Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | gazette | poster | sky OCR: Interactive Manchester United Installation The "Trcble If you computer does not auto irstall IInteractive Manchester United. ther ) please aress the CD Once At the top of the screen the month that yu urrently viewing Ihe 1rN ar] righi arrnvs there selu. ax Once this has been done you uem run Interactive Manchester United b selecting either do.ap!s this will scroll back puc forth througih ail the months on the screen. Clicking on the dates Stort on the task ber, then go tc the programs merIu aTI scleet Interactive Manchester United. shuwri down ihe site ur the rrianth wil let YOL viry the drtails of the match played on1 that datc. All The introduction sequerer will run, whitch R. le cut shar! lr rlikking vur mour requiren matches are coclecl as follows: Ambe for Premiership matches, TA Cup ...