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PKZip Archive  |  1993-08-24  |  43KB

This file was processed as: PKZip Archive (archive/zip).

You can browse this item here: mipxgw.exe
File Comment
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     ┌───[ Hi-Performance Telecommunications & Information Services ]──┐
     │  CHANNEL 1 (R) * Cambridge MA * 617 354-7077 * Internet/Usenet  │
     │  85 Lines * 30Gigs * IBM/Amiga/Mac/Unix * Best Files in the USA │
     └───────[ Call for latest updates * V.32bis: 617 354-3230 ]───────┘

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert PKZip Archive (zip) magic
100% dexvert MS-DOS/Windows Executable (exe) magic
65% dexvert LHArc Archive (lha) ext
100% file MS-DOS executable, MZ for MS-DOS Self-extracting PKZIP archive, ZIP self-extracting archive default
99% file data default
84% TrID 16bit DOS EXE PKLite compressed default
7% TrID Generic Win/DOS Executable default
7% TrID DOS Executable Generic default