IMirrored arrays must have an even number of drives.
IEnter menu item # or ESC to exit help. I%1IDo you want to continue (y|n)? EOASAS I returned an error in response to a command.
IRewriting ECC
ENot all drives are UP. Check array status for more information.
IBkgrnd Util = IPriority = %1
IDrive Status
IDrive #
IAdapter #
IMirrored By
I Array Selected = NONE
At every level the following keys can be used:
ESC = Return to the previous menu or exit Help.
If at top menu, ESC exits OASADMIN.
? = Enter Context Help
Once an array is selected, all subsequent selectable menu functions are based
on the configuration and status of that array. Selecting a disabled menu
item will cause the reason the item is disabled to be displayed.
IEnter number for function desired - IChange Priority
IThe data recreation utility is not running.
IEnter background priority (0-9). 0 = Lowest Priority IFor which array is this intended? IInvalid priority. Enter 0 (lowest) through 9 (highest) for priority.
IThe specified array can be formatted as (R)AID0, (R)AID0 EXT,
All data will be lost once format is started.
IRAID5 Format
I(R)AID0 Format
IThe selected array will be formatted as a non-convertible (R)AID0 array.
The array drive count must be between 2 and 8 inclusive.
All data will be lost once format is started.
IMirror Format
IThe selected array will be formatted as a MIRRORED array. The array
must consist of an even number of drives (2 to 16). One "side" or half the
drives is considered the primary and the other half is considered the
All data will be lost once format is started.
IRecreate Drive(s)
IConvert RAID5 EXT to (R)AID0 EXT
IOASAS I Utilities Administrator - Release 02.01.15
ICopyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
IAll Rights Reserved.
I****** Format Incomplete *******
ENo OASAS I array found!
IMake array #0 the target array for all menu functions. Once array #0
is selected, what functions are valid for the array will be determined by the
present state of the array. All invalid functions will be disabled. Help for
disabled selections may still be obtained.
IMake array #1 the target array for all menu functions. Once array #1
is selected, what functions are valid for the array will be determined by the
present state of the array. All invalid functions will be disabled. Help for
disabled selections may still be obtained.
IRecreating drive #%1. Elapsed Time %2 EOASAS I array #%1 is now off-line.
I Array # Drive # SCSI ID Adapter # Status
IMake array #2 the target array for all menu functions. Once array #2
is selected, what functions are valid for the array will be determined by the
present state of the array. All invalid functions will be disabled. Help for
disabled selections may still be obtained.
IMake array #3 the target array for all menu functions. Once array #3
is selected, what functions are valid for the array will be determined by the
present state of the array. All invalid functions will be disabled. Help for
disabled selections may still be obtained.
E Array #%1 has been put off-line and is now unusable.
IArray is unusable. All drives must be UP in a (R)AID0 array.
IBoth drives are DOWN, so this Mirrored Array is unusable.
IAt least one mirrored pair is DOWN, so this array is unusable.
ITwo or more drives are DOWN, so this array has been put off-line.
IArray did not initialize properly.
IThis array has a different number of drives than when it was formatted.
IFormatted as a different drive number.
IOASAS data on drives is inconsistent between drives.
INeeds to be Re-mirrored
INeeds to be recreated
II/O error during master record update.
IWriting master sectors...
IInconsistent LBA = #%1 on array #%2, AUTOFIX executed.
IInconsistent LBA = #%1 on array #%2, AUTOFIX not executed.
ISubstate = IThis function is only enabled when selected from the top menu.
IIf you choose to delete your only array, you must DEINSTALL.
IThis array does not exist.
IThe conversion utility is not running.
IOASAS I Disk Array Management Software - Release 02.01.15
ICopyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
IAll Rights Reserved.
IThe selected array has an improper drive count for this format.
INot all drives are UP. Check array status for more information.
II/O error occurred during recreation. Recreation aborted.
IRead Error
ECannot open %1
IProduct(%1) Page(0x%2) IOffset(%1) Val(0x%2)
IBits (0x%1) are not changeable!
ISpecify drive(%1) defects? (y|n): ISpecify cylinder: ISpecify head: ISpecify byte or sector: ?NOT IN USE
EA SCSI drive inquiry has failed.
EData Block size must not exceed Error Correction Block size and
Error Correction Block size must be an even multiple of the Data Block size!
EUnable to read master boot file.
ICommand line arguments error.
EA SCSI mode sense command to a drive in the disk array has
EThe read capacity command for drive #%1 failed.
EA SCSI mode select command to a drive in the disk array failed.
IFormat of OASAS I array #%1 is complete.
IStop any running programs, then perform a proper shutdown of the
system before pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot the system.
IFormatting drives... IWriting system sectors...
IWriting master sectors...
IInvalid Array Number
EUnable to convert the array.
I***** Conversion Unsuccessful *****
IConverting master sectors...
EThe system detected a version that is incompatible with the array.
IConverting array #%1's Error Correction Blocks... %2 completed. ?NOT IN USE
IOASAS I driver status unobtainable.
EWriting zeros failed!
IArray #%1 will be formatted as IThe selected array will be formatted as a non-convertible RAID5 array.
The array drive count must be between 3 and 8 inclusive.
All data will be lost once format is started.
IThe selected array will be formatted as a convertible RAID5 EXT array.
The array drive count must be between 3 and 8 inclusive.
All data will be lost once format is started.
I(R)AID0 EXT Format
IThe selected array will be formatted as a convertible (R)AID0 EXT
array. The array drive count must be between 3 and 8 inclusive.
All data will be lost once format is started.
IConverts the specified array to RAID5 EXT. The array must be
currently formatted as (R)AID0 EXT. This conversion is done by generating
ECC data and writing the data to the drives. The array will then be fully
fault tolerant.
All drives must be UP before running CONVERT.
IConverts the specified array to (R)AID0 EXT. The array must be
presently formatted as RAID5 EXT. This conversion is done by turning off
the ECC data generation. The array will no longer be fault tolerant and
a subsequent drive failure will result in a LOSS OF ALL DATA.
All drives must be UP before running CONVERT.
IOASAS I Array Verification - Version 02.01.15
Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
II/O error occurred during Verify. Verification aborted.
IVerifying array #%1... %2 completed.IParameter #%1 is invalid!
IOASAS I Verification Program Command Line formats
1. To verify an entire array, enter:
example: "OASSCAN 0 A"
example: "OASSCAN 0 N" - without AUTOFIX
2. To display array configuration and status, enter:
"OASSCAN Arraynum D"
example: "OASSCAN 0 D"
The AUTOFIX option will report any inconsistencies and then fix them.
If the NOAUTOFIX option (N) is selected, the inconsistent LBA is
reported and verification is terminated. AUTOFIX ON is the default.
IChanges the priority, i.e. the "niceness" of OASAS I data
recreation utility.
IHit any key to display next array or ESC to exit.EINVALID MESSAGE RECEIVED
II/O error occurred during Convert. Conversion aborted.
IConvert (R)AID0 EXT to RAID5 EXT
IVerification of array #%1 aborted.
IVerification not in progress on array #%1
IOASAS I Array RAID Level Conversion Utility - Release 02.01.15
Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
IArray #%1 has been converted to (R)AID0 EXT
IArray #%1 has been converted to RAID5 EXT
IOASAS I Array Format Program Command Line Arguments:
/A=<number> - Array Number
/T=<number> - where <number> = 0 = (R)AID0 (non-convertible)
= 1 = (R)AID0 EXT (convertible)
= 2 = RAID5 (non-convertible)
= 3 = RAID5 EXT (convertible)
/Y - Do not prompt (answer Yes)
/H - Help Information
IInvalid array type in command line
IOASAS I Array Format Utility - Release 02.01.15
Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
IIf you continue, all data on this array will be lost!
IAre you sure? (y|n) IHit any key to continue.IUsing default DRVDEF settings for Product ID %1 (drive #%2)
IUsing default interval of 5 minutes.
IMessage repeat interval = %1 minute(s).
EInvalid number of drives specified in CONFIG.SYS file.
ENo drives specified in CONFIG.SYS file.
EOASAS I BASEDEV line in the CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect.
ESCSI ID on BASEDEV line in the CONFIG.SYS file is invalid.
EDriver Index on BASEDEV line in the CONFIG.SYS file is invalid.
EHost Adapter number on BASEDEV line in the CONFIG.SYS file
is invalid.
IMultiple drives in BASEDEV line have same parameters.
ILogical Unit Number on BASEDEV line in CONFIG.SYS file is invalid.
I 0 = I 1 = I 2 = I 3 = I 4 = I 5 = I 6 = I 7 = I 8 = I 9 = I10 = I11 = I12 = IMessages, including "drive DOWN", will only be displayed once.
IRecreation on array #%1 aborted.
INo recreation in progress on array #%1.
IAbort Convert
IStop conversion in progress on given array. Array type will be
IConversion on array #%1 aborted.
INo conversion in progress on array #%1.
IOASAS I Array Configuration Display Utility - Release 02.01.15
Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
EUnable to open the OASAS.LOG file.
EUnable to write to the file OASAS.LOG.
EOASAS I environment not set in \CONFIG.SYS file
OASAS I Array Setup Utility - Release 02.01.15
Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
IHow many arrays do you want to setup? IInformation for OASAS I array #%1
IHow many drives are in array #%1? IInformation for array #%1 drive #%2
I Driver Index = I Host Adapter Number = I SCSI ID = IAre you satisfied with your selections? (y|n) IOASAS I array configuration added to \CONFIG.SYS
IDrive Configuration
IAdditions to \CONFIG.SYS are as follows:
IMessage repeat interval (in minutes) = IInstallation complete. You must reboot before using the OASAS I
array by performing a proper shutdown of the system and pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
IConvert RAID Level
IThis function is used to convert a (R)AID0 EXT array to a RAID5 EXT
array or vice versa.
All drives must be UP before running CONVERT.
IChange OASAS I Configuration
IAdd an Array
IDelete an Array
IRedefine an Array
IDisplay Configuration Line
IThis function is used to change the OASAS I array configuration line
in \CONFIG.SYS and to change the message pop-up repeat interval.
IUsed to add an array to your system. Maximum array count is 4.
The array number assigned to the new array will be array count (including the
new array) - 1.
IDeletes the specified array from your system.
IThis function is used to redefine the drive count in an existing array
or the component parts of the drive parameters.
IArray size different
ENo more arrays may be added. Maximum allowed is 4.
IDo you have all the information needed for a new array? (y|n) IConfiguration change complete. You must reboot the system
(by performing a proper shutdown of the system and pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del)
before the changes you made become effective.
IDriver Index IThe information for drive #%1 of array #%2 is duplicated within the
array or in another array.
IHit any key to reconfigure array #%1.IRemoving %1
EAnother utility is already running on the array.
IChange Message Repeat Interval
IChanges the frequency a repeated message is displayed. 0 minutes
means do not repeat messages. The interval change is only in effect
until the system is rebooted. If a permanent change is desired, you
must edit the OASMON line in CONFIG.SYS.
I Message repeat interval changed to %1 minute(s).
IPlease enter new message repeat interval in minutes. IThe OASAS I Monitor has been notified of the interval change.
EThe OASAS I driver cannot allocate enough memory.
EVirtToPhys DevHelp returned error status.
IDe-install OASAS I Driver
IThis function removes all references to the OASAS I Array Driver from
the \CONFIG.SYS file. This in effect de-installs the driver when the system is
rebooted. The OASAS directory is not affected.
IAre you sure you want to remove the OASAS I Array Driver? (y|n) IThe Disk Array Management Software has successfully de-installed.
Please restart the system now by performing a proper shutdown
of the system and pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del!!
IDe-install OASAS I Disk Array and Driver Utility - Release 02.01.15
Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Integra Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
IWARNING! Removing the OASAS I Disk Array Driver will cause a loss
of all data on an array if any drive in that array is written to by any
driver other than the OASAS I Disk Array Driver. To prevent any loss of
data, reinstall OASAS I before writing to any drive in the array.
IPlease enter the drive letter of your boot drive. ELBA out of range.
IAnother utility is already running on the array.
EOASAS I IOCTL %1 failed.
EVersion IOCTL failed.
I %1 %2I %1 %2 DOWN
EReplace this drive and recreate its data.
I OASAS I Array Warning
IOASAS I array had a block reassigned
I Array # Drive # SCSI ID Adapter # Block #
I %1 %2 IUnknown
IPlease enter the drive number or 'A' for all. IAdded %1:\OASAS to HELP PATH
IAdded %1:\OASAS to PATH
IDriver index choices are:
IRemoving %1 from SET PATH
IRemoving %1 from SET HELP
IEnding LBA = End of array
IOASAS I Convert Program command line arguments:
/A=<number> - Array Number
? - Help Information
Example: OASCNVT /A=0
IOASAS I Setup Program command line arguments:
Example: OASETUP D:
IOASAS I Configuration Program command line arguments:
/A = Add array
/D = Delete array
/S = Show array configuration
Example: OASCNFG 1 /A
IVerification started by OASADMIN
I Array # = %1
I Start LBA # = %1
I End LBA # = %1
IRecreation started by OASADMIN for array #%1
IConversion started by OASADMIN
IConverting array #%1 to %2
IFormat started by OASADMIN
IFormatting array #%1 as %2
IChanging data recreation priority on array #%1 to priority %2
IUses OS/2 System Editor to show OASAS.LOG file
IShow Log File
EReplace these drives and re-mirror the data.
IWhich DOWN drive do you want to re-mirror? IThe entire contents of drive #%1 will be copied to drive #%2.
IDrive #%1 is not DOWN.
IInvalid drive #.
IBoth primary and secondary drives are not up.
EMirrored arrays must have an even number of drives.
EImproper drive count for this type of array.
EThe replacement drive is too small for recreation.
IYou must know the Driver Index, SCSI ID, and Adapter # of each
drive you plan to add.
IYou have %1 arrays, the array number you choose must be
between 0 and %2 (inclusive).
IWill all drives in array #%1 use the same Driver Index number? (y|n) IWhat will that Driver Index number be? IWill all drives in array #%1 use the same Host Adapter number? (y|n) IWhat will that Host Adapter number be? IYou may hit Ctrl+Break to abort this utility.
IDo not reboot or power system down until FORMAT has completed.