Labels:audio cd | cd rom | compact disk | door | person | sky | videocassette recorder | windowpane OCR: INFOPEDIA2.0 SoftKay OISC DATASTORAGE NOTICE oserting th your CD-ROM drive accety the noeSKy License hereement Jinthe UWS accompaning docunoentetvon 01992 1995 cdis loer dary tKeydnternational Joc andits licensors SoftKe Mic registered etatm Rindows AIL othe trademart and th trademarks Window andINFOPED are 92 the propersy of their egissered srademark trademarks o respective SoftKey owners Microsofe Multimedia loc NP34ABD INFO PEDIA2 dISC COMPACT insertin accepe heremen WINDOWS accompanvine dondn trademar INFOPEDIA NP3ABCD