Internet Info 1997 December
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!eecs-usenet-02.mit.edu!nntprelay.mathworks.com!news-peer.gsl.net!news.gsl.net!gip.net!news.idt.net!dispose.news.demon.net!demon!rill.news.pipex.net!pipex!warm.news.pipex.net!pipex!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!laura.pcug.co.uk!alpha3!auofaq
Newsgroups: alt.usenet.offline-reader,alt.answers,news.answers
Followup-To: alt.usenet.offline-reader
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (a.u.o FAQ)
Reply-To: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG
Subject: alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQ (02/02) software
Summary: Reading mail and news available to your normal login account, but while you're not actually logged in
Message-ID: <19971019.auofaq.02@locutus.ofB.ORG>
Supersedes: <19971005.auofaq.02@locutus.ofB.ORG>
References: <19971019.auofaq.01@locutus.ofB.ORG>
Date: 19 Oct 1997 00:00:00 +0100
Expires: 18 Dec 1997 12:00:00 GMT
Organization: Private System, London SW19, UK
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
X-Posted-By: trivdb
Lines: 503
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.usenet.offline-reader:28718 alt.answers:29724 news.answers:114917
Archive-name: off-line-readers/usenet/software
Alt-usenet-offline-reader-archive-name: software
Posting-Frequency: biweekly
Original-Author: Rhys Weatherley
Last-modified: 1997-Aug-28
part 01/02 intro
1 Credits and Disclaimer
2 Spam
3 Other sources
4 QWK and Crayons
5 Overview
6 Newsgroups of interest to offline readers
7 What is an offline reader?
8 What is the difference from getting a news feed?
9 What are QWK and BlueWave?
10 What is SOUP?
11 What is ZipNews?
12 Where are tutorials?
13 Where can I find the Good Netkeeping Seal of Approval?
14 Why does Forte Agent get its own group?
part 02/02 software
100 Where can I get the software?
200 Where are the QWK readers?
300 common sites, template
400 author contacts
500 ftp sites
600 miscellaneous
700 packers
800 readers
Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure the information contained
herein is correct, neither the current author, the current poster, nor
any previous author or previous poster can accept ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER
for errors, ommissions or damage howsoever caused.
Subject: a.u.o software: 100 Where can I get the software?
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
100 Where can I get the software?
There are two pieces of software that you will need for any offline
reading activities. A "generating program" (also known as a "packet
generator" or "door") to build the packets on the BBS or login account,
and a "reading program" (also known as a "packet reader") to read the
packets on your home machine. This section lists software that can be
used for each of these activities, together with the authors, FTP sites,
and packet formats supported.
In the case of interactive dial-in users, you may find that a suitable
generating program may already exist on the system you call: ask the
system administrator if you are unsure. For Waffle systems, you will
need to ask the system administrator to install the generating software.
For Unix, anyone who has access to a C compiler can compile and install
the currently available software, so no intervention from the system
administrator is required.
101 Where are the reviews?
not here.
if you are looking for reviews, post your requirements and see who
else knows what you need. please do not be vague -- no one can help
you when you just say you're looking to evaluate some `offline
software for your computer'. what kind of computer is it you're
using? what is the computer it's connecting to? what do you want to
do -- mail, news, both, more? how much are you willing to pay? what
sort of interface do you need? how sophisticated are you? etc.
I will not be putting any reviews in here, partly because they would be
difficult to maintain, and partly because I want to avoid any flak from
a negative review which I did not write.
if you want to periodically post a collection of reviews, go ahead.
you don't need my approval.
Subject: a.u.o software: 200 Where are the QWK readers?
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
200 Where are the QWK readers?
not here. I don't plan on listing any software that mangles headers
as much as QWK does.
some QWK software also can also be instructed to ignore the QWK headers
and use correct headers in the bodies of messages, and product fully
compliant messages. obviously, this has nothing to do with the QWK
format anymore (since all the QWK information is ignored), and requires
support from the unpacker to also use these body `headers' and ignore the
(useless) QWK headers.
the SlipStream Jet packer tries to compensate for QWK limitations, but
often fails unless you have a very long expiry time and/or you
frequently upload your replies, because it needs the original, unmangled
articles to rebuild the missing headers.
so, look elsewhere for QWK readers. if you must.
Subject: a.u.o software: 300 common sites, template
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
300 Common sites, template
If you know of any other products that support offline activities for
RFC-compliant mail and news, please send the following information in
mail to auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG . Also, be sure to post your announcement,
to make sure everyone knows about it.
Name: [Product name]
Author: [email address]
Location: [ftp site] [filename] *
Type: Packet Generator/Packet Reader/Both
Environment: [msdos][mac][ms-windows][os2][atari-st][unix][etc.]
Formats: [soup][zipnews]
* for the Coast to Coast Software Repository collection, just use
`coast' for the ftp site, and give the first two directories
(e.g., `msdos/offline') plus filename. the main SimTel mirror
is ftp.coast.net:/Coast -- if you connect to
<http://www.coast.net/Coast/> you'll get a list of mirrors.
Coast/SimTel had decided to stop allowing files which do not include
the address and phone number of the author, which annoys me
to no end. there are rumors that this policy has been dropped;
if not, consider alternate sites.
the special entry ``simtelnet:'' indicates the SimTel.net
collection, available in many places, including CD-ROMs, and its
main ftp mirror, ftp.simtel.net:/pub/simtelnet/ -- if you connect
to <http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/> you'll get a list of
mirrors [?].
SimTel.net, which is clearly not a network provider, and is thus
badly misnamed, is a new Walnut Creek site.
for the Cica ms-windows collection, just use `cica' for the ftp site,
and give the first directory (e.g., `util') plus filename. on cica
itself, the ms-windows files are in ftp.cica.indiana.edu:/pub/pc/win3/
see also ftp.winsite.com , cica's new home.
for the sumex-aim info-mac collection, just use `info-mac' for the
ftp site. one of the main info-mac sites is sumex-aim.stanford.edu .
Subject: a.u.o software: 400 author contacts
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
400 author contacts
soup meteor@sprintmail.com
zip zip-bugs@wkuvx1.wku.edu
unzip zip-bugs@wkuvx1.wku.edu
getnews ppg@oasis.icl.co.uk
solar kjhoule@iowegia.des-moines.ia.us
uqwk seb3@gte.com
uqwk-js js@xs4all.nl
uqwkselector seb3@gte.com
zipnews jkilday@nlbbs.com
hpv meteor@sprintmail.com
slnr ppg@oasis.icl.co.uk
unor rrusbasa@nyx.cs.du.edu
zipnewsreader jkilday@nlbbs.com
yarn cthuang@io.org
yarn-os2 cthuang@io.org
yarneditorsh pg@login.dknet.dk
yarnfoldutil brusberg@stud.uni-frankfurt.de
paperboy vart@clark.net
rfdmail yon@world.std.com
toadnews jpmah@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
pronto pronto@commtouch.com, [800-63-TOUCH,+1 415 578 8580]
nnrnews hero@login.dkuug.dk
offlinepgp staalesc@ifi.uio.no
versatermlink maxwell@sales.synergy.com
soupcmd combee@prism.gatech.edu
macslurp ...
offliner [was: harknesb@metronet.com; now unknown]
offline-orbit jts@krk.fi
williamsnews rwilliam@netcom.com
snuupm mlawrie@apies.frd.ac.za
uufree uufree@locutus.ofB.ORG
macsoup stk@berlin.snafu.de
readmail Jeroen.Schipper@let.ruu.nl
newswerthy billw@eskimo.com
newshopper nh@sw15.demon.co.uk
newsfetcher h9151382@idefix.wu-wien.ac.at
rnmac rrwood@io.org
okami wr@bara.oche.de
tetrix Johannes@tetrix.internet-eireann.ie
winyarn ?
souper cthuang@io.org
souper bobr@mcs.com
wssoup magnus@world.net
olmenu kgresham@america.net
sonr kgresham@america.net
wsomr wang@durian.usc.edu.ph
nautnews strombus@xmission.com
forte-agent agent-info@forteinc.com
autonews EDL@cityscape.co.uk
vweave info@virtuoso.com
ddigest bobr@mcs.com
foldscan jhoglund@mirage.skypoint.com
postroadmail innoval@ibm.net
thor thor@hstud6.cs.uit.no
imail astevens@ddj.com
phhnews fransen@thing.xs4all.nl
newspkg ccrlphr@xensei.com
newsxpress kenng@hk.super.net
turnpike info@turnpike.com
netcetera netcetera@airtime.co.uk
bobs-sumfile bobr@mcs.com
uqwk-sel-dos brusberg@stud.uni-frankfurt.de
oui sales@dvorak.com [?]
oui +1 303-661-0345 [?]
quickelm badda@btp2x5.phy.uni-bayreuth.de
shownews rreid@ecst.csuchico.edu
bluewave bluewave@cris.com
nfx nicko@westonia.com
tropical miron@ksc.au.ac.th
virtualaccess support@ashmount.com
gravity tony@microplanet.com
palmtopreader Mickeyj@hk.net
nettamer nettamer@cei.net
nettamer-ware tomburl@net-connect.net
pgmail petergl@ix.netcom.com
golded odinn@image.dk
snarfnews [withheld by request]
soup2pkt jffraiz@poboxes.com
mountainrdr awatson@pacifier.com
offlinelist Jim_Hanoian@alpha-one.org
why ddonati@mcs.net
slipit-ukappp khweis@mvmpc9.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de
slippper support@circularlogic.com
wippper support@circularlogic.com
@ccessnews support@vamail.com
Subject: a.u.o software: 500 ftp sites
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
500 ftp sites
soup coast:msdos/offline/soup12.zip
soup http://www.gatech.edu/acm/soup12.html
soup http://www.yak.net/combee/soup12.html
zip ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/*
unzip ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/*
getnews ftp.adelaide.edu.au:/pub/news/readers/off-line/slnr/ ...?
solar coast:msdos/waffle/solar094.zip
solar ftp.netis.com: ?
solar http://www.netins.net/~kevin/solar.html
uqwk ftp.gte.com:/pub/uqwk/uqwk1.8.tar.Z
uqwk-js http://ww.xs4all.nl/%7Ejs/warez/uqwk++.tar.gz
uqwkselector ftp.gte.com:/pub/uqwk/us/us1.1.tar.Z
zipnews coast:msdos/offline/znews97g.zip
hpv coast:msdos/offline/hpv101b.zip
slnr ftp.adelaide.edu.au:/pub/news/readers/off-line/slnr/*
slnr ftp.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD/ports-current/All/slnr/patches/*
unor ftp.gte.com:/pub/unor/unor0021.zip
zipnewsreader coast:msdos/offline/znr093b.zip
yarn coast:msdos/offline/yarn_088.zip [not latest]
yarn-os2 ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/comm/yrn2_088.zip [not latest]
yarn http://www.vex.net/yarn/archive/yarn_091.zip
yarn-os2 http://www.vex.net/yarn/archive/yrn2_091.zip
yarneditorsh coast:msdos/offline/yes-020b.zip
yarnfoldutil coast:msdos/offline/yutil04.zip
paperboy ftp.clark.net:/pub/vart/pboy205.zip
rfdmail garbo.uwasa.fi:/windows/comm/rfdml122.zip
toadnews ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/tisk/tidbits/uucp/
pronto [retail package] eval: commtouch.com:/pub/commtouch/eval.exe
nnrnews coast:msdos/offline/nnrnews2.zip
offlinepgp coast:msdos/offline/apgp212.zip
versatermlink [retail package - nothing ftp-able]
soupcmd ftp.gte.com:/pub/soupcmd/soupcmd.tar.gz
macslurp ...
offliner [old: metronet.com:/pub/xfer/ol06a.zip]
offliner ftp.oslonett.no:/gopher/Software/Windows/Comm/Offline/ol06b.zip
offline-orbit [via mail from author]
williamsnews ftp.netcom.com:/pub/rwilliam/wnnws10b.zip
snuupm coast:msdos/uucp/snuupm26.zip
uufree ftp.worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca:/pub/rschulz/uufree07.zip
uufree ftp.worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca:/pub/rschulz/uufres07.zip
uufree http://www.worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca/~rschulz/uucp/
macsoup info-mac:comm/inet/mac-soup-*
macsoup http://www.inx.de/~stk/macsoup.html
macsoup ftp.nacamar.de:/pub/Macintosh/MacSOUP/MacSOUP-2.2.sit.hqx
readmail ftp://ftp.let.ruu.nl/~jeroen/readmail/
readmail ftp://ftp.visi.com/users/astanley/
newswerthy coast:msdos/offline/nwrth202.zip [not latest]
newswerthy simtelnet:msdos/mailnews/nwrth210.zip
newswerthy ftp.eskimo.com:/u/b/billw/nwrth210.zip
newswerthy http://www.eskimo.com/~billw/software.html
newshopper http://www.demon.co.uk/sw15/
newsfetcher ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/tisk/tidbits/tcp/news-fetcher-045-hc.hqx
rnmac ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/tisk/tidbits/uucp/rn-mac-13b6.hqx
okami ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de:/pub/atari/uucp/o_026.zip
tetrix ftp.internet-eireann.ie:/pub/ie_access/dos/winsock/trp*
tetrix cica:winsock/trp110.zip
winyarn coast:win3/offline/winyrn71.zip
souper http://www.vex.net/yarn/archive/souper16.zip
souper http://www.mcs.com/~bobr/ftp-dir.html
souper ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/network/tcpip/souper13.zip
souper ftp://ftp.mcs.com/mcsnet.users/bobr/souprw05.zip
wssoup http://www.ozemail.com.au/~magnus
olmenu ftp://ftp.america.net/~kgresham/olmnu117.zip
olmenu http://www.america.net/~kgresham/olmenu.html
olmenu ftp.america.net/pub/offline_readers/OLMenu/olmnu117.zip
sonr ftp://ftp.america.net/~kgresham/sonr101.zip
sonr http://www.america.net/~kgresham/olmenu.html
sonr ftp.america.net/pub/offline_readers/OLMenu/sonr101.zip
wsomr http://www.primenet.com/~dbeko/wsomr120.zip
nautnews ftp.xmission.com:/pub/users/s/strombus/nn051b.zip
forte-agent ftp.forteinc.com:/pub/forte/free_agent/fagent10.zip
forte-agent [commercial full-blown version available, not for ftp]
autonews ftp.cityscape.co.uk:/users/ay89/autonews.zip
vweave ftp.std.com:/vendors/virtuoso/vweave/vweave10.zip
vweave coast:win3/offline/vweave10.zip
ddigest coast:msdos/offline/ddig-007.zip
foldscan mirage.skypoint.com:/pub/members/jhoglund/foldscan.zip
postroadmail ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/demos/pstrd102.zip
thor hstud6.cs.uit.no:/pub/amiga/thor222_main.lha
thor hstud6.cs.uit.no:/pub/amiga/thor222_inet.lha
imail ftp.mv.com:/pub/ddj/packages/imail.zip
phhnews coast:win3/offline/phn044b.zip
phhnews coast:win3/offline/phnextra.zip
phhnews <http://www.xs4all.nl/~hawk>
newspkg ftp.xensei.com:/pub/users/ccrlphr/newspkg3.tgz
newsxpress ftp.hk.super.net:/pub/windows/Winsock-Utilities/nx10b4-p.zip
newsxpress ftp.hk.super.net:/pub/windows95/wskutil/nx20b0.zip
turnpike ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/mirrors/turnpike/evaluate.zip
turnpike ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/litee111.zip
turnpike ftp.turnpike.com:/pub/evals109.zip
netcetera ftp.airtime.co.uk:/netcetera/NETC250.ZIP
bobs-sumfile coast:msdos/offline/bus-013.zip
uqwk-sel-dos coast:msdos/offline/uqwks04.zip
oui http://www.peaktopeak.com/
oui ftp.dvorak.com:/pub/oui/oui_te.exe
quickelm simtelnet:msdos/mailnews/qelm110.zip
quickelm coast:msdos/offline/qelm102.zip
shownews coast:msdos/offline/sn-311.zip
bluewave http://www.cris.com/~bluewave
nfx simtelnet:msdos/mailnews/nfx270.zip
tropical http://taygate.cl.au.ac.th/web/miron/
tropical coast:win3/offline/tr131e.zip
virtualaccess ftp.ashmount.com/va/vanet16.exe [free]
virtualaccess ftp.ashmount.com/va/vanet32.exe [free]
virtualaccess ftp://ftp.ashmount.com/va/vapro16.exe
virtualaccess ftp://ftp.ashmount.com/va/vapro32.exe
gravity http://www.microplanet.com/
palmtopreader http://eddie.mit.edu/ftp/distrib/hp95lx/NEW/pnrv10.zip
palmtopreader http://www.inet.net.au/~muzza/pnrv11b1.zip
nettamer simtelnet:msdos/nettamer/n109-386.zip
nettamer simtelnet:msdos/nettamer/n109-xt.zip
nettamer garbo.uwasa.fi:/pc/connect/n108-386.zip
nettamer garbo.uwasa.fi:/pc/connect/n108-xt.zip
nettamer-ware http://www.net-connect.net/~tomburl/ntwares.htm
pgmail http://www.ergomatrix.com/
golded http://www.winet.dk/goldware/
snarfnews http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~crypto/
soup2pkt http://www.arrakis.es/~jffraiz/soup2pkt.htm
mountainrdr http://www.pacifier.com/~awatson/
offlinelist simtelnet:msdos/mailnews/qwkp9704.zip
why http://www.mcs.net/~ddonati/why/why.html
slipit-ukappp mvmpc9.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de:/gopher/public/x_slip/*
slipit-ukappp coast:msdos/offline/slip_itj.zip
slipit-ukappp http://mvmpc9.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de/public/uka_ppp/
slippper http://www.circularlogic.com
wippper http://www.circularlogic.com
@ccessnews http://www.vamail.com/accsnews.exe
Subject: a.u.o software: 600 miscellaneous
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
600 miscellaneous
soup - Simple Offline Usenet Packet format
offlinepgp - soup-aware pgp addon
yarneditorsh - editor shell+utilities for yarn
yarnfoldutil - utilities for yarn folders
winyarn - ms-windows front-end to yarn
olmenu - menu-based front-end to uqwk
sonr - simpler version of olmenu
snuupm - easy-install of snews, uupc, and pmail
uufree - free uucp/mail/news, with installation/configuration program
ddigest - extract articles from digest into newsgroups
foldscan - scans news for keywords, puts hits into file or folder
bobs-sumfile - select threads based on subject lines, uqwk and soup
uqwk-sel-dos - works with uqwk's summary mode to select threads
soup2pkt - convert soup <-> Fidonet PKT
offlinelist - ASCII text info on SOUP (and other) offline mail products
why - windows front-end for yarn
Subject: a.u.o software: 700 packers
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
700 packers -- `name' - `function'; `platforms'; `standards'
701 getnews - generator; Unix; soup
702 solar - generator; msdos Waffle; soup
703 uqwk - generator; Unix NNTP, Unix spool; soup/zipnews
704 uqwk-js - generator; Unix NNTP, Unix spool; soup/zipnews
705 uqwkselector - generator; Unix NNTP, Unix spool; ...
706 zipnews - generator; msdos Waffle, PC-Board, Wildcat; zipnews
707 nnrnews - translator; msdos; nn save files, soup
708 soupcmd - uqwk add-on; Unix; soup commands that uqwk handles non-souply
709 macslurp - news importer via SLIP; mac; ...
710 newsfetcher - news importer via SLIP; mac; ...
711 souper - packer of SLIP mail/news; os2; soup
712 souper - packer of SLIP mail/news; ms-windows; soup
713 wssoup - packer of SLIP mail/news; ms-windows; soup
714 slipit-ukappp - packer of SLIP/PPP mail/news; msdos; soup
715 newspkg - news importer via SLIP; perl (unix or other); std directory tree
716 snarfnews - makes SOUP-subset rnews batches from NNTP (and other things)
717 slippper - ? [includes automated NNTP]; msdos; ?
718 wippper - ? [includes automated NNTP]; ms-windows; ?
Subject: a.u.o software: 800 readers
From: auofaq@locutus.ofB.ORG (Alt.Usenet.Offline-reader FAQ)
800 readers -- `name' - `function'; `platforms'; `standards'
note that `SLIP-based proprietary' or `PPP-based proprietary' often
mean that the package will grab messages via nntp or pop3 or imap,
and keep them in a local proprietary database. many of these packages
can also work online.
801 hpv (helldiver packet viewer) - reader; msdos; soup
802 slnr (simple local news reader) - reader; Unix, msdos, atari; soup
803 unor (USENET offline reader) - reader; ms-windows; soup
804 zipnewsreader - reader; msdos; zipnews
805 yarn - reader; msdos, os2; soup
806 paperboy - reader; ms-windows; soup
807 rfdmail - reader; ms-windows; proprietary
808 toadnews - reader pre-processor; mac; soup
809 pronto - reader; ms-windows; proprietary
810 versatermlink - reader; mac; proprietary
811 offliner - reader; ms-windows; soup; DISCONTINUED
812 offline-orbit - reader; amiga; soup
813 williamsnews - reader; ms-windows; soup
814 macsoup - reader; mac; soup
815 readmail - reader; msdos; soup
816 newswerthy - reader; msdos; soup
817 newshopper - reader; mac; proprietary
818 rnmac - reader; mac; soup?
819 okami - reader; atari st; soup
820 tetrix - reader; msdos; SLIP-based soup
821 wsomr - reader; msdos; soup
822 nautnews - reader; ms-windows; SLIP-based proprietary
823 forte-agent - reader; ms-windows; SLIP-based proprietary (a.u.o.forte-agent)
824 autonews - reader; ms-windows; SLIP-based ?
825 vweave - selector; ms-windows; uqwk selection files (not soup-based)
826 postroadmail - reader; os2; custom pop3-based
827 thor - reader; amiga; soup, SLIP-based
828 imail - reader; msdos; custom
829 phhnews - reader; ms-windows; ?
830 newsxpress - reader; ms-windows; SLIP-based proprietary workaround
831 turnpike - reader; ms-windows; proprietary
832 netcetera - reader; ms-windows; proprietary
833 oui - reader; ms-windows; proprietary?
834 quickelm - reader; msdos; front-end for Unix shell
835 shownews - reader; msdos; proprietary news
836 bluewave - reader; msdos, os2; bluewave, QWK-ignore-headers, soup (promised)
837 nfx - reader; msdos; soup
838 tropical - reader; ms-windows; soup
839 virtualaccess - reader; ms-windows; SLIP-based proprietary
840 gravity - reader; ms-windows; announcement didn't mention method
841 palmtopreader - reader; HP palmtops, msdos; zipnews
842 nettamer - reader; msdos; PPP-based proprietary
843 pgmail reader; ms-windows; announcement didn't mention method
844 golded reader; msdos; soup and others
845 mountainrdr reader; ms-windows; soup and others
846 @ccessnews packer+reader; ms-windows; proprietary (mail and news)