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- This file contains an extremely abbreviated description of the command line
- flags, initialization file statements, and data file declarations for Polyray.
- See "polyray.doc" for more details.
- Syntax:
- polyray datafile [ options ]
- Command line options:
- -a Perform simple antialiasing (neighbor averaging)
- -A Perform adaptive antialiasing (based on threshold)
- -b pixels pixels calculated between file flushes
- -B Flush the output file every scan line
- -d probability Dither objects using the given probability
- -D scale Dither all rays using the given probability
- -J Perform jittered antialiasing (fixed # of samples/pixel)
- -o filename Output file name (default "out.tga")
- -p bits/pixel Number of bits per pixel 8/16/24/32 (default 16)
- -P pallette Which pallette to use [0=grey, 1=666, 2=884]
- -Q Abort if any key is hit during trace
- -q flags Turn on/off various global shading options
- -r renderer Which rendering method [0=raytrace, 1=scan convert,
- 2=wireframe]
- -R Resume an interrupted trace
- -s samples # of samples per pixel when performing antialiasing
- -t status_vals Status display type [0=none,1=totals,2=line,3=pixel].
- -T threshold Threshold to start oversampling (default 0.2)
- -u Write the output file in uncompressed form
- -v Trace from bottom to top
- -V mode Use VGA display while tracing [0=none,1=VGA]
- -W Wait for key before clearing display
- -x columns Set the x resolution
- -y lines Set the y resolution
- -z start_line Start a trace at a specified line
- Initialization file ("polyray.ini") keywords:
- abort_test true/false/on/off
- alias_threshold [Value to cause adaptive anitaliasing to start]
- antialias none/filter/jitter/adaptive
- display none/vga
- max_level [max depth of recursion]
- max_lights [max # of lights]
- max_queue_size [max # of objects in a priority queue]
- max_samples [# of samples to use with antialiasing, or focal blur]
- pixel_size [8, 16, 24, 32]
- pixel_encoding none/rle
- renderer ray_trace/scan_convert
- shade_flags [default/bit mask of flags, see section]
- shadow_tolerance [miminum distance for blocking objects]
- status none/totals/line/pixel
- warnings on/off
- Any lines starting with "//" will be treated as comments & ignored.
- Input file syntax:
- [viewpoint statement]
- [object declaration]
- [conditional statement]
- define token expression
- define token [object declaration]
- define token [texture declaration]
- define token transform { [rotate/translate/scale/shear statements] }
- total_frames val
- start_frame val
- end_frame val
- outfile "name"
- outfile name
- file_flush xxx
- include "filename"
- background color
- background expression
- haze coeff, starting_distance, color
- light color, location
- light location
- spot_light color, location, pointed_at, Tightness, Angle, Falloff
- spot_light location, pointed_at
- textured_light { color color_expression [rotate/translate/... statements] }
- directional_light color, direction
- directional_light direction
- Viewpoint declaration:
- viewpoint {
- [ from vexper ]
- [ at vexper ]
- [ up vexper ]
- [ angle fexper ]
- [ hither fexper ]
- [ resolution fexper, fexper ]
- [ aspect fexper ]
- [ yon fexper ]
- [ dither_rays fexper ]
- [ dither_objects fexper ]
- [ max_trace_depth fexper ]
- [ aperture fexper ]
- [ focal_distance ]
- }
- Object declaration:
- object {
- Shape declaration
- [ texture declaration ]
- [ Object modifier declaration ]
- }
- Shape Declarations:
- bezier subdivision_type, flatness_value,
- u_subdivisions, v_subdivision,
- [ 16 comma-separated vertices, i.e.
- <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, ..., <x15, y15, z15> ]
- blob threshold:
- blob_component1
- [, sphere <x, y, z>, strength, radius ]
- [, cylinder <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, strength, radius ]
- [, plane <nx, ny, nz>, d, strength, distance ]
- box <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>
- cone <x0, y0, z0>, r0, <x1, y1, z1>, r1
- cylinder <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, r
- disc <cx, cy, cz>, <nx, ny, nz>, r
- disc <cx, cy, cz>, <nx, ny, nz>, ir, or
- function f(x,y,z)
- gridded "filename", object1 object2 ...
- height_field "filename"
- smooth_height_field "filename"
- height_fn xsize, zsize, min_x, max_x, min_z, max_z, expression
- height_fn xsize, zsize, expression
- smooth_height_fn xsize, zsize, min_x, max_x, min_z, max_z, expression
- smooth_height_fn xsize, zsize, expression
- lathe type, direction, total_vertices,
- <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>
- [, <vert2.x, vert2.y, vert2.z>]
- [, etc. for total_vertices vertices]
- parabola <x0, y0, z0>, <x1, y1, z1>, r
- polygon total_vertices,
- <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>
- [, <vert2.x, vert2.y, vert2.z>]
- [, etc. for total_vertices vertices]
- polynomial f(x,y,z)
- sphere <center.x, center.y, center.z>, radius
- sweep type, direction, total_vertices,
- <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>
- [, <vert2.x, vert2.y, vert2.z>]
- [, etc. for total_vertices vertices]
- torus r0, r1, <center.x, center.y, center.z>, <dir.x, dir.y, dir.z>
- patch <vert1.x,vert1.y,vert1.z>, <norm1.x,norm1.y,norm1.z>,
- <vert2.x,vert2.y,vert2.z>, <norm2.x,norm2.y,norm2.z>,
- <vert3.x,vert3.y,vert3.z>, <norm3.x,norm3.y,norm3.z>
- object1 + object2 - Union
- object1 * object2 - Intersection
- object1 - object2 - Difference
- object1 & object2 - Clipping
- ~object1 - Inverse
- Root solver declarations (for blobs, polynomials, splined lathes, and tori):
- root_solver Ferrari
- root_solver Vieta
- root_solver Sturm
- Object modifier statements:
- translate <tx, ty, tz>
- rotate <rx,ry,rz>
- scale <sx,sy,sz>
- shear yx, zx, xy, zy, xz, yz
- shading_flags flag1+flag2+...
- u_steps u
- v_steps v
- bounding_box <x0,y0,z0>, <x1,y1,z1>
- Shading flag values:
- 1 = Shadow_Check, 2 = Reflect_Check, 4 = Transmit_Check,
- 8 = Two_Sides, 16 = Cast_Shadow, 32 = Check Primary Rays
- Textures:
- texture {
- [ texture declaration ]
- [ rotate/translate/scale/shear ]
- }
- Texture declarations:
- surface { [ surface declarations ] }
- noise surface { [ surface declarations ] }
- special surface { [ surface declarations ] }
- checker texture1, texture2
- hexagon texture1, texture2, texture3
- layered texture1, texture2, ..., textureN
- Surface declarations:
- color <r, g, b>
- ambient scale
- ambient color, scale
- diffuse scale
- diffuse color, scale
- specular color, scale
- specular scale
- reflection color, scale
- reflection scale
- transmission color, scale, ior
- transmission scale, ior
- microfacet kind angle
- Microfacet kinds: Blinn, Cook, Gaussian, Phong, Reitz.
- Noise Surface declarations:
- color <r, g, b>
- ambient scale
- diffuse scale
- specular color, scale
- reflection scale
- transmission scale, ior
- microfacet kind angle
- color_map(map_entries)
- bump_scale fexper
- frequency fexper
- phase fexper
- lookup_fn index
- normal_fn index
- octaves fexper
- position_fn index
- position_scale fexper
- turbulence fexper
- Conditional processing:
- if (cexper)
- [single declaration]
- if (cexper) {
- [object/light/... declarations]
- }
- else {
- [other object/light/... declarations]
- }