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- PRODEMO.TXT - Demo Script for the Master Tracks PRO 4 Demo
- 100 Stone Pine Rd.
- Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
- (415) 726-0280
- To run this version of the Master Tracks Pro 4 Demo you must have:
- Microsoft Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions or Windows 3.1.
- A Microsoft Compatible Mouse
- At least 1 meg RAM
- Master Tracks PRO 4 Demo
- Welcome to Master Tracks Pro 4. The demo disk in this package
- contains a version of Pro 4 that's identical to the actual program,
- with one exception: it will only save around 7 measures of any song
- you create. If you have a PC running Windows 3 or 3.1, connected to
- a MIDI interface and at least one MIDI instrument, you can use this
- demo version of Master Tracks Pro 4 to record, play back and edit up
- to 64 tracks of music. If you only have a sound board with no MIDI in
- port or if you don't have any MIDI controller instruments, then you
- can still step enter, playback and edit music but you will not be able
- to record music.
- IMPORTANT: Please follow the instructions in the README.TXT file to
- setup Pro 4 properly for your computer.
- Master Tracks Pro 4 is a Recording Studio that lets you record,
- edit, play back, and mix multi-track songs just as you would in
- a real recording studio. Master Tracks Pro 4 is a full-featured
- professional recording environment ($395.00) for musicians and
- MIDI users. When used in conjunction with a compatible sound
- board or MIDI synthesizer, the Master Tracks program lets you
- compose songs by recording one track at a time. Master Tracks Pro
- contains graphic editing tools that let you completely adjust the
- music, fix any mistakes and easily add variations.
- *********************************************************************
- Here's a brief guide to using some of Pro 4's most essential features.
- When you're familiar with these, feel free to explore. Pro 4 is very
- intuitive and easy to learn, and there are lot of sequencing features
- you can discover, even before you read the manual that comes with
- the real program.
- From the File Menu select "OPEN..." and choose one of the demo songs.
- The Demo Songs were previously recorded live from a MIDI keyboard. To
- play the song, you click on the Play button or just press the space
- bar. The play button will highlight when you press the space bar and
- the music will begin to play. The Transport counters will advance. To
- stop playback you simply press the space bar or click on the Stop icon.
- Master Tracks Pro 4 integrates recording, track editing, automated
- mixing and control over MIDI instruments in a single window,
- containing up to 64 independent tracks of music. View and edit your
- music in several ways, accessing any parameter of a musical
- sequence for precise editing control. The Step Editor displays notes
- on a graphic "piano roll" grid, giving you intuitive, click-and-drag
- editing power over all characteristics of individual notes, or
- sections of music. The Event List displays notes alphanumerically,
- letting you edit all note qualities.
- The Master Tracks Pro windows let you view and edit music in a
- variety of ways. With the controls in Master Tracks Pro you can
- easily change many aspects of the music - the key, the tempo, even
- the sound (preset) for each track.
- * The Track Editor
- The Track Editor window can contain up to 64 tracks of data and has
- controls for naming tracks, recording, soloing, assigning MIDI
- channels and program numbers and looping tracks. This window is
- where you organize and name the individual tracks, build your song
- and determine what instruments/sounds will be played by each
- track. The Track Editor also displays a bar chart of your
- song, showing you each track as measures in time. Solid measures
- contain data and hollow measures contain only musical rests. Notice
- how the display follows the music as it plays back. The Track Editor
- can be used to build and edit songs. You can perform editing
- operations like cut, copy and paste on measures by first selecting an
- area to be edited, and then performing the edit operation. You can
- also mix two tracks together. You can select a section of the song, or
- an entire track using the mouse. The Track Editor is a very powerful
- tool for building songs, repeating sections and using the power of the
- computer to help you compose.
- * The Transport Window
- The window at the bottom of the screen is called the Transport - it
- controls playback of the song and tells you which song is in memory.
- The Transport has controls for fast forward, rewind, pause and
- record, just like a tape deck. You can even fast forward while playing
- back to locate part of a song. On the left of the window you see some
- counters that show you the location in the song in measures, beats
- and clocks. Below it you can see the elapsed time in hours, minutes,
- seconds and frames. These counters let you locate different parts of
- the song.
- * The Conductor Window
- The Conductor window displays the current song's tempo and meter.
- You can make temporary changes to the tempo by moving the slider.
- * The Step Editor
- In the Step Editor the notes are displayed as lines that show the
- pitch and duration of the notes. You can use a mouse to enter notes
- by clicking on the note icons and then clicking on the grid to place
- them.
- * The Event List Editor
- The Event List Editor displays a track's worth of information as
- numerical data. This allows you to edit individual notes and other
- data.
- * The Data Windows
- Passport pioneered the use of graphic data windows and continues
- the tradition with Pro 4. Any controller, pitch bend or other MIDI
- data can be viewed and edited in these windows.
- ****************************************
- Start the Program
- * From the Windows' Program Manager double-click on the Pro 4 Demo
- icon or one of the icons for the sample music files. After you see
- the "About" screen, click on "OK" or press enter and the Track Editor,
- Transport and Conductor windows will appear.
- * If you have not already done so, choose MIDI Setup from the Goodies
- Menu and select the MIDI port(s), sythesizer(s) or MIDI Mapper choices
- that are appropriate for your setup. See README.DOC for more information
- about MIDI Setup and the MIDI Mapper. Once you find the settings that
- work the best for your system, you can choose "Save Preferences" from
- the File Menu to have the settings remembered for future sessions.
- * Click on the Track Editor window to make sure it's active.
- The left side of this window displays the numbers of 64 tracks and
- boxes in which you click to make a track play (P), record (R), play
- solo (S) and loop (L).
- Set Channels
- * Look a little to the right and find the box labeled "Chnl." Click in
- the box directly below this.
- * Type a "1" on your PC.
- This sets the MIDI channel over which track 1 will play.
- Set Your MIDI Instrument
- * Set your main keyboard (or the instrument you want to play on
- Pro 4's track 1) to MIDI channel 1.
- * When you play your MIDI keyboard, you should hear the
- instrument you've set to MIDI channel 1.
- MIDI Thru - on the Transport Window
- This section routes the flow of MIDI data from your master controller
- through your computer and out the designated port.
- This kind of software MIDI Thru is useful when you have both a
- Master Controller (a keyboard or other MIDI controller) and a
- separate sound generating module. The MIDI output of your
- controller should be connected to the MIDI input on the computer
- and the MIDI output of the computer should be connected to the
- MIDI input of your sound module.
- Then, if you want to play your controller and have your sound
- module respond to its MIDI messages, you have to turn on Pro 4's
- MIDI Thru function. This routes the MIDI data (generated by your
- playing) through your PC and out to the sound module.
- Program Change
- You can change the programs on your MIDI instruments easily with
- Master Tracks Pro's Program Change feature.
- * Just left of the horizontal center of the Track Editor, Click on the
- top of the "Prg" column to expand it to "Program Name"
- * Click on the box below Program Name - the Device dialog will appear.
- * Click on the pop-up menu to the right of the word "Device." if you
- have one of the instruments listed, drag to it and release the mouse
- button.
- * Double-click on any program number (or name, if your instrument
- was in the list) on the program grid. Master Tracks Pro sends a MIDI
- message to your instrument, telling it to change to the program
- number you clicked.
- * Make sure track 1 is still record-enabled (read the Set-up section,
- above).
- * In the Transport (the one with the shuttle buttons like a tape deck)
- click on Auto-return, Count and Click so they're highlighted (white
- letters on a black background).
- * Press Enter, and after four beats, play your MIDI instrument.
- * Press the spacebar when you're done.
- * To play back the music you recorded, press the spacebar again.
- * Punch-in. Like punching in on a tape deck, Punch-in automatically
- turns record on, and then off, at the points you designate. Double-
- click on the Punch Icon to set the punch regions.
- * Open the Step Editor from the Windows Menu]
- * In the Step Editor, click on the pencil icon to the upper left of the
- note grid.
- * Click on one of the note duration icons above the pencil icon.
- * Click anywhere on the note grid, and a note of the selected
- duration will appear.
- * You can use your MIDI keyboard to enter in note pitches -
- Click on the Keyboard Icon, choose the duration from the menu bar
- and click on the Step Editor grid where you want to enter notes.
- Play your MIDI keyboard to enter notes.
- * You can erase notes by using the Eraser tool.
- Editing in Master Tracks Pro is done by clicking and dragging, or by
- selecting one or more events and editing them with menu commands.
- Edit Notes
- In the Step Editor, you can edit individual notes in different ways by
- clicking on the pencil or arrow icon, then clicking and dragging the
- note.
- * Click on the arrow icon, then double-click on a note. You can type
- in values to change the note's parameters in the box that appears.
- * Click on the pencil icon.
- * Click on the left end of the note and you can drag it up, down, left
- or right.
- * Click on the right end of the note and you can drag left and right to
- change the length of the note.
- * Click on one of the note duration icons above the pencil icon.
- * Click on a blank spot and you record a note of the selected
- duration.
- Selecting for Editing In the Step Editor
- * Select any note or group of notes by clicking on a blank spot with
- the arrow cursor and dragging a rectangle around a group of notes.
- * Select a measure by clicking in the measure number bar above the
- note grid.
- * Select a range of measures by holding down the Shift key and
- clicking on any number of measure numbers.
- Selecting for Editing In the Track Editor
- * Select a range of measures and tracks by clicking and dragging
- across them in the grid.
- * Select an entire track by clicking on the track number just to the
- left of the track grid.
- * Select a group of tracks by clicking and dragging across a range of
- track numbers at the left of the track grid.
- * Select an entire measure in all tracks by clicking on the measure
- number just above the track grid.
- * Select a group of measures by clicking and dragging across a range
- of measure numbers above the track grid.
- Editing a Selection
- Any selection can be edited by menu commands. The Edit menu
- contains Cut, Copy and Paste commands. Choosing Paste will put the
- data immediately after where you click (the "insertion point") in the
- Step or Track Editor.
- The Change Menu
- The Change menu contains a number of commands that use the same
- or similar techniques to edit selections. The Change Filter works
- identically in all of these. Transpose is a good example.
- * Record four bars of four quarter notes, on the beat.
- * Select bars two and three in the Step Editor (choose from the
- Windows menu).
- * Pull down the Change menu and choose Transpose.
- * Click the Change Filter button.
- * Notice the box is checked for "Only apply changes to events with
- pitches from C-2 to G8"
- * Near the bottom of the Change Filter dialog box, click in the box
- next to: "Start Times within 10 clocks of these sub-beats".
- * Below that, click in the radio button on the first sixteenth note of
- beat 1. Now, whatever you do in the Transpose dialog box will only
- affect notes in the range from C-2 to G8, that also start within 10
- clocks of the first beat of every bar.
- * Click OK.
- * In the Transpose dialog box, notice the line that reads, "Transpose
- notes from C3 to C3."
- * Type a C4 into the box where you see the righthand C3. This means
- you will transpose every selected note up one octave.
- * Click OK.
- Of the notes you selected, all those on the first beat of a measure will
- be transposed one octave up.
- Recordable Faders
- Master Tracks Pro lets you record volume changes on individual
- tracks and the entire mix, with moving, on-screen faders.
- Track Faders
- * In the Track Editor, click the heading of the Volume box ("Vol"), so
- the column expands into a set of faders.
- * Hold the Shift key and, in the Track Editor, click in any track's
- record box. A miniature fader icon appears there.
- * Click Record (or Press Enter), then click and drag the fader. You will
- record all fader moves you make. On playback, the fader will move
- to indicate your moves (make sure "Follow Playback" in the Layout
- Menu is ON)
- * Record fader moves on any number of tracks by clicking
- MultiTrack Record in the Layout Menun and record-enable the tracks
- you wish.
- Please Note: Track faders will only affect syntesizers that respond to
- Controller #7 (MIDI Volume). Many older synths (Yamaha DX-7 for
- example) DO NOT respond to Controller #7 and therefore will not
- respond to volume changes.
- These are the only the basics of Master Tracks Pro 4. It has many
- more features, but is a remarkably intuitive program. You'll find a lot
- of ways to record and edit your sequences, just by exploring.
- Master Tracks Pro 4 is unequalled for combining professional
- features with clear, powerful functionality. Take your musical
- productivity to new levels and make your next song a hit with Pro 4!
- Passport also has two programs that will display and print standard
- sheet music - the entry level MusicTime ($249.00) and the
- professional version, ENCORE ($595.00).
- 100 Stone Pine Rd.
- Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
- phone (415) 726-0280
- fax (415) 726-2254