Internet Info 1997 December
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: charlton@ihug.co.nz (Andrew D. Charlton)
Newsgroups: rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg,rec.answers,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons FAQ
Supersedes: <games/ultima_874485656@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons
Date: 1 Oct 1997 10:09:16 GMT
Organization: Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter
Lines: 1171
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Expires: 29 Oct 1997 10:07:08 GMT
Message-ID: <games/ultima_875700428@rtfm.mit.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: penguin-lust.mit.edu
Summary: Information on Ultima, the Ultima Dragons, and any other topics
discussed in the rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons newsgroup.
X-Last-Updated: 1997/04/08
Originator: faqserv@penguin-lust.MIT.EDU
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons:81419 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg:186788 rec.answers:34376 comp.answers:28301 news.answers:113530
Archive-name: games/ultima
Posting-Frequency: Fortnightly
Last-modified: Tuesday, 8th April 1997.
URL: http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~charlton/andrew/rgcudfaq.html
The rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ)
This FAQ was conceived, and written by Andrew Charlton aka Erratic Dragon, aka
Erraticus (charlton@ihug.co.nz, http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~charlton/andrew/),
unless otherwise stated, I and me refer to this person. The exception to this
is the questions which are written by the archetypal clueless newbie.
o 1 About This FAQ
o 1.1 Purpose of this FAQ
o 1.2 Revision History
o 1.3 Latest Version
o 1.4 Abbreviations
o 2 The Dragons
o 2.1 What are the Dragons?
o 2.2 Why are you named the Ultima Dragons?
o 2.3 What does UDIC stand for?
o 2.4 Can I join the Dragons?
o 2.5 How do I change my roster data?
o 2.6 What does Dragon membership qualify me for?
o 3 The Newsgroup
o 3.1 History of the Newsgroup
o 3.2 Ultima Celebrities
o 3.3 What can I discuss?
o 3.4 Should I post binaries?
o 3.5 Can I ask for hints?
o 3.6 How do I avoid getting flamed?
o 3.7 Why don't you all stop fighting?
o 4 Technical and Non-Gameplay Issues
o 4.1 Availability of Ultimas and Ultima Related Merchandise
o 4.2 The Ultima 1-6 CD
o 4.2.1 Where can I find it?
o 4.2.2 Problems with the U1-6 CD
o 4.3 Missing Documentation
o 4.4 Windows 95 Issues
o 4.5 Lack of Memory
o 4.5.1 How do I free up more memory?
o 4.5.2 I still can't get enough!
o 4.6 Ultimas Run Too Fast
o 4.7 Ultima 2 gives a Divide By Zero error! How do I fix it?
o 5 The Ultima Series
o 5.1 What is Ultima?
o 5.2 Where can I find hints and walkthroughs?
o 5.3 Continuity
o 5.3.1 Can you explain any plot inconsistencies?
o 5.3.2 How should I pronounce Ultima names?
o 5.3.3 What order do the Ultimas come in?
o 5.4 Akalabeth
o 5.4.1 Where can I find a copy of Akalabeth?
o 5.5 Ultima (1)
o 5.6 Ultima 2 : The Revenge of the Enchantress
o 5.6.1 Patches
o 5.7 Ultima 3 : Exodus
o 5.8 Ultima 4 : The Quest of the Avatar
o 5.8.1 Patches
o 5.9 Ultima 5 : Warriors of Destiny
o 5.9.1 Cheats
o 5.10 Ultima 6 : The False Prophet
o 5.10.1 Patches
o 5.10.2 Cheats
o 5.10.3 Who Killed Quenton?
o 5.11 Worlds of Ultima : Savage Empire
o 5.12 Ultima, Worlds of Adventure 2 : Martian Dreams
o 5.13 Ultima Underworld 1 : The Stygian Abyss
o 5.14 Ultima 7 : The Black Gate
o 5.14.1 Patches
o 5.14.2 Cheats
o 5.14.3 How do I get past the Test of Truth in the Forge of
o 5.14.4 How do I get past the Hydra on Ambrosia?
o 5.15 Ultima Underworld 2 : Labyrinth of Worlds
o 5.15.1 Cheats
o 5.16 Ultima 7 part 2 : Serpent Isle
o 5.16.1 Patches
o 5.16.2 Cheats
o 5.16.3 Where is the Comb of Beauty?
o 5.17 Ultima 8 : Pagan
o 5.17.1 Patches
o 5.17.2 Cheats
o 5.17.3 Where is the Birthplace of Moriens?
o 5.18 Nintendo/Gameboy Ultimas
o 5.19 Ultima Online
o 5.19.1 What is Ultima Online?
o 5.19.2 System requirements
o 5.19.3 When is Ultima Online due out?
o 5.19.4 Where can I sign up for the Ultima Online beta test?
o 5.19.5 Is there an Ultima Online newsgroup?
o 5.19.6 Where can I find out more about Ultima Online?
o 5.20 Ultima 9 : Ascension
o 5.20.1 When will Ultima 9 come out?
o 5.20.2 Why is it taking so long?
o 5.20.3 Where can I find out more about Ultima 9?
o 5.21 Ultima Underworld 3
o 5.21.1 Is an Ultima Underworld 3 planned?
o 5.22 Ultima 10
o 5.22.1 What do you know about Ultima 10?
o 6 Ultima, the Dragons and The World Wide Web
o 6.1 The Ring of Dragons
o 6.2 Ultima Under Emulators
o 6.3 Ultima Fan Fiction
o 6.4 How can I put Ultima runes on my web pages?
o 6.5 Is there an Ultima Windows 95 desktop theme?
o 6.6 Ultima Levels for Games
o 6.6.1 Civilization 2
o 6.6.2 CivNet
o 6.6.3 Warcraft 2
o 6.6.4 Warlords 2
o 7 Real Time Interactions
o 7.1 The Weyrmount
o 7.1.1 What is the Weyrmount?
o 7.1.2 How do I get there?
o 7.1.3 What do I do once I'm there?
o 7.2 IRC (#UDIC)
o 7.2.1 What is IRC?
o 7.2.2 How do I get there?
o 7.2.3 What do I do once I'm there?
o 7.2.3 What does "re" mean?
o 8 Summary
o 8.1 Pages
o 8.2 Other Stuff
o 8.3 Why isn't my page in here?
o 9 Acknowledgements
1 About This FAQ
1.1 Purpose of this FAQ
This FAQ is not intended to replace the many other sources of Ultima and
Ultima Dragons information. Rather, it is intended to summarise,
supplement, and list them, for the purpose of regularly posting to
rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons, in order to cut down on some
unnecessary noise on the group. Most of the questions in this FAQ are real
questions which are asked on rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons (And its
predecessor, alt.games.ultima.dragons) reasonably frequently
1.2 Revision History
Only the most recent revisions are listed here. The complete history can
be found at http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~charlton/andrew/revision.html Dates
are in the form DD/MM/YY.
Added "Why don't you stop fighting?". Added link to IRC Client
archive. Added web page for one of the Warcraft Ultima PUDs. Reminder to
self: add Origin Disk Exchange info. Updated newsgroup version.
Okay, so I missed my self-imposed deadline for the revision - oh
well... I've filled in the blanks, there's a lot changed, so it's probably
easier to just read the FAQ if you want to know what's different. Text
version now created with Emacs-W3 since it recognises the stylesheet
margins, and generally makes the text more attractive (Quite apart from
the fact that I don't have Netscape installed any more, and IE does an
awful job of saving as text)
Wrote my first Emacs program (Which included learning Emacs lisp) which
constructs the index from the body of the FAQ, so I can change section
numbers and titles without having to change it in two places. Projects for
the future: Automatic renumbering of sections for easy insertion of
sections, and automatic generation of the summary.
Determined structure of new FAQ. The most striking difference is a section
for each Ultima which will detail cheats specific hints, patches etc. for
that Ultima. Essentially, the rest is the same sections jumbled around
into (To me, at least) a more logical, and more easily expandable,
order. Most of the old Miscellaneous section has gone into a new WWW
section. Added style sheet (To web version) which should improve
readability on supporting browsers.
Gearing up for major revision, since the structure of the FAQ has been
much the same since I first wrote it at 1am on a sleepless night almost 1
year ago - I have learned a lot about FAQ maintainance since that time,
and so a major overhaul is needed. I might see if I can have the new
version ready for the 1st anaversary. Fixed some gramatical errors,
rephrased some sections to make them clearer. Removed some obsolete
information, and marked some areas for revision. This version will not be
1.3 Latest Version
This FAQ can now be found at
http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~charlton/andrew/rgcudfaq.html. Also, it is posted
fortnightly in rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons,
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg, rec.answers, comp.answers, and news.answers. As
a result of crossposting to news.anwsers, a text version of the FAQ is
available at ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/games/ultima and
its many mirrors. The web version is likely to be slighly more up-to-date
than the newsgroup version.
1.4 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations may be found in this FAQ and also in the
newsgroup, IRC etc.
o U1-U9 : Main sequence Ultimas, Ultima 1, Ultima 2 etc.
o U7 or BG : Ultima 7 : The Black Gate
o U7.5 or SI : Ultima 7 part 2 : Serpent Isle
o UW1 or UUW1 : Ultima Underworld 1
o UW2 or UUW2 : Ultima Underworld 2
o SE : Worlds of Ultima 1 : Savage Empire
o MD : Ultima, Worlds of Adventure 2 : Martian Dreams
o UO or UOL : Ultima Online (With the caveat that the designers themselves
prefer UO)
o FoV : Forge of Virtue
o SS : Silver Seed
o RGCUD or RGCU-D : rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons
Note that it's probably best not to use U0 (zero) for Akalabeth, because
it can look the same as UO - Ultima Online.
2 The Dragons
2.1 What are the Dragons?
The Ultima Dragons is a group of people who simply love Ultima, a long
running series of computer role playing games (CRPGs). You can find more
information about the Dragons, and their long, and sordid history in the
Official UDIC FAQ at http://www.hardlink.com/~nubila/ultima/faq.html,
maintained by Monomolecular Dragon.
The Dragons' home page and membership roster is at http://www.udic.org/
maintained by Fallible Dragon.
The Dragons' FTP site is at ftp://ftp.udic.org/pub/ud/
2.2 Why are you named the Ultima Dragons?
When the club was first formed on Prodigy, there was already a club called
the Evil Avatars, the new club was therefore called "Players of Ultima for
Fun" or PUFF. This lead to inevitable references to Puff the Magic Dragon,
and the club was soon renamed the Ultima Dragons.
2.3 What does UDIC stand for?
The original club was on the Prodigy online service, but the club later
moved to the Internet in late 1994 with the creation of the newsgroup
alt.games.ultima.dragons, forming the Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter or
2.4 Can I join the Dragons?
You certainly can, provided you meet the entrance requirement - to have
played an Ultima. There are several ways to join:
o The easiest, and preferred way is to use your web browser and go to
http://www.udic.org/join.html . It is recommended that you at least
read the UDIC FAQ before joining, see section 2.1.
o If you do not have access to the World Wide Web, you can e-mail to
join@udic.org include the following information in the message:
o Your real name,
o Your email address.
o Your proposed Dragon Name,(subject to checking to see if it has
already been taken)
o Ultimas you may have played and/or completed
o A little about yourself, so we know who we are talking to.
Whichever method you use, one of the dedicated team of greeters will
process your application and get back to you.
2.5 How do I change my roster data?
If you remember the password you entered when you joined, then you can go
to http://www.udic.org/members/ and sign on.
If you don't remember your password, or you want to change your Dragon
name, then mail join@udic.org and one of the greeting team will handle
your request.
2.6 What does Dragon membership qualify me for?
Like most things in life, you will get out of the Dragons what you put
in. If you make the effort to participate, the club can be very rewarding,
but don't expect to sit back and watch the benefits accrue.
Once you are a Dragon, you can register your homepage for the Dragons'
Homepage list at:
o http://www.biochem.mpg.de/~brenner/udic/homes.html (original European
site from Minstrel Dragon).
o http://www.inficad.com/~geo/udic/pages.htm (Geomorphic Dragon's US mirror
To register your homepage, go to:
o http://www.biochem.mpg.de/~brenner/udic/homes/homeform.html
It is strongly recommended that pages submitted include at least some
reference to Ultima and the Ultima Dragons.
3 The Newsgroup
3.1 History of the Newsgroup
rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons was created on the 19th of March 1996,
five days after the vote for its creation was passed 421:130
Prior to the creation of RGCUD, the Ultima Dragons' newsgroup was
alt.games.ultima.dragons, this was deleted 60 days after the new group was
created (May 19th 1996).
The details of the creation of rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons, and the
deletion of alt.games.ultima.dragons (Including RFD, the two CFVs, and the
result of the vote) are available at
Note: alt.games.ultima.dragons still exists on many servers, which can be
confusing when people read the group only to find it's empty, or mostly
empty. If your local news server is one of these, you can do everyone a
favour by dropping a line to your news administrator (usually
newsmaster@<your domain>) telling them about the problem, and directing
them to the above URL.
3.2 Ultima Celebrities
A handfull of current and former Origin staff participate from time to
time, including:
o Dr. Cat - worked on several Ultimas, including Ultima 6 and the Runes of
Virtue games. Dr. Cat has an online game in the works called Furcadia
at http://www.bga.com/furcadia/
o Brian Martin, design coordinator for Ultima 9, and also working on Ultima
Online, pops in from time-to-time.
o Bill Armintrout, who worked on Serpent Isle sometimes posts to fess up to
the bugs in the game :-)
o Richard Steinberg, from Origin PR, can confirm or deny rumours that float
around the newsgroup.
o And several people have posted to tell us they had their portrait used in
Serpent Isle.
3.3 What can I discuss?
The main topic is the Ultima series of computer games, but as well as
Ultima, it is also a meeting place for members of the Ultima Dragons. As
such, a large amount of off-topic discussion is tolerated/welcomed. You
need not be a Dragon to post.
Topics of discussion in RGCUD have ranged from Ultima hints, wild
speculations about Ultima 9, wild speculations about what events in
previous Ultimas meant, Ultima Dragons organisational issues, software
piracy, religion, and what various Dragons had for lunch yesterday. Ultima
fan-fiction is welcome.
The official word on the matter must go to the newsgroup's charter:
CHARTER: rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons
rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons will be an unmoderated forum for
discussion of issues of interest to members of the Ultima Dragons Internet
Chapter and all fans of the Ultima games. Topics will include discussion
of current games, news and rumors, tips and advice from members of the
Ultima Dragons, talk about organizational matters of the UDIC, discussions
about the UDIC's facilities like the Weyrmount MOO as well as the WWW and
FTP sites, story authoring, and other club related issues of interest to
members of the Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter and other participants in
the newsgroup.
3.4 Should I post binaries?
No. Binaries should only be posted in binaries groups (alt.binaries.* + a
few others). There are a few reasons for this. Probably the most important
is so people can avoid downloading large binaries that they may not want.
If you want to post some Ultima related binaries, post them to an
appropriate alt.binaries.* group, or put it on a web or FTP site, then
post a note in rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons telling the readers there
where they can find it.
3.5 Can I ask for hints?
Yes, it is one of the groups primary functions. We only ask that you
follow a few guidelines:
o A good, descriptive subject line, including the name of the Ultima you
are having problems with (See also, section 1.4 for some
abbreviations), and a brief description of the problem. This allows
people to zero in on questions they know the answer to.
o If you are asking a technical question, try to include some info about
your system. In particular, what you are loading in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
and CONFIG.SYS. Drivespace, for example, can take up lots of memory,
and would be significant.
3.6 How do I avoid getting flamed?
You're reading this FAQ, which is a good start. Before asking a question,
see if the answer is in here, or the other resources mentioned here.
When you first point your newsreader at rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons,
there will probably be a few days worth of messages waiting for you. Just
read through some of them to get an idea of the way the group operates.
For an overview of Usenet ettiquette, please read the newsgroup
news.announce.newusers, which contains a number of documents with useful
information in them.
3.7 Why don't you all stop fighting?
Most of the time, we aren't fighting at all, simply debating. The Dragons
manage to discuss some pretty touchy issues without degenerating into a
flamewar. Occasionally, flamewars will spring up, but usually, there are
only a few participating. Please don't avoid posting for fear of being
flamed. Follow the guidelines in Section 3.6 and you will be
fine. Participating is a lot of fun.
My experience is that flamewars have to run their course. Calling for
people to stop doesn't work, it just adds fuel to the fire, and spreads
the flamewar to new threads. The best way to deal with flamewars is to
ignore them.
Many newsreaders (Such as Forte Agent, Anawave Gravity, and News Express
on Windows) have functions to ignore ("Kill") either people or threads. If
you see a flamewar spring up, you may want to simply ignore it by putting
the threads or participants in your "Killfile". You can do the same for
topics you aren't personally interested in. Consult the documentation for
your newsreader for details.
4 Technical and Non-Gameplay Issues
4.1 Availability of Ultimas and Ultima Related Merchandise
Underworld Dragon has written the Ultima Collectibles FAQ, available at
http://scott.net/~rgregg/ultima/ultima-collectibles.faq This contains
information on what Ultima memorabilia exists, and where you might find
4.2 The Ultima 1-6 CD
4.2.1 Where can I find it?
See section 4.1
4.2.2 Problems with the U1-6 CD
There are several problems relating to the CD which are discussed in a FAQ
by Ultra-Mind Dragon at
4.3 Missing Documentation
The Encore CD was mistakenly released with no documentation. Origin has
made the docs available at
http://www.origin.ea.com/english/ultima/index.html listed under their
respective Ultima. (See also, section 4.2)
I think there are certain versions of the Complete Ultima 7 which came
without docs. Most had them on the CD in Adobe PDF format. The full docs
are not available online, but the Trinsic questions are availabe at the
above URL.
4.4 Windows 95 Issues
Ultimas 1-6 require no special considerations for Windows 95, and will run
quite well in a full-screen MS-DOS prompt. (See also section 4.2.2 and
section 4.7 for other problems relating to these games)
Erinnyes Dragon has provided a page providing help for Win95 Ultima 7/7.5
users, and a few other bits and pieces at:
Ultima 8 is a little less strict on memory requirements, probably the
above U7 solutions will work fine for U8.
4.5 Lack of Memory
4.5.1 How do I free up more memory?
For Windows 95, see section 4.4
For DOS users, you'll probably want to make a boot disk containing just
the bare minimum device drivers.
First, format a floppy like so:
FORMAT A: /s Then with a text editor, create the following files on the
If you use drivespace include:
Whenever you want to play, boot from this floppy.
NOTES: some of your directories may be different, substitute them as
appropriate. I have had difficulty getting Serpent Isle to work, even with
this minimal configuration. Drivespace takes up quite a lot of space, the
only solution I could come up with was to substitute my usual mouse driver
for one which took up slightly less space, either that, or use a DOS 5
boot disk, so the driver doesn't get loaded. If you do this, you will only
be able to access the uncompressed portion of the drive, the rest is still
there, and will return when you load with DOS 6 again. Do not include the
drivespace line if you use this method.
4.5.2 I still can't get enough!
Some device drivers will cause U7/SI to misreport the memory, and refuse
to start. If you have followed the instructions above, the only device
driver you should have loaded is your mouse driver, try replacing that.
Unfortunately, among the drivers which cause this problem is the Maxtor
(OnTrack) Hard Drive Overlay (Identifiable by a blue banner when you start
up.) which allows older computers to have larger hard drives. There is no
way to remove this driver (Or at least no way to still access your HD
afterwards). I have no answer to this problem.
4.6 Ultimas Run Too Fast
There is a program called moslo, which is available at the dragons FTP
site, http://ftp.udic.org/pub/ud/ultima/patches/moslo.zip
4.7 Ultima 2 gives a Divide By Zero error! How do I fix it?
This is caused by fast computers (don't ask me how) the solution is to use
a slowdown program, see section 4.6
This solution will slow down the whole computer. Not much fun if you're
trying to multitask (i.e. Windows 95), so there is another solution:
http://www2.psyber.com/~louis/u2fix.zip (Thankfully supplied by Micro
Dragon) includes full instructions. In particular, remember to hold down
the SHIFT key when loading.
5 The Ultima Series
5.1 What is Ultima?
Ultima is a long-running series of computer role playing games
(CRPGs). The settings have varied, but many of the games take place in the
land of Britannia, ruled benevolantly by Lord British (The alter-ego of
Richard Garriott, the series creator).
The hero (At least from Ultima 4 onwards) is the Avatar, champion of
virtue, who comes originally from Earth, but tends to get transported to
Britannia whenever trouble arises.
5.2 Where can I find hints and walkthroughs?
There is a wonderful selection of Ultima walkthroughs available at
http://www.origin.ea.com/english/ultima/, and also at
5.3 Continuity
5.3.1 Can you explain any plot inconsistencies?
There are many points of constant speculation on the newsgroup, most of
which are never agreed on, and so cannot be put into a FAQ. There is an
Ultima storyline FAQ, http://www.gatewest.net/~cpb/ultima.html which does
attempt to explain some of these (Written by Chris Billows, not currently
being maintained, I personally would be interested in someone taking over,
for more info, see the end of the FAQ (His, not mine)), many others remain
unanswered. Feel free to post your own theories, but be prepared for some
pretty heavy scrutiny.
5.3.2 How should I pronounce Ultima names?
Many of these are from Ultima 6.
o Iolo: Yo-Lo.
o Dupre: Dew-pray.
o Shamino: Unresolved. Either SHAM-ee-no, or Sha-MEAN-o.
o Jaana: Again unresolved, possibly Jah-nuh, or Jay-nuh, or Ya-nuh.
o Sentri: Sahn-tray.
5.3.3 What order do the Ultimas come in?
Underworld Dragon has written a timeline, putting all events which have
happened in the Ultima world in perspective. It is available at
Specifically, the Ultimas come in the order they are listed in this FAQ.
5.4 Akalabeth
5.4.1 Where can I find a copy of Akalabeth?
Akalabeth has, as far as I know, been released as freeware, and Apple II
disk image of the game for use with emulators is available at
5.5 Ultima (1)
There is currently no additional information about Ultima 1 in this FAQ,
but see section 5.2 for walkthroughs etc.
5.6 Ultima 2 : The Revenge of the Enchantress
5.6.1 Patches
Micro Dragon has a patch which fixes the Ultima 2 divide-by-zero error,
available at http://www2.psyber.com/~louis/u2fix.zip
Moonstone Dragon has a fix for the Encore CD version of Ultima 2 which
supplies the missing inner planets of the 'Galactic Disk', which got lost
by copying both disks into one directory of the Ultima 1-6 CD. It is
available at http://www.biochem.mpg.de/~brenner/binary/u2fix.zip
5.7 Ultima 3 : Exodus
There is currently no additional information about Ultima 3 in this FAQ,
but see section 5.2 for walkthroughs etc.
5.8 Ultima 4 : The Quest of the Avatar
5.8.1 Patches
Joshua Steele has made a patch to update the graphics in Ultima 4 (PC
version), see http://copland.udel.edu/~avatar/ultima.html for more info.
5.9 Ultima 5 : Warriors of Destiny
5.9.1 Cheats
This from Thirith Dragon:
There is a kind of a cheat for U5, at least on the C64. It goes something
like this:
If you've got between 11 and 15 portions of some reagents, mix a spell
containing only such reagents. Mix 16 portions of this spell. If the spell
existed, you now have 16 spells, plus 96-99 of the reagents.
5.10 Ultima 6 : The False Prophet
5.10.1 Patches
There is a patch to fix the sound in U6 for modern computers by Jason Ely,
available at http://fly.hiwaay.net/~ssweargn/zips/u6fix.zip
5.10.2 Cheats
Speak to Iolo, and type
This will bring up a cheat menu.
5.10.3 Who Killed Quenton?
This is another red herring/plot hole. Using standard methods (i.e. not
cheating) there is no way to find out who killed Quenton. It is not
necessary to win the game.
There is a man with a house on the road from Britain to Skara Brae who
refuses to give his name, his name is Michael, and this is the man who
killed Quenton. This is verified by the cluebook for U6.
5.11 Worlds of Ultima : Savage Empire
There is currently no additional information about Savage Empire in this
FAQ, but see section 5.2 for walkthroughs etc.
5.12 Ultima, Worlds of Adventure 2 : Martian Dreams
There is currently no additional information about Martian Dreams in this
FAQ, but see section 5.2 for walkthroughs etc.
5.13 Ultima Underworld 1 : The Stygian Abyss
There is currently no additional information about Ultima Underworld 1 in
this FAQ, but see section 5.2 for walkthroughs etc.
5.14 Ultima 7 : The Black Gate
5.14.1 Patches
Newton Dragon has a patch to upgrade Ultima 7 to support General MIDI,
available at
5.14.2 Cheats
The cheat mode for Ultima 7 part one can be activated by typing the
following on the command line:
Ultima7 abcd[alt 255]<RETURN>
[alt255] is a single, invisible character typed by pressing alt, and
typing 255 on the keypad, then releasing alt.
There is no space between abcd, and [alt 255].
Within the game, the F-keys now have special functions.
5.14.3 How do I get past the Test of Truth in the Forge of Virtue?
Very near the beginning of the test is a hood next to a wall, this is an
illusory wall, you can walk through it to a corridor, and eventually to
the TRUE amulet of truth.
5.14.4 How do I get past the Hydra on Ambrosia?
One of the walls is actually a secret door, double click on that, and it
will open.
5.15 Ultima Underworld 2 : Labyrinth of Worlds
5.15.1 Cheats
This from Thirith Dragon:
If you blast any kind of potion, for example when you attack it
repeatedly, it will turn into debris; but the debris, when used, has
exactly the same function as the potion -- with infinite charges.
5.16 Ultima 7 part 2 : Serpent Isle
5.16.1 Patches
Newton Dragon has a patch available to upgrade Serpent Isle to support
General MIDI, it is available at
5.16.2 Cheats
The cheat mode for Serpent Isle is activated by typing the following on
the command line:
serpent pass<RETURN>
or, if you have the Silver Seed addon:
serpent manimal<RETURN>
Within the game, f-keys now have special funtions.
5.16.3 Where is the Comb of Beauty?
In the north wall of Columna's house (Moonshade) there is a secret door
which leads into the garden. The comb is in a chest partially hidden
behind some foliage. The chest can be opened with a key from the basement
of the house.
5.17 Ultima 8 : Pagan
5.17.1 Patches
There was a patch released for Ultima 8 which makes some changes to the
game, among the changes are an improved jumping system, and some plot
holes have been fixed.
The patch is available at the following location, please use the patch for
the version of Ultima 8 that you own. I have no idea what applying the
wrong one will do, perhaps I will try it so I can include that
o English Version ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/u8patche.zip
o German Version ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/u8patchg.zip
o French Version, ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/u8patchf.zip
5.17.2 Cheats
The easiest way (AFAIK) is to use the following program, which modifies
your current savegame with the cheat enabled. I have not personally tried
this, and I have not the HD space to reinstall U8 just for this. If anyone
has some feedback on this mail me at charlton@ihug.co.nz. It can be found
at http://www.udic.org/pub/ud/ultima/programs/u8cheat2.zip
5.17.3 Where is the Birthplace of Moriens?
Two possibilites. If you have applied the Ultima 8 patch (See section
x.x), then the birthplace is behind a door labelled "The Birthplace of
Moriens" in the upper catacombs.
If you have not applied the patch, then the birthplace does not exist. It
is generally considered that the place to go next is a door labelled
"Towards Fate Do You Travel", this is the same door as mentioned above, it
was just renamed by the patch.
5.18 Nintendo/Gameboy Ultimas
There is currently no additional information about the Nintendo and
Gameboy Ultimas in this FAQ, but see section 5.2 for walkthroughs etc.
5.19 Ultima Online
5.19.1 What is Ultima Online?
Ultima Online is a virtual, graphical environment, based in the world of
Britannia (And other continents). There was a successful (And by all
accounts extremely fun) pre-alpha test for two weeks beginning the 1st of
April, and another starting the 13th of May 1996. A beta test is planned
for sometime between now and the time it is released.
5.19.2 System requirements
Here are the specifications for the beta test:
o 486dx4-75 required--MINIMUM
o Pentium 133--RECOMMENDED
o 8 megs of RAM required, 32 megs recommended
o Slip/PPP or direct connect at 14.4k bps or better with 32 bit TCP/IP
o 1 meg PCI video minimum, 2 meg PCI or VLB Video recommended
o Windows '95
o 16 bit (or better) Sound Card
o 2x CD-ROM drive minimum, 4x (or better) CD-ROM drive recommended
o 50 megs hard drive space minimum, 150 megs recommended
There will also be Macintosh clients, and unsupported X-Windows clients,
but no information on the system requirements for those are available.
5.19.3 When is Ultima Online due out?
I have heard no recent information regarding an Ultima Online release
5.19.4 Where can I sign up for the Ultima Online beta test?
The beta test was taken down on the 31st of January, no more signups are
being accepted. If you have already signed up, Origin are still accepting
payment until the end of February:
o In the United States, Canada, and Mexico, $2(US).
o Everywhere else, $10(US).
5.19.5 Is there an Ultima Online newsgroup?
An Ultima Online group has been suggested. However, many people on RGCUD
think that it is best to wait at least until the game is released, and
then decide whether the traffic warrants a new group.
5.19.6 Where can I find out more about Ultima Online?
There are several Ultima Online web pages, the Origin Worlds Online page
is the official one, at http://www.owo.com/
Origin has written a FAQ, available at http://www.owo.com/faq.html
5.20 Ultima 9 : Ascension
5.20.1 When will Ultima 9 come out?
Our sources say the last quarter of '97, this should be taken with the
same caution all game release dates are.
5.20.2 Why is it taking so long?
Ultima 9 is planned to be an epic, it will be the last Ultima to star the
Avatar, and will incorporate, explain, and wrap up all previous
Ultimas. This is an awfully big task, and naturally takes some time.
Here it is, straight from the mouth of Lord British (Well, almost
straight.. translated to German and back to English...): "We have learned
something [from Ultima 8 and Pacific Strike]. Quality always has to have
priority, even against financial reasons."
Thanks to F15 Dragon for translating the interview, it can be found at
5.20.3 Where can I find out more about Ultima 9?
There is an Ultima 9 FAQ maintained by Sith Dragon,
http://www.walrus.com/~sith/faqindex.html which contains all known
screenshots released by Origin.
5.21 Ultima Underworld 3
5.21.1 Is an Ultima Underworld 3 planned?
Here is another excerpt from the LB interview at
"Interesting that you ask, these days Warren Spector, the producer of the
Underworld series, is putting a team together at Origin, which is intended
to work on that project. Underworld III is not officially planned, but
we're collecting people."
Yes, loose-lips British has done it again. Make of this what you will.
Since that interview, Warren Spector has left Origin on good terms, but
Underworld 3 may still be in the works -
"That's very high on our to-do list, as a matter of fact" [...] "There's
three projects that will probably become two. Imagine Underworld III,
imagine Ultima X as you might think of it, and imagine Ultima Online
II. Ultima X might be online, and therefore is really the same thing as
Ultima Online II. Ultima X might be first person point of view, so Ultima
X could really be Underworld III. Two of those titles will be done, but
we'll probably do all three of those things in the next two titles."
From an interview with Lord British in October 1996's PC Gamer.
5.22 Ultima 10
5.22.1 What do you know about Ultima 10?
Here's another excerpt from the October PC gamer interview with Lord
"Ultima X [is free to start] from a completely fresh perspective of what
I'll call pseudo-science". "Pseudo-science" as he puts it. will be drawn
from the early era of Victorian science (Such as Leonardo da Vinci's
experiments). Although what exactly that will mean for the Ultima world
he's not too sure yet. However, he is sure that the player will no longer
control the Avatar in their journeys. "But the Avatar will likely show up
as a character."
6 Ultima, the Dragons and The World Wide Web
6.1 The Ring of Dragons
This FAQ can barely scratch the surface of resources available, and can
only list one or two sources of information for each topic. The Ring of
Dragons links together many Ultima and Ultima Dragons related information
in an easy to navigate manner. For more about the Ring of Dragons, check
out http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon&home
6.2 Ultima Under Emulators
Some Ultimas for different platforms can still be played on a PC. Check
out the Ultima emulator FAQ (By Caliaber Dragon and Archon
Dragon). Available at: http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9127487/ultima/FAQ.html
6.3 Ultima Fan Fiction
You can find a list of Ultima fan fiction at Dragon Press,
6.4 How can I put Ultima runes on my web pages?
Yes. Archon Dragon has a page on how to use a Java applet to display
Ultima Runes. It is available at
6.5 Is there an Ultima Windows 95 desktop theme?
Yes, Micro Dragon has constructed a theme with a large collection of
backgrounds, cursors, etc. It's available from
6.6 Ultima Levels for Games
6.6.1 Civilization 2
The Silly Dragon has a Civilization 2 map available if you mail him at
Ophidian Dragon also has a Civilization 2 map available if you mail him at
6.6.2 CivNet
Ophidian Dragon has a CivNet map available if you mail him at
6.6.3 Warcraft 2
Vulcan Dragon has a Warcraft 2 PUD available at
http://www.netcom.com/~mr_worf/vulcan.htm, or by email from
Ophidian Dragon also has a Warcraft 2 PUD available if you mail him at
6.6.4 Warlords 2
Ophidian Dragon has a Warlords 2 level available if you mail him at
7 Real Time Interactions
7.1 The Weyrmount
7.1.1 What is the Weyrmount?
Its a MOO, a virtual environment for Dragons to interact with each other.
7.1.2 How do I get there?
The new 'Official' address is weyrmount.sensemedia.net port 9020 Telnet to
that address. Other addresses are not guaranteed to work in the future.
Follow the instructions on the screen, and connect as a guest. If you
don't get any instructions, then either you are forgetting the port
number, or your telnet client software is ignoring it. If it is the
latter, then you probably have to get a new client.
There is also a web page at http://sensemedia.net/weyrmount/
7.1.3 What do I do once I'm there?
A MOO is a lot like a text adventure, to walk around type stuff like "Go
North" actually usually just "N" will suffice, to talk to other players,
type "say <your text here>", this has a shortcut version, simply typing a
double quote instead of say will work exactly the same way.
The best way to get help is to page someone. You can type @who to get a
list of all the users who are currently logged on, and then type "page
<charactername> <your message i.e. Please help me, I'm new...>" (page can
be replaced by an apostrophe) the people on the MOO are very nice, and are
almost certain to help you.
There is a lot to learn, but most of it is very easy to use after a short
while. Typing help, or help <something> can often help.
There is a Weyrmount FAQ maintained by Underworld Dragon which provides
much more information, http://scott.net/~rgregg/ultima/weyrmount.faq
If you are on the Weyrmount, you can access the FAQ with this command:
read $faq
7.2 IRC (#UDIC)
7.2.1 What is IRC?
IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat", it consists of a lot of "Channels"
each of which has its own topic. People can join channels and talk (Or
rather, type). The Ultima Dragons have a channel called #UDIC
7.2.2 How do I get there?
First, you need an IRC client, a large archive of IRC clients is available
at ftp://ftp.undernet.org/pub/irc/clients/ .
Different clients have different ways of accessing the commands, for
example some of the following commands may be automated, and you will only
need to fill in a dialog box, so please read the documentation of your
You will first need to connect to an Undernet server by typing:
/server us.undernet.org
Replacing "us.undernet.org" with a server near you from the list of
Undernet servers available at http://www.undernet.org/
If all goes well, you should get a message-of-the-day flashing up on your
screen. Your client may have asked you for a nickname to use on IRC, but
if not then you can type:
/nick <your nickname>
Choose something unique (9 letters max)- there are a lot of people on IRC,
and only one person can use each name at a time - your Dragon name is
probably a good choice. Now, to join the #UDIC channel, type:
/join #UDIC
7.2.3 What do I do once I'm there?
Just start typing. Everything you type is sent to everyone on the channel
(When you press <return>), except for lines beginning with "/". Anything
beginning with a "/" is interpreted as a command, one useful command is:
/me does something.
Everyone else will see "<your nickname> does something".
7.2.3 What does "re" mean?
It essentially means "Hello again", it could come from "re-hi" or perhaps
it is just a shortening of "Regards".
8 Summary
8.1 Pages
o UDIC FAQ, http://www.hardlink.com/~nubila/ultima/faq.html
o Ultima Dragons' Homepage http://www.udic.org/
o Ultima Dragons Join Form, http://www.udic.org/join.html
o Roster Update, http://www.udic.org/members/
o Ultima Dragons' Homepages,
http://www.biochem.mpg.de/~brenner/udic/homes.html OR
o Homepage Registration,
o RGCUD Creation,
o Furcadia, http://www.bga.com/furcadia/
o Ultima Collectibles FAQ,
o Encore U1-6 CD, http://www.ece.concordia.ca/~ac_march/Ultima1-6FAQ.html
o Ultima and Windows 95, http://fly.HiWAAY.net/~ssweargn/ultima.htm
o Ultima Walkthroughs, http://www.origin.ea.com/english/ultima/,
o Ultima Storyline FAQ, http://www.gatewest.net/~cpb/ultima.html
o Ultima Timeline FAQ, http://scott.net/~rgregg/ultima/ultima-timeline.faq
o Ultima Online Home, http://www.owo.com/
o Ultima Online FAQ, http://www.owo.com/faq.html
o Ultima 9, LB interview,
o Ultima 9 FAQ, http://www.walrus.com/~sith/faqindex.html
o The Ring of Dragons,
o Ultima Emulator FAQ, http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9127487/ultima/FAQ.html
o Ultima Fan Fiction, http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~charlton/andrew/fanfic/
o Ultima Runes Applet, http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9127487/runes/runes.html
o Ultima Win95 Theme,
o Warcraft 2 (Vulcan Dragon), http://www.netcom.com/~mr_worf/vulcan.htm
o Weyrmount MOO, http://sensemedia.net/weyrmount/
o Weyrmount FAQ, http://scott.net/~rgregg/ultima/weyrmount.faq
o The Undernet, http://www.undernet.org/
8.2 Other Stuff
o UDIC FTP Site, ftp://ftp.udic.org/pub/ud/
o Mo'slo, http://ftp.udic.org/pub/ud/ultima/patches/moslo.zip
o Akalabeth,
o Ultima 2 divide-by zero fix, http://www2.psyber.com/~louis/u2fix.zip
o Ultima 2 missing planets fix,
o Ultima 4 Graphics Update, http://copland.udel.edu/~avatar/ultima.html
o Ultima 6 sound fix, http://fly.hiwaay.net/~ssweargn/zips/u6fix.zip
o Ultima 7 General MIDI fix,
o Serpent Isle General MIDI fix,
o Ultima 8 patch,
o English Version ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/u8patche.zip
o German Version ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/u8patchg.zip
o French Version, ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/u8patchf.zip
o Ultima 8 Cheat Activator,
o IRC Client Archive, ftp://ftp.undernet.org/pub/irc/clients/
8.3 Why isn't my page in here?
I welcome submissions, but just be aware that it is simply not possible to
list every Ultima related resource out there.
9 Acknowledgements
Thanks to the writers of all the other FAQs and pages, and software that
this one references, and all the contributors of
rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons and its predecessor,
alt.games.ultima.dragons who have answered some of these questions
numerous times without complaint.
Comments, and suggestions are welcome, email me at charlton@ihug.co.nz
Disclaimer: Absolutely none of the information in this FAQ is correct, you
would be a fool to believe any of it. Do so at your own risk.
This FAQ (C) copyright 1996,1997 Andrew Charlton (charlton@ihug.co.nz). All
rights reserved.