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121 lines
;Oz.Org's Z popups by Acid_rain and Goonk
menu channel {
OzOrg Pops
..Check Access:msg z access # $$1
..Show commands:msg z showcommands #
..Login:msg z@channels.oz.org login # $?="Enter your password:" | .timer 1 3 msg Z op $me
..New password:msg z@channels.oz.org newpass # $?="Enter your new password:"
..Password:msg z@channels.oz.org pass # $?="Enter your password:"
..Channel Information:msg z chaninfo #
..Help!:msg z help
..Verify a nick nickname:msg z verify $$1
..De-authenticate:msg z deauth #
..See The Banlist:msg z banlist #
..Banlist:msg z lbanlist # $?="Search for?"
..Server Map:msg z map
.Channel Control
..Status:msg z status #
..Topic:msg z topic # $?="topic:"
..Invite:msg z invite # $$?="Nickname to Invite?"
..Op:msg z op # $$?="Nick"
..DeOp:msg z deop # $$?="Nick"
..Kick:msg z kick # $$?="Nick" $?="Reason?"
..Ban Nick:msg z ban # $$?="Nick" $?="Duration?" $?="Level?" $?="Reason?"
..Ban Someone:msg z ban # $?="Mask to ban?" $?="Duration?" $?="Level?" $?="Reason?"
..Unban Someone:msg z unban # $$?="Nickname to Unban?"
..Unban Individual:msg z unban # $?="Mask to unban?"
..Suspend:msg z suspend # $address($$1,3) $$?="Duration?" $$?="(s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours or (d)ays?"
..Unsuspend:msg z unsuspend # $$1
..Add Users:msg z adduser # $$1 $address($$1,3) $?="Access Level?" $?="Password?"
..Remove Users:msg z remuser # $$1
..Clear mode(s):msg z clearmode #
..Addchan:msg z addchan #
..Join:msg z join #
..Remchan:msg z remchan #
.Level 500
..Flood Protect:msg z set # floodpro $?="Flood Prot number?"
..Nick Flood Protect:msg z set # nickfloodpro $?="Nick Flood Prot number?"
..Mass DeOp Protect:msg z set # massdeopPro $?="MassDeop Prot number?"
..Userflags:msg z set # userflags $?="Enter a number:"
..NonOp:msg z set # nonop $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..Always OP:msg z set # alwaysop $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..OP Only:msg z set # oponly $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..Strict OP:msg z set # strictop $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..Description:msg z set # description $?="Description?"
..URL:msg z set # url $$?="URL?"
..Part:msg z part #
menu nicklist {
OzOrg Pops
.Autoop...:msg Z modinfo # autoop $$1 $$?="Enter new value for autoop here"
.Access...:msg Z modinfo # access $$1 $$?="Enter new access here"
.Op nick:msg Z op # $$1
.Deop nick:msg Z deop # $$1
.Kick nick...:msg Z kick # $$1 $$?="Enter reason here"
.Ban nick:msg Z ban # $$1
.Add User...:msg Z adduser # $$1 $$?="Enter user level"
.Remove User...:msg Z remuser # $$?="Enter nick"
.Suspend...:msg Z suspend # $address($$1,3) $$?="Enter Duration of suspention(s|m|h|d)"
.Unsuspend...:msg Z unsuspend # $address($$1,3)
.Check Access:msg Z access # $$1
menu status {
OzOrg Pops
..Check Access:msg z access #$$?="Channel" $$1
..Show commands:msg z showcommands #$$?="Channel"
..Login:msg z@channels.oz.org login #$$?="Channel" $?="Enter your password:" | .timer 1 3 msg Z op $me
..New password:msg z@channels.oz.org newpass #$$?="Channel" $?="Enter your new password:"
..Password:msg z@channels.oz.org pass #$$?="Channel" $?="Enter your password:"
..Channel Information:msg z chaninfo #$$?="Channel"
..Help!:msg z help
..Verify a nick nickname:msg z verify $$1
..De-authenticate:msg z deauth #$$?="Channel"
..See The Banlist:msg z banlist #$$?="Channel"
..Banlist:msg z lbanlist #$$?="Channel" $?="Search for?"
..Server Map:msg z map
.Channel Control
..Status:msg z status #$$?="Channel"
..Topic:msg z topic #$$?="Channel" $?="topic:"
..Invite:msg z invite #$$?="Channel" $$?="Nickname to Invite?"
..Op:msg z op #$$?="Channel" $$?="Nick"
..DeOp:msg z deop #$$?="Channel" $$?="Nick"
..Kick:msg z kick #$$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" $?="Reason?"
..Ban Nick:msg z ban #$$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" $?="Duration?" $?="Level?" $?="Reason?"
..Ban Someone:msg z ban #$$?="Channel" $?="Mask to ban?" $?="Duration?" $?="Level?" $?="Reason?"
..Unban Someone:msg z unban #$$?="Channel" $$?="Nickname to Unban?"
..Unban Individual:msg z unban #$$?="Channel" $?="Mask to unban?"
..Suspend:msg z suspend #$$?="Channel" $address($$1,3) $$?="Duration?" $$?="(s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours or (d)ays?"
..Unsuspend:msg z unsuspend #$$?="Channel" $$1
..Add Users:msg z adduser #$$?="Channel" $$1 $address($$1,3) $?="Access Level?" $?="Password?"
..Remove Users:msg z remuser #$$?="Channel" $$1
..Clear mode(s):msg z clearmode #$$?="Channel"
..Addchan:msg z addchan #$$?="Channel"
..Join:msg z join #$$?="Channel"
..Remchan:msg z remchan #$$?="Channel"
.Level 500
..Flood Protect:msg z set #$$?="Channel" floodpro $?="Flood Prot number?"
..Nick Flood Protect:msg z set #$$?="Channel" nickfloodpro $?="Nick Flood Prot number?"
..Mass DeOp Protect:msg z set #$$?="Channel" massdeopPro $?="MassDeop Prot number?"
..Userflags:msg z set #$$?="Channel" userflags $?="Enter a number:"
..NonOp:msg z set #$$?="Channel" nonop $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..Always OP:msg z set #$$?="Channel" alwaysop $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..OP Only:msg z set #$$?="Channel" oponly $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..Strict OP:msg z set #$$?="Channel" strictop $?="Please specify ON or OFF:"
..Description:msg z set #$$?="Channel" description $?="Description?"
..URL:msg z set #$$?="Channel" url $$?="URL?"
..Part:msg z part #$$?="Channel"