Internet Info 1997 December
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May 13th, 1993
Reported by: Greg Vaudreuil, IESG Secretary
This report contains IESG meeting notes, positions and action items.
These minutes were compiled by the IETF Secretariat which is supported
by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NCR 8820945.
For more information please contact the IESG Secretary.
Bradner, Scott / Harvard
Crocker, Dave / SGI
Crocker, Steve / TIS
Gross, Philip / ANS
Hinden, Robert / SUN
Huizer, Erik / SURFnet
Kahle, Brewster / WAIS
Mankin, Allison / Locus
Reynolds, Joyce / ISI
Piscitello, Dave/ Bellcore
Rose, Marshall / DBC
Vaudreuil, Greg / CNRI
IAB Liaison
Christian Huitema / INRIA
Yakov Rekhter / IBM
Coya, Steve / CNRI
Chapin, Lyman / BBN
Knowles, Stev / FTP Software
Stockman, Bernhard / SUNET/NORDUnet
1. Administrivia
o Roll Call
o Bash the Agenda
o Approval of minutes
- April 15th
- April 29th
2. Protocol Actions
o IDS Advanced Usages of X.500 <Informational>
3. Working Group Actions
o Interactive Mail Access Protocol
o IP Security Protocol
o Authorization and Access Control
o SNA DLC Services MIB
o SNA NAU Services MIB
o Interfaces MIB
4. Management Issues
o Conclusion of Working Groups
o DHC -- Status check
o Router Requirements
5. Tasked Items - Status Check
o Revised IPLPDN Charter
o CIDR Applicability Statement
o Distributed Authentication Security Service
6. WAITING FOR AD ACTION prior to Last Call
o Specification of TNFS Extensions
o IP Multicast on Token Ring
o Network News Transfer Protocol <RFC977>
o The Finger User Information Protocol <RFC1288>
o Telnet Linemode Option <RFC1184>
o Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks <RFC1201>
o TCP/IP Header Compression to Draft
o MIME to Draft Standard
o Point to Point MIBs
1) Administrivia
o Bash the Agenda
Several topics were added to the agenda: Conflict of Interest,
Procedures for the conclusion of Working Groups, and Strategies for
encouraging reference implementations.
o Approval of the Minutes
The IESG approved the minutes of the April 15th and April 29th
o Next Meeting
The next IESG teleconference was set for May 27th.
o Report from the IAB Meeting
The newly seated IAB met for the first time and choose Christian
Huitema as the IAB chairman. Yakov Rekhter will serve with Huitema
as the IAB liaison. Huitema noted his resignation as a co-chairman
of the SIP working group.
The IAB meeting focused on two main points, scaling and the need to
deploy CIDR immediately, and Security. Security continues to be a
pressing need but there is little deployment. The roadblocks,
global names, key distribution, and export control need to be
o Announcements
Bernhard Stockman has made official his resignation. With his
increasing duties with Ebone he was unable to participate to the
extent he felt necessary.
ACTION: Gross -- Notify Jeff Case, the chair of the IAB/IESG Selection
Committee that a replacement Operations Area Director is needed.
2) Protocol Actions
o Advanced Usages of X.500 document
Approval of the IDS Advanced Usages of X.500 document was deferred
to allow additional time for the Applications Area Directors to
review the work.
3) Working Group Actions
o Interactive Mail Access Protocol
The IESG is waiting for a revised version of the IMAP charter
addressing the issues raised in the last teleconference.
o IP Security o Authorization and Access Control
These two working group charters continue to wait revision to
clarify their relationship with other security related groups and
the evolving security architecture.
The IESG approved the charter for the new SNA DLC MIB Working
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce the formation of the SNA DLC MIB Working
Group to the IETF.
The IESG approved the charter for the new SNA NAU MIB Working
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce the formation of the SNA DLC MIB Working
Group to the IETF.
o Interfaces MIB
The IESG approved the charter for the new Interfaces MIB Working
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce the formation of the Interfaces MIB
Working Group to the IETF.
4) Management Issues
o Conclusion of Working Groups.
The IESG discussed at some length the issue of whether Working
Groups should (a) "conclude" after submitting their work for
Proposed Standard (and then possibly be re-instantiated" to move
their work forward to Draft Standard and then again to full Internet
Standard), or (b) continue to be "alive", but perhaps in a quiet or
dormant mode until activity resumes prior to consideration for Draft
or full Standard. It was suggested that neither model had a major
advantage over the other for all cases. The suggestion was that
perhaps this was yet another area where we should leave some
flexibility in the process. In either case, it was agreed that the
email list would remain active to handle whatever low level of
activity that might exist.
The IESG has a preference for "concluding" Working Groups after each
stage in the standards process. However, the actual decision rests
with the Area Director, who, on a case-by-case basis may elect to
revise the charter and keep a Working Group active. This decision
could depend on individual circumstances, like whether there is
continuing activity on related work, or to serve a liason function.
POSITION: After submitting work into the Internet standards track,
and at the discretion of the Area Director, Working Groups may
(a) "conclude" after submitting their work for standardization (and
then possibly be "re-instantiated" to move their work forward to
the next level), or
(b) continue to be "alive", but perhaps in a quiet or dormant mode
until activity resumes at Draft Standard and Standard.
In either case, it was agreed that the email list would remain active
to handle whatever low level of activity that might exist.
o Reference Implementations.
The IESG discussed the value of reference implementations. It was
agreed that it is generally necessary for sponsors to underwrite
such work, but that seeking funding for such projects was beyond
the scope of the IESG.
o Conflict of Interest/Ombudsman
The question of conflict of interest was raised again on the IETF
mailing list. The IESG understands this is an important issue. The
POISED Working Group established a series of safeguards and an
appeals process to insure that any person who feels wronged can get
a fair hearing. The appeals process is outlined in an appendix to
these minutes.
o "New World Order" Documentation.
The shift in the roles of the IAB and IESG that occurred as a result
of the POISED work is to be documented. (Ref minutes of DC IESG)
These documents are: a revision to 1310, the working group chairs
guidelines, and the charter of the IETF. The first two have been
posted as Internet Drafts. The charter of the IETF is still
ACTION: Gross, Chapin -- Write the IETF charter document.
o Dynamic Host Configuration
The Dynamic Host Configuration documents are still "almost" done.
There is increasing pressure to get this protocol deployed to aid in
the deployment of CIDR, and especially to facilitate future network
renumbering. There continues to be discussion on editorial issues
on the mailing list but the protocol is said to be stable.
ACTION: Piscitello -- Contact Ralph Droms and communicate the IESGs
strong desire for closure within two weeks.
o Router Requirements
The Router Requirements document continue to languish. The IESG
expressed serious concern about the lack of concrete action. It was
suggested that further resources may be needed to bring this effort
to closure. Further discussion was deferred until a future
teleconference where Stev Knowles is present.
5) Tasked Items
No Action to report
A revised version expected this weekend.
o IPLPDN Charter
There has been little response from the Working Group chairman. The
Area Directors are considering concluding this working group after
they complete the IP over ISDN encapsulation. Future work on
solving the wide area routing work should be done in a new working
group. Currently the Large Public Data Network routing work is
being addressed in an ad-hoc manner in the IP over ATM working
group. The efforts continue to search for the quick "hack" so far
without success. Serious leadership help is needed.
ACTION: Vaudreuil - Add a discussion on Large Public Data Network
Routing to a future teleconference.
o Distributed Authentication Security Service
The IESG is waiting for a new version of the document with a
statement of the intellectual property rights from DEC.
APPENDIX -- IETF Appeals Process --------
- Area level -- this includes the Working Group review and Area
Director review. No appeal should come to the IESG before the Area
Director has reviewed the point of contention.
- IESG level -- If the offended party is not happy at the Area level,
then they can bring their concern to the IESG chair and the Area
Director for Standards Management. The IESG chair has to be in this
loop on this. The IESG chair and the Standards Area Director will
bring the issue before the IESG for discussion and take the resolution
back to the parties.
- IAB level -- If the offended party is still not happy with the
outcome at the IESG level, then they can take their concern to the
IAB. The exact process at this level is a bit new and unclear. They
should contact the IAB chair for details on the process for a
APPENDIX -- Action Items Taken
ACTION: Gross -- Notify Jeff Case, the chair of the IAB/IESG Selection
Committee that a replacement Operations Area Director is needed.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce the formation of the SNA DLC MIB Working
Group to the IETF.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce the formation of the SNA DLC MIB Working
Group to the IETF.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Announce the formation of the Interfaces MIB
Working Group to the IETF.
ACTION: Gross, Chapin -- Write the IETF charter document.
ACTION: Piscitello -- Contact Ralph Droms and communicate the IESGs
strong desire for closure within two weeks.
ACTION: Vaudreuil - Add a discussion on Large Public Data Network
Routing to a future teleconference.