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474 lines
Plain Jane Trivia v1.5
Written by
Rob Williams
WCS Software
Table of Contents
Copyright Notice................................................... 1
Warranty........................................................... 1
Features of Plain Jane Trivia...................................... 2
Files used in the program.......................................... 3
Setting up Plain Jane Trivia....................................... 4
Setting up Plain Jane Trivia for Multinode Play.................... 4
Playing the game................................................... 5
Make-Up Days Explanation........................................... 6
Special Keys....................................................... 7
Support............................................................ 8
Registering Plain Jane Trivia...................................... 8
Acknowledgements................................................... 9
Copyright Notice
This door game is distributed under the SHAREWARE concept. This
concept gives you the chance to "try before you buy", and see if it
meets your needs.
I've decided to break away from the standard "30 day trial period"
that many door authors are using and instead go to a much simpler
and more realistic policy. This is simply; Try it on your BBS.
If you like it and your users like it, then register it. If it's not
good enough to register, then delete it.
While I'd like you to register my doors as soon as possible, I'm also
realistic enough to know that different boards have different requirements
and interests, and sometimes it takes longer befor a game catches on, or a
sysop can get to the Doors on his list to register. And frankly, I'd
rather you ran it for awhile and register, than try it for a short
period of time and delete it. Nobody wins that way...I lose out on a
registration and your users lose out on the chance of having the
registered door to play.
The above "extended trial" statement was copied with permission from
Mike Jordan of M&S Doors.
Once registered, you will also be allowed to use other functions in the
TRIVEDIT program. Registration is good for any future versions of the
As a shareware program, Plain Jane Trivia may be freely
distributed. Shareware distributors may distribute copies of Plain
Jane Trivia on disk for a modest disk duplication charge not to exceed
$4 per disk.
Plain Jane Trivia is distributed on as as is basis. In no event will
Rob Williams or WCS Software be liable to you for damages, including
any loss of profits, lost savings, or other incidental or
consequential damages arising out of your use of or inability to use
this program, even if Rob Williams, WCS Software, or an authorized
representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Rob Williams and WCS Software will not be liable for any such claim
by any other party.
Features of Plain Jane Trivia
Assembly language serial input/output routines for maximum speed.
Fully supports high speed modems: 16550 FIFO buffering and locked
serial ports.
Built in ANSI terminal emulator. No need to have ANSI.SYS loaded in
DesqView, Windows, and OS/2 aware.
Supports all of the most popular door data file formats:
TriBBS, PCBoard, GAP (DOOR.SYS), Spitfire, WildCat!, RBBS, and WWIV.
ANSI and ASCII Bulletins of high scorers.
Automatic monthly maintenance with no intervention from the Sysop.
Ability to enter, edit, print, import and export questions from the
database. (some features in registered version only)
Supports play ahead and make up days when registered. This is
completely sysop configurable.
Now Plain Jane Trivia is Multinode Aware!
Files used in the Program
TRIVIA.EXE - The main trivia program
TRIVEDIT.EXE - The user/question maintenance program
REGISTER.FRM - Information on registration
QUESTION.DAT - Question database
SAMPLE.CFG - Sample configuration file
SAMPLE.BAT - Sample batch file to run PJT
HISCORE.DAT - Created when the program runs-contains hi score info
USER.DAT - Created when the program runs-contains user info
TRIVIA.KEY - Key file for registered versions
TRIVIA.USE - Created when the game is running, will be deleted
when the user exits normally.
** IMPORTANT - The game will not run if this file (TRIVIA.USE) exists **
TRIVIA.HLP - Help file for the game. When the Instructions option
is selected, this file is displayed. You may edit
this file if you wish. It is a plain ASCII text file.
TRIVIA.HIS - History of the product. Shows what enhancements were
made in what version.
WCSINFO.TXT - A text file explaining more about WCS Software and
showing all currently available WCS Software programs.
READ.ME - A brief text file explaining how to get up and running
Setting up Plain Jane Trivia
Plain Jane Trivia is run by entering a command similar to the
The configuration file can have any name you choose, but it must
reside in the same directory as the door. The configuration file is
an ASCII text file with the following format:
Line 1: Door data file type.
Line 2: Path to the door data file(s).
Line 3: BBS name.
Line 4: Sysop's name.
Line 5: Locked baud rate.
Line 6: ASCII High Score Bulletin Name
Line 7: ANSI High Score Bulletin Name
Line 8: Number of Questions per day (a number between 5 and 30)
* Line 9: Number of extra days allowed for make up days
* Line 10: Day to start playing make up days-31 to disable
Line 11: Write log file (YES or NO)
* Line 12: Line to display a message (donated by, etc)
Lines with a "*" to the left indicate features only present in the
registered version of the program. *** The lines must be present,
even if the door is not registered. ***
As illustrated above, the door's data file type is specified in line 1
and can be PCB for PCBoard, GAP for GAP (DOOR.SYS), SF for Spitfire,
RBBS for RBBS, WC for WildCat!, TRIBBS for TriBBS, or WWIV for WWIV.
The locked baud rate is specified in line 5. If you don't lock your
serial port, you must specify 0 for the locked baud rate.
The following is a sample door configuration file:
WC <== BBS Type
C:\WC30\WCWORK\NODE1 <== Drop file location
WCS Software BBS <== BBS Name
Rob Williams <== Sysop Name
0 <== Locked baud rate
C:\WC30\BULL\BULL10.BBS <== ASCII bulletin
C:\WC30\BULL\BULL10.SCR <== ANSI bulletin
10 <== # of questions per day
2 <== Extra days allowed for make up days
10 <== Day to start make up days
YES <== Write a log file (TRIVIA.nodenumber)
By WCS Software <== Donated by line
** IMPORTANT - Even if the game is not registered, the last three **
** lines must exist, or the game will not run. You will get an error **
** when the game starts up. **
Plain Jane Trivia can be run locally without a door data file (handy
for the sysop to use the door without logging on to the BBS) by
specifying /L after the configuration file parameter in the DOS
command line. PJT will request you to enter your name before running
the door.
To play the game in Multiuser mode, you must have a registered multinode
copy,and DOS SHARE must be loaded. If these two things are not done,
the game will display a message if you try to run multinode.
Nonstandard IRQs can be used by specifying the IRQ number after the
"config" parameter in the command line used to run the door as
Setting up Plain Jane Trivia for Multinode Play
In order to set Trivia up for multinode play, you need to create a
.cfg file for each node that will be using the game. The .cfg files
will be similar, except that lines 2 and possibly 5 will be different.
Line 2 is the location of the door drop file. This needs to be unique
for each node that runs the game. Line 5 is the locked baud rate for
the node. If you have nodes that are locked at different rates, then
this line may be different for different nodes. For example, the
configuration file for node 1 (TRIVIA.CF1) might look like this:
H:\WILDCAT\WCWORK\NODE1 <=== Notice this is the node 1 directory
Williams Computer Services BBS
Rob Williams
And the configuration file for node 2 (TRIVIA.CF2) might look like this:
H:\WILDCAT\WCWORK\NODE2 <=== Notice this is the node 2 directory
Williams Computer Services BBS
Rob Williams
You will also need to set an environment variable to tell the program
what node it is currently running on. Since I run Wildcat, I call
this variable WCNODEID. In my .BAT file that calls the BBS, I set the
WCNODEID to whatever node is running. You can use wahtever name you
wish, it just needs to be a unique node ID.
Next, in the batch file that calls PJT, you would change the sample.bat
that is included with this archive to look like this:
What this will do, is when the game is started, it will look for the
WCNODEID (or whatever you called it), and append that to TRIVIA.CF. So
when the game runs, and you run it from node 1 say, it will use .cfg file
Hopefully, I have not totally confused you on how to set the door up for
mult-node use. If you have questions on environment variables, refer
to your DOS manual.
** Running this game on more than a single node requires a Multi-Node **
** Key. When running in Evaluation mode, only one (1) Node will be able**
** to access the door at a time. **
Playing the Game
Plain Jane Trivia was named that for a reason. It is VERY simple
to play. When you go into the door, you will see an opening screen,
wait for you to press a key, then show you the main menu. From here,
there are four options. P will take you to the playing screen, H will
show you the high score list, I will show you a help file for playing
the game, and Q will return you to the BBS.
When the play option is chosen, it will take you into the playing
screen. There are three menu options that can be chosen at any time.
R for redraw the screen, H for viewing the high score bulletin, and
Q to quit the current game. After quitting, if the game is registered,
and it is past the extra day set up in the .cfg file, and you have
not played too many games (as set in the .cfg file), you will be asked
if you want to play make-up days. (how is that for a run-on sentence?)
If you answer no, you will be asked if you want to view the high scores.
If you answer no to this, you will be returned back to the BBS.
When a question appears, all you need to do is press the answer you
think is correct, and it will tell you if you were right or not, and
then display another question. When you have answered the maximum
number of questions (as determined in the trivia.cfg file), if make up
days are enabled and you have not played too many times today, you will
then be asked if you want to play make up days. If you say yes, you
will see a screen showing what days are available for you to play.
Choose a day and press enter, or choose 99 to exit. After finishing
playing, you will be asked if you wish to view the high scores. After
viewing the high scores, you will then see a screen while it is writing
the bulletin, and then be returned to the BBS. Pretty simple!
The first time a player plays the game each month, the system will
automatically reset the player and question statistics. The player
statistics are the number of questions attempted, and the number of
correct guesses. The question statistics are the number of times that
question has been asked, and the number of correct answers. The high
score table will also be reset, and the last months hi scorer and all
time hi scorer will be recomputed. This process should not take more
than a few seconds, and is automatic, so no intervention from the Sysop
is necessary.
Make-Up Days Explanation
The make up days feature warrants a little more explanation here.
When the game is registered, after you have played your game for today,
it will check to see if make up days has been enabled (start day < 31).
If today is greater than the start day, and the total number of days you
have played is not greater than what was specified in the .cfg file, it
will ask you if you want to play a make up day. It will then show a
calendar of days for the current month. Days that you have played will
show up in red with an x, playable days will show up in green with an o.
Choose a valid date (one with an o, within the current month), and you
will start another days game. If you changed your mind and do not want
to play a make up day, enter 99, and you will be asked if you want to
view the high scores, then be returned to the BBS.
Special Keys
While PJT is running, the sysop can press certain special keys to
perform a variety of functions. The following is a list of the
functions that the special keys perform:
Key(s) Function
HOME Toggles between the user status window and a help
display that lists the special keys.
F6 Takes 5 minutes away from the caller.
NOTE: This will NOT be returned to BBS.
F7 Gives 5 minutes to the caller.
NOTE: This will NOT be returned to the BBS.
F9 Quit the door and return the caller to the BBS.
F10 Enter chat mode. Pressing the ESC key exits the
chat mode.
Alt+D Drop to DOS.
If you have problems, I will try and help as best I can, whether you
are registered or not. Registered users will get priority over non-
registered users, though. You may get help with problems by calling
Williams Computer Services BBS at (503) 631-8439, or by writing to
the author at the following addresses:
FIDO : 1:105/278
US Mail:
Rob Williams
18370 S. Henrici Road
Oregon City, OR 97045
Registering Plain Jane Trivia
Registration of Plain Jane Trivia is only $15.00 for single node
or $20.00 for Multi-Node. Please use the form in the file
REGISTER.FRM. When you register, you will receive a registration
key that will turn your version into a registered version.
Registered users will have access to the special area of the support
BBS for additional questions, and also be able to add new questions,
edit questions and users, print questions and users, and import and
export questions.
Things to Come
- Additional questions
- Any user requested features
Thanks go to the following people/companies (Listed in no particular order):
- Mustang Software for creating Wildcat!
- Randy Hunt and Mark Goodwin for creating RMDoor which was used
to create this game.
- Mike Jordan for his help with some of the routines, and for the
idea of the make up days, and also help in testing, and his help
in helping me get started in door programming.
- Marcus and Ronda Eikenberry for their help in testing and finding
a few stubborn bugs.
- Bob Ainsbury for creating the Turbo Technojock Toolkit, and not
crippling it. This toolkit was also used for the TRIVEDIT
- Gayle Davis and all the people that have contributed to the
SWAG archives. I have used various snippets from those
archives, as well as them giving me good ideas on how to
proceed next. Thank you.
There are probably more people that I have forgotten, but these have been
the most instrumental in the writing of this program.