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- Solid Texturing in Polyray
- Alexander Enzmann
- This document describes how to go about defining and developing solid
- textures for the Polyray raytracer.
- The "noise surface" is a general purpose 3D solid texturing operation. The
- options specified in the declaration allow a great deal of control over the
- coloring of a surface and over the bumpiness of a surface. The complexity
- and speed of rendering of the noise surface type lies between the standard
- shading model and the "special" surfaces.
- Definitions:
- The terms "vexper" stands for a vector expression of some sort (like <0,0,1>
- or 2*<3,1,1>, etc.) and "fexper" stands for a floating point expression of
- some sort (like 1, 2.0 * (3 - 4), etc.)
- A color is defined by red, green, and blue values from zero to 1, inclusive.
- A color can appear as a vector expression like: <1, 0, 0> (for red), or
- if it is one of the defined colors (see color.doc) then the name of the
- color can be used.
- A noise surface declaration has the form:
- texture {
- noise surface {
- // Standard shading model values
- color vexper // Color to use for amb/diff/..
- ambient fexper // Amount of ambient
- diffuse fexper // Amount of diffuse
- specular vexper, fexper // Color and amount of highlights
- transmission vexper, fexper, fexper // Color, amount, ior of transparency
- reflection fexper // Amount of reflectivity
- microfact kind angle // Specular model and falloff angle
- color_map(map_entries) // Lookup table for surface color
- // Solid texturing functions
- position_fn index // Which position
- position_scale fexper // Scaling factor for position
- turbulence fexper // Amount noise affects position
- octaves fexper // # of octaves of noise
- lookup_fn index // Which color lookup function
- // Surface bumpiness/ripple modifiers
- normal_fn index // Which type of bumpiness
- bump_scale fexper // Bumpiness of the surface
- frequency fexper // Frequency of ripples
- phase fexper // Offset of ripple wavefronts
- }
- }
- Not all of the components need to be specified. If components are left out,
- then the associated effects will not be applied. For example if "normal_fn"
- is not specified then there will be no modification of the normal to the
- surface - it will stay as smooth as it started.
- Color Maps
- Each entry in a color map has the form:
- [start_value, end_value, start_color, end_color]
- or
- [start_value, end_value, start_color, start_alpha, end_color, end_alpha]
- When Polyray looks for a color in a color map it starts with an index
- value generated by the 3D texturing function defined by the surface. If this
- value is between "start_value" and "end_value", then a resulting color is
- calculated that is between "start_color" and "end_color".
- It is also possible to specify transparency ("alpha") values for each color
- in the color map. This value ranges from 0 (not transparent at all) to 1
- (fully transparent). A color map that uses transparency would appear like
- this:
- color_map(
- [-2, 0, blue, 0.8, blue, 0.8]
- [-1, 0.5, green, 0.5, green, 0.5]
- [ 0.5, 1.0, green, 0.5, tan, 0]
- [ 1.0, 1.7, tan, tan]
- [ 1.7, 2, white, white])
- Making use of the alpha value is a little more subtle than it may first appear.
- The reason for this is that during shading the "color" part is used for the
- ambient and diffuse shading, then the alpha is used to determine how much of
- the color "behind" the surface will be added to the final color. Added to this
- is that the color coming from behind the surface is filtered by the surface
- color - if you have a transparent green in front of a transparent blue then you
- will not see anything through the two surfaces, all color would be filtered out.
- In order to help with transparency in noise surfaces, it is possible to specify
- values for the "transmission" component of the shading. If this part of the
- texture is defined, then the color part of the transmission will be used for
- the filter. A typical declaration would be:
- transmission white, 1, 1
- Which will prevent Polyray from filtering the transmitted light. What you
- will get is the sum of the surface color and the color that is coming from
- behind the surface.
- Solid Texturing Functions
- The way the final color of the texture is decided is by calculating a floating
- point value using the following general formula:
- index = lookup_fn(position_scale * position_fn +
- turbulence * noise3d(P, octaves))
- The index value that is calculated is then used to lookup a color from the
- color map. This final color is used for the ambient, diffuse, reflection and
- transmission filters. The functions that are currently available, with their
- corresponding indices are:
- Position functions:
- Index Effect
- 1 x value in the object coordinate system
- 2 x value in the world coordinate system
- 3 Distance from the z axis
- 4 Distance from the origin
- 6 Distance around the y axis (from 0 -> 1, counterclockwise)
- default: 0.0
- Lookup functions:
- Index Effect
- 1 sawtooth function, result from 0 -> 1
- 2 sin function, result from 0->1
- 3 ramp function, result from 0->1
- default: no modification made
- Definitions of these function numbers that make sense are:
- define position_plain 0
- define position_objectx 1
- define position_worldx 2
- define position_cylindrical 3
- define position_spherical 4
- define position_radial 5
- define lookup_plain 0
- define lookup_sawtooth 1
- define lookup_sin 2
- define lookup_ramp 3
- Normal Modifying Functions
- define plain_normal 0
- define bump_normal 1
- define ripple_normal 2
- define dented_normal 3
- Marble-like Textures
- // The standard sort of marble texture
- define white_marble
- texture {
- noise surface {
- color white
- ambient 0.3
- diffuse 0.8
- specular 0.3
- microfacet Reitz 5
- position_fn position_objectx
- lookup_fn lookup_sawtooth
- octaves 3
- turbulence 3
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.8, <1, 1, 1>, <0.6, 0.6, 0.6>]
- [0.8, 1.0, <0.6, 0.6, 0.6>, <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>])
- }
- }
- // Nice blue agate texture
- define sapphire_agate
- texture {
- noise surface {
- ambient 0.5
- diffuse 0.7
- position_fn position_objectx
- position_scale 1.1
- lookup_fn lookup_sawtooth
- octaves 3
- turbulence 2
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.3, <0, 0, 0.9>, <0, 0, 0.8>]
- [0.3, 1, <0, 0, 0.8>, <0, 0, 0.4>])
- }
- scale <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
- }
- Wood-like Textures
- // Create a wood texture. Concentric rings of color
- // are wrapped around the z-axis. There is some turbulence
- // in order to keep the rings from looking too perfect.
- define light_wood <0.6, 0.24, 0.1>
- define median_wood <0.3, 0.12, 0.03>
- define dark_wood <0.05, 0.01, 0.005>
- define wooden
- texture {
- noise surface {
- // Define the standard shading components
- ambient 0.2
- diffuse 0.7
- specular white, 0.5
- microfacet Reitz 10
- // Define how coloring is applied
- position_fn position_cylindrical // Color lookup is rings about z-axis
- position_scale 1 // This affects spacing between rings
- lookup_fn lookup_sawtooth // Keep the lookup value from 0->1
- octaves 1 // Keep the turbulence smooth
- turbulence 1 // Keep rings from being too circular
- // Define how the colors change from ring to ring
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.2, light_wood, light_wood]
- [0.2, 0.3, light_wood, median_wood]
- [0.3, 0.4, median_wood, light_wood]
- [0.4, 0.7, light_wood, light_wood]
- [0.7, 0.8, light_wood, median_wood]
- [0.8, 0.9, median_wood, light_wood]
- [0.9, 1.0, light_wood, dark_wood])
- }
- }
- Gradient Textures
- // This is an example of a gradient texture.
- define mountain_colors
- texture {
- noise surface {
- ambient 0.2
- diffuse 0.8
- specular 0.2
- position_fn position_objectx
- color_map(
- [-128, 0, blue, blue]
- [ 0, 20, green, green]
- [ 20, 40, green, tan]
- [ 40, 90, tan, tan]
- [ 90, 128, white, white])
- }
- // The texture is rotated 90 degrees so that is is applied along the
- // y-axis rather than along the x-axis. This is so that the coloring
- // will correspond to height.
- rotate <0, 0, 90>
- }
- Generic Turbulent Textures
- // Simple color map texture
- define whorl_texture
- texture {
- noise surface {
- color green
- ambient 0.3
- diffuse 0.8
- lookup_fn lookup_sawtooth
- octaves 2
- turbulence 2
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.3, green, blue]
- [0.3, 0.6, blue, skyblue]
- [0.6, 0.8, skyblue, orange]
- [0.8, 1.0, orange, red])
- }
- scale <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
- }
- Cloudy Sky Texture
- // Defines a turbulent texture with colors that go from grey in
- // the middle of the clouds, white at the edges, and blue elsewhere.
- // To use it, make a big sphere (possibly squashing it so the top isn't
- // too far away), apply this texture with scaling values that spread
- // the clouds to the desired amount.
- define cloudy_sky
- texture {
- noise surface {
- ambient 0.9
- diffuse 0
- specular 0
- turbulence 6.0
- position_fn position_worldx
- lookup_fn 1
- octaves 4
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.6, <0.4, 0.4, 0.4>, <1, 1, 1>]
- [0.6, 0.8, <1, 1, 1>, <0.196078, 0.6, 0.8>]
- [0.8, 1.0, <0.196078, 0.6, 0.8>, <0.196078, 0.6, 0.8>])
- }
- }
- Ripple (wavy) Textures
- An example of a texture that uses ripples is:
- define blue_ripple
- texture {
- noise surface {
- // Define the standard shading components
- color <0.4, 0.4, 1.0>
- ambient 0.3
- diffuse 0.4
- specular white, 0.7
- reflection 0.5
- microfacet Reitz 10
- // Define how how the surface will be bumped
- normal ripple_normal // Make a wavy surface
- frequency 100 // This results in fairly tight ripples
- bump_scale 2 // Make reasonably large bumps
- }
- scale <10, 1, 10>
- }
- This sample combines a marble coloration with rippling:
- define ripple_marble_texture
- texture {
- noise surface {
- color white
- position_fn 1
- lookup_fn 1
- octaves 4
- turbulence 3
- normal 2
- frequency 10
- bump_scale 5
- ambient 0.1
- diffuse 0.5
- specular 0.6
- microfacet Reitz 10
- color_map(
- [0.0, 0.8, <1, 1, 1>, <0.6, 0.6, 0.6>]
- [0.8, 1.0, <0.6, 0.6, 0.6>, <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>])
- }
- translate <-5, 0, 0>
- }