Labels:box | bulletin board OCR: INSTALLATION MPRESS#-3500 3500 WINDOWS 3.1 SETUP Select FILE from the Windows Program Manager Choose RUN. Type SETUP and press ENTER (where your CD ROM drive). WINDOWS 95 SETUP Select the START icon from the Windows 95 task bat. Select RUN. Type SETUP and press ENTER (where your CD ROM drive) MACINTOSH SETUP The IMPRESS!! CD ROM contains 3500 JPEG files which can be viewed by any program that Supports the JPEG graphics format. 2000 Cabot Blvd. ROM 805 Suite 110. /781/2250 Langhorne, PA 9047 TECH visit our web site: http: www.r romt .com 1996: RomTech, Inc. PReSeNTAtION PiGtUReS Romlech