Internet Info 1997 December
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From: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
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Subject: Comp.software-eng FAQ (Part 3): readings
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Last-Modified: 24 Aug 1997
Archive-name: software-eng/part3
This is the monthly "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) posting on
reading materials for software engineers. Topics include:
Periodicals on Software Engineering
Professional Journals
Mixed Research and Practice
Research Journals
Other magazines
Other sources of information
General reading for software engineers
Programming in the large
Programming in the small
Mathematical Approaches
Cost Estimation
Formal Specification
Metrics - General
Metrics for object-oriented systems
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Programming Style
Real-Time Systems
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Analysis - General
Collaborative Requirements Analysis
Software Process
Software Testing
User Interfaces
Human-Computer Interaction -- General
User Interface Development -- General
User Interface Design -- Principles and Guidelines
User Interface Development - Software
User Interface Evaluation
Styleguides for Specific Platforms
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Look for lines starting with "Subject:" (control-G command in rn).
Be warned: the only mechanism we use to compose this list is to gather
information submitted by people around the net, post it regularly, and
incorporate feedback. All evaluations are the opinions of those who submitted
them; your mileage may vary. Send comments to dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David
Alex Lamb).
Subject: Textbooks
Date: 23 Aug 1997
Originally collected by: hsrender@happy.colorado.edu (Hal Render)
The first 8 items are Hal Render's original list in his rough order of prefer-
1. Software Engineering: The Production of Quality Software by Shari Pfleeger,
2nd Edition, Macmillan, 1991, ISBN 0-02-395115-X.
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Like #2, had the best explanations of what
I want to cover (different engineering lifecycles, methods, and tools).
2. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger Pressman, 4th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1996, ISBN 0070521824
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: (on 2nd edition): Like #1, had the best
explanations of what I want to cover (different engineering lifecycles,
methods, and tools).
robb@iotek.uucp (Robb Swanson): The definitive book on the subject as far
as I'm concerned.
johnson@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu (Michelle Johnson): A good text book as well as
3. Software Systems Engineering by Andrew Sage and James D. Palmer.
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Like #1, had the best explanations of what
I want to cover (different engineering lifecycles, methods, and tools).
4. Fundamentals of Software Engineering by Ghezzi, Jayazeri and Mandrioli,
Prentice-Hall, 1991
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Like #5, good, and covered the issue of
specifications and verification better, but at the expense of other
aspects of the development process. I may use one of them for a graduate
course in software engineering.
nancy@murphy.ICS.UCI.EDU (Nancy Leveson): Better than Sommerville, although
I like much of Sommerville.
5. Software Engineering with Abstractions by Valdis Berzins and Luqi, Addison
Wesley, 1991, 624 pages.
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Like #4, good, and covered the issue
of specifications and verification better, but at the expense of other
aspects of the development process. I may use one of them for a graduate
course in software engineering.
straub@cs.UMD.EDU (Pablo A. Straub): Both this and #9 have a good emphasis
on using formal techniques (i.e., doing engineering properly), but they
do not disregard informal methods; chapters are roughly organized around
the traditional lifecycle. #5 is longer and can be used in a two-term
sequence or for graduate students (it's possible to use it in a one-
term undergrad course by covering only part of the material). One thing I
like is that management and validation is given in all chapters, so that
these activities are integrated into the development process. Emphasizes
the use of formally specified abstractions. Uses the authors'
specification language (Spec) to develop a project in Ada.
6. Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-17568-1
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Our current text, and my basic problem with it
is the vague way it covers many of the topics.
7. Software Engineering with Student Project Guidance by Barbara Mynatt
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Like #8, not bad, but fairly low-level and
doesn't cover many tools and techniques I consider valuable.
8. Software Engineering by Roger Jones
hsrender@happy.colorado.edu: Like #7, not bad, but fairly low-level and
doesn't cover many tools and techniques I consider valuable.
9. Software Engineering: Planning for Change by David Alex Lamb, Prentice-
Hall, 1988, 298 pages.
straub@cs.UMD.EDU (Pablo A. Straub): Both this and #5 have a good emphasis
on using formal techniques (i.e., doing engineering properly), but they
do not disregard informal methods; chapters are roughly organized around
the traditional lifecycle. #9 has the advantage of being shorter, yet
covering most relevant topics (lifecycle phases, formal specs, v&v,
configurations, management, etc.). It is very appropriate for an
undergrad course. It emphasizes that maintenance is a given and should
be taken into account (hence the title). Several specification
techniques are covered and used to develop a project in Pascal.
10. A Practical Handbook for Software Development by N.D. Birrell and M.A.
Ould, Cambridge University Press, 1985/88. ISBN 0-521-34792-0 (Paper
cover); ISBN 0-521-25462-0 (Hard cover).
ewoods@hemel.bull.co.uk (Eoin Woods):
11. Fundamentals of Computing for Software Engineers by Eric S. Chan & Murat M.
Tanik, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
kayaalp@csvax.seas.smu.edu (Mehmet M. Kayaalp MD):
12. Classic and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, by Stephen
R. Schach, Richard D. Irwin, Inc. (ISBN 0-256-18298-1), 1996. Advertised
as senior/first year graduate level, emphasizing the object-oriented
paradigm, metrics, CASE tools, testing, and maintenance.
13. Practical Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach, Aksen Associates and
Richard D. Irwin Inc. (ISBN 0-256-11455-2), 1992. Advertised as sophomore
through senior level, emphasizing teams, maintenance, reuse, CASE tools.
Subject: Periodicals on Software Engineering
Date: 2 Oct 1996
A. Professional Journals
Meant for working professionals with technical backgrounds.
1. IEEE Software
summary: often presents recent research work, but much more readably
than typical research journals.
publisher: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
subscriptions: IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA
2. Software Engineering Notes
summary: unrefereed newsletter; includes digest of comp.risks
publisher: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) SIGSOFT (Special
Interest Group on Software engineering)
subscriptions: ACM, 11 West 42d St, New York, NY 10036, USA
3. Software Maintenance News
summary: monthly report on people and technology in maintenance; aimed
at practitioners
publisher: Software Maintenance News Inc, B10 Suite 237, 4546 El Camino
Real, Los Altos, CA 94022, USA
subscriptions: as above
4. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
summary: aimed at practitioners; dissemination of new techniques,
methodologies and standards
publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex
PO19 1UD, UK
5. The Software Practitioner (TSP)
summary: started late 1990; meant for real practitioners
publisher: Computing Trends, 1416 Sare Rd., Bloomington IN 47401 USA;
voice/fax: 812-337-8047
B. Mixed Research and Practice
1. Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice
summary: refereed; intended for both researchers and practitioners;
joint US/UK editorial board
publisher: Wiley (see above)
subscriptions: Journals Subscription Department, at above address
2. Software Engineering Journal (SEJ)
summary: full spectrum of articles from practical experience to long-
term research
publisher: IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) and BCS (British
Computer Society); write to IEE Publication Sales, PO Box 96,
Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2SD, United Kingdom.
3. Software: Practice and Experience
summary: not always software engineering; good reputation for practice
publisher: Wiley (see above)
4. The Software Quality Journal
summary: academic research and industrial case studies and experience
publisher: Chapman & Hall, Journals Promotion Department, North
America:29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001-2291, USA. Europe:
2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK
C. Research Journals
Meant for presenting recent research results.
1. Information and Software Technology (IST)
summary: broad spectrum, much software engineering, software process,
but also computer science topics.
publisher: Butterworth-Heineman, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford, UK
2. Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
summary: main software engineering research journal
publisher: IEEE (see above)
3. Transaction on Software Engineering Methodology (TOSEM)
summary: first issue dated January 1992; not enough track record for an
opinon yet.
publisher: Association for Computing Machinery
4. Journal of Systems and Software
summary: meant to be more practitioner-oriented than other research
publisher: Elsevier
D. Other magazines
1. Software
summary: "For Managers of Enterprise-Wide Software Resources" primarily
aimed at Management Information Systems (MIS) world
publisher: Sentry Publishing Company, Inc, 1900 West Park Drive,
Westborough, MA 01581, (508) 366-2031
2. Testing Techniques Newsletter
summary: E-mailed on a monthly basis to support the publisher's
customers and to provide information of general use to the testing
publisher: Software Research, Inc., 625 Third Street, San Francisco,
CA 94107-1997; Phone: (415) 957-1441; Toll Free: (800) 942-SOFT; FAX:
(415) 957-0730; E-MAIL: ttn@soft.com.
Subject: Other sources of information
Date: 22 Oct 1994
Software Quality Engineering has a publication division called Single Source,
Publications, Books, and Information for Software Practitioners and Managers:
Software Quality Engineering -- Single Source
3000-2 Hartley Road
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 268-8639
FAX (904) 268-0733
TOLL FREE 1-800-423-8378
They do regular reviews of most of the literature relevant to testing, s-eng,
and management. The books which are deemed useful by the reviewers are
purchased for reselling. Their catalog includes most of the literature that
I've come across on Software Testing. One of the items in the catalog is a
publication which the company puts together itself, The Testing Tools
Reference Guide, a sort of catalog of tools that have passed certain criteria,
(number of unit sold, at least three verifiable references, etc.) They charge
$145.00 for this guide. This includes two bi-annual updates. I've found the
guide very useful in tracking down vendors which specialize in CASE and
testing tools, although it seems to be heavily biased towards IBM mainframe
hardware and COBOL programming (shudder!). Each text is described and
summarized I'm sure SQE would be happy to send catalogs free of charge and
most of the prices seem reasonable. - Glenn Stowe glenn8@odie.cs.mun.ca
Subject: General reading for software engineers
Date: 13 Jul 1996
Originally collected by: cml@cs.UMD.EDU (Christopher Lott)
Summary: responses to "what should every software engineering have read?"
A. General
1. Read about 100 pages of comp.risks
2. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., The Mythical Man-Month, Addison Wesley, 1978.
ISBN 0-201-00650-2
3. The anecdotal books of Robert L. Glass, from Computing Trends, P.O.Box
213, State College, PA 16804, including: "Tales of Computing Folk: Hot
Dogs and Mixed Nuts", "The Universal Elixir and other Computing Projects
Which Failed", "The Second Coming: More Computing Projects Which
Failed", "The Power of Peonage", "Computing Catastrophes", "Computing
Shakeout", "Software Folklore"
4. Paul W. Oman & Ted G. Lewis, Milestones in Software Evolution, IEEE
Computing Society, ISBN 0-8186-9033-X.
5. J.A. McDermid (editor), Software Engineer's Reference Book, Butterworth-
Heinemann Ltd., 1991. ISBN No: 0 750 61040 9. Focuses on the
foundations, and subject matter that is not volatile. The book is
divided into three major parts: Theory and Mathematics; Methods,
Techniques, and Technology; Principles of Applications. For a beginner,
the first two parts are indispensible. It does not provide details of
current research, but points an interested reader to the right sources.
B. Programming in the large
1. Grady Booch, Software Engineering with Ada, second edition,
Benjamin/Cummings, 1987
2. Bertrand Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction, Prentice-Hall,
3. David L. Parnas, On the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Systems into
Modules, Communications of the ACM 15,2 (December 1972).
C. Programming in the small
1. Jon Louis Bentley, Writing Efficient Programs, Prentice-Hall, 1982.
2. Jon Bentley, Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 1986.
3. Jon Bentley, More Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 1988.
4. O.-J. Dahl, E.W. Dijkstra, C.A.R. Hoare, Structured Programming,
Academic Press, 1972.
5. Brian W. Kernighan, and P.J. Plauger, Software Tools, Addison-Wesley,
6. Brian W. Kernighan & P.J. Plauger, The Elements of Programming Style,
Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1978. ISBN 0-07-034207-5.
D. Mathematical Approaches
1. Edsger W. Dijkstra, A Discipline of Programming, Prentice-Hall, 1976.
2. E.W.Dijkstra. Selected writings on computing: a personal perspective.
Springer Verlag, 1982.
3. David Gries (editor), Programming methodology. A collection of articles
by members of IFIP Working Group 2.3. Springer Verlag, 1978.
E. Other
1. Daniel P. Freedman and Gerald M. Weinberg, Handbook of Walkthoughs,
Inspections and Technical Reviews, 3rd edition Dorset House Publishing,
1990, ISBN 0-932633-19-6. Originally published by Little, Brown &
Company, 1982: ISBN 0-316-292826.
2. Tom Gilb, Principles of Software Engineering Management, Addison-Wesley,
1988, ISBN 0-201-19246-2
3. Glenford J. Myers, The Art of Software Testing, Wiley, 1979.
4. Herb Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, Second Edition, MIT Press,
5. Gerald M. Weinberg, The Psychology of Computer Programming, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1971. ISBN 0-442-29264-3
Subject: Cost Estimation
Date: 13 Jul 1996
1. Lawrence Putnam and Ware Myers, "MEASURES FOR EXCELLENCE: Reliable Software
on Time, Within Budget," Prentice-Hall, 1992, ISBN 0-13-567694-0.
Suggested in Fall 1995 as the current standard by several correspondents.
Constrains solutions to those that meet the user's objectives, such as
cost, schedule, staff available, quality.
2. Barry W. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall, 1981. This
used to be the standard; it introduced the COCOMO model.
Subject: Formal Specification
Date: 21 Aug 1995
See also the comp.specification.z FAQ.
1. J.M.Spivey. "Understanding Z: a specification language and its formal
semantics". Cambridge University Press, 1988.
2. David Lightfoot. "Formal Specification Using Z". MacMillan, 1991, ISBN
0-333-54408-0. A clear introduction to Z and the discrete mathematics that
underlies it.
3. B.Potter, J.Sinclair & D.Till. "An introduction to formal specification
and Z". Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science, 1991.
4. D.Bjorner & C.B.Jones. "Formal Specification & Software Development",
Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science, 1980.
5. N.Gehani & A.D.McGettrick (eds). "Software Specification Techniques",
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986
6. I. van Horebeek & J.Lewi. "Algebraic Specifications in Software
Engineering", Springer Verlag, 1989.
7. J.Bergstra, P.Klint & J.Heering. "Algebraic Specification", ACM Frontier
Press Series. The ACM Press in co-operation with Addison-Wesley, 1989.
8. J.Wing. "A specifiers introduction to formal methods", IEEE Computer
23(9):8-24, 1990.
9. Prehn & Soetenel (eds). "Formal Software Development Methods, VDM'91",
LNCS 551 and 552, Springer-Verlag.
Subject: Metrics
Date: 21 Aug 1995
A. Metrics - General
Thanks especially to Horst Zuse, who sent his extensive bibliography on
metrics. He has an extensive database with over 500 entries on metrics;
contact ZUSE%DB0TUI11.BITNET@vm.gmd.de.
1. David N. Card and Robert L. Glass. Measuring Software Design Quality
Prentice Hall, Engewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990
2. S.D. Conte, H.E. Dunsmore, V.Y. Shen. Software Engineering Metrics and
Models. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Menlo Park, 1984 ISBN:
3. Tom DeMarco. Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measurement and
Estimation. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1982
4. T.Denvir, R.Herman and R.Whitty (Eds.). Proceedings of the
International BCS-FACS Workshop: Formal Aspects of Measurement, May 5,
1991, South Bank Polytechnic, London, UK, Series edited by Professor
C.J. van Rijsbergen, ISBN 3-540-19788-5. Springer Publisher, 1992, 259
5. Reiner Dumke. Softwareentwicklung nach Ma`s - Sch`atzen - Messen -
Bewerten, Vieweg Verlag, 1992.
6. Lem Ejiogu. Software Engineering with Formal Metrics. QED Information
Sciences, 1991
7. N.E. Fenton, (Editor). Software Metrics: A Rigorous Approach, 1991
United Kingdom: Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, ISBN
0-412-40440-0. United States: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 5th Avenue,
New York NY 10003, ISBN 0-442-31355-1.
8. Robert B. Grady and Deborah L. Caswell. Software Metrics: Establishing
a Company-Wide Program, Prentice-Hall, 1987, ISBN 0-13-821844-7
9. Robert B. Grady. Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and
Process Improvement. Prentice Hall 1992 ISBN 0-13-720384-5
10. M.H. Halstead. Elements of Software Science. New York, Elsevier North-
Holland, 1977
11. S. Henry, D. Kafura, "Software Structure Metrics Based on Information
Flow", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.SE-7, No.5,
September 1981.
12. IEEE. Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 East
47th Street, New York. IEEE Standards Board, 1989
13. IEEE. Guide for the Use of Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce
Reliable Software. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York. IEEE Standard Board,
Corrected Edition, October 23, 1989
14. T.J. McCabe, A Complexity Measure, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, VOL. SE-2, NO. 4, Dec. 1976.
15. Alan Perlis, Frederick Sayward, Mary Shaw. Software Metrics: An
Analysis and Evaluation. The MIT Press, 1981
16. V.Y. Shen, S.D. Conte, H.E. Dunsmore, Software Science Revisited: A
Critical Analysis of the Theory and Its Empirical Support, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-9, No. 2, March 1983.
Abstract: a critical evaluation of Halstead's software science metric.
17. Martin Sheppard, Software Engineering Metrics, McGraw-Hill Book Company
(UK) Limited, Shoppenhangers Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2QL. ISBN
0-07-707410-6 (UK). Contains 24 selected papers; 1992. Tel: +44 (0)698
23431/2 Fax: +44 (0)698 770224
18. Horst Zuse, Software Complexity: Measures and Methods, de Gruyer (200
Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, NY 10532 - 914/747-0110) 1991
B. Metrics for object-oriented systems
1. Morris Kenneth L. Metrics for Object-Oriented Software Development
Environments (master's thesis). 1989, MIT.
2. Rocacher, Daniel: Metrics Definitions for Smalltalk. Project ESPRIT
1257, MUSE WP9A, 1988.
3. Rocacher, Daniel: Smalltalk Measure Analysis Manual. Project ESPRIT
1257, MUSE WP9A, 1989.
4. Lake, Al: A Software Complexity Metric for C++. Annual Oregon Workshop
on Software Metrics, March 22-24, 1992, Silver Falls, Oregon, USA.
5. Bieman, J.M.: Deriving Measures of Software Reuse in Object Oriented
Systems. Technical Report #CS91-112, July 1991, Colorado State
Universty, Fort Collins/ Colorado, USA.
Subject: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Date: 26 Mar 1993
Originally collected by: haim@taichi.uucp (24122-kilov)
1. Bertrand Meyer. Object-oriented software construction. Prentice-Hall, 1988
For the somewhat advanced - perhaps, with some programming maturity.
2. B. Henderson-Sellers. A book of object-oriented knowledge. Prentice-Hall,
1992. This has quite a few viewgraphs in it!
3. Grady Booch. Object-oriented design with applications. Addison-Wesley,
4. Ivar Jacobson Object-Oriented Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, 1992.
This book gives a complete look at Object-orientation from requirement-
analysis to last phase in design and implementation.
Subject: Programming Style
Date: 21 Aug 1995
Originally collected by: oman@cs.uidaho.edu (Paul W. Oman)
1. N. Anand (1988) "Clarify Function!" ACM SigPLAN Notices, 23(6), 69-79.
Advocates the use of mnemonic names for entities in a system. Rules are
presented for naming procedures, variable, pointers, etc.
2. S. Henry (1988) "A Technique for Hiding Proprietary Details While Providing
Sufficient Information for Researchers; or, do you Recognize this Well-
known Algorithm?," Journal of Systems and Software, 8(1), 3-11. Suggests
encryption of variable names as part of a technique for encoding
algorithms, while still providing sufficient information to researchers.
3. R. Brooks (1980) "Studying Programmer Behavior Experimentally: The Problems
of Proper Methodology," Communications of the ACM, 23(4), 207-213.
Discusses issues and tradeoffs in proper control of experiments involving
computer programmers.
4. E. Thomas & P. Oman "A Bibliography of Programming Style Literature," ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 25(2), Feb. 1990, pp. 7-16.
Subject: Real-Time Systems
Date: 3 May 1995
Originally collected by: jaws@sj.ate.slb.com (John Willmore)
1. Derek J. Hatley and Imtiaz A. Pirbhai. Strategies for Real-Time System
Specification Dorset House, 1987
2. Paul Ward and Stephen Mellor. Structured Development for Real-Time Systems
Yourdon Press, 1985
3. Bran Selic, Garth Gullekson and Paul Ward. Real-Time Object-Oriented
Modeling, Wiley, 1994 (1-800-CALL-WILEY), ISBN 0471-59917-4. Supported by
the ObjecTime CASE tool.
Subject: Requirements Analysis
Date: 21 Aug 1995
A. Requirements Analysis - General
1. Special issue on requirements gathering, Communications of the ACM,
Volume 38, #2, May 1995.
2. Al Davis, Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, & States.
Prentice-Hall, 1993. A revision of #2 (below).
3. Al Davis, Software Requirements: Analysis and specification.
Prentice/Hall, 1990. Has some treatment of all of the popular
requirements analysis and specification methods including OOA,
Structured Analysis, SREM, FSM, but not the "trendy" stuff (Information
Engineering, JAD).
4. Donald C. Gause and Gerald M. Weinberg, Exploring Requirements: Quality
before design. Dorset House Publishing, 353 West 12th Street, New York,
NY 10014
5. Richard H. Thayer and Merlin Dorfman (editors), Software Requirements
Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990.
B. Collaborative Requirements Analysis
(thanks to Annie I. Anton, anton@cc.gatech.edu).
1. Palmer, J.D., Aiken, P. and Fields, N.A. "A Computer Supported
Cooperative Work Environment for Requirements Engineering and Analysis",
Proceedings of the Requirements Engineering and Analysis Workshop,
Software Engineering Institute, March 12-14, 1991.
2. Palmer, J.D. and Aiken, P.H. "Utilizing Interactive Multimedia to
Support Knowledge-based Development of Software Requirements",
Proceedings of the 5th Annual RADC Knowledge-Based Software Assistant
Conference, Syracuse, NY, September 24-28, 1990.
3. Marca, D. "Specifying Groupware Requirements From Direct Experience",
Proc 6th International Workshop On Software Specification And Design,
October 1991
4. Marca, D. "Augmenting SADT To Develop Computer-Supported Cooperative
Work", Proceedings of the International Conference on Software
Engineering; May 1991
5. Marca, D. "Experiences in Building Meeting Support Software",
Proceedings of the 1st Groupware Technology Workshop; August 1989
6. Marca, D. "Specifying Coordinators: Guidelines for Groupware
Developers", Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software
Specification and Design; May 1989
Subject: Software Process
Date: 30 Oct 1996
Originally collected by: cml@cs.umd.edu (Christopher Lott)
1. Watts S. Humphrey. Managing the Software Process. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co., Reading, Massachusetts, 1989; Chapters 13--15, 18.
2. Watts S. Humphrey. A Discipline for Software Engineering. Addison Wesley,
SEI Series in Software Engineering, 1995, ISBN 0-201-54610-8. Presents a
method for applying project management techniques to personal methods of
software engineering.
3. Bill Curtis, Marc I. Kellner and Jim Over. "Process Modeling,"
Communications of the ACM, Sept 92, Vol 35, No 9, 75-90.
4. Victor R. Basili. "Iterative Enhancement: A Practical Technique for
Software Development". IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. v.~SE-1,
n.~4, December 1975, pp.~390--396.
5. Victor R. Basili and H. Dieter Rombach. "The TAME Project: Towards
Improvement-Oriented Software Environments", IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, v. SE-14, n. 6, June 1988, pp.~758--773.
6. Victor R. Basili, "Software Development: A Paradigm for the Future",
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Computer Science and
Applications Conference, Orlando, Florida, September 1989, pp.~471--485.
7. Barry W. Boehm. "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement",
IEEE Computer, v.~21, n.~5, May 1988, pp.~61--72.
8. Frank DeRemer and Hans H. Kron. "Programming-in-the-Large Versus
Programming-in-the-Small", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
v.~SE-2, n.~2, June 1976, pp.~80--86.
9. M. M. Lehman. "Process Models, Process Programs, Programming Support",
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering,
Monterey, CA, March 1987, pp.~14--16.
10. Leon Osterweil. "Software Processes are Software Too", Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering, Monterey, CA, March
1987, pp.~2--13.
11. Winston W. Royce. "Managing the Development of Large Software Systems:
Concepts and Techniques", 1970 WESCON Technical Papers, v.~14, Western
Electronic Show and Convention, Los Angeles, Aug. 25-28, 1970; Los Angeles:
WESCON, 1970, pp.~A/1-1 -- A/1-9; Reprinted in Proceedings of the Ninth
International Conference on Software Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, ACM
Press, 1989, pp.~328--338.
12. Peter H. Feiler and Watts S. Humphrey. "Software Process Development and
Enactment: Concepts and Definitions", Software Engineering Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1991.
13. Watts S. Humphrey. "Session Summary: Review of the State-of-the-Art",
Proceedings of the Fifth International Software Process Workshop,
Kennebunkport, Maine, USA, 10-13 October 1989, IEEE Computer Society Press,
Los Alamitos, CA, 1990.
14. Gail E. Kaiser. "Rule-Based Modeling of the Software Development Process",
Proceedings of the 4th International Software Process Workshop,
Moretonhampstead, Devon, UK, 11-13 May 1988, ACM Press, Baltimore, MD,
1989, pp.~84--86.
15. Takuya Katayama. "A Hierarchical and Functional Software Process
Description and its Enaction", Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Software Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, ACM Press, 1989,
16. Marc I. Kellner and H. Dieter Rombach. "Comparisons of Software Process
Descriptions", Proceedings of the Sixth International Software Process
Workshop, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, 29-31 October 1990, IEEE Computer
Society Press, 1991.
17. Jayashree Ramanathan and Soumitra Sarkar. "Providing Customized Assistance
for Software Lifecycle Approaches", IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, v.~14, n.~6, June 1988, pp.~749--757.
18. H. Dieter Rombach. "An Experimental Process Modeling Language: Lessons
Learned from Modeling a Maintenance Environment", Proceedings of the
Conference on Software Maintenance - 1989, IEEE, October 16-19, 1989.
19. H. Dieter Rombach. "MVP--L: A Language for Process Modeling
In--the--Large", University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies Technical Report UMIACS--TR--91--96, CS--TR--2709, Department of
Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742.
20. Stanley M. Sutton, Jr. "APPL/A: A Prototpye Language for Software Process
Programming", Department of Computer Science Report CU-CS-448-89,
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 1989.
Subject: Software Testing
Date: 27 Oct 1994
The original request that prompted the posting of this information asked for
recent work, not buried in a Software Engineering tome.
1. Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990 (2nd
edition) ISBN 0-442-20672-0. 503 pages, $43. Has 37-page annotated
bibliography of references.
2. Cheatham and Mellinger, Testing Object Oriented Software Systems,
Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SCS Conference
3. William C. Hetzel, The Complete Guide to Software Testing, Second edition,
QED Information Services INC, 1988. ISBN 0-89435-242-3
4. Testing Techniques Newsletter (see periodicals)
Subject: User Interfaces
Date: 21 Aug 1995
Originally collected by: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman)
This collection of recommended books for user interface developers is based on
searches of The HCI Bibliography, a free-access online bibliography on Human-
Computer Interaction. The bibliography contains the tables of contents of
almost all of the books listed. See the files abooks.bib (authored books),
ebooks.bib (edited books), and reports.bib (technical reports). About 10,000
bibliographic entries on books, conference proceedings, and journal articles
can be accessed via anonymous FTP to site archive.cis.ohio-state.edu as
/pub/hcibib, or email requests can be sent to:
A. Human-Computer Interaction -- General
1. Ronald M. Baecker & William A. S. Buxton (Editors). Readings in Human-
Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Los Altos, CA:
Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 1987. ISBN 0-934613-24-9. This and the
second edition are excellent collection of readings, integrated with
clear and thought-provoking prose by the editors. This excellent
introduction to the field is also a great value, making it the most used
university text on HCI.
2. Ronald M. Baecker, Jonathan Grudin, William A. S. Buxton & Saul
Greenberg (Editors). Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the
Year 2000 (Second Edition). Los Altos, CA: Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers,
1994. ISBN 1-55860-246-1. This new version is very different from the
first and should be considered a different snapshot of the field. An
excellent introduction to the field.
3. Stuart K. Card, Thomas P. Moran & Allen Newell. The Psychology of
Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1983. This classic defines the early theoretical basis for HCI. It is
primarily for researchers.
4. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd & Russell Beale. Human-Computer
Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993. ISBN 0-13-458266-7
(hardback); 0-13-437211-5 (paperback) only outside USA. This is a broad
introduction to HCI, including a clear statement of a user interface
development process. It should be useful to researchers in training and
5. Martin Helander (Editor). Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction.
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988. ISBN 0-444-88673-7 (paper). This
collection of survey papers contains excellent reference material for
both researchers and practitioners. The softcover edition is reasonably
6. Jenny Preece, Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, David Benyon, Simon Holland &
Tom Carey. Human-Computer Interaction. Wokingham, UK: Addison Wesley,
1994. ISBN 0-201-62769-8. This is the latest general HCI textbook. It
is the first one to contain all the pedagogical features (examples,
exercises, etc.) to make it good for undergraduate and graduate level
B. User Interface Development -- General
1. Deborah Hix & H. Rex Hartson. Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring
Usability Through Product and Process. New York, New York: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1993. ISBN 0-471-57813-4. This book generated a lot of
positive reviews when it came out.
2. Ben Shneiderman. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective
Human-Computer Interaction (Second Edition). Reading, MA: Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co., 1992. ISBN 0-201-57286-9. This is the second
edition of a very popular textbook. Although it is a survey of user
interface development, it can also be used as a guide for practitioners.
C. User Interface Design -- Principles and Guidelines
1. C. Marlin "Lin" Brown. Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines.
Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp., 1988. ISBN 0-89391-332-4. An good
source of guidelines for graphical interfaces.
2. James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner & John F. Hughes.
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition). Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1990. ISBN 0-201-12110-7. The second
edition of this classic contains a few chapters on input and output
devices and user interface architecture.
3. Brenda Laurel (Editor). The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1990. This is a popular
collection of inspiring readings on design.
4. Clayton Lewis & John Rieman. Task-Centered User Interface Design: A
Practical Introduction. Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado,
Boulder, 1993. ftp ftp.cs.colorado.edu/pub/cs/distribs/clewis/HCI-
Design-Book This is the first shareware book on UI design.
5. Aaron Marcus. Graphic Design for Electronic Documents and User
Interfaces. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (ACM Press),
1992. ISBN 0-201-54363-9; ACM Order number 703900. This book contains
many examples and includes a comparative study of graphical user
interfaces on different platforms.
6. Deborah J. Mayhew. Principles and Guidelines in Software User Interface
Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992. ISBN 0-13-721929-6.
This is an excellent practical guide for effective design.
7. Donald A. Norman. The Psychology of Everyday Things. New York: Basic
Books, 1988. ISBN 0-465-06709-3. Also published as The Design of
Everyday Things, 1990, Doubleday ISBN 0-385-26774-6 (paperback). This
is a very popular book on good (and bad) design of the devices with
which we interact on a daily basis, and as such it provides insights and
inspiration about how to design usable software.
8. Donald A. Norman & Stephen W. Draper (Editors) User Centered System
Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986. ISBN 0-89859-872-9 (paper). This is
an early set of readings that defined the idea of designing systems for
users first.
9. Sidney L. Smith & Jane N. Mosier. Guidelines for Designing User
Interface Software. ESD-TR-86-278. Bedford, MA 01730: The MITRE
Corporation, 1986. ftp archive.cis.ohio-state.edu/pub/hci/Guidelines
This set of guidelines is widely used in military systems, but is based
on mid-80s technology with little on graphical user interfaces.
10. Bruce Tognazzini. Tog on Interface. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1992.
ISBN 0-201-60842-1. A collection of inspiring columns by the user
interface "evangelist" of the Apple Macintosh.
11. U.S. Department of Defense. Military Standard: Human Engineering Design
Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities. MIL-STD-1472D
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, March 14, 1989.
Section 5.15 of this standard is largely drawn from the MITRE
guidelines. Macintosh HyperCard stack available via anonymous FTP to
site archive.cis.ohio-state.edu as /pub/hci/1472/.
D. User Interface Development - Software
1. Dan R. Olsen, Jr. User Interface Management Systems: Models and
Algorithms. Mountain View, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. ISBN
1-55860-220-8. Len Bass & Joelle Coutaz. Developing Software for the
User Interface. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN 0-201-51056-4.
E. User Interface Evaluation
1. Joseph S. Dumas & Janice C. Redish. A Practical Guide to Usability
Testing. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1993. ISBN 0-89391-991-8.
This step-by-step guide provides checklists and offers insights for
every stage of usability testing.
2. Jakob Nielsen. Usability Engineering. Boston, MA: Academic Press,
1993. ISBN 0-12-518405-0. This book immediately sold out when it was
first published. It is an practical handbook for people who want to
evaluate systems.
3. Jakob Nielsen & Robert L. Mack (Eds.) Usability Inspection Methods. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. ISBN 0-471-01877-5. This book contains
chapters contributed by experts on usability inspections methods such as
heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthroughs, and others.
4. Randolph G. Bias & Deborah J. Mayhew (Eds.) Cost-Justifying Usability.
Boston: Academic Press, 1994. ISBN 0-12-095810-4. This edited
collection contains 14 chapters devoted to the demonstration of the
importance of usability evaluation to the success of software
5. Michael E. Wiklund (Ed.) Usability in Practice: How Companies Develop
User-Friendly Products. Boston: Academic Press, 1994. ISBN
0-12-751250-0. This collection of contributed chapters describes
usability practices of 17 companies: American Airlines, Ameritech,
Apple, Bellcore, Borland, Compaq, Digital, Dun & Bradstreet, Kodak, GE
Information Services, GTE Labs, H-P, Lotus, Microsoft, Silicon Graphics,
Thompson Consumer Electronics, and Ziff Desktop Information. It amounts
to the broadest usability lab tour ever.
F. Styleguides for Specific Platforms
The following style guides define (or redefine) a standard to which all
applications on that platform should conform. Thanks to Samu Mielonen
(f1sami@uta.fi) Univ. of Tampere, Finland, for compiling an earlier version of
the styleguide list.
1. Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1992. ISBN 0-201-62216-5. There is
an interactive animated companion CD-ROM to these Mac guidelines called
"Making it Macintosh", Addison-Wesley, 1993. ISBN 0-201-62626-8.
2. Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Amiga User Interface Style Guide. Reading,
Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN 0-201-57757-7.
3. GO Corporation. PenPoint User Interface Design Reference. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 1992. ISBN 0-201-60858-8.
4. Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sunsoft Inc. & USL. Common Desktop Environment:
Functional Specification (Preliminary Draft). X/Open Company Ltd.,
1993. ISBN 1-85912-001-6. ftp XOPEN.CO.UK/pub/cdespec1/cde1_ps.Z
5. IBM. Object-Oriented Interface Design: IBM Common User Access
Guidelines. Carmel, Indiana: Que, 1992. ISBN 1-56529-170-0.
6. James Martin, Kathleen Kavanagh Chapman & Joe Leben. Systems
Application Architecture: Common User Access. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1991. ISBN 0-13-785023-9.
7. Microsoft Corporation. The GUI Guide: International Terminology for the
Windows Interface. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993. ISBN
8. Microsoft Corporation. The Windows Interface: An Application Design
Guide. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1992. ISBN 1-55615-384-8.
9. Open Software Foundation. OSF/Motif Style Guide. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1993. ISBN 0-13-643123-2.
10. NeXT Computer, Inc. NeXTSTEP User Interface Guidelines (Release 3).
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0-201-63250-0.
11. Sun Microsystems, Inc. OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Application
Style Guidelines. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN
12. Sun Microsystems, Inc. OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional
Specification. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN
G. Human Factors and Ergonomics
1. Barry H. Kantowitz & Robert D. Sorkin. Human Factors: Understanding
People-System Relationships. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
ISBN 0-471-09594-X.
2. Kenneth R. Boff & Janet E. Lincoln (Editors). Engineering Data
Compendium: Human Perception and Performance. Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Ohio: Harry G. Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratory, 1988.
3. Ernest J. McCormick & M. S. Sanders. Human Factors in Engineering and
Design. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987. Perlman expects
soon to review the new edition (7th?) dated 1993.
4. David Meister. Human Factors Evaluation and Testing. Amsterdam:
Elsevier, 1986.
5. Richard Rubinstein & Harry Hersh. The Human Factor: Designing Computer
Systems for People. Maynard, MA: Digital Press, 1984. ISBN
6. Gavriel Salvendy (Editor). Handbook of Human Factors. New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1987. ISBN 0-471-88015-9.