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/ High Quality Images for EPSON Stylus Photo 1290 / 01coverback.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2000-01-01  |  3MB  |  1600x1593  |  24-bit (256,695 colors)
Labels: car | hakham | monitor | plant | sky
OCR: To run HIGH QUALITY IMAGES For Windows 95 /98 2000 and Windows NT4.0 HIGH QUALITI IMAGES EPSON HIGH QUALITY JMAGES EPSON HIGH QUALITY IMAGES EPSON STYLUS PHOTO 1290 Sdlocttm Salect ilangis English Saloc Slylu Phot 250 Stan PHOTO 1290 PHOTO 1290 Please install STYLUS PHOTO 1290 printer driver betore running this software. Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive Follow the prompt(s) that appear on the screen. If the prompt (s) do not appear double-click the My Computer icon. Click the CD-ROM icon, then select Open from the file menu. Select language and printer by clicking ) if necessary and click the START button. Select an image or D) "ORIGINAL or "CALENDAR' and the number of copies to print Be sure load A4 Photo Paper then click the Print button. To close this application. click Quit. 4013328 - ...