Internet Info 1997 December
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: zakariam@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu (Aamir Zakaria, M.D.)
Newsgroups: sci.med.informatics,sci.med,sci.med.telemedicine,sci.med.radiology,sci.med.pharmacy,sci.med.nursing,sci.engr.biomed,sci.med.pathology,comp.lang.mumps,comp.protocols.dicom,misc.education.medical,sci.answers,misc.answers,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Medical Informatics FAQ
Supersedes: <medical-informatics-faq_874572315@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: sci.med.informatics
Date: 9 Oct 1997 09:18:39 GMT
Organization: Vanderbilt Division of Biomedical Informatics, Nashville, TN
Lines: 174
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 13 Nov 1997 09:17:01 GMT
Message-ID: <medical-informatics-faq_876388621@rtfm.mit.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: penguin-lust.mit.edu
Summary: This article answers some frequently asked questions about
Medical Informatics and the sci.med.informatics newsgroup.
X-Last-Updated: 1995/06/13
Originator: faqserv@penguin-lust.MIT.EDU
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu sci.med.informatics:9833 sci.med:221529 sci.med.telemedicine:12626 sci.med.radiology:10012 sci.med.pharmacy:53716 sci.med.nursing:38695 sci.engr.biomed:9631 sci.med.pathology:6108 comp.lang.mumps:8710 comp.protocols.dicom:2962 misc.education.medical:30144 sci.answers:7199 misc.answers:6617 comp.answers:28447 news.answers:114177
Archive-name: medical-informatics-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1995/05/30
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Medical Informatics, sci.med.informatics
This document is intended to answer some frequently asked questions about
medical informatics and the newsgroup sci.med.informatics. It is posted
each month. It is periodically updated and all comments and contributions are
Recent changes:
5/30/95: Added: Luebeck medical informatics training site
5/11/95: Added: "What is HL7?" FAQ by Al Stone
5/02/95: Added: UPenn/Philadelphia VAMC Informatics Fellowship listed
4/18/95: Added: 3D Reconstruction Page URL, Vanderbilt Home Page URL
1) What is medical informatics?
2) What is the purpose of the sci.med.informatics newsgroup?
3) Is this newsgroup available as a "LISTSERV" (mailing list)?
4) Where can I train in medical informatics?
5) What do people trained in Medical Informatics do?
6) How do I learn more about medical informatics?
7) What is HL7?
1) What is medical informatics?
Simplistic definition: Computer applications in medical care
Complicated definition:
Biomedical Informatics is an emerging discipline that has been defined
as the study, invention, and implementation of structures and
algorithms to improve communication, understanding and management of
medical information. The end objective of biomedical informatics is
the coalescing of data, knowledge, and the tools necessary to apply
that data and knowledge in the decision-making process, at the time
and place that a decision needs to be made. The focus on the
structures and algorithms necessary to manipulate the information
separates Biomedical Informatics from other medical disciplines where
information content is the focus.
Yet another:
2) What is the purpose of the sci.med.informatics newsgroup?
As stated in the Charter:
The focus of this newsgroup will be the discussion of the grand
challenges facing medical informatics today (and tomorrow).
Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to:
* Medical Information Standards (e.g. UMLS, HL-7)
* Medical Informatics Training
* IAIMS (Integrated Academic Information Management Systems)
* Computerized Medical Records
* Clinical Information Systems
(including radiology, laboratory, pharmacy, nursing, etc.)
* Physician Order Entry Systems
* Computer-Aided Instruction
* Medical Expert Systems
* Nursing Informatics
* Announcements of Interest, e.g. conferences, journals, societies
* National Library of Medicine
* Health Information Networks
* Medical Software Reviews
* Research Funding Opportunities
* Policy Making
(including procurement and certification of medical software)
* Medical Software Engineering
* Cultural/Sociologic Changes
* Medical Software Security
* Telemedicine
* Veterinary Informatics
3) Is this newsgroup available as a "LISTSERV" (mailing list)?
Not at present. However, there is a separate medical informatics mailing
list "MEDINF-L"; to subscribe, send a message "SUBSCRIBE MEDINF-L
<your name>" to <LISTSERV@VM.GMD.DE>.
There is also an "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine" mailing list operated
out of Stanford. For more information or for a subscription, e-mail to:
4) Where can I train in medical informatics?
National Library of Medicine training sites in U.S.:
Harvard, New England Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Stanford, Yale,
Duke-UNC, Oregon Health Sciences U., Rice-Baylor, U.Missouri,
Columbia, U. Minnesota
Some other U.S. programs: Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, Utah, Alabama,
U.Washington, Harvard/Center for Clinical Computing, U.Penn/
Philadelphia VA Medical Center
Outside U.S.: Victoria (Canada), Geneva (Switzerland), Heidelberg/
Heilbronn (Germany), Hildesheim (Germany), Luebeck (Germany),
Manchester (UK), Campinas (Brazil)
Many others exist, some of which are catalogued in the following site:
Contacts for most of the U.S. programs listed above can be obtained from
the following WWW page:
5) What do people trained in Medical Informatics do?
Many people who train in medical informatics have professional degrees in
a health related area. Nurses, physicians, medical librarians, and computer
scientists will each find their professional niche in a different area:
Consultants with management consulting firms, hospital record managers, data
analysts, librarians, senior staff in state health departments, programmer/
analysts in industry, and just good old family doctors.
Different educational programs have varying expectations for their students
future careers. It is best to contact each program to explore the range
of career opportunities their graduates are prepared for.
6) How do I learn more about medical informatics?
Popular textbook: Medical Informatics by Shortliffe and Perreault.
Popular journals: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,
M.D. Computing, Methods of Information in Medicine, Computers and
Biomedical Research
Other sources: Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Proceedings of Symposium on
Computer Applications in Medical Care, MEDINFO Proceedings
Good Review article: Greenes RA. Shortliffe EH. Medical informatics. An
emerging academic discipline and institutional priority.
JAMA.263(8):1990 Feb 23.
The AI in Medicine FAQ:
A Few WWW Home-Pages:
Stanford: http://www-camis.stanford.edu/
Vanderbilt: http://vumclib.mc.vanderbilt.edu/
Duke: http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/
Yale: http://paella.med.yale.edu/
NASA 3D Reconstruction: http://biocomp.arc.nasa.gov/3dreconstruction
Web search results of "medical informatics"):
7) What is HL7?
HL7 (Health Level 7) is a specification for electronic data exchange
between health care institutions, particularly hospitals, and between
different computer systems within hospitals. It defines standard
message types (for example, admit a patient, report a lab result) with
required and optional data for each. Messages are defined to be
independent of computer system and communications protocol, and they
are constructed so that later versions of the HL7 standard can add
data elements without "breaking" systems using older versions of HL7.
HL7 began as a bottom-up movement by system vendors and hospitals to
replace custom-built system interfaces with a shared standard. It has
become the de facto standard for hospital system interfaces in the
United States. Other standards in the field include ASC X12N, widely
used for insurance payment and remittance messages; and the ACR/NEMA
DICOM standards for radiology images.
More information on HL7 can be found on the HL7 WWW server:
There is also an HL7 list server to which you can subscribe by
sending the message "subscribe HL7" to <majordomo@virginia.edu>.
Acknowledgements: Dean Sittig, Robin Lake, Al Stone, Oliver Niedung, Joseph Hales.
Further submissions, corrections, updates to
(c) 1995 Aamir M. Zakaria