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│ Fast File Gen 1.04.a │ A quick 'ALL FILES' generator for RA. │ M ▀▀▄ │
│ Copyright (C) 1992 ├───────────────────────────────────────┤ ▄▄ █ │
│ by │ Maelstrom Online Services ■ 1:106/63 │ ████ │
│ Kit Cragin ├───────────────────────────────────────┤ █ ▀▀ │
│ Maelstrom Software │ 713-334-1265 HST ■ -4- rotating Lines │ ▀▄▄ S │
Fast File Gen (FFG) is a simple, but quick and powerful `ALL FILES' list
generator for Remote Access BBSes (v1.10 up). Don't let the short docu-
mentation fool you: FFG has many useful features, and for $11 to register
it's an invaluable tool for the RA SysOp.
I created a variety of SysOp configurable features so the program will be
easy and flexible for you to use.
■ Generates lists of all file areas or just the ones you specify
■ Handles read-only media, and creates index files of file sizes so that
subsequent file listings do not need to access the CD-ROM at all
■ MultiNode Aware (can be run while all users are online)
■ Output is fully configurable with a number of replaceable codes
■ Multiline descriptions are supported
■ List format is: <filename> <size> <desciption> [<optional line>]
■ Handles comments that have been imbedded into FILES.BBS listings
Release 1.1 will have many, many more features. Some you may have seen;
some will be surprisingly useful. But register now for $11, and get in
Feel free to pass this software on to others, but make sure there are no
modifications of any kind. This software is shareware which means you can
use it for 30 days before you either register it, or discontinue use.
To register, print REGISTER.ME and send a paltry $11. It ain't that much!
I've designed FFG to be as simple and easy to set up as possible, because
I know many sysops hate to waste time writing batch files and testing new
programs. If you follow the steps below, FFG should run without a hitch.
Configuration involves editing the included FFG.CFG file. This file con-
tains several types of lines. Those that begin with a
`;' are comments and do not affect program operation.
`$' are configuration parameters.
`!' signal the end of a header or footer.
Other lines are considered to be part of a header or footer.
┌─┐ Edit the configuration parameters. Note that all parameters follow a
│1│ `$' in column 1, then a <space> then the parameter (0-38 characters).
└─┘ (**NOTE** The first 38 characters can ONLY contain the parameter, and
nothing else!)
1 Path and filename of the output filelist (eg. ALLFILES.LST)
2 Path to your CONFIG.RA file (Trailing \ is optional)
(**NOTE** cannot be the root directory!)
3 Path to your FILES.RA file (Trailing \ is optional)
(**NOTE** cannot be the root directory!)
4 Template format of FileNames. This is a combination of 8 upper
or lower case `X's, then a `.' or <space>, then 3 `X's. Upper-
case X means the FileName's character will uppercase:
│ Xxxxxxxx Xxx │ Fastfile Gen │
│ XxXxxxxx XXX │ FaStfile GEN │
5 Format of the FileSize portion of the output. This can be 1 of
these 4 types:
│ k, │ 2,331k │
│ b, │ 2,312,456,889 │
│ k │ 2331k │
│ b │ 2312456889 │
6 The number of spaces between FileName and FileSize
7 The number of spaces between FileSize and Description
8 The number of spaces before FileName (usually 0)
9 The number of spaces to indent multiline descriptions
10 List of replaceable codes (see │3│) with which to append text
specified in #11 below. └─┘
11 The text that you want to append to certain replaceable codes;
this is used to enhance the output. For example in the FFG.CFG
file that came with this archive, you'll see a `&&a' parameter
in the area header and footer. The next set of characters are
solidspace `▒'s. The &&a prints out the area name. So we get
▒▒▒ New Uploads▒▒▒▒etc.
Since the name `runs into' the solid spaces, I want to have a
<space> appended to the &&a. This will give me
▒▒▒ New Uploads ▒▒▒etc.
which looks a little nicer. If you want 2 spaces, just specify
that. Simply put the text between `"'s (rabbit ears) eg: " ".
12 The list of areas that you want to add to your list. If you're
doing all your file areas then put `ALL' on the line. If you're
doing a subset, separate the areas by spaces, and sequences of
areas by a `-'. For example
1 4 7-10 12-15 18
13 Do you want imbedded comments to be generated with your list?
Enter YES or NO here. Comments are lines that begin with a
<space> inside of FILES.BBS's or FILES.nnn's.
14 Scan mode. Enter NOCHECK, OFFLINE or NOPUT.
NOCHECK - Fastest scan. If the filename is in FILES.BBS then
it appears on the list. If the file is not on disk
a size of 0k is indicated. (But if your list matches
your directory exactly, I'd use this method.)
OFFLINE - Checks to see if the file is on disk. If it is not,
then '[OFFLINE]' is placed in the filesize part of
the output line. Slower than NOCHECK.
NOPUT - Checks to see if the file is on disk. If it is not,
then the filename and description are not put into
the ouput listing at all. Slower than NOCHECK.
┌─┐ Edit each of the 4 header/footer areas to your taste. Refer to sec-
│2│ tion -3- for any replaceable codes that you might want to use. The
└─┘ first header is the `title' or main header to the file list. The 2nd
is the header added to the beginning of each file area. The third is
the footer added to the bottom of each file area. The fourth is the
'summary' page appended to the end of the list.
All header/footers have a maximum of 50 lines. The only exception is
the footer page when being expanded by a `&&A' code.
┌─┐ Add the Replaceable Codes in the header/footer areas (see -2- above)
│3│ as needed. The codes are replaced in `overtype' mode. So if you have
└─┘ &&D (date) in a section of text below with a `D' in Section -1-, #11:
│ =-= &&D -=-=-=-= │
you get
│ =-= 03/07/92 =-= │
The parameters are
&&D - The current date in mm/dd/yy format
&&T - The current time in hh:mm:ss [am|pm] format
&&a - The current file area's name as specified in FILES.RA
&&n - The current file area's number as specified in FILES.RA
&&f - The number of files found in the area
&&s - The total size of files in the area (formatted as per Sec.1,#5)
&&N - The total number of file areas processed
&&F - The total number of all the files in all areas
&&S - The total size of all the files in all areas
&&A - A special paramter which outputs 1 line for each file area. The
line contains the &&a &&f &&s sequences nicely formatted. This
makes a nice summary for all your areas.
Running FFG is simple. Just switch to the FFG directory and type FFG, or
type the \full path\FFG on the commandline. The FFG.CFG config file will
be loaded by default. If you wish to use a different one, add that para-
meter to the commandline. Here's a sample section of a nightly maintain-
ance batch file that generates 3 lists:
REM #1 Generate list of ALL files on BBS
REM #2 Generate list of all adult files
c:\ra\util\ffg\ffg adult.cfg
REM #3 Generate list of #1-#2
c:\ra\util\ffg\ffg regular.cfg
Note that each of the .CFGs contain the appropriate file areas to gener-
ate and the appropriate names of the output lists. The .CFGs must be in
the same directory as FFG.EXE.
If an area seems to come up with a list of 0b files, or invalid filesizes
then type FFG /FIX. This will delete all invalid FILESIZE.nnn files that
FFG comes across. You may then run FFG as normal (new FILESIZE's will be
created on the next run).
Registration is simple (not to mention appreciated). There are 2 ways to
do it; you can choose the one that is easiest for you.
┌─┐ Call Maelstrom Online Services at 1:106/63 (4 lines)
│1│ 713-334-1265, & use the online registration feature (uses Visa/Master
└─┘ Card/Discover/JCB/DinersClub/Carte Blanc). You will receive a key
immediately! This is the fastest method.
┌─┐ Print REGISTER.ME, fill it out & send check/cash/money order or your
│2│ credit card information. If you're in the FidoNet or DoorNet nodelist
└─┘ I'll send your key netmail. Otherwise, US Mail.
For those of you with a CD-ROM drive, FFG will create FILESIZE.nnn files
in the listpath directory (where your FILES.nnn files are stored) accord-
ing to CONFIG.RA. Subsequent file listings will run much faster since
file sizes won't need to be determined from the CD-ROM. Should you ever
need to rescan the filesizes (say if you sorted FILES.40 in descending
order) just delete the FILESIZE.nnn file associated with each area that's
changed and rerun FFG.
Need help? Contact me in Fido's RA_UTIL echo, netmail, on the BBS (see #s
above), via US Mail or transporter beam.
■ Special thanks to
■ William Herrington - The SaddleBag BBS - 1:374/38
■ Wai Wong - Wai's BBS - 1:153/754
■ Bob Knowles - Beach Ribbs - 1:271/58