3 Failed to log onto MAPI with the specified profile.
4 You must explicitly name a profile on the command line, e.g. mfetch /p YourProfileHere.
6 MAPI Download
7 (Unknown error.)
8 (No further information on the error is available.)
9 Failed to locate the MAPI spooler service. This is the proverbial deep doo-doo.
10 This profile contains no default store. Hence the spooler cannot download mail.
11 Seeking default store into which to download mail.
12 Seeking spooler service with which to download mail.
13 Downloading mail.
14 MAPI Download fetches mail from mail transports, loading them from a particular profile named on the command line. This allows a user to schedule downloads of messages without starting the Exchange mail client. The utility takes two command-line switches. /p specifies the profile, and is followed by the name of the profile to use, surrounded in double quotes if its name contains spaces. /c specifies a credential string to use when logging onto MAPI, if necessary.