on 1:TEXT:-bible:#:msg $chan To use C-Script's Bible type -kjv [book] [verse] Example: -kjv John 3:16 OR -kjv Isa 40:30-31
on +1:TEXT:-help:*: {
msg $nick To use C-Script's Bible type -kjv [book] [verse] Example: -kjv John 3:16 OR -kjv Isa 40:30-31
msg $nick Level 1 Commands: %CMNDS1
alias bible say To use C-Script's Bible type -kjv [book] [verse] Example: -kjv John 3:16 OR -kjv Isa 40:30-31
alias biblehelp echo 3 -a Owner Usage: /kjv [book] [verse] | echo 3 -a Other users will use "-kjv [book] [verse]" | if ($findfile($mircdir\AddOns\Bible\kjv,1jo.txt,1) == $null) { echo 4 -a BibleBot verse files not found! | echo 4 -s If you want to be able to use the BibleBot to recite Bible verses you must download the Bible verse files at http://www.c-script.com/download.htm }
#kjv on
on 1:JOIN: {
if ($group(#autogreet) == on) {
.notice $nick I am using C-Script-Bible, available at http://www.c-script.com/
.notice $nick To use me type -kjv [book] [verse] Example: -kjv John 3:16 OR -kjv Isa 40:30-31
on 1:TEXT:-kjv *:#: {
set %bbotfile $read -s $+ $2 $mircdirAddOns\Bible\bookname.txt
if (%bbotfile == $null) { msg $chan No such book: $2 | goto end }
on 1:START: { unset %bbot* | if ($findfile($mircdir\AddOns\Bible\kjv,1jo.txt,1) == $null) { echo 4 -a BibleBot verse files not found! | echo 4 -s If you want to be able to use the BibleBot to recite Bible verses you must download the Bible verse files at http://www.c-script.com/download.shtm } }