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- Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/10/92
- Reported by Einar Stefferud/NMA
- Minutes of the IFIP Electronic Mail Management BOF (EMAILMGT)
- Introduction
- This was the Second Meeting of the IFIP-EMailMgt Task Group.
- The basis for formation of the IFIP-EMailMgt Joint Task Group of IFIP
- WG-6.5 and WG-6.6 was reviewed for the benefit of those who were new to
- the Group. A large portion were new, since this meeting drew many IETF
- attendees, and the prior meeting was held at OIW in September.
- Drawing new participants was one of the primary reasons for organizing
- an IFIP-EMailMgt BOF meeting at the IETF, and in this we succeeded!
- The basic points covered were that this is an international task Group
- that is focused first on pre-standards work, such as requirements
- determination and abstract modeling for Electronic Mail Management of
- all kinds of interworking Electronic Mail Systems. The Charter and the
- work plan reflect this orientation.
- IFIP-EMailMgt plans to call meetings in conjunction with various other
- Task Force and Workshop meetings around the world to intersect all
- interested segments of the EMail Industry. In each such meeting, the
- EMailMgt attendees will adhere to the meeting rules of their host,
- including payment of attendance fees and provision of meeting reports.
- An IFIP-EMailMgt meeting may be called by any interested group, in
- conjunction with any meeting venue. It is expected that a report of the
- meeting will be prepared and submitted to the host organization, and to
- the IFIP-EMailMgt mailing list. The report may include comments on
- IFIP-EMailMgt work in progress, or may include contributions of any
- kind, including proposed documents to be progressed for publication as
- IFIP-EMailMgt output products.
- Outputs from EMailMgt are directed to whomever may be interested in
- using them for whatever purposes they may have.
- IFIP-EMailMgt accepts support and participation from any source. Its
- meetings are entirely open to anyone with an interest in the issues, as
- is its Mailing list <ifip-emailmgt@ics.uci.edu>. To subscribe, send a
- request to: <ifip-emailmgt-REQUEST@ics.uci.edu>.
- According to the Charter, no decisions may be made in any face-to-face
- meeting. All decisions will be made openly in the mailing list, using
- consensus measurement techniques. No specific consensus measurement
- tools have been selected for this purpose, but we expect to manage it in
- ad hoc ways as we proceed. Therefore, any meeting can do no more than
- prepare contributions and proposals to the EMailMgt mailing list.
- 1
- Meeting Activities
- The Charter of the Group was reviewed and a few minor changes were
- proposed. These will be noted in the Charter for review by the mailing
- list, along with the process of adoption by the mailing list, which has
- not yet occurred.
- The goals and work plan were reviewed. Given that the work is so near
- to its beginning, the basic goals (develop requirements, models, and
- object definitions) were retained and work commenced. The objectives of
- this meeting were to progress our understanding of the EMailMgt
- requirements, and to begin work on development of appropriate models.
- These two areas (Requirements and Models) provide the primary focus for
- the first phase of our work.
- We are not interested in creation of a whole new set of requirements or
- models. Thus, the work consists of collecting and synthesizing from
- other work that has been done, or is currently under way.
- Some new participants offered to present new work that they are doing,
- which appears to offer additional prospectives on the overall picture.
- What we seem to be finding so far is that existing EMailMgt requirements
- and modeling work fails to include some aspects that other work does
- include. Thus our first finding is that we do indeed have some serious
- work to do.
- Email Management should be thought of as a special case of management.
- Presentation of Drafts Requirement Document
- Emily McCoy is the Design Team Leader for a Requirements Document. She
- presented the first draft version. (EMGT-92-xxxx).
- It consisted of a meld of may other documents, which were identified as
- sources for each paragraph to facilitate tracing concepts back to their
- roots. Conflicting views were placed in the document to raise
- discussion points. It contained the following sections:
- o General Requirements.
- o Requirements from a system administrator view.
- o User requirements.
- It was agreed that attendees would read the document and discuss it the
- next day (Thursday, November 19th).
- Discussion of Draft Requirements Document
- Missing Areas:
- 2
- Inter-Relay Aspects: There are better versions of Routing management
- issues (ISO documents authored by Bob Willmott) from Oslo meeting.
- Should reference MHS-DS documents.
- Message Stores User Management Privacy Issues:
- o Non-OSI is not clearly stated.
- o Need to make sure that it follows all the flavors and needs of
- Email, but can't be too generic, since that may make it non-usable.
- o An editing group was set up to work with Emily on this document.
- Another Review of Requirements Document
- Emily explained changes. Then asked for which items were specific and
- which were generic. It was decided that all items currently in document
- were generic! (surprise). There was A LOT (read lots) of discussion
- when the Group got to users requirement, especially in the area of what
- users and customers were. There seemed to be a need to differentiate
- between at least two and potentially three different needs at the user's
- level.
- Remote Mail Management Issues
- Context: A set of Email Repository Machines.
- Using IMAP, a remote mail access protocol, et al. Management problems
- are inherently from the user's perspective. (See EMGT-92-25 (Remote
- email/message MGT). Management includes Boards and News.
- Review of Charter
- The Group was still having trouble deciding what it is that is
- Management and what this Group is responsible for. How long will
- mushiness be there until there is firm ground. Can there be a goal
- (date wise?). It was decided that what the Group is responsible for
- should be dictated by the Charter.
- It was agreed that it should indicate target dates for adoption. Needs
- a Glossary of items. The editor will rework it where needed, for
- submission to the mailing list for adoption.
- Discussion of Model
- Messaging Model: There are two ends (users in most cases).
- Some MTA's are in an environment that is larger than themselves. Some
- are members of other environments. We will call these environments
- 3
- domains. There are protocol enclaves which provide services.
- A manager is often confused but is the manager of something. Manager
- defines management domain. Management domain is what a manager manages.
- This allows for a manager to manage multiple protocols and platforms in
- that domain.
- Mail Cache, Mail Drop, Queues and Mail Store environments are important.
- POP server, P7
- User ----> MD Manager --------> Service (transport) Manager
- This was good model for mail system.
- Now what is the model for the manager (how to manage it).
- 1. Manager wants end-to-end connectivity.
- 2. Message flow. How do you instrument the flows. Requirement is to
- understand (structure) of the flow.
- 3. Physical resources.
- Some diagrams and pictures were drawn, but they are too hard to render
- in this report so interested readers are encouraged to join the mailing
- list and obtain copies of better developed documents.
- Harald agreed to develop a more complete version of the model that took
- shape in the meeting, and publish it on the mailing list before the end
- of the year. An initial draft will be available for use at the OIW
- meeting, December 15-17, 1992.
- Establishment of Model Design Team
- Harald will serve as Modeling Design Team leader.
- The Modeling Design Team mailing list is <ifip-tf-model@uninett.no>. To
- subscribe, send a request to: <ifip-tf-model-request@uninett.no>.
- Brief Softswitch Model Presentation
- Sheryl Namoglu (Softswitch) offered her understanding of EMGT-92-010
- diagram on page 5. Each line below is a different service (or layer).
- o User Services (BBS, news, Order processing, etc)
- o User Management (profile of users, etc)
- o Mail Services (Routing, Doc Conv, naming translation, Security,
- etc)
- o Operating Systems or Transport Service
- 4
- Presentatin of CMU Model
- Chris Newman presented the CMU Model. The Model proposed is from the
- manager's view.
- client -------------- direct delivery --------------- client
- client ------------ message store (semi-direct) ---- client
- client -------- mail subscription ---- local gateway ---- client
- or global gateway
- Many users --- Bulletin boards (or other such) --- mail service
- Two radical viewpoints:
- 1. Elements of management for bb, mail, etc.
- 2. Services of mail.
- Ad Hoc Editing Group
- The Requirements Document was reviewed by (John Hawthorne (Rome Research
- Corp.), Emily McCoy (Mitre), Chris Newman (CMU), Ray Freiwirth (RCI)).
- The biggest thing that has to be done to the Requirements Document is
- folding in other documents.
- 1. Mailbased servers document.
- 2. Julian's stuff.
- 3. Extracted requirements from Ann McLaughlin's MO definitions.
- 4. Security management document.
- Review of Meeting Progress and Future Work Plans
- Set Agenda For OIW Meeting in December.
- All work beyond completion of Requirements and Modeling Documents is
- generally on hold because it is dependent on these results. The only
- exception is that a lot of work is already under way on Definition of
- CMIS Managed Objects and SNMP MIBs. Thus, current work is organized
- around these three foci:
- 1. Requirements
- 5
- 2. Models
- 3. Object Definitions
- Emily's original document is on the net. A Copy of the new document
- will be placed on the net for review by the time of the OIW meeting.
- Harald's 1st and 2nd Model Document drafts will be placed on the net in
- time for the OIW meeting.
- Paul Brusil will be asked to lead an effort to collect Managed Object
- and MIB definitions, and then study them to see what can be learned from
- them. With any luck, they will form a useful base for EMailMgt.
- Team Leaders:
- Emily McCoy Requirements
- Harald Alvestrand Models
- Paul Brusil MIB & MO Definition Collection
- Future Study Identify Management Functions
- OIW Planned Agenda:
- o Administrivia
- o Presentations
- - Requirements
- - Model
- o Discussions
- - Mapping Requirements/MO
- o MO & MIB Collections
- o Management Tools and Management Information
- Attendees
- Harald Alvestrand Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no
- George Chang gkc@ctt.bellcore.com
- Daniel Fauvarque dfauvarq@france.sun.com
- Ned Freed ned@innosoft.com
- Raphael Freiwirth 5242391@mcimail.com
- Terry Gray gray@cac.washington.edu
- Michel Guittet guittet1@applelink.apple.com
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- Alf Hansen Alf.Hansen@delab.sintef.no
- John Hawthorne johnh@tigger.rl.af.mil
- Barbara Jennings bjjenni@sandia.gov
- Marko Kaittola marko.kaittola@funet.fi
- Neil Katin neil.katin@eng.sun.com
- Sylvain Langlois Sylvain.Langlois@der.edf.fr
- Edward Levinson levinson@pica.army.mil
- Bob Lynch lynch@dsteg.dec.com
- Emily McCoy mccoy@gateway.mitre.org
- John Myers jgm+@cmu.edu
- Sheryl Namoglu sfn@softsw.ssw.com
- Chris Newman chrisn+@cmu.edu
- Kary Robertson kr@concord.com
- Jim Romaguera romaguera@cosine-mhs.switch.ch
- Jon Saperia saperia@tcpjon.ogo.dec.com
- Michael Sapich sapich@conware.de
- Richard Schmalgemeier rgs@merit.edu
- Chris Shaw cshaw@banyan.com
- John Sherburne john.sherburne@sprintintl.sprint.com
- Einar Stefferud stef@nma.com
- Panos-Gavriil Tsigaridas Tsigaridas@fokus.berlin.gmd.dbp.de
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