IBM Presents OS/2 Software Hits 1995
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IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software Catalog
These programs are available on all sponsored IBM BBS's and
CompuServe. The file names are the filename.ZIP listed in
this catalog.
* *
* *
* You accept these programs with the understanding that *
* the IBM Corporation makes no representations or warranties *
* as to the suitability of these programs for your particular *
* purpose, and that to the extent you use or implement this *
* program in your own setting, you do so at your own risk. In *
* no event will the IBM Corporation be liable for any damages, *
* whether consequential, incidental, or special, arising out of *
* the use of or inability to use the programs provided. *
* Please read the LICENSE which follows to determine if you want *
* to use these programs. *
* *
* Copyright the IBM Corporation, 1992, All rights reserved. *
* *
IBM License Agreement for OS/2 Tools
International Business Machines Corporation grants you a license
to use the Program only in the country where you acquired it. The
Program is copyrighted and licensed (not sold). We do not
transfer title to the Program to you. You obtain no rights other
than those granted you under this license.
Under this license, you may:
1. use the Program on one or more machines at a time;
2. make copies of the Program for use or backup purposes within
your Enterprise;
3. modify the Program and merge it into another program; and
4. make copies of the original file you downloaded and distribute
it, provided that you transfer a copy of this license to the
other party. The other party agrees to these terms by its
first use of the Program.
You must reproduce the copyright notice and any other legend of
ownership on each copy or partial copy, of the Program.
You may NOT:
1. sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the Program; and
2. reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the
We do not warrant that the Program is free from claims by a third
party of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or any other
intellectual property infringement.
Under no circumstances are we liable for any of the following:
1. third-party claims against you for losses or damages;
2. loss of, or damage to, your records or data; or
3. economic consequential damages (including lost profits or
savings) or incidental damages, even if we are informed of
their possibility.
Some jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions,
so they may not apply to you.
We do not warrant uninterrupted or error free operation of the
Program. We have no obligation to provide service, defect
correction, or any maintenance for the Program. We have no
obligation to supply any Program updates or enhancements to you
even if such are or later become available.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
You may terminate this license at any time. We may terminate this
license if you fail to comply with any of its terms. In either
event, you must destroy all your copies of the Program.
You are responsible for the payment of any taxes resulting from
this license.
You may not sell, transfer, assign, or subcontract any of your
rights or obligations under this license. Any attempt to do so is
Neither of us may bring a legal action more than two years after
the cause of action arose.
If you acquired the Program in the United States, this license is
governed by the laws of the State of New York. If you acquired
the Program in Canada, this license is governed by the laws of
the Province of Ontario. Otherwise, this license is governed by
the laws of the country in which you acquired the Program.
Program Vers Rel Date Description
EWSCAT* 1.65 95/01/27 IBM OS2EWS Catalog
LCKDRV* 1.0 95/01/27 A DOS-Mode Drive Lock Utility for OS/2
ALPHAL 2.3 95/01/19 Code Browser and Analysis Tool
OS2GFC 1.2 95/01/18 A Graphical File Comparison Program
20MEMU 1.3 94/12/08 OS/2 Memory Usage display tool
CHKSTO 2.12 94/12/08 Checks storage space on hard disk
GFOLDR 2.3f 94/12/08 Group Folder create subsections within a folder
EXCAL 3.0 94/12/08 PM Calender Program
BINGO2 1.44 94/12/02 Bingo/2
GOSERV 1.41 94/11/23 A Gopher/WWW server for OS/2
BOOT2X 6.00 94/11/18 Program to create various OS/2 2.X Boot Diskettes
SHFTRN 1.60 94/11/18 Program to run an OS/2 2.0 program before IPL is done
APMTST 2.9 94/11/16 PM Automation Tool
GOPHER 1.9915 94/11/10 OS/2 PM client for the Internet Gopher protocol
TXT2PS 2.54 94/11/09 Program to enhance the use of PostScript printers
MCLIP 3.3 94/10/25 ManyClip provides multiple OS/2 PM text clipboard
QCONFG 2.21 94/10/12 Machine Configuration Report Utility
FENX2 1.12 94/09/30 Phoenix file recovery utility
RINGUT 1.02 94/09/08 LAN Ring Utilization display utility
LANXCO 1.00 94/09/08 XCOPY for LAN
TVFS 2.08 94/07/28 Toronto Virtual File System
VPOKER 1.00 94/06/16 Video Poker for OS/2 2.1
PROGRF 1.1 94/02/01 A utility to generate program reference objects from exe's
ENVED 1.1 94/02/01 An environment variables editor
ROBOSV 3.04 94/02/01 A Desktop backup and restore program
700PRO 1.0 94/02/01 Thinkpad 700c/720c display control panel for OS/2 PM
MSHELL 1.0 94/02/01 Mini PM Shell for OS/2
TSHELL 1.0 94/02/01 A non-GUI, Text Shell for OS/2
STARTD 1.0 94/02/01 An OS/2 Program to Start VDM's Under OS/2
TINYED 2.2 94/01/31 Tiny OS/2 and DOS editor
EXEMAP 2.1.3 93/11/09 Maps OS/2 V2, V1, Windows and PC-DOS EXE Headers.
CLPSRV 1.0 93/10/28 TCP/IP clipboard server for OS/2 2.x
CLOKGS 1.32 93/10/28 A simple clock for your PM desktop
TUNEUP 1.0 93/10/25 IBM LAN Server Ver 2.0 & 3.0 tuning utility
RXFTP 1.00 93/10/25 Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP FTP for OS/2 2.0
EPMPLX 2.2 93/08/17 EPM customized for writing PL/1 type code
RXSOCK 1.3 93/08/16 Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP Sockets for OS/2 2.0
CSTEPM 1.0 93/08/06 A customized version of EPM
L40BAT 2.21 93/08/06 L40SX Battery indicator program
L40TEM 2.21 93/08/06 L40SX Temperature indicator program
COLRPT 1.01 93/08/06 A program that will report the Pixel colors
CDEXPL 2.3 93/08/06 A Compact Disc Digital Audio Explorer
EXDESK 1.0 93/08/06 A WPS DLL to extend functions of OS/2 Desktop object
BN2SRC 1.0 93/08/05 Binary Data File to Source Translation Utility
LTRNAM 1.0 93/08/05 Change "HOST-X-3270 Emulator" to any ASCII string
MEGADS 1.0 93/08/05 Expands virtual desktop area, create "rooms"
LP3820 2.3a 93/06/17 Print AFP documents on a personal laser printer
PMPRTF 2.56 93/06/17 Utility to handle PRINTF statements in your code
PMGB32 2.18 93/06/17 PMGlobe - an OS/2 Presentation Manager World Globe
%21MEMU 1.0A 93/01/12 OS/2 2.1 Beta Memory display tool (DELETED)
ELEPHT 1.21 93/05/04 ELEPHANT a demo of OS/2 animations using icons
LP382F 2.2d 93/04/12 LP382F - Fonts for use with lp3820 HP-PCL and
4019 PPDS modes
APING 2.36 93/04/08 APPC Echo Test written in CPI-C
AREXEC 2.36 93/04/08 APPC Remote Command Execution (written in CPI-C)
ATELL 2.36 93/04/08 APPC Tell Program - send a message (written in CPI-C)
CBOOK 1.00 93/04/08 C language file formatter for BookMaster
ELEP2F 5.0 93/04/08 OS/2 Entry Level 3270 Emulation Program
LOADDF 1.0 93/04/08 Utilities to save and load a diskette to and from a file
PMFTRM 1.5 93/03/23 IBM Employee Written S/W, ASYNC Terminal Emulator
DIRSTA 1.02 93/03/23 Program to Display LAN info for attached LAN
CPOST 1.2 93/03/23 C language file formatter for PostScript
AUTODI 0.30 93/03/23 A graphical display of APPN resources
RXD 1.00 93/02/15 REXX Sourve Level Debug Utility
PMCAM2 1.00 93/02/15 PM CAMERA/2, capture the screen with this utility
RXMATH 1.00 92/12/02 Basic math functions to use with OS/2 2.0 REXX
PRNTPS 1.00 92/11/10 REXX CMD file to print TEXT on a PS capable printer
RXAPPC 1.00 92/11/09 REXX/APPC Function interface Package
RXNETB 1.00 92/11/06 REXX/NETBIOS Function interface Package
EDTINI 1.00 92/10/02 A text only INI file editor
VREXX2 1.00 92/09/24 Visual REXX for OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager
HEXDMP 1.00 92/09/01 Program to Display or create programs in HEX
DBMRPW 1.00 92/09/01 Program to allow REMOTE ADMINISTRATION of DB Passwords
DINFO 1.30 92/08/21 Program to display Swapper Size and Free space
PMTREE 1.0 92/08/18 Graphical display of/interaction with PM windows
IPFCPP 1.0 92/07/18 IBM Employee Written S/W, IPFC Pre-Processor
* = Updated with this release from last version...
% = Withdrawn ...
LCKDRV.ZIP Date Issued - January 27, 1995
Author: Doug Azzarito
Version 1.0
This program will allow DOS programs to gain direct access to disk
drives under OS/2. Without this utility, programs that attempt to
write directly to the disk will fail(disk editors, defragmentation
utilities, etc).
ALPHAL.ZIP Date Issued - August 4, 1992
Latest Release - Jan. 19, 1995
Author: Lionel de Lambert, IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd.
Version 2.3
ALPHA is a code browse and analysis program for 370 & 386 Assembler,
PASCAL, C, PL/AS etc. ALPHA provides basic browse functions and
will also draw branch flow lines, display the program call
structure, highlight keywords and expand the procedure calls in a
secondary window.
Alpha - 16 and 20 point fonts.
- PAS,C,PLS - Comment continuation.
- Default window size for 8515/8516 screens.
- Language_operator keyword to specify programme structure.
- Comment_end keyword to specify the terminating characters of
a comment.
Alpha2 - Collapse of BEGIN/END pairs.
- PAS,C,PLS - Comment continuation.
- Printer support.
- Open a second window with the inlude file by double clicking on
the INCLUDE statement, provided that the Include option is
- Comment_end keyword to specify the terminating characters of
a comment.
- Select window function in Window menue.
- Remember the profile name from the Allocate menue.
- Transfer_pgm keyword from profile.
OS2GFC.ZIP Date Issued - February, 1 1994
Latest Issue - Jan. 18, 1995
Author: Barney Scott
Ver. 1.2
GFC is a graphical file comparison program. It compares two files on disk and
notes lines that are common to both. A bar chart is drawn, giving an overall
view of which lines match, and the text of either file, or a composite file,
is displayed. The default view is the composite file.
20MEMU.ZIP Date Issued - January 08, 1993
Latest Release - Dec. 08, 1994
Author: Ross Cook IBM Boca Raton FL.
Glenn Brew IBM Boca Raton FL.
OS20MEMU is an OS/2 protect-mode program which displays a "snapshot"
of the current memory usage in an OS/2 system.
Total free storage is also shown.
The information given includes:
- Applications (by name) - Amount in Use
- Total Vdisk size - Virtual Machine size
- Total Disk Cache size - Memory owned by application
- Shared memory - Free memory
- Amount Swapped
In addition, extensive detail can be requested for each application
currently executing by entering the process ID (PID).
Command examples:
OS20MEMU - runs program in default mode
OS20MEMU ? - gives brief help and setup notes
See the OS20MEMU.TXT file for Install instructions.
Change History:
93/1/7 Version 1.0:
- First general release.
93/4/27 Version 1.01
- SYS3175 fixes
93/6/16 Version 1.02
- Supports ALL released OS/2 2.X systems (not Beta's)
94/12/08 Version 1.3
- Support for WARP.
CHKSTO.ZIP Date Issued - Feb., 1 1994
Latest Release - Dec. 08, 1994
Author: David Kelsey
Ver. 2.12
CHKSTORE is a package which will check on the use of space on user's home
directories. It they exceed a limit imposed on them, then the system will
"revoke" that user by changing access of their home directory and all their
subdirectories to be RDA. If a user has been "revoked" and their home directory
is either increased or the user deletes some files then the package will
"unrevoke" the user by giving them full access back to their directory.
GFOLDR.ZIP Date Issued - May 19, 1993
Latest Release - Dec. 08, 1994
(Version 2.3f)
Author: Dan Kehn IBM Cary, NC
Group Folder
To handle the problem of getting to an object in a folder, many
users create a special folder to hold objects that they frequently
use. But often this new folder becomes filled with objects, some
of which are only used once a month while others are used hourly.
Locating a desired object in such a folder can be like trying to
find "a needle in a haystack".
To solve the retrieval problem, Group Folder allows you to create
visible subsections within a given folder. Thus, you have more
control over the organization of the contents of folders. The
grouping of related objects helps you locate the object you want
more quickly.
EXCAL.ZIP Date Issued - Feb., 1 1994
Latest Release - Dec. 08, 1994
Ver. 3,0
Author: Diana Soost and Dan Kehn IBM UK
ExCal provides a means for a user to keep track of their
day-to-day activities. The calendar allows you to view months at
a glance and to schedule events for one or more days. The events
may be scheduled to occur on a single day, daily, monthly, weekly,
or yearly. To remind you of a given event, you can set an event
BINGO2.ZIP Date Issued - Dec. 02, 1994
Ver. 1.44
Author: Ray Zapanta
Bingo/2 for OS/2 is a 32-bit, multi-threaded, multi-media OS/2 2.x
Presentation Manager software program which allows you to play many
different types of bingo games on your computer.
GOSERV.ZIP Date Issued - May 13, 1993
Latest Issue - Nov. 23, 1994
Author: Mike Cowlishaw IBM UK Laboratories
Ver. 1.41
'Gopher' is a client-server protocol designed for text location and
retrieval. It was designed at the University of Minnesota, and is
widely used; both clients and servers exist for most significant
operating systems. The Gopher protocol is described in documents
distributed by the University of Minnesota Microcomputer and Workstation
Networks Center.
'GoServe' is a Gopher server for OS/2, which may also be used as a
simple World Wide Web (WWW) server, using the HyperText Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). The GoServe package includes documentation and samples
for both Gopher and WWW servers.
Goserve is a 32-bit OS/2 application. It requires TCP/IP for OS/2 to be
installed and operational (either on a real network or using the
loopback driver).
BOOT2X.ZIP Date Issued - August 21, 1992
Latest Release - Nov 18, 1994
Version 6.00
Author: Kenneth Kahn IBM Poughkeepsie, NY
The BOOTOS2 program is a utility that allows you to build a BOOTable OS/2 V2
or V3 system using an existing OS/2 V2 or V3 system. The BOOT system can be
installed on either Floppy Disks or a Hard Disk Partition.
There are three types of BOOT systems you can install: Minimum. PM, and
Ver 2.00
The BOOTOS2 program is a utility that allows you to build a BOOTable
OS/2 V2 system using an existing OS/2 V2 system. The BOOT system can
be installed on either Floppy Disks or a Hard Disk Partition.
Ver 3.00
05/93 : (V3.00)
- Updated BOS2U21 and BOS2S21 files to 2.1 GA levels
- Fixed 2DISK option. It will no longer return RC=4 after trying
to format B.
- Added support for SVGA; Copy over \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI
- Added code to copy over BASEDEV= invocation arguments
- Added code to copy over HELPMGR.DLL if room allows
- Added 2.1 support for 8514 by updating BOS2U21.INI with the proper values
for PM_DISPLAYS. This updating of BOS2U21 will be done for all display
types if necessary.
- Added support for HPFS386
- For a Disk Install, install sequence changed so the files SYSINST1 and
HARDERR are only copied if there is room. This frees up room for BIO
files required by certain MicroChannel machines that could not fit
*NOTE* If SYSINST1/HARDERR are not installed, then CAD will not work
- Enhanced install of BASEDEV drivers. For a single 1.44M BOOT Disk, only
those BASEDEV drivers that are needed for accessing DASD (.ADD) are copied.
Otherwise, if room allows, all BASEDEV drivers will be copied.
- Removed copying of DTM.DLL for a TYPE=PM or TYPE=WPS install. It wasn't
needed for anything as far as I could tell and at least one user complained
it wasn't installed on his base OS/2 system
- Support for the IBM IA/A is not working in this release. I am trying to get
help with this from the IA/A development team, but it might take a while. If
you have IA/A support installed on your active system when you run BOOTOS2,
you can try the following:
* On the \OS2\DLL directory of your active OS/2 2.x system, look for a file
named DISPLAY.OLD; this is the DISPLAY.DLL that was active before you ran
the IA/A INSTALL program. Copy this 'over' the DISPLAY.DLL that BOOTOS2
installed on the \OS2\DLL directory of your 'target' system.
* In the CONFIG.SYS of your target system, look for the following statements:
* Change these to:
* Do this *BEFORE* you IPL your Target BOOTOS2 System
SHFTRN.ZIP Date Issued -August 5, 1992
Latest Release - Nov. 18, 1994
Ver. 1.60
Author: Michael Harris IBM Cary N. C.
ShiftRun is a utility that enables you to optionally run any OS/2 Full Screen
program while OS/2 is booting. When ShiftRun is started, it waits for the
number of seconds that you specify and then checks to see if the LEFT shift
key is pressed. If it is pressed, ShiftRun will start an OS/2 Full Screen
program that you specify. Presentation Manager will not load until you exit
the Full Screen Program. If the LEFT shift key is not pressed, ShiftRun will
exit and Presentation Manager will load.
APMTST.ZIP Date Issued - Nov. 16, 1994
Author:Dev Banerjee
APMT provides a set of executables and a REXX function package. Using
the functions provided you can write a REXX program which can drive a
PM application running on the same or a different PC. Thus the REXX
program can act as a test script for testing the PM application.
GOPHER.ZIP Date Issued - April 8, 1993
Latest Release - Nov 10, 1994
Author: David S. Singer IBM Almaden, CA
Gopher is an OS/2 Presentation Manager client for the Internet Gopher
protocol, as originally developed at the University of Minnesota.
You must have OS/2 TCP/IP (Version 1.2.1 or later) to use Gopher.
Ver 1.9915
Fixes some storage allocation errors, and improves the default network
selection process.
TXT2PS.ZIP Date Issued - September 1, 1992
Latest Release Date - Nov 09, 1994 (Ver 2.54)
Author: Mason Williams IBM Almaden, CA.
TXT2PS contains TEXTorPS for PostScript Printers. TEXTorPS is an
application program that can enhance the usability of OS/2
PostScript printers by permitting the user to leave the printer in
PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by
applications which are not PostScript aware. When TEXTorPS is running,
PostScript printer jobs are undisturbed, but other text files are
modified by the insertion of a PostScript program to interpret the job
as ASCII text. The user may specify the font, typesize, line spacing,
margins, orientation, page numbers and strings on each page.
Version 2.09 -
This corrects failure to print when options to include
NLS chars or more chars from CP437, which was the initial
selection in v 2.08.
Version 2.15
Revised for more robust operation under OS/2 2.1, help text revised.
TXT2PS contains TEXTorPS for PostScript Printers. TEXTorPS is an
application program that can enhance the usability of OS/2
PostScript printers by permitting the user to leave the printer in
PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by
applications which are not PostScript aware. When TEXTorPS is running,
PostScript printer jobs are undisturbed, but other text files are
modified by the insertion of a PostScript program to interpret the job
as ASCII text. The user may specify the font, typesize, line spacing,
margins, orientation, page numbers and strings on each page.
Version 2.50 is a rewrite to permit use of newer 32 bit drivers.
Version 2.51 Major revision 32 bit version, Spooler interface now.
Version 2.54 has a fix for NET USE from the 2.51 major rewrite for Warp.
MCLIP.ZIP Date Issued - October 25, 1994
Ver 3.3
Author: Tim Francis
ManyClip provides multiple OS/2 PM text clipboards. Its operation is
completely transparent to (and thus compatible with) all applications
that use the clipboard.
ManyClip also includes an editable PM view of the current clipboard,
and the ability to save, restore, and print any or all clipboards.
QCONFG.ZIP Date Issued - January 20, 1993
Ver. 2.21 Latest Issue - Oct. 12, 1994
Author: Norris Couch IBM Boca Raton FL.
3 programs, all the same report, but an OS/2 version, DOS version, and a
Bi-Modal verion to report you system configuration. Output can be
redirected to another file or a printer.
Updated with fixes, now works to identify a 486...
FENX2.ZIP Date Issued - Sept. 30, 1994
Ver. 1.12
File Phoenix will scan a selected drive and list all files
which are possibly recoverable. You can then select one or
more files and recover them to another drive.
File Phoenix also allows you to:
1) View the first 4096 bytes of a file before
recovering it.
2) View each cluster of an erased FAT file and
decide whether you want to recover it or skip
it. This is especially useful when recovering
files who's clusters were not contiguous.
Both HPFS and FAT drives are supported. For HPFS, however,
all allocated sectors must be scanned in order to find
erased files. This means that scanning HPFS drives will
require significantly more time than scanning FAT drives.
NOTE: even if all bytes of an erased file are recovered,
there is no guarantee that the *correct* bytes are
recovered. That is, if a sector of the erased file
was overwritten, the wrong data would be recovered.
The less activity on the drive since the time the
file was erased, the better the chances that the
entire file will be correctly recovered.
NOTE: I haven't tested recovering files from compressed
disks (e.g. disks compressed with Stacker ).
Reports from other users, however, indicate that
that recovery of such files does work.
LANXCO.ZIP Date Issued - Sept. 08, 1994
Author: Chris Ahl
ver. 1.00
LANXCOPY is a simple program which allows for the transfer of files
from one PC to another PC via the LAN. NETBIOS is used for the file
transfer so there is no need to install and/or setup PCLP and/or
LAN Requester/Server.
RINGUT.ZIP Date Issued - Sept. 08, 1994
Author: Chris Ahl
ver. 1.02
This program displays the LAN Ring Utilization for the ring
on which the station resides. Utilization is checked every minute
and the last hour of activity is graphed.
TVFS.ZIP Date Issued - July 28, 1994
Version 2.08
Author: T.B. Francis and M.D. Leitch
The Toronto Virtual File System (TVFS) is an OS/2 Installable File System
that combines VM and UNIX (**) file system concepts. The specific VM file
system concept employed is the "CMS search path". The specific UNIX file
system concept employed is the "symbolic link". Each of these concepts is
described below.
VPOKER.ZIP Date Issued - 06/16/94
Author: Brett King
VPoker is a pretty standard Video Poker game like you would find in
casinos in Las Vegas or Atlantic City. It is 5 card draw, with no wild
cards. I've tried to make the game more interesting by adding MMPM/2
sounds and unusual cards. This program was written using VisPro/REXX(tm)
from Hockware.
PROGRF.ZIP Date Issued - Feb., 1 1994
Latest Issue - Feb, 9 1994
Author: Felix Sawicki
ver. 1.1
Progref is a pm utility to quickly generate Program reference objects from
executables. The program program accepts as input 0 or more fully
defined program names (ie the path is included) separated by blanks.
For example "progref d:\abcd\test.exe f:\zyz\next.cmd". If no argument is
supplied a file dialog provides for selection of the input file.
Alternatly, selecting executables from the drives object and dropping them on
a program reference of progref itself will provide the same input. A simple
one panel dialog will allow the user to select the parameters described below.
The program reference objects will be put on the desktop, where they can be
dropped into the folders of your choice. The repeat button will produce
a program reference object and leave the dialog box in place. This is
handy if you want to make multiple copies with minor changes.
ENVED.ZIP Date Issued - Feb, 1 1994
Author: Tim Baldwin
Ver. 1.1
ENVED is an OS/2 full screen or windowed command prompt program that
provides an editor for the current process environment variables.
Current environment values may be changed, new values added or unwanted
values deleted, all from an easy to use full screen interface. This may
be of particular interest to application developers where a tweak or two
to an environment variable is often needed to help compilation, testing
or debugging.
ROBOSV.ZIP Date Issued - Feb., 1 1994
Author: Dick Kurtz and Jeff Knauth
ver. 3.04
ROBOSAVE allows you to easily back up your OS/2 2.x Desktop and later
restore it to the same system. You can also specify a limited number of
files to be saved/restored. A simple text profile controls the ROBOSAVE
700PRO.ZIP Date Issued - Feb., 1 1994
Author: Naotaka kato
This program:
- was prepared for a customer who uses ThinkPad 700C/720C
as a presentation tool at conference.
TINYED.ZIP Date Issued - August 11, 1992
Latest Release - February 1, 1994
Author: Tim Baldwin IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd.
There are times even in today's world of multi-megabyte personal
computers when a quick, simple and small text editor is of benefit.
With a .EXE file of less than 9K bytes T is designed to fit that role.
For the DOS user trying to cram more and more into 640K the advantages
of small size are obvious, for the OS/2 user the speed and ability to
run when even Presentation Manager is unavailable may prove just as
MSHELL.ZIP Date Issued - February 1, 1994
Author: Monte Copeland IBM, Boca Raton, Fl
MShell is a mini PM shell for OS/2 2.X that uses the RUNWORKPLACE
architecture of the Workplace Shell. MShell is basically a
program launcher; configure programs by editing a plain-text INI.
TSHELL.ZIP Date Issued - February 1, 1994
Author: Monte Copeland IBM, Boca Raton, Fl
TShell is a text, non-GUI shell for OS/2. It does not initialize the
Presentation Manager; only OS/2 text, DOS and Windows sessions will
work. Specify TSHELL.EXE on the PROTSHELL statement in CONFIG.SYS.
Optional: use supplied PGMSHELL.EXE to program the TShell start list.
STARTD.ZIP Date Issued - February, 1 1994
Author: Monte Copeland IBM, Boca Raton, Fl
StartDos is a utility to start DOS sessions programmatically.
Useful when running under reduced-functions shells like MShell or
TShell, or when spawning DOS programs from OS/2 batch files.
Uses REXX to specify DOS settings prior to session start.
EXEMAP.ZIP Date Issued - August 28, 1993
Latest Release: November 11, 1993
Author: Brian Kenn Australian Programming Centre, IBM Australia
This utility maps OS/2 V2, V1, Windows and PC-DOS EXE Headers. This
version includes extensive cross-referencing and decoding of module
ordinal numbers into a readable format.
CLIPSRV.ZIP Date Issued - October 28, 1993
IBM Cary, N.C.
Author: Patrick Mueller
Version 1.0
ClipServ.exe is a PM program that acts as an OS/2 tcp/ip server for the
system clipboard. A remote client can request the text (CF_TEXT)
contents of the clipboard from the system ClipServ.exe runs on. A
sample client for XEDIT on CMS is provided as an example. This client,
GETCLIP XEDIT, provides a paste function for XEDIT.
CLOKGS.ZIP Latest Release Date - October 28, 1993
Date Issued - October 3, 1992
Author: Gunnar P. Seaburg IBM Houston Texas.
GPSCLOCK is a simple digitial clock program for OS/2.
Double-click mouse button 1 on its window to set options, or
start it like this:
start gpsclock ?
to see options available. Double-click with mouse button 2 to
end the program.
TUNEUP.ZIP Date Issued - August 24, 1993
Latest Release Date - October 25, 1993
Author: Ken Hubacher IBM Austin, Texas
TUNEUP Version 1.00
TuneUp is a tool to assist administrators of IBM LAN Server version 2.0
and 3.0 in performance and tuning of their LAN Server environments.
This offers an easy interface where users are prompted for questions and
then recommendations are calculated and supplied back in an ascii file.
Ramcalc is a separate tool included with TuneUp. Ramcalc provides an
easy interface to determine the amount data ram area Netbios and 802.2
protocols are utilizing. Each protocol must be less than 64k of system
RAM that is allocated for its use.
RXFTP.ZIP Date Issued - October 25, 1993
Author: Patrick Mueller
- Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP FTP for OS/2 2.0
rxFtp is a REXX function package providing access to the OS/2
TCP/IP FTP API as provided by the IBM TCP/IP product, version
EPMPLX.ZIP Date Issued - August 17, 1993
Author: Steve Greenspan
EPMPLX Version 2.2
EPM PL/x Coding Assist (EPMPLx) is a set of EPM key definitions and
command macros that attempts to improve programmer productivity (and
decrease frustration) while writing PL/1 type code.
EPMPLx eases the task of coding in the following ways:
* Structure expansion - PL/AS structures such as IF, ELSE, DO,
expanded. You just enter the structure keyword and the entire
structure is placed into the file.
* Automatic remark placement - Remarks are automatically started in
the column you select.
* Automatic and controlled remark formatting - When entering
remarks the text of the remark is automatically formatted to stay
within set columns. Remarks can also be reformatted at your
request. The starting and ending columns can be changed at any
* Automatic flagging - You can have 4 or 8 character change flags
automatically placed into your remarks.
* Case control -
- Text entered as code can be forced to uppercase, swapped, or asis.
- Keywords can be upper, lower, or mixed case.
* Controlled code insertion and deletion - When code is inserted or
deleted on a line containing a remark, the remark is not moved.
* Remark reformatting - The text of a remark can be reformatted at
the touch of a key.
* Auto indent - When a new line is inserted, the cursor is placed
in the line and column in which you probably want to enter new
* Block comment insertion and editing - When adding new or editing
old block comments, you can enter the text of the comment without
worrying about the block comment delimiters.
RXSOCK.ZIP Date Issued - April 8, 1993
Latest Release Date - August 16, 1993
Author: Patrick Mueller IBM Cary, N.C.
RXSOCK Version 1.3
rxSock - Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP Sockets for OS/2 2.0
rxSock is a REXX function package providing access to the OS/2
TCP/IP socket API as provided by the IBM TCP/IP product, version
Release History
- version 1.3
- fixed stupid bug in SockGetPeerName() and SockGetSockName()
- version 1.2
- added SockVersion(), SockClose(), SockIoctl(), SockSelect(),
SockGetSockOpt(), SockSetSockOpt()
- changed documentation for SockGetHostByName() and SockGetHostByAddr()
to reflect what the code actually does
- now return a list of addresses per host instead of just one
CSTEPM.ZIP Date Issued - August 6, 1993
Author: Larry Margolis IBM Yorktown Research Center, N.Y.
CUSTEPM Version 1.00
CustEPM adds an Actions menu to EPM, in a way that makes it easy for
users to incorporate into their own EPM setup. It is a customized
version of EPM that users who don't want to recompile the macros can use
directly, that users who want to customize only by setting flags in the
MYCNF.E and recompiling can incorporate, and that true hackers can start
with as a base and modify to their hearts' content.
L40BAT.ZIP Date Issued - November 6, 1992
Latest Release Date - August 6, 1993
Author: Barry Diller IBM Houston Texas.
L40BATT Version 2.21
L40BATT is an OS/2 PM 1.30.1 or 2.0 program for monitoring the condition of
the IBM PS/2 L40 SX battery. Bar graphs show the battery voltage and the
current (in amperes) being drawn from the battery. Both graphs are updated
once a second. A line graph displays the 'historical' value of the battery
voltage so that you can monitor the battery's rate of charge or discharge.
Version 2.21 July 22, 1993
Error pop-up messages are now written to a log file.
'Phantom' errors from the system are now detected and ignored.
Increased the program stack to account for new OS/2 2.1 requirements.
Found a compiler switch set wrong - unknown if it caused any problems.
Program was not saving options correctly under OS/2 2.1, causing multiple
unrelated program errors at subsequent startups.
Program options are now saved to L40BATT.INI, and not to OS2.INI.
Released to the world via the IBM Employee Written Software program.
Version 2.20 February 9, 1993
Added option to sync window title updates to bar or line graph updates.
Revised display code to not redraw the line graph each second.
Changed the 'simulated display' mode to be more visually interesting.
Released to the world via the IBM Employee Written Software program.
L40TEM.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Latest Release - August 8,1993
Author: Barry Diller IBM Houston Texas.
L40TEMP Version 2.21
L40TEMP is an OS/2 PM 1.30.1 or 2.0 program for monitoring the temperature of
the IBM PS/2 L40 SX battery and the ambient temperature inside the PS/2's case.
Bar graphs show the battery and ambient temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit or
degrees Celcius. Both graphs are updated once a second. A line graph displays
the 'historical' value of either temperature so that you can monitor the rate
of temperature change.
Version 2.21
Error pop-up messages are now written to a log file.
'Phantom' errors from the system are now detected and ignored.
Increased the program stack to account for new OS/2 2.1 requirements.
Found a compiler switch set wrong - unknown if it caused any problems.
Program was not saving options correctly under OS/2 2.1, causing multiple
unrelated program errors at subsequent startups.
Program options are now saved to L40TEMP.INI, and not to OS2.INI.
Released to the world via the IBM Employee Written Software program.
COLRPT.ZIP Date Issued - November 6, 1992
Latest Release Date - August 6, 1993
Author: Barry Diller IBM Houston Texas.
COLORPT Version 1.01
COLORPT is an OS/2 Presentation Manager program that continually reports the
name and value of the color of the pel (pixel) that is under your OS/2 PM mouse
pointer. The color value can be displayed in several different color models.
COLORPT is especially targetted to users of PCs with grayscale video or LCD
Version 1.01
Program was not saving options correctly under OS/2 2.1, causing multiple
unrelated program errors at subsequent startups.
Program options are now saved to COLORPT.INI, and not to OS2.INI.
Released to the world via the IBM Employee Written Software program.
CDEXPL.ZIP Date Issued - August 7, 1992
Latest Release Date - August 6, 1993
Author: Dave Thomas IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.
CDEXPLOR Version 2.3
Features: Play including options for disc repeat, track repeat
Disc status/Counter, Eject, Pause/Stop, Skip to next/previous track.
Output to CD-attached headphones or audio card-attached speakers.
Table of contents - allows random track selection, plus a nifty way to
indicate current track via auto-selection in list.
Mini window option requires less screen space to interact with CD.
Shares CD with other well-behaved CD applications.
Requires --
- MMPM/2 (multimedia extensions to OS/2 2.0) installed with CD support
- An MMPM/2 supported CD player that allows digital audio disc playback
- IBM 3510
- Toshiba functional equivalents to the above
- Output to speakers requires an audio card like IBM M-Audio ACPA
- Headphone support via the CD headphone jack is the default
Release History (most recent first)
2.3 8/9/93 - Add "Save Settings" - saves user selections, window pos
- Fix funkiness with Mute/Sound button visibility
- more legible mini icon
2.2 7/9/93 - Recompile for MMPM 1.1 (OS/2 2.1)
- track info saving working now on OS/2 2.1
- fix bug if non digital audio disc (like CD ROM) inserted
2.0 3/09/93 - Fix format of counter
- Track counter in status area is now editable spin button
- Position is user-modifyable (only when stopped)
- "User Track Info" window replaces Table of contents
allows user to add and save track names (or ANY information)
- CD Explorer will recognize discs it has saved before
and load any user info.
- Disc shuffle
- Mute
- partial function option for better performance
(overhaul for better performance)
- Overhaul user interface for better use of screen space
- full-size at screen yTop will stay on screen
1.0 7/31/92 - Shares CD with other CD apps (supports PASSDEVICE)
- all global data now stored in window words
- Multiples explorers at different places on same disc]
- unlock drive on exit (and other fixes)
- change forward trk and Rev Trk buttons to !<< and >>!
to indicate going to track boundary.
- hi res minimize icon for pretty 8514 display
- save 4K on device-independent prod info box bitmap
EXDESK.ZIP Date Issued - August 6, 1993
Author: Dan Campbell IBM Raleigh, N.C
EXTDESK Version 1.00
EXTDESK is a WPS Class DLL for the "ExtendedDesktop" object class,
which is a subclass of the "WPDesktop" object class. Its purpose
is to extend the functions of the OS/2 2.x Desktop object.
ExtendedDesktop extends the OS/2 2.x WPS Desktop to:
1) Optionally remove Arrange & Sort from the Desktop context menu.
2) Align groups of icons on the Desktop vertically or horizontally.
3) Snap-to-Grid with user defined Grid Spacing.
4) Precisely position individual icons on Desktop from Settings Notebook.
5) Precisely position individual icons on Desktop from C or REXX.
BN2SRC.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1993
Author: Kennneth A. Kahn IBM Poughkeepsie N.Y.
BIN2SRC Version 1.00
The BIN2SRC utilities convert Binary Data Files to equivalent High Level
Language Structures. You can add the conversion directly into source code
for the C, MASM or RC compilers.
The following utilities come with the package:
BIN2MASM = Translates Binary Data to an equivalent MASM DB Structure
BIN2C = Translates Binary Data to an equivalent C BYTE Array
BIN2RC = Translates Binary Data to a form compatable with the
RCDATA Resource type
LTRNAM.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1993
Author: Kennneth A. Kahn IBM Poughkeepsie N.Y.
LTRENAME Version 1.00
Normally, the OS/2 CM assigns by default the Text "HOST - X - 3270 Emulator"
to an LT session as the Title for both the LT Window and as the Entry Text
in the OS/2 Window List (the Switch Entry). This default text is not very
descriptive. The LTRENAME utility allows you to change this Title Text to
any valid ASCII string. This allows you to more easily identify your LT
sessions, especially when the are minimized. The new Text string can be as
simple as the Host Name, or as complicated as you need.
MEGADS.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1993
Author: Brent Gross IBM Toronto, Canada
MEGADESK Version 2.24
Megadesk expands your desktop to increase the height and width of your
screen. It allows movement to each screen-sized "room" with a single
mouse-click on the desired room's "picture" in Megadesk's main window
The Megadesk picture is drawn with the pull-down in the "Options" menu
item "Redraw all Screens". When windows move within a room, Megadesk's
picture of the room can be updated with a right-mouse double-click on the
picture. If you want a window to appear in all rooms, select it in the
"Locks" menuitem pull-down and it will stay on the screen as you move to
all your new rooms (Megadesk itself is automatically locked).
LP3820.ZIP Date Issued - April 12, 1993
Latest Release - June 17, 1993
Author: Ken Borgedale IBM Boca Raton, FL
Version 2.3a -
Most documents created within IBM are in the AFP format (LIST3820,
LIST38PP, PSEG3820). lp3820 allows you to print AFP documents on
personal laser printers (IBM LaserPrinter, HP LaserJet, and any
PostScript printer).
lp3820 consists of a single program which will run in any version
of OS/2, or in DOS 3.3 and above.
PMPRTF.ZIP Date Issued - September 3, 1992
Latest Release - June 17,1993
Author: Mike Cowlishaw IBM United Kingdom Laboratories.
* Would you like to use the C standard function 'printf' in your PM
programs for debugging, occasional error messages, etc.?
* Do you have existing subroutines, that use printf, that you'd like to
use in PM programs?
If you answer yes to either of these, you may find the PMprintf tool
useful. PMprintf comprises two parts:
printf.obj -- an object file, compiled with IBM C Set/2, which you
link in with your PM program just like any other subroutine. This
provides the printf service to that program. You write printf calls
in your C program in the usual way; the printf subroutine buffers
the data (on a per-thread basis in multi-thread programs) and adds
each completed line to a message queue. For example, the following
printf call will write a line to the PMprintf application and sound
the Alert (bell):
printf("This seems to work\a\n");
Sample source (in C) is also provided for the printf function.
pmprintf.exe -- is a PM application which sets up the queue used by
printf and then "catches" and displays incoming printf lines. It is
a kind of 'monitor' or 'virtual console' which will accept lines
from any number of processes that use printf. PMprintf offers a
number of options, including the ability to log the incoming lines
to a file. See below for a short description of the options.
If PMprintf has been started then it will display the incoming lines
from printf calls in other processes. If it has not been started,
then printf calls are quietly ignored (they return 0, not an error).
PMprintf can be started or stopped at any time, and printf calls
will then become active or be ignored as appropriate.
Sample source for printf (printf.c) is included in the package; this
offers certain customization options (for example, you can cause a
prefix to be added to the start of each line so that different
applications can have unique output lines, or cause lines to be broken
at a certain length). There are also some usage hints and minor
restrictions, documented in the header of printf.c.
PMGB32.ZIP Date Issued - September 3, 1992
Latest Release Date - June 17,1993
Author: Mike Cowlishaw IBM United Kingdom Laboratories.
PMGlobe is a program which displays the Earth as a globe using OS/2
Presentation Manager. You can choose to view the globe from any
direction, or select one of a number of 'standard' views.
In addition to simply displaying a picture of the world, PMGlobe will
also let you light the globe as though by sunlight -- so you can see
at a glance those areas of the globe where the sun has risen, and where
it is night. Additional options add shading to the globe for a
three-dimensional effect, and let you measure distances between
two points on the globe. Other features are described in the file
With the command interface included with PMGlobe, you can add markers
and labels to the globe and have greater control over its actions. If
you wish, you can use REXX (the scripting language included with OS/2)
as a macro language for PMGlobe -- see PMGLOBEX.DOC for a description of
the PMGlobe commands available; all of them can be used in a REXX macro.
Ver 2.02 fixes a problem with DOS programs (even COMM ones) and adds
on-globe clock capability.
21MEMU.ZIP Date Issued - January 12, 1993
----> Withdrawn - June 16, 1993 <----
Author: Ross Cook IBM Boca Raton FL.
Glenn Brew IBM Boca Raton FL. *
/* */
/* Withdrawn as the Version 1.02 20MEMU.ZIP now supports OS/2 2.1 */
/* */
This is a replacement DLL for 20MEMU.ZIP that allows 20MEMU.ZIP to be used
on the IBM OS/2 2.1 Beta. The original 20MEMU must be installed first, and
the DLL in this package replace the original one.
TXT2PS.ZIP Date Issued - September 1, 1992
Latest Release Date - May 20, 1993 (Ver 2.15)
Author: Mason Williams IBM Almaden, CA.
TXT2PS contains TEXTorPS for PostScript Printers. TEXTorPS is an
application program that can enhance the usability of OS/2
PostScript printers by permitting the user to leave the printer in
PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by
applications which are not PostScript aware. When TEXTorPS is running,
PostScript printer jobs are undisturbed, but other text files are
modified by the insertion of a PostScript program to interpret the job
as ASCII text. The user may specify the font, typesize, line spacing,
margins, orientation, page numbers and strings on each page.
Version 2.09 -
This corrects failure to print when options to include
NLS chars or more chars from CP437, which was the initial
selection in v 2.08.
Version 2.15
Revised for more robust operation under OS/2 2.1, help text revised.
TXT2PS contains TEXTorPS for PostScript Printers. TEXTorPS is an
application program that can enhance the usability of OS/2
PostScript printers by permitting the user to leave the printer in
PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by
applications which are not PostScript aware. When TEXTorPS is running,
PostScript printer jobs are undisturbed, but other text files are
modified by the insertion of a PostScript program to interpret the job
as ASCII text. The user may specify the font, typesize, line spacing,
margins, orientation, page numbers and strings on each page.
GFOLDR.ZIP Date Issued - May 19, 1993
Latest Release - November 9, 1993(Version 2.0)
Author: Dan Kehn IBM Cary, NC
Group Folder
To handle the problem of getting to an object in a folder, many
users create a special folder to hold objects that they frequently
use. But often this new folder becomes filled with objects, some
of which are only used once a month while others are used hourly.
Locating a desired object in such a folder can be like trying to
find "a needle in a haystack".
To solve the retrieval problem, Group Folder allows you to create
visible subsections within a given folder. Thus, you have more
control over the organization of the contents of folders. The
grouping of related objects helps you locate the object you want
more quickly.
ELEPHT.ZIP Date Issued - May 4, 1993
Author: David Slauson IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Tiny Dancing Elephant (with digital clock) v1.21
ELEPHANT is a little demo of OS/2 animation using icons. It
displays a small icon-sized picture of a little elephant,
standing on a red carpet, dancing in front of a breaking window.
The program also displays a digital clock, in order to provide
some marginal utility. Some users have also used
ELEPHANT as a system monitor; as a system gets busier,
the elephant's dancing becomes slower and jerkier.
LP382F.ZIP Date Issued - April 12, 1993
Author: Ken Borgedale IBM Boca Raton, FL
Version 2.2d - 12 April 1993
These fonts give a basic set of Times, Helvetica, and Letter Gothic
fonts for use with lp3820 on printers which do not support scalable
fonts. These fonts are needed when running lp3820 in HP-PCL or
4019 PPDS modes. They are not needed when running lp3820 in
PostScript or 4029 PPDS modes.
APING.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Latest Release - April 8,1993
Author: Peter J. Schwaller IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.
APING is a CPI-C program that should be the first program you configure and
run when first configuring APPC on your computer. APING exchanges data
packets with a partner computer, and times how long the data transfer takes.
It can be used to get a coarse measure of the session setup time between two
computers, and the throughput and turnaround time on that APPC session.
APING can be used to determine whether a session can be set up between two
computers, and will display extensive error information if session allocation
ATELL.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Latest Release - April 8, 1993
Author: Peter J. Schwaller IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.
ATELL is a sample program that allows a workstation user to send a message to
another workstation. ATELL is written in the C language and uses the IBM SAA
Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C).
AREXEC.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Latest Release - April 8, 1993
Author: Peter J. Schwaller IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.
APPC Remote EXECution. AREXEC allows you to execute any single command line
on a remote workstation. All output of the command that goes to stdout or
stderr will be routed to your screen. Full screen programs or programs that
require user input will not work properly with AREXEC.
CBOOK.ZIP Date Issued - April 8, 1993
Author: Patrick Mueller IBM Cary, N.C.
cBook - C language file formatter for BookMaster
cBook reads C source files and produces output suitable for BookMaster 1.3.
(BookMaster is an IBM mainframe (CMS and MVS) document formatting system).
Besides applying various fonts and sizes to the C source, cBook provides
function cross reference information in BookMaster tables.
ELEP2F.ZIP Date Issued - April 8, 1993
Author: Kenneth Kahn IBM Poughkeepsie, NY
ELEP2, "OS/2 Entry Level 3270 Emulation Program", is a CUT Mode 3270 Emulator
that runs in OS/2 VIO Window or FullScreen Protect Mode sessions. It supports
file transfers, both Download and Upload, via the IND$FILE protocol. It can
emulate the following terminal devices: Model-2 (24x80), Model-3 (32x80),
Model-4 (43x80) or Model-5 (27x132). It can be loaded and run from an OS/2
BOOT Disk.
LOADDF.ZIP Date Issued - April 8, 1993
Author: Tom Cooper IBM Boulder, CO
SaveDskF.exe and LoadDskF.exe are a pair of utilities to save a diskette
to a file and vice-versa. SaveDskF.exe can be used to capture an image of a
diskette into a file. The file can be transported somewhere and with
LoadDskF.exe be reconstructed into the original diskette. This can be handy
for electronically sending bootable diskettes. Data compression is used and only
the data neccessary to reconstruct the used portion of the diskette is stored.
If you choose, you may include a text description of the diskette to be included
in the diskette image file.
This set of utility programs will run on a wide variety of operating systems.
DOS 3.3 or later; OS/2 1.x; and OS/2 2.x.
These programs are not intended to save fixed disk images. All standard FAT
diskette formats are supported.
PMFTRM.ZIP Original Date Issued - July 16, 1992
Latest Release Date - March 23, 1993 (Ver 1.5)
Author: Steve Blunden, IBM New Haven CN.
Async Terminal program for OS/2.
PMFTERM provides ANSI, DEC VT100(R), TTY line mode and FTTERMC asynchronous
emulation for OS/2 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0+ without CM or ES. File transfer for
IND$FILE via 3708/7171 or XMODEM for others. Logon scripting provided
including special escape characters, CIS logon, IBM NSC BBS logon script etc.
Command line interface to SEND/RECEIVE for all F/T types. Full hypertext
help. COPY from and PASTE (]]]) TO emulation sessions (ie. from an
editor session). COM1-COM4 support, run as many PMFTERM's concurrently
as you have COM ports] Just add COM01/COM02/COM.SYS to CONFIG.SYS and
talk to the world...and still use your computer while you do it]
Release History
Release 1.2 Initial release of PMFTERM
Release 1.5 2/11/93
Fixed problem with TSO where screen was cleared
before entering IND$FILE command.
Fixed problems with IND$FILE and 3174 AEA.
Added support in FTTERMC for Host Directed Print.
Output is sent to the spooler default printer, which
is assumed to be IBM4201 data stream compatible.
Fixed ATTN key (Alt+F5).
Fixed cursor in the middle of fonts larger than 10 high.
DIRSTA.ZIP Date Issued - August 27, 1992
Latest Release Date - March 23, 1993 (Ver 1.02)
Author: Chris Ahl IBM Raleigh, NC.
DIRSTAT is a simple PM program that can be used to obtain information from
a LAN adapter in your PS/2. The primary purpose of this program is to
provide an easy way of finding out the universal address (UAA) of the adapter
and the local address (LAA) of the adapter.
CPOST.ZIP Date Issued - March 23, 1993
Author: Patrick Mueller IBM Cary, N.C.
cPost - C language file formatter for PostScript
cBook reads C source files and produces output suitable for PostScript
printers and interpreters.
Arbitrary PostScript fonts (and sizes) may be applied to various types
of tokens in the C source.
version 1.2 - Feb 17 1993
- fix to make 'i' and 'd' fonts work (for good this time])
- change Courier-Italic to Courier-Oblique
version 1.1 - Feb 15 1993
- fix tab handling problem (thanks to Art Roberts for this)
- fix to make 'i' and 'd' fonts work
- don't echo command line parameters into output file anymore
- allow '@' file specs for -k and file names.
version 1.0 - Feb 2 1993
- a few bug fixes, a few added diagnostics
- function definitions (can) now use different font than other
function tokens (usage and prototype).
- font for identifiers separated from 'n'ormal text
- added the -r option and -w option
version 0.3 - Jan 18 1993
- configuration via imbed files with -i options
- all options added (most from cBook)
- added linefeed at end of file to prevent last line from not being
version 0.2
- lots of little fixes
version 0.1
- initial version
AUTODI.ZIP Date Issued - March 23, 1993
Author: Richard L. Gray IBM Owego, New York
AUTODISP provdies a graphical display of the following APPN resources as
bar charts on a percentile scale:
Sessions - Number of sessions having an endpoint at this node.
Links - Number of links between this and other nodes.
Transaction Programs - Number of active transaction programs at this node.
Data Base Entries - Number of data base entries at this node.
Network Nodes - Number of network nodes in this network.
Intermediate Sessions - Number of sessions routed through this node.
Great for demos, testing, and keeping status on a network node.
RXD.ZIP Date Issued - February 15, 1993
Author: Patrick Mueller IBM Cary, N.C.
RXD is a Presentation Manager source level debugger for Rexx programs.
It features breakpoints, single stepping, 'watch' variables display,
and a console input/output display.
PMCAM2.ZIP Date Issued - February 15, 1993
Author: Juerg von Kaenel IBM Yorktown Research Center, N.Y.
PM Camera /2 has the ability to take screen shots of OS/2 Presentation Manager
screens, screen parts or active windows. The pictures taken may be saved in
OS/2 BMP (1.1) file format, PSEG38PP, PostScript and Encapsulated PostScript
format. Additionally it may also be put into the Clipboard for use by other
RXMATH.ZIP Date Issued - December 02, 1992
Author: Patrick J. Mueller IBM Cary N. C.
The following math functions are provided: cos(x), sin(x), tan(x),
acos(x), asin(x), atan(x), cosh(x), sinh(x), tanh(x), ceil(x),
floor(x), exp(x), log(x), log10(x), sqrt(x), pow(x,y), pi(), e().
Note that these functions are a subset of those available with the C
Set/2 compiler. All trigonometric functions deal with radians.
PRNTPS.ZIP Date Issued - November 10, 1992
Author: Mike Perks IBM Boca Raton.
This is a simple program written in REXX which allows you to print a text
file on a Postscript capable printer. The command format is:
PRINTPS <filename>
where <filename> is the name of the file you want to print.
You can edit PRINTPS.CMD to change the following items:
printer port output = 'LPT1'
number of line on a page numlines = 80
size of the page pagelength = 792 (11 inches)
top margin topmargin = 36 (0.5 inch)
bottom margin bottommargin = 36 (0.5 inch)
left-hand side margin leftmargin = 54 (0.75 inch)
RXAPPC.ZIP Date Issued - November 9, 1992
Author: Sam Detweiler Jr. IBM Detroit Michigan.
REXX/APPC Function interface Package
This package provides access to the OS/2
Communications Manager APPC Application
Programming Interface from REXX programs.
This provides a fast and simple way to
learn APPC and to build communications pgms.
The sample pgms TP1 (Client) and TP2 (Server)
can be located at any OS/2 APPC enabled system
RXNETB.ZIP Date Issued - November 6, 1992
Author: Sam Detweiler Jr. IBM Detroit Michigan.
REXX/NETBIOS Function interface Package
This package provides access to the OS/2
NETBIOS Application Programming Interface
from REXX programs.
This provides a fast and simple way to
learn NETBIOS and to build communications pgms.
The sample pgms TESTS (Client) and TESTR (Server)
can be located at any OS/2 NETBIOS enabled system
EDTINI.ZIP Date Issued - October 3, 1992
Author: Gunnar P. Seaburg IBM Houston Texas.
The EDITINI program is a simple editor which can be used to view
and change text entries in the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI keyed
files. The OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files provide a convenient
place for programs to store profile information. However, these
files are stored in binary form and therefore cannot be readily
viewed without a special program. That's why EDITINI was
EDITINI can be used to view text entries in the OS2.INI and
OS2SYS.INI profiles, and it also provides the ability to change
or delete entries if desired. (EDITINI does not provide binary
data editing capability.)
VREXX2.ZIP Date Issued - September 24, 1992
Author: Richard B. Lam IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
VREXX is Visual REXX for OS/2 Presentation Manager] VREXX is a library of
OS/2 2.0 REXX functions that will give your REXX programs a PM interface. And
you DO NOT need to know anything about PM programming]
VREXX includes functions for creating windows, drawing graphics, displaying
text in multiple fonts, and displaying dialog boxes. Dialogs are available
for filename selection, font and color selection, string input, and message
display. Other dialogs allow presentation and selection of options through
listbox, table, radiobutton and checkbox dialogs.
On-line help is included, along with some sample REXX programs that show how
easy it is to add windows and dialogs to Your REXX programs.
HEXDMP.ZIP Date Issued - September 1, 1992
Author: Joe Nord IBM Boca Raton, FL.
A binary data display and conversion utility, hexdump supports both bin2hex
and hex2bin functionality. 'bin2hex' is pretty self-explainatory.
For 'hex2bin' (-r), hexdump searches the input stream for "nibbles"
converting each pair to a binary output byte. To facilitate small changes
to binary files, input hex format is compatible with hexdump displayed hex and
characters following a '*' on a line are ignored (for comments).
DBMRPW.ZIP Date Issued - September 1, 1992
Author: James Wangler IBM Austin, TX.
For Client-to-Server-to-Host Password Updates
This is for EXTENDED SERVICES 1.0 (ES 1.0)
PURPOSE: This utility is intended for use with the OS/2 Database
Manager, while running a Server and Client(s) arrangement
without the use of the OS/2 LAN Server program.
The problem to be solved is: how does a user on a client
machine update the password access on the server, for
a particular user-id. In addition, if a host session(s)
is provided and active on the server, how does a user on a
client machine update the password access on the host
session(s). The problem is physical access to the
server is very difficult or virtually impossible, due to
distance or security access.
This utility allows a user on a client machine to update
the password access on the server, for a particular
user-id. In addition, if a host session(s) is provided
and active on the server, this utility allows a user on a
client machine to update the password access on the host
session(s), all without having physical access to the server.
DINFO.ZIP Date Issued - August 21, 1992
Author: N. Malte Christensen, IBM DENMARK
A small program that sits on your desktop on monitors your SWAP file and
free space on the SWAP drive. Alarms can be set to alert you to SWAPPER.DAT
growth and you can also set an alarm to specific FREE SPACE values.
PMTREE.ZIP Date Issued - August 18, 1992
Author: Donald Hobern IBM Boca Raton, FL
PMTREE is an application for examination of and interaction with the
windows of an OS/2 system. It presents a graphical display of all a
window hierarchy, allowing navigation according to the relationships
between the windows. Many characteristics of the windows may be
displayed or queried. In many cases the windows may also be modified.
The application also allows the user to post or send PM messages to
any window in the system.
IPFCPP.ZIP Date Issued - July 16, 1992
Author: Doug Haigh, IBM Raleigh, N. C.
IPFC Preprocessor.
IPFC Preprocessor is tool to expand the capabilities of the IPF Compiler. It
provides additional function for the IPF Compiler that are necessary for both
single sourcing online documentation & hardcopy books (using BookMaster), and
single sourcing of symbols for the developer and help panel writer. IPFC
Preprocessor allows you to define symbols, create conditionally compiled
sections of documents, include C language symbols (using #define) in help
panels, create simple text macros (tags), and resolves searches for imbedded
files and bitmaps to other directories.