if [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ] == YES {
.notice $nick Your nickname is already logged in! You can't have two connections!
ctcp =8:DCC CHAT:halt
ctcp =9:*:ignore -a $nick 3 | halt
alias dcclinehelp echo 4 -a Simply have people /dcc chat <you> | echo 4 -a To /msg all the chats from your end, type /relay <your message> | echo 4 -a To add a partyline op, type /user5 <nick> | echo 4 -a Your commands: %dccline.DCCALS | echo 4 -a Note: You will not be able to have ANY normal DCC Chat's while DCC-Line is on. If you want to have normal DCC Chats, disable the DCC Line (Status Pops -> Addons -> DCC Line)
alias user5 auser -a =5 $$1 | guser =5 $$1 3
alias relay {
if ($1 == $null) { echo 4 -a Usage: /relay <message> | halt }
set %tmp.chat 1
if ($chat(%tmp.chat) == $null) goto end
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.chat) $1- }
inc %tmp.chat 1
goto main
set %tmp.chat 1
alias dcckick {
set %tmp.ckn 1
close -c $1 | unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $1 ] $+ on ] ] ] | echo 3 -a $2 was kicked from the DCC Room | .notice $1 You were kicked from the DCC room by $me ----> $2-
if ($chat(%tmp.ckn) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.ckn) $1 Was kicked by $me $+ : $2- }
inc %tmp.ckn
goto restart
set %tmp.ckn 1
alias dccbankick {
set %tmp.cbkn 1
close -c $1 | unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $1 ] $+ on ] ] ] | ignore -t $1 3 | echo 3 -a $1 was ban-kicked from the DCC Room | .notice $1 You were ban-kicked from the DCC room by $me ----> $2-
if ($chat(%tmp.cbkn) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.cbkn) $1 Was ban-kicked by $me $+ : $2- }
inc %tmp.cbkn
goto restart
set %tmp.cbkn 1
alias dccunban {
set %tmp.dccunban 1
ignore -r $1 3
if ($chat(%tmp.dccunban) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.dccunban) $1 Was UnBanned by $nick }
inc %tmp.dccunban
goto restart
set %tmp.dccunban 1
alias dccshoot {
set %tmp.sbkn 1
close -c $1 | unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $1 ] $+ on ] ] ] | auser =9 $1 | guser =9 $1 3 | ignore -a $1 3 | .notice $1 SHOOTLISTED by $me $+ : $2- | echo 4 -a $1 Has been SHOOTLISTED
if ($chat(%tmp.sbkn) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.sbkn) $1 Was kicked by $me $+ : $2- }
inc %tmp.sbkn
goto restart
set %tmp.sbkn 1
alias dccunshoot {
set %tmp.dccuns 1
ignore -r $1 3
ruser =9 $1 3
if ($chat(%tmp.dccuns) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.dccuns) $1 Was UnShootListed by $me }
inc %tmp.dccuns
goto restart
set %tmp.dccuns 1
alias dccnumppl echo 2 -a Number of users: $+ $chat(0) $+
alias dcclusers {
echo 12 -a Listing users...
set %tmp.lcu 1
if ($chat(%tmp.lcu) == $null) goto end
echo 12 -a User %tmp.lcu $+ : $+ $chat(%tmp.lcu) $+ ( $address($chat(%tmp.lcu),3) )
inc %tmp.lcu
goto main
set %tmp.lcu 1
echo 12 -a End of list
#dccline off
on 1:JOIN: {
if ($group(#autogreet) == on) {
.notice $nick To join my AWESOME DCC Partyline, type /dcc chat $me or -chat
on 1:TEXT:-chat:*: {
if [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ] == YES {
.notice $nick Your nickname is already logged in! You can't have two connections!
else {
dcc chat $nick
on 1:CHATOPEN: {
whois $nick
set [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ] YES
set %tmp.chtnk = $+ $nick
relay *** Joins: $nick ( $address($nick,3) )
msg %tmp.chtnk Welcome to my DCC Chat room!
msg %tmp.chtnk There are currently $+ $chat(0) $+ People in my DCC room!
msg %tmp.chtnk Type -numppl to get the number of logged-in users or -lusers to get a list of logged-in users!
if ($chat(0) == 1) { msg %tmp.chtnk *** You are the ONLY user in the DCC Room! }
unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ]
relay *** Parts: $nick ( $address($nick,3) )
.notice $nick Thank you for visiting my DCC Chat room!
on 1:CHAT:*fuck*:unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ] | close -c $nick | auser =8 $nick | guser =8 $nick 3 | ignore -a $nick 3 | relay $nick was kicked off the DCC Chat Room for Cussing!
on 1:CHAT:*asshole*:unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ] | close -c $nick | auser =8 $nick | guser =8 $nick 3 | ignore -a $nick 3 | relay $nick was kicked off the DCC Chat Room for Cussing!
on 1:CHAT:*shit*:unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $nick ] $+ on ] ] ] | close -c $nick | auser =8 $nick | guser =8 $nick 3 | ignore -a $nick 3 | relay $nick was kicked off the DCC Chat Room for Cussing!
on +1:CHAT:-help:msg = $+ $nick Level 1 DCC Commands: %dccline.LVL1DCC
on =5,+7:CHAT:-help:msg = $+ $nick Level 5 DCC Commands: %dccline.LVL5DCC
on =5,+7:CHAT:-kick*: {
set %tmp.ckn 1
close -c $2 | unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $2 ] $+ on ] ] ] | .notice $nick $2 was kicked from the DCC Room | .notice $2 You were kicked from the DCC room by $nick ----> $3-
if ($chat(%tmp.ckn) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.ckn) $2 Was kicked by $nick $+ : $3- }
inc %tmp.ckn
goto restart
set %tmp.ckn 1
on =5,+7:CHAT:-bankick*: {
set %tmp.cbkn 1
close -c $2 | unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $2 ] $+ on ] ] ] | ignore -t $2 3 | .notice $nick $2 was ban-kicked from the DCC Room | .notice $2 You were ban-kicked from the DCC room by $nick ----> $3-
if ($chat(%tmp.cbkn) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.cbkn) $2 Was ban-kicked by $nick $+ : $3- }
inc %tmp.cbkn
goto restart
set %tmp.cbkn 1
on =5,+7:CHAT:-unban*: {
set %tmp.dccunban 1
ignore -r $2 3
if ($chat(%tmp.dccunban) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.dccunban) $2 Was UnBanned by $nick }
inc %tmp.dccunban
goto restart
set %tmp.dccunban 1
on =5,+7:CHAT:-relay*:relay $2- Relay from $nick $+
on =5,+7:CHAT:-shoot*: {
set %tmp.sbkn 1
close -c $2 | unset [ % $+ [ chaton $+ [ [ $2 ] $+ on ] ] ] | auser =9 $2 | guser =9 $2 3 | ignore -a $2 3 | .notice $2 SHOOTLISTED by $nick $+ : $3- | .notice $nick $2 Has been SHOOTLISTED
if ($chat(%tmp.sbkn) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.sbkn) $2 Was kicked by $nick $+ : $3- }
inc %tmp.sbkn
goto restart
set %tmp.sbkn 1
on =5,+7:CHAT:-unshoot*: {
set %tmp.dccuns 1
ignore -r $2 3
ruser =9 $2 3
if ($chat(%tmp.dccuns) == $null) goto done
else { msg = $+ $chat(%tmp.dccuns) $2 Was UnShootListed by $nick }
inc %tmp.dccuns
goto restart
set %tmp.dccuns 1
on 1:CHAT:-numppl: msg = $+ $nick Number of users: $+ $chat(0) $+ | if ($chat(0) == 1) { msg = $+ $nick *** You are the ONLY user in the DCC Room! }