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- Reported by Mark Knopper/Merit Network
- Minutes of the Extensions to OSI for use in the Internet BOF (OSIEXTND)
- The group's discussion was based on information presentation by Dave
- Katz.
- Editor's Note: The text of Dave Katz's presentation slides is available
- via FTP or mail server from the remote directories as
- /ietf/93jul/osiextnd-minutes-93jul.txt. Refer to Section 1.2 of the
- proceedings for retrieval instructions.
- The group agreed that a letter should be written to ISO, based on the
- presentation and discussion, stating that the IETF has sufficient
- expertise to contribute to these areas. Dave Katz and Dave Piscitello
- will draft a document.
- This work spans about six IETF working groups.
- BGP and IPIDRP Working Groups are meeting jointly (IDRP is BGP5). IDRP
- for SIP is being considered.
- Phill Gross expressed concern over the apparent danger of having
- different IETF and ISO standards for protocols. ISO has more precedence
- for accepting standards from other groups without change. IETF tends to
- change or rewrite protocols before acceptance. Peter Furniss said that
- the Internet-Draft process will be appreciated by ISO.
- Mark Knopper has created a discussion list, osiextnd@merit.edu. Those
- interested in being added to the list should send a request to
- osiextnd-request@merit.edu.
- Phill Gross suggested to identify work that could be done by existing
- IETF working groups, as well as that which could be done by this group
- if it is to become a working group.
- CLNP over Large Public Data Networks (LPDN) is an area which needs
- consideration. Much of the work is done. ES-IS and IS-IS protocols
- over LPDNs needs further work. Note that as of this IETF, the IPLPDN
- Working Group has ended their work. Perhaps CLNPLPDN could be handled
- as a BOF with identified base documents.
- The consensus of the BOF attendees was that a working group should be
- formed from these ideas, and relationships should be pursued with ISO.
- Dave Piscitello and Dave Katz have drafted a letter and will send it to
- the IESG, IAB, and ISO (through Jack Houldsworth).
- Editor's Note: A copy of the letter to the IESG and IAB is available
- via FTP or mail server from the remote directories as
- /ietf/93jul/osiextnd-minutes-93jul.txt. Refer to Section 1.2 of the
- proceedings for retrieval instructions.
- Attendees
- Nick Alfano alfano@mpr.ca
- Bernt Allonen bal@tip.net
- Rebecca Bostwick bostwick@es.net
- Jim Bound bound@zk3.dec.com
- Ross Callon rcallon@wellfleet.com
- George Chang gkc@ctt.bellcore.com
- A. Lyman Chapin lyman@bbn.com
- Richard Colella colella@nist.gov
- Dave Cullerot cullerot@ctron.com
- Toerless Eckert Toerless.Eckert@informatik.uni-erlangen.de
- Dino Farinacci dino@cisco.com
- Peter Ford peter@goshawk.lanl.gov
- Peter Furniss p.furniss@ulcc.ac.uk
- Phillip Gross pgross@ans.net
- Chris Gunner gunner@dsmail.lkg.dec.com
- Susan Hares skh@merit.edu
- Denise Heagerty denise@dxcoms.cern.ch
- Jack Houldsworth J.Houldsworth@ste0906.wins.icl.co.uk
- Chris Howard chris_howard@inmarsat.org
- Geoff Huston g.huston@aarnet.edu.au
- David Jacobson dnjake@vnet.ibm.com
- Philip Jones p.jones@jnt.ac.uk
- Cyndi Jung cmj@3com.com
- Anders Karlsson sak@cdg.chalmers.se
- Dave Katz dkatz@cisco.com
- Sean Kennedy liam@nic.near.net
- Mark Knopper mak@merit.edu
- Rajeev Kochhar rajeev_kochhar@3com.com
- Ton Koelman koelman@stc.nato.int
- John Krawczyk jkrawczy@wellfleet.com
- Robin Littlefield robin@wellfleet.com
- David Marlow dmarlow@relay.nswc.navy.mil
- David O'Leary doleary@cisco.com
- Christian Panigl christian.panigl@cc.univie.ac.at
- Alex Reijnierse a.a.reijnierse@research.ptt.nl
- Victor Reijs reijs@surfnet.nl
- Georg Richter richter@uni-muenster.de
- John Scudder jgs@merit.edu
- Keith Sklower sklower@cs.berkeley.edu
- John Stewart john@bunter.fdc.iaf.nl
- Kamlesh Tewani ktt@arch2.att.com
- Richard Thomas rjthomas@bnr.ca
- Marcel Wiget wiget@switch.ch
- Douglas Williams dougw@ralvmg.vnet.ibm.com
- Rachel Willmer rachelw@spider.co.uk