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- Reported by Greg Vaudreuil/CNRI
- Minutes of the Internet Message Extensions Working Group (822EXT)
- The Internet Message Extensions Working Group met twice in Columbus to
- review and approve the MIME protocol for submission as a Draft Standard.
- With a handful of changes, the MIME protocol was approved. The Working
- Group agreed to disband after publication of the revised document.
- Several new working groups will be formed to define extensions to the
- MIME protocol and additional content-types.
- The solutions listed in the latest MIME issues list, as distributed
- periodically to the IETF-822 mailing list, were accepted with the
- following additions and changes:
- o Encoding of Content-Type Message
- RFC1421 prohibits the use of a content-transfer-encoding other than
- 7bit, 8bit, and Binary on the message type. This was designed to
- ensure that both the structure of a MIME message is visible without
- decoding and that nested encodings were not generated.
- Implementation experience has uncovered several problems with the
- use of message/partial and message/external-body when conversion is
- required in a gateway. In particular, using a non-null of a
- partial 8 bit message for 7 bit transport is prohibited. Even if
- it was allowed, re-encoding the message into a 7 bit encoding would
- be likely to cause message size growth, defeating the intent of
- using message partial in the first case.
- The question for the Group was whether to limit encoding of any
- message type to 7 bit or only message/partial. The Group agreed to
- modify the prohibition to allow only content-transfer-encoding of
- 7bit for the message/partial content-type.
- o Representation of Filenames in Message/External-body
- The inclusion of filenames in the content-type headers has the
- effect of requiring that all filenames be 7 bit ASCII. The Working
- Group discussed the likelihood that new operating systems will
- require a richer character set for filenames and the possibility
- that when this occurs the current filename mechanism may not be
- adequate. After lengthy discussion during which the Group
- considered the possibility of using an encoded word from RFC1342,
- it was agreed that no changes should be made at this time and that
- when needed a new content-type could be defined with an enhanced
- mechanism.
- o Definition of Charset
- The Working Group agreed to significantly trim the definition of a
- character set and to eliminate specific wording about specific
- unregistered character sets. The discussion of specific character
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- sets not currently listed with IANA was eliminated, (see the
- revised document for the new wording). Agreement was reached to
- remove Appendix F.2, the procedure for IANA registration, in favor
- of a statement pointing to the IANA for the procedure. It is
- expected that this procedure will evolve independently of MIME.
- Issues related to the application of the general principle of a
- ``charset'' to specific current and future character sets is not
- part of the Charter of this Working Group and will be the subject
- of a new working group chartered to address the character set
- issues in a more general IETF context.
- o MIME-Version: 1.0 Header Semantics
- The Working Group discovered that the MIME-Version header was
- insufficiently defined to be used for true versioning and that the
- interpretation of this header was not uniform across current
- implementations. Understanding that backward compatible changes to
- MIME were unlikely and that changing the version in the current
- header will cause at least one implementation to fail to recognize
- the message as valid MIME, the Working Group agreed that this
- header should now be considered a string constant; any version
- specific notes should be encoded as an RFC822 comment in the
- MIME-version header line, a feature available in all other RFC822
- headers.
- Attendees
- Harald Alvestrand Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no
- Gabe Beged-Dov gabe@cv.hp.com
- Nathaniel Borenstein nsb@bellcore.com
- Kevin Carosso kvc@innosoft.com
- George Chang gkc@ctt.bellcore.com
- William Chung whchung@watson.ibm.com
- James Conklin jbc@bitnic.educom.edu
- Al Costanzo al@akc.com
- Urs Eppenberger eppenberger@switch.ch
- Erik Fair fair@apple.com
- Roger Fajman raf@cu.nih.gov
- Ned Freed ned@innosoft.com
- James Galvin galvin@tis.com
- Christine Garland garland@ihspa.att.com
- Terry Gray gray@cac.washington.edu
- Alton Hoover hoover@ans.net
- Jeroen Houttuin houttuin@rare.nl
- Marko Kaittola Marko.Kaittola@funet.fi
- Neil Katin katin@eng.sun.com
- John Klensin klensin@infoods.unu.edu
- Jim Knowles jknowles@binky.arc.nasa.gov
- Mary La Roche maryl@cos.com
- Keith Moore moore@cs.utk.edu
- Masataka Ohta mohta@cc.titech.ac.jp
- Emmanuel Pasetes ekp@enlil.premenos.sf.ca.us
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- Francois Robitaille francois.robitaille@crim.ca
- Marshall Rose mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us
- Carl Schoeneberger 70410.3563@Compuserve.com
- Gregory Sheehan gregory.c.sheehan@att.com
- Einar Stefferud stef@nma.com
- Gregory Vaudreuil gvaudre@cnri.reston.va.us
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