Internet Info 1997 December
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November 9, 1995
Reported by: Steve Coya, IETF Executive Director
This report contains IESG meeting notes, positions and action items.
These minutes were compiled by the IETF Secretariat which is supported
by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NCR-9528103
For more information please contact the IESG Secretary at
Alvestrand, Harald / Uninett
Bradner, Scott / Harvard
Carpenter, Brian / CERN (IAB Liaison)
Coya, Steve / CNRI
Kastenholz, Frank / FTP Software
Klensin, John / MCI
Kostick, Deirdre / AT&T Bell Labs
Mankin, Allison / ISI
Mockapetris, Paul / @home
O'Dell, Mike / UUNET
Reynolds, Joyce / ISI
Schiller, Jeff / MIT
Thomson, Susan / Bellcore
Halpern, Joel / Newbridge Networks
Rekhter, Yakov / cisco (IAB Liaison)
1. The minutes of the October 26 teleconference were approved. Coya to
place in IETF Shadow directories.
2. The IESG decided to return An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast
Address Format <draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicast-addr-fmt-02.txt> to the
working group to address concerns over IPv6 address space lengths
and the need to specify the size of the registry each subscriber
Harald had additional comments that he is to send to Scott and
Allison. Scott and Allison will convey these items to the working
3. The IESG deferred action on Address Allocation for Private
Internets <draft-ietf-cidrd-private-addr-04.txt>, opting to return
it to the Working Group for additional text. Concern was raised
about the use of multiple DNS (internal and external) systems, and
the need to provide more information on how to handle.
O'Dell to provide text to be returned to the Working Group. Allison
raised the issue that not enough text is provided to prevent
internal addresses being propagated outside the environment (use of
term "strongly recommended" needs to be changed to "shall/must"
when discussing packet or routing filters.
Allison will send her comments/recommendations to the IESG list.
The OPS Area directors will convey all this to the cidrd working
4. The IESG decided to return IPv6 Address Allocation Management
<draft-iab-iesg-ipv6-address-alloc-00.txt> to the IAB, asking for
additional text which states whether the IANA can take back an
allocation from a registry and, if so, text to document the
procedures for doing so.
5. The IESG deferred action on the set of SNMPv2 protocol actions. The
consensus was that continued investigation and deliberation was
mandated, and will consider establishing an independent group to
review the matter and outline the basic technical issues. The IESG
also agreed to the idea of designating a neutral individual to
access the comments raised pertaining to process issues.
Paul took the action item of identifying two reviewers, one to
focus on technical issues, the other to investigate the comments on
procedural issues. Paul also asked the IESG to send him
Paul is to draft a note to the IETF conveying the above
information, and send it to the IESG for review. Once approved,
Coya to forward to the IETF Announcement list.
Discussions will be held during the IETF meeting in Dallas,
probably during the open Network Management Area meeting, and the
IESG Open Plenary on Thursday.
6. The IESG approved the creation of the Application Mib (applmib)
Working Group in the Network Management Area. Coya to send
announcement when the email archive information is provided.
7. The IESG approved the publication of the following documents as
Experimental Protocols:
o The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type
o Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type
o SGML Media Types
Coya to send announcement.
8. Allison mentioned she wanted the RSVP WG to review Mobile Mesh
Networking <draft-rfced-info-corson-00.txt>, which was submitted
directly to the RFC Editor for publication as an Informational RFC.
She will contact the author, and Steve will send a note to the RFC
Editor with IESG text to be inserted if the author declines the
offer of RSVP review and requests publication.
9. Harald was volunteered to serve as liaison to the Nominations
10. Frank reported that the PPPEXT WG was interested in pursuing the
publication of a specification for running PPP in Frame Relay.
Following a brief review on the history of this effort,
particularly the previous submission of two separate documents for
standards track action, the IESG reiterated its position that if
the WG wanted to submit a single specification, it should do so. If
more than one specification is submitted, each must contain
references to each other, and the IESG might require an
applicability statement.