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Text File  |  2001-07-23  |  8KB  |  237 lines

  1. <HTML id=dlgFind STYLE="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
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  6. Find
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  11. function findFlags()
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  14. var htmlMatchCase = 4;
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  16. var htmlMatchKashida = 1073741824; 
  17. var htmlMatchAlefHamza = 2147483648; 
  18. return (htmlMatchWord * document.all.chkWholeWord.checked)
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  56.  {
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  63. if ("" != window.dialogArguments.findText)
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  69. function findStartPoint()
  70. {
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  72. {
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  86.   while (doc2.selection.type == "None")
  87.   {
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  89.    {
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