frames_decl
- : TOTAL_FRAMES fexper
- ;
- outfile
- ;
- flush_statement
- : FILE_FLUSH fexper
- ;
- system_call
- : SYSTEM '(' expression_list ')'
- ;
- statement
- : '{' elementlist '}'
- | element
- ;
- if_else_part
- : ELSE statement
- |
- 89
- ;
- if_statement
- : IF '(' conditional ')' statement if_else_part
- ;
- ;