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/ Introducing the New Way to Shop from Home / Iceland.iso / pc / install / NM30.CAB / nmmkcert.dll / CER / 102 (.txt)
DER Encoded Certificate  |  1999-12-13  |  416b  |  32 lines

  1. Certificate:
  2.     Data:
  3.         Version: 3 (0x2)
  4.         Serial Number:
  5.             55:9c:1f:c9:a0:00:9f:b7:11:d2:48:43:87:d8:9f:e2
  6.         Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
  7.         Issuer: CN = NetMeeting Root
  8.         Validity
  9.             Not Before: Sep 10 00:17:01 1998 GMT
  10.             Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2039 GMT
  11.         Subject: CN = NetMeeting Root
  12.         Subject Public Key Info:
  13.             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
  14.                 RSA Public-Key: (512 bit)
  15.                 Modulus:
  16.                     00:95:32:c4:dc:71:67:2a:d9:04:f3:f8:bc:07:50:
  17.                     b5:41:2b:30:65:a5:1f:f5:a0:a4:2f:5d:eb:f4:ef:
  18.                     fc:2d:7c:53:cc:dc:f5:0a:79:1d:6a:2a:46:64:f1:
  19.                     2c:f9:a1:d9:93:cf:7d:70:07:9d:ac:fb:be:b3:46:
  20.                     13:67:ca:b3:e3
  21.                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
  22.         X509v3 extensions:
  23.             X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
  24.                 1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.154
  26.                 0B..'........)..QsR...0.1.0...U....NetMeeting Root..U.........HC....
  27.     Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
  28.          6d:b5:97:91:45:4d:ce:ca:b4:ee:86:7f:b6:06:b8:82:cd:83:
  29.          6c:3c:ec:c4:63:4e:40:05:06:fd:38:69:28:e5:33:9b:97:4e:
  30.          bb:54:b3:e5:7f:7a:2c:25:62:83:8e:5d:d7:4b:93:05:f2:6c:
  31.          11:f4:5c:54:9b:09:eb:4c:8a:a5