The Original Shareware 1992
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FACILITATE Shareware Edition
The files included in the shareware version of the FACILITATE product are:
FACLTM.EXE Facilitate Executable file
FACLTM.OVL The overlays for the executable
FACLT1.RBF Database file
FACLT2.RBF Database file
FACLT3.RBF Database file
FEBBS.DOC Information on Facilitate Exchange BBS
MANUAL.DOC The Manual in ASCII form
LICENSE.DOC License and Registration Information
README.DOC This file
UPSCALE.DOC File describing the features/benefits of the
"full blown" edition of Facilitate
PLEASE read the manual, much effort has gone into it and you will save
yourself a great deal of frustration!
FACILITATE, Jr. is shareware NOT free software. Please read the license
agreement and registration information carefully.
The system requirements for FACILITATE, Jr. are:
- IBM PC or PS/2 compatible with a hard disk
- DOS Version 3.1 or higher
FACILITATE, Jr. provides compatibility with:
- R:Base for DOS Version 2.1 or higher (database structure)
- Novell NetWare 286 and 386 (full network support & record locking)
- DESQView and Windows (Multi-tasking)
FACILITATE, Jr. provides the following software features:
- Generation of scheduled maintenance work orders
- Generation of unscheduled maintenance work requests
- Equipment history (work performed on equipment) automatically logs
- Equipment management reporting
- User defined equipment data fields (unlimited number)
- "Coding" of equipment nomenclature to insure accurate searches
- Seperate scheduling features optimized for Daily/Weekly
maintenance requirement and monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly/etc.
maintenance requirements.
- Unlimited number of user defined Maintenance Procedures
- Unlimited number of schedules
- Performance/Safety Verification/Startup procedures may be assigned
to equipment by type and/or by specific equipment item. Procedure
automatically prints with work order when unscheduled maintenance
is required.
- Ability to create custom reports, data entry forms, etcetera
using R:Base.
Basic Installation Instructions
The FACLTJR.EXE file is self extracting as you already know. Simply
create a directory using the DOS MKDIR (MD) command, for example:
MD FACLT [Enter]
Then copy the FACLTJR.EXE to the directory, and execute it. The file will
extract the 11 files listed above. After extraction the FACLTJR.EXE file
should be deleted. Keep a copy of this file in a safe place (backup copy).
For network installations, remember to give your users access rights to
the directory. We recommend that the file attributes (FLAG) be set to
SRW (shareable-read-write) for the RBF files (SRWIT - SRW plus Index and
Transactional for SFT NetWare). Flag all other files SRO (read-only).
We suggest that you produce a copy of all of the FACILITATE documentation
included in this package. The easiest way to do this is to copy all of the
DOC files to your printer. For example, if your printer is attached to
port 1 (LPT1) of your PC, type:
and press the [Enter] or [Return] key.
To start FACILITATE, Jr. from the DOS prompt:
FACLTM [Enter]
The software requires that a user name and password be entered. We suggest
that you create your own using Option 08.01 after you login the first time.
Initially, the only user name and password installed in the system is:
Username: SYSTEM
Password: STARTUP
The FACILITATE package is a very complex product and is designed to provide
functionality to support Maintenance Management with a variety of tools.
We are constantly striving improve the product and need (and want) your
suggestions. FACILITATE was developed by Maintenance Management
Professionals for Maintenance Management Professionals. The product was an
outgrowth of our frustration with other commercially available products,
which we found to be: expensive, slow, inflexible (database cannot be
tailored by user) and poorly targeted (best features do not address day-to
day management needs. Please read about our R:Base interface in the manual
and our Bulletin Board.
If you are not a subscriber to our BBS please write to the address below.
FACILITATE is a registered trademark of Facilitate, Inc.
1268 Halifax Road
Knoxville, TN 37922
FAX: (615) 544-8888 -- Attention Harry Herrmann or Al Kuntz
Copyright 1990, Facilitate, Inc.