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/ IBM Presents OS/2 Software Hits 1995 / OS-2_SW_HITS_2ND_EDITION_1995.ISO / i15 / ps2asst1.exe / PS2A_MKT.INF < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1994-11-08  |  1MB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert OS/2 Help File (os2Help) magic
66% dexvert INI File (ini) ext
1% dexvert Adobe Type Manager Font Information (adobeTypeFontInfo) ext
100% file OS/2 INF (IBM PS Marketing Assistant, 99th Ed. 08Nov94) default
99% file data default
100% TrID OS/2 Information Presentation Facility default