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<title>Reaching NASA From Home - Internet Access via Cable TV</title>
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<h1>Reaching NASA From Home - Internet Access via Cable TV</h1>
Last updated:
Thu Mar 14 09:56:55 EST 1996
Welcome to the
<em>Reaching NASA From Home - Internet Access via Cable TV</em>
Cooperative Agreement Notice web site.
Use this homepage to follow the progress of the CableNet project, an
endeavor to bring Internet access to the public via Cable Television.
I've rewritten these pages to be a bit more readable (user-friendly).
Much thanks to <a href=http://www.tezcat.com/~chicago/>Broadband Bob</a>
for his helpful comments, and for honoring this page, between February
20 and 27, on his <em>you gotta go here</em> feature.
I've also started work on a <a href=>CableNet FAQ</a>, which is
very much still in-the-making.
Let me know what you think (email options in the body below).
Thank you and enjoy your stay.
Technical terms and acronyms are introduced at the beginning of each
section, and are defined in a
<a href=/misc/glossary.html>glossary</a>.
They also appear as <em>emphasized</em> text on the pages
that introduce them.
<dt><strong><a href=>A Quick Overview</a></strong>
<strong>Technical Primer</strong>
<!-- <strong><a href=>Technical Primer</a></strong> -->
<dd>An abridged guided-tour version of the original proposal to NASA.
Includes quoted material. Technical primers include:
<li><strong>Internetworking Concepts</strong>
<li><a href=>Internetworking Concepts</a>
- ISO 7-layer model
<li><strong>Modulation Techniques</strong>
- AM, FM
<li><strong>Digital Encoding Techniques</strong>
- Manchester, Differential Manchester, etc.
<dt><strong><a href=>CableNet Hardware</a></strong>
<dd>More than 1.25Mbps RF modems.
The <a href=>summary</a> follows bits as they encouter
each of these devices.
<li><a href=>Ethernet</a>
- a popular LAN topology (3COM 3C509B-combo)
<li><a href=>ARNET Sync570(i)</a>
- Synchronous serial I/O
<li><a href=>voltage level converters</a>
- between RS232 and video levels
<li><a href=>Headend Tuning</a>
- forward channel <strong>mo</strong>dulation
<li><a href=>Tailend Tuning</a>
- forward channel <strong>dem</strong>odulation
<li><a href=>T-8 MOulating/DEModulating</a>
- return channel <strong>mo</strong>/<strong>dem</strong>'s
<dt><strong><a href=>CableNet Software</a></strong>
<img src=construc.gif>
<dd>aka the CableNet suite of network protocols.
The <a href=>summary</a> explores each of these protocols
and their duties.
A list of related Internet
<a href=>Requests For Comments (RFC's)</a>
provides links to formal protocol specifications.
<li><a href=>The Internet Protocol</a>
- for the IP LAN at home and the planet
<li><a href=>ISO 8473</a>
- a standardized, commercially-supported network protocol
<li><a href=>Cablenet Protocol</a>
- Link-layer media-arbitration, hardware addressing, control
message set, etc.
<li><a href=>Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)</a>
- between IP and Ethernet, as well as between ISO and [any]
CableNet [hardware addressing]
<li><a href=>IP Masquerading</a>
- done at the tailend box
<li><a href=>CableNet Control-Message Protocol</a>
- line quality, etc.
<dt><strong>In the Field</strong>
<dd>This works in the real world; most recent achievements listed first.
<li><strong>Electrical readings</strong> describing good/bad conditions
<li>Rudimentary <strong>CableNet Control Message</strong> set
<li><a href=>WWW server at the Cable Headend</a>
<li><a href=>Public demos and press coverage</a>
<li>1.25Mbps, full-duplex [forward <em>and</em> return channels]
<!-- Here down shall not change, except maybe for the mailform -->
<dt><strong>NASA, Our Group, and Other NASA R&D Efforts</strong>
<li><a href=http://www.nasa.gov/>NASA's Homepage</a>.
<li>[Other] <a href=>People and Companies</a>
involved in this effort.
<li><a href=http://dlt.gsfc.nasa.gov/Cans/>Other CAN's</a>
and a transcript of the official
<a href=http://camille.gsfc.nasa.gov/rsd/PR/PR1.html>
NASA Press Release</a>
on Internet Grants and Cooperative Agreements.
<dt><strong>An Invitation for Your Comments</strong>
<li>Email the author (me, Payter Versteegen) with your comments to:
<a href=mailto:payter@niccolo.gsfc.nasa.gov>
<li>Or use my <a href=>CGI mailform</a> if your
browser doesn't like <strong>mailto:</strong>
You are this month's visitor number:
<img src=5.htm><img src=4.htm><img src=3.htm>
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<a href=mailto:payter@niccolo.gsfc.nasa.gov>
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