16 Speed Disk is the fastest, most efficient way to optimize your hard disks. Speed Disk defragments files and rearranges them for fastest access.\n\nWhen you start Speed Disk, it scans your primary hard disk and recommends an optimization based on the amount of file fragmentation. It can also show you information about file fragmentation and disk cluster usage.\n\nUse Speed Disk regularly to help maintain optimal computer performance and ensure better data recovery. It's a good idea to run Speed Disk any time you have modified large numbers of files.
17 Norton System Doctor
18 Norton WinDoctor
19 Space Wizard
20 Rescue Disk
21 for Zip drive owners
22 Norton Disk Doctor
23 UnErase Wizard
24 Norton Registry Editor
25 Norton Registry Tracker
26 Norton File Compare
27 System Information
28 Image
30 Norton System Doctor continuously monitors your computer to keep it free of problems and running at peak efficiency.\n\nThe Norton System Doctor main window is a panel of sensors that monitor many aspects of your computer system, including the disks, memory, CPU, and network. The sensor alarms can alert you to critical conditions requiring attention. The sensors also provide information that can help you fine-tune the performance of your computer.\n\nTo take full advantage of its monitoring capabilities, leave it running at all times.
31 Norton WinDoctor is the safe and easy way to diagnose and repair the most common types of Windows problems.\n\nNorton WinDoctor can identify and fix problems with the Windows registry, system files, and software applications. It checks for problems such as lost shortcuts, invalid registry entries, broken applications, and missing dlls. When it finds problems, it presents them in an easy-to-read report and lets you select which ones you want fixed.
32 Space Wizard helps you avoid wasting valuable disk space by identifying files that are commonly discardable, infrequently used, excessively large, or are duplicates of other files on your disk. Space Wizard lists these potentially unnecessary files, and lets you take appropriate action on those files you specify to free up disk space.\n\nYou can compress, delete, or move any of the files from your disk. If you decide the files are still necessary, you can leave them on your disk. Space Wizard also checks your Recycle Bin and offers to empty it if it contains deleted files.
33 Rescue can create two types of rescue disks:\n\nZip Rescue: Consists of a Zip disk and a Boot floppy disk that can be used to start Windows on your system, even if the system's hard drive is damaged.\n\nBasic Rescue: consists of floppy disks that can be used to start DOS on your system in the event of a failure.
34 For details on the special offer, click the image in the main screen.\n\nNorton Zip Rescue allows you to create a rescue disk set that can be used to start Windows on your system, even if the system's hard drive is damaged. The Rescue Recovery Wizard will then walk you through the process of analysing what went wrong and correcting the problem.\n\nThe rescue disk set can include a Zip disk and a Boot floppy disk or, if your system can boot from your Zip drive, only a Zip disk.\n\nFor further details about the Norton Zip Rescue product, point your web browser to http://www.symantec.com/techsupp
35 Norton Disk Doctor is the safe and easy way to diagnose and repair a variety of disk problems. It performs several tests, checking everything from the disk's partition table to its physical surface. If Norton Disk Doctor finds a problem, it notifies you before making repairs. If you prefer, it can make the necessary repairs automatically.\n\nNorton Disk Doctor lets you tailor the testing process to your own needs, including what tests will be performed and how. After diagnosing a disk, Norton Disk Doctor displays an easy-to-read report that lists the problems it found, the problems it fixed, and the areas of the disk that checked out okay.
36 UnErase Wizard helps you recover deleted files that are protected by Norton Protection, the standard Windows Recycle Bin, or Novell's Salvage (for recovery of files on a network).\n\nYou can search for filenames or for words contained in the file you want to recover. This is useful if you can't remember the filename, but do remember the file's topic. If a file is recoverable but cannot be recovered automatically, UnErase Wizard can help you reconstruct it.\n\nAlthough UnErase can recover files that you did not first protect with Norton Protection, it is a good idea to enable Norton Protection to ensure successful recovery of all deleted files.
37 Norton Registry Editor helps you navigate, edit and back up the Windows registry. The registry is the centralized database used by Windows to store configuration information, including settings for system hardware, software, and network applications.\n\nNorton Registry Editor helps you understand the structure of the Windows registry and lets you examine, add, modify, delete or restore the information it stores.\n\nWarning: The registry is fundamental to the proper functioning of your system. Only change registry entries if you are confident of the results. Always make a backup of your registry before making any changes.
38 Norton Registry Tracker is system "insurance"; it can help you recover from unwanted changes to your system. It keeps track of changes made to registry keys, text files, and data files and folders on your system and can, if you wish, restore tracked items to the state they were in prior to those changes.\n\nNorton Registry Tracker lets you specify the folders, files, and registry keys to be monitored. It automatically takes "snapshots" of tracked items whenever the information they contain changes, alerting you when changes have been made. If a change causes your computer to malfunction, or if you modify a tracked item and later change your mind, you can use the Quick Fix and Restore features of Norton Registry Tracker to return the tracked item to its former state.
39 Norton File Compare lets you compare different versions of a text file, see what changed between versions, and selectively undo changes. It shows both files side-by-side, highlighting the lines that differ or that have moved. You can then selectively undo any changes.\n\nYou can compare any two text files, including initialization (INI) files, program source code files, and even HTML files designed for viewing on the World Wide Web. You can also use Norton File Compare together with Norton Registry Tracker to track modifications and undo changes made to critical files and Windows registry settings.
40 System Information gives you detailed information about your computer, the peripherals -- keyboard, mouse, printers, and multimedia devices -- attached to your computer, and your computer's Internet and network connections.\n\nThe System Information window's tabs correspond to nine categories of information. When you click a tab, System Information gathers and displays basic information about that category. It can be viewed on your screen, printed, and even e-mailed.\n\nYou might need this information before purchasing new software, installing new hardware, or calling a vendor for technical support.
41 Image takes a "snapshot" of a disk's critical file information. Image saves your disk's boot record, file allocation tables (FATs), and root information to a special file. The disk's image is used by the Norton Utilities programs UnErase Wizard and UnFormat to restore deleted files or directories and rebuild deleted folders if you accidentally format or seriously damage a disk.\n\nWithout a disk's image, reconstructing deleted files can be difficult, especially if the files are heavily fragmented. Image your disk whenever you add, delete, or move files or folders. If you have multiple hard disks or disk partitions, create an image for each one. Although you can run Image from a network, you cannot image a network drive.
42 Special Offer
43 Norton WipeInfo
44 Norton WipeInfo removes all traces of selected files or folders from your hard drive. It can also wipe the free space on your hard disk, insuring that previously deleted information is not left on your hard disk.\n\nYou can use the Fast Wipe, which writes all zeros or any other character you choose. Alternately, you can use the Government Wipe, which is a 7-pass procedure that conforms to the method specified in DoD document 5220-22-M.\n\nBe certain before you use WipeInfo. You cannot unerase information after it has been wiped.
45 Norton System Check finds disk problems and Windows problems, it can improve performance, and it can give your computer a preventative maintenance checkup.\n\nNorton System Check provides an alternative to Norton System Doctor. While Norton System Doctor provides continuous monitoring of the health of your system, Norton System Check provides an immediate or scheduled system checkup.\n\nNorton System Check lets you tailor the repair process to your own needs. You can specify which problems to fix and how to fix them. Or, you can let Norton System Check fix all found problems automatically.