Internet Info 1997 December
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April 8th, 1993
Reported by: Greg Vaudreuil, IESG Secretary
This report contains IESG meeting notes, positions and action items.
These minutes were compiled by the IETF Secretariat which is supported
by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NCR 8820945.
For more information please contact the IESG Secretary.
Bradner, Scott / Harvard
Coya, Steve / CNRI
Crocker, Dave / SGI
Crocker, Steve / TIS
Gross, Philip / ANS
Hinden, Robert / SUN
Huizer, Erik / SURFnet
Knowles, Stev / FTP Software
Mankin, Allison / Locus
Reynolds, Joyce / ISI
Rose, Marshall / DBC
Vaudreuil, Greg / CNRI
IAB Liason
Christian Huitema / INRIA
Chapin, Lyman / BBN
Kahle, Brewster / WAIS
Piscitello, Dave/ Bellcore
Stockman, Bernard / SUNET/NORDUnet
1. Administrivia
o Roll Call
o Welcome to New Area Directors
o Bash the Agenda
o Approval of minutes
- March 18th
2. Protocol Actions
o X.400 Routing Coordination (experimental)
o Multiprotocol over ATM AL 5 (to Proposed Standard)
o FYI on What is the Internet? (informational)
o FYI on Introducing the Internet (informational)
3. Working Group Actions
o Authentication and Access Control
o Mail and Directory Management
4. Tasked Items
o IP Security WG Charter
o IP Address Guidelines A/S
o WAR with RIP
o Revised IPLPDN WG Charter
4.5. RFC Editor Actions
o String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntax
5. Waiting For AD Action Prior to Last Call
o Specification of TNFS Extensions
o Echo function for ISO 8473
o Bridge MIB
o IP Multicast on Token Ring
o Network News Transfer Protocol <RFC977>
6. The following are up for DRAFT status
o The Finger User Information Protocol <RFC1288>
o Telnet Linemode Option <RFC1184>
o Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks <RFC1201>
7. Management Issues
o Alignment of the Working Groups
o Area Directorates
o Compressing TCP/IP Headers
o IFIP Email Management
1) Administrivia
o Welcome to New Area Directors
Phill Gross welcomed 4 new Area Directors, Scott Bradner
(Operational Requirements), Lyman Chapin (Standards Management),
Brewster Kahle (Applications), Allison Mankin (Transport and
Services) and Marshall Rose (Network Management) to the IESG. Dave
Crocker has shifted positions to Service Applications.
The IESG Secretary gave a brief overview of the on line files to
assist in the management of the IESG and agreed to send a more
comprehensive review to the IESG.
ACTION: Vaudreuil - Send an introduction to the IESG Status Tracking
Database to the IESG.
o Approval of the Minutes
The IESG Approved the Minutes of the March 18th Teleconference.
o Next Meeting
The IESG agreed to meet May 15th, 11:30-1:30 ET. The IESG reviewed
and affirmed the goal/dream/fantasy of only meeting bi-weekly while
recognizing that this was not likely to be a reality for the near
2) Protocol Actions
o X.400 Routing Coordination
The Area Director review of this protocol is still underway. IESG
review was deferred until the next meeting.
o Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5
The IESG completed its ballot at this meeting and approved the IP
over ATM AAL 5 as a Proposed Standard.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce to the IETF the IESG acceptance of the IP
over ATM protocol as a Proposed Standard.
o What is the Internet
The User Services Working Group reviewed the document "What is the
Internet" and has asked that it be published as an Informational
Document. The IESG had no objection to the publication of this
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Send a note to the RFC editor indicating that the
IESG has approved the "What is the Internet" document as an
Informational Document.
o FYI in Introduction to the Internet
This document is a short executive overview of the Internet. It was
reviewed by the User Services Working Group and was approved by the
IESG for publication as an Informational Document.
3) Working Group Actions
o Authentication and Access Control
The IESG is still waiting for a brief architectural statement
describing how this working group relates to the CAT and NASREQ
o Mail and Directory Management
The Mail and Directory Management group met for the second time at
the last IETF meeting. Refinements to the charter are being
negotiated with the proposed chairman.
o Open Document Architecture
At the request of the Working Group chairman, the ODA Working Group
was concluded.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Send a note announcing the conclusion of the ODA
Working Group.
4) Tasked Items
o RPC and NFS
With the assignment of the NFS and RPC protocols to the new Service
Applications Area Director, the IESG agreed to given the NFS and RPC
protocols another 3 weeks as proposed standards until the new Area
Director for Service Applications can come up to speed. RFCs 1094
and 1057 are being considered for historic status as they do not
accurately reflect current implementation and use of NFS.
ACTION: DCrocker -- Work with Bob Hinden to get agreement from Sun to
standardize the NFS and RPC protocols.
o IP Security Working Group
The IP Security Working Group is being held up waiting for an
architectural statement identifying the problem space to be
addressed relative to other security related Working Groups.
The first pass on the CIDR Applicability Statement has been
written. A significant issue is the necessity to reference BGP
Version 4, a protocol still defined only in Internet Drafts and not
yet submitted for standardization.
o Wide Area Routing with RIP
The Wide Area Routing with RIP document was reviewed by the Routing
Directorate and was found to have many good ideas. Comments
received by the directorate have been addressed by the authors. It
is still not clear which Working Group should be tasked to review
this specification.
o RIP Applicability Statement
No progress to report.
4) Waiting for AD ACTION
There is a significant backlog of protocols waiting for Area
Director attention. This backlog was reviewed and is expected to be
cleared soon with the new IESG staffing. The following tasks were
(re)assigned among the Area Directors.
o Specification of TNFS Extensions
Steve Crocker
o Echo function for ISO 8473
Dave Piscitello
o Bridge MIB
Marshall Rose
o IP Multicast on Token Ring
Bob Hinden (Reviewed in the Mobile Host WG)
o Network News Transfer Protocol <RFC977>
Erik Huizer or Breswter Kahle
5) Draft Standard Protocols Expired in Grade
The IESG began a discussion on the specific requirements for
advancement to Draft Standard. The IESG has taken the position that
all options and features must be implemented and tested, but the
exact implementation of this has not been explored in depth. There
was a tension between the desire to make sure the protocols were
completely implemented and tested and the understanding that
comprehensive protocol testing was not something that is practically
possible. The IESG agreed to add this to the agenda for a future
The IESG accepted the following protocols as protocol actions to be
reviewed for Standard Status or continuation in the standards
o The Finger User Information Protocol <RFC1288>
This protocol will be reviewed by the Applications Area for
elevation to Standard.
o Telnet Linemode Option <RFC1184>
The Telnet Linemode Option will be reviewed by the Applications Area
for elevation to Standard.
o Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks <RFC1201>
The IP over ARCNET specification will be reviewed for
implementations and operational experience by the Internet Area
7) Management
o Alignment or Working Groups
With the selection of new IESG members and the creation of the
Service Applications Area, several working groups were re-aligned.
The IESG made the following changes from the proposed alignments
published in the December 14th,1992 Minutes.
- Dynamic Host Configuration will move to the Service Applications
Area once the current work in client-to-server protocols is accepted
by the IESG.
- The OSI Directory Services Working Group is primarily focused on
White Pages applications and was therefore shifted back to the
Applications Area.
- The MHS-DS Working Group is focused on the use of the X.500
directory for roles similar to the current use of DNS and was
shifted into the Service Applications Area.
The boundaries between areas are not formally defined and are only
loosely understood. The IESG Area Directors each took an action to
write 1-2 page descriptions of their areas, focusing on the
centroids of activity. It was discussed and agreed that fuzzy
boundaries between the areas was desireable to avoid artificial
conflicts and allow informal load balancing among Area Directors.
ACTION: All-- Write a short description of the scope of each area with
the intention of defining the scope of activity and identifying areas
not covered.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Compile area descriptions and distribute to the
o Area Directorates
The IESG has long committed to forming Area Directorates for each
area to assist in the comprehensive review of protocols, formation
of Working Groups, advising of Working Groups, and the development
of architecture. With the new IESG members in place, these
directorates are being formed. There are difference in
implementation among the Areas and ideas were shared informally on
the specific duties and structure of the directorates.
o Compressing TCP/IP Headers
The IESG discussed the current state of the TCP/IP Header
Compression draft and brought the new IESG Area Director for
Transport up to speed. It is hoped that Dave Borman will be able to
provide the IESG with a corrected version of the ASCII document so
this protocol can be elevated to Draft Standard.
ACTION: Mankin -- Contact Dave Borman and work out whatever
arrangements are necessary to secure a new version of RFC 1144.
o Dynamic Host Configuration
The work on server-client portion of the Dynamic Host Configuration
effort is hopefully complete. This effort has taken far longer than
intended and is increasingly critical to the internet, both in terms
of mobile host configuration and with the possibility that host
renumbering technology may be needed for the next version of IP.
The Internet Area will continue oversight of current client-server
protocols and the Working Group will transition to the Service
Applications Area for the server to server protocol.
o IFIP Email Management
The IFIP Email Management group has met for 3 meetings as a BOF and
would like to continue to meet. They have proposed a Working Group
charter to satisfy the requirements that a BOF meet only once. The
IESG was not enthusiastic about assuming management responsibility
for an effort which did not originate in the IETF and is largely
complete. The IESG agreed that this group is a bit unusual and
could meet one additional time at the Amsterdam IETF meeting.
Appendix - Summary of Action Items Assigned
ACTION: Vaudreuil - Send an introduction to the IESG Status Tracking
Database to the IESG.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce to the IETF the IESG acceptance of the IP
over ATM protocol as a Proposed Standard.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Send a note to the RFC editor indicating that the
IESG has approved the "What is the Internet" document as an
Informational Document.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Send a note announcing the conclusion of the ODA
Working Group.
ACTION: DCrocker -- Work with Bob Hinden to get agreement from Sun to
standardize the NFS and RPC protocols.
ACTION: All-- Write a short description of the scope of each area with
the intention of defining the scope of activity and identifying areas
not covered.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Compile area descriptions and distribute to the
ACTION: Mankin -- Contact Dave Borman and work out whatever
arrangements are necessary to secure a new version of RFC 1144.