Labels:audio cd | book | bulletin board | cassette tape | compact disk | poster | table OCR: Marilyn plays Sandra Chase awealthy model whose SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS parents nave died in an iaccideyt With all ner fortune, sheis unfulled sexuallyand troubled by trecurring dreams The story is confided I toner AuntVictoria, MACINTOSH andon sereen. she relives her early encounters and Color Machines Recommended recent affalrs The film moves very Lquickly because each sceneis Jam- 8-Bit Minimum packed.with action Her water scene with Serenaand 2MB RAM Minimum fier The pool second best table scene sceneis with the David one are that does superior not involve CD- -ROM Player Marilyn. Jessie St James and watches Jonn Leslie make love out WINDOWS VERSION sidle while Marilyn secretly Production values are superb, with nelicopter footage Color Machines Recommended The and music location photograp ...