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Copyright, (C), 1992,
Drawer 1549-T
Asbury Park NJ 07712
This quiz is based on a sampling of research notes made during
the editing of three successful action/fiction manuscripts for
technical realism. As freelance researchers it would be less than
ethical for us to mention the writer's name, but two of the three
manuscripts were published as novels, the third eventually became
the pilot for a very popular tv police drama series.
In the process of researching this type of information we
tracked down and read hundreds of books, manuals, and reports, many
of which weren't worth the effort. But the substantive, useful
ones became part of our own collection, which we've appropriately
named The Intelligence Library.
The purpose of this quiz is to provide the writer of
spy/detective/mystery stories with a source of interesting
technical facts to work into their stories, thereby adding the
vitally important component of realism. As every working writer
knows, realism is what sells action/fiction, not merely artful
"Winging it" won't fool the least experienced editor. In fact,
submitting an action/fiction story that contains one vague, wholly
contrived, nonsensical technical sequence after another is asking
for a rejection slip. It really doesn't matter whether a story has
a great plot, good character development, lots of suspense and a
few moist love scenes. If it doesn't contain solid technical
realism it simply will not interest or entertain the hard-core
action/ fiction buff. (Some contemporary examples of the impor-
tance of technical realism in the tv script are, McGiver, Mission
Impossible, Columbo, and Murder She Wrote .)
As a simple exercise, visit a bookstore and read a few pages
from some ordinary budget shelf spy/detective/intrigue novels (or
detective magazines). Then go to the best sellers and read a few
pages from anything by Tom Clancy. The difference will be readily
apparent: Mr. Clancy obviously understands the value of detailed
realism and the importance of research. Ordinary writers obviously
do not.
Unless one has a background in deep cover police work, counter-
intelligence, or corporate espionage, it is likely that the first
pass through the Black Bag Trivia Quiz will be somewhat baffling
because of the esoteric nature of the questions. But anyone who
is interested in writing a publishable action/fiction story will
immediately recognize the value of these unusual Q & As.
The writer who has tried unsuccessfully to market an action/
fiction piece is advised to try the following: Run through the
Black Bag Trivia Quiz once or twice, being sure to read the answer
summaries, then go back and edit the rejected manuscript, flavoring
appropriate segments with accurate, realistic facts. For example,
don't just say that a main character carries "a gun." Talk about
the gun a bit: Is it a revolver or an automatic? How many
cartridges does it hold. What are its special qualities, and what
does your major character like about it? This kind of detailed
realism is characteristic of the work of such luminaries as Mickey
Spillane, Ellery Queen, and other well known mystery writers.
When you've made the necessary changes in your ms (manuscript),
flavoring the tale with some interesting facts, select a page with
some realistic sequences on it, copy it, highlight the action, clip
the sample page to the cover sheet of your manuscript and re-
submit it. This will almost guarantee that it winds up on the
"read" pile, rather than the "return" pile, or in the round file.
Because editors know that substantial facts are the rafters and
beams of all great fiction.
This quiz is the copyrighted property of MENTOR PUBLICATIONS,
but it may be freely distributed as shareware. The copying fee
should not exceed five dollars. The disk must contain the
following files and no other files may be added.
This summarizes our proprietary rights.
Drawer 1549-T
Asbury Park NJ
We do not request a registration fee for the use of the
potentially valuable information contained in this quiz. But those
with an interest in rare and exotic information are invited to send
for a free brochure that describes out catalog-- The Intelligence
Library-- and follow in the footsteps of many writers of best-
selling novels and blockbuster screenplays.
(To print the following instructions: make sure your printer is
ready, use the arrow key to move Step #1 to the extreme top of your
screen, hold down the SHIFT key, then press and hold the PRINT
SCREEN key until printing starts.
... is very simple to run. An experienced computerist could figure
it out intuitively, but the following instructions should be easy
for even a beginner to follow.
1> At the A: prompt, type MENTOR
2> Select #3, "Mult-Choice"
3> At "Blackbag," strike ENTER. (The files take a while to load,
so be patient.)
4> Select, PLAY
5> The only reason for the "how many questions..." question is to
cue the scoring code. If you have the time, select 100. If
not, try 5 or 10. This is not a critically important step.
6> At the Copyright notice, strike ENTER, and the first quiz
screen will come up.
7> Just highlight your choice and strike ENTER.
After each answer, select INFORMATION and a useful summary of
the correct answer will appear. Strike ENTER again and it will
disappear. Then strike CONTINUE to go to the next question.
That's all there is to it.
If you find this quiz to be entertaining, informative, and
useful, you'll really like The Intelligence Library. So if you're
old enough to join the Marines without your parents' permission,
send for our FREE brochure.
Drawer 1549-T
Asbury Park NJ 07712