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- Security Area
- Director(s):
- o Steve Crocker: crocker@tis.com
- Area Summary reported by Steve Crocker/TIS and Jim Galvin/TIS
- The Security Area within the IETF is responsible for development of
- security oriented protocols, security review of RFCs, development of
- candidate policies, and review of operational security on the Internet.
- Much of the work of the Security Area is performed in coordination with
- working groups in other areas. The Security Area Advisory Group (SAAG)
- is a group of security experts which provides both consulting help to
- other areas and direct management of working groups within the security
- area.
- The main bulk of the work for the SAAG consists of a set of formal work
- items. These work items correspond to working groups within the IETF
- Security Area, security relevant developments within working groups in
- areas other than security, and internal SAAG work items which do not
- merit the creation of formal working groups but which do need some level
- of attention.
- Below is the status of each of the Working Groups and/or BOFs officially
- chartered or initiated within the Security Area. Immediately following
- those reports is an update on other security issues as well as security
- related work in other IETF areas.
- Authorization and Access Control BOF (AAC)
- A Charter has been submitted to the IESG. Its official ratification is
- waiting for a statement indicating its relationship to other security
- related activities in the IETF.
- The Authorization and Access Control BOF met on Wednesday afternoon.
- Common characteristics of several distributed authorization mechanisms
- were discussed. The Group will compile a common list of restrictions
- and/or privilege attributes sufficient to support DCE, ECMA/Sesame, and
- restricted proxies, as well as the needs of applications. The
- specification for an authorization API was refined with the form of
- several arguments defined, and others sketched. Work items were
- assigned to further refine these definitions and to specify the form of
- access control list entries themselves.
- Common Internet Protocol Security Option Working Group (CIPSO)
- The CIPSO Working Group meets principally under the auspices of the
- Trusted Systems Interoperability Group. A revised Internet-Draft was
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- posted for discussion at the Columbus IETF meeting. A few changes were
- discussed, that were primarily structural with some additions to provide
- more detail.
- The majority of the Working Group believes its work is done. Steve
- Crocker will coordinate a team of experts to review the current
- specification prior to its submission to the IESG for publication as a
- Proposed Standard.
- Common Authentication Technology Working Group (CAT)
- The GSS-API base specification, GSS-API C Language Bindings, and
- Kerberos Version 5 documents are to be submitted for consideration as
- Proposed Standards.
- The DASS document is to be submitted for consideration as an
- Experimental Protocol.
- The CAT Working Group met for two sessions at the Columbus IETF. The
- primary agenda item was integration of security features into FTP, a
- topic for which Sam Sjogren is acting as task leader and on which Steve
- Lunt has generated a working document shortly to be released as an
- Internet-Draft. The FTP security discussions were quite fruitful, both
- in terms of providing feedback for improving the draft proposal for FTP
- as well as fine tuning the GSS-API requirements and specifications.
- Internet Protocol Security Protocol Working Group (IPSEC)
- A Charter has been submitted to the IESG. Its official ratification is
- waiting for a statement indicating its relationship to other security
- related activities in the IETF.
- A review of initial experimental implementations was conducted. A
- preliminary list of IPSEC protocol features/requirements was discussed
- and will be posted to the mailing list. There was a brief discussion of
- key management issues but it was deferred to be conducted on the mailing
- list.
- Privacy Enhanced Mail Working Group (PEM)
- The PEM specifications have been published as RFCs 1421, 1422, 1423, and
- 1424. This work item was officially closed at the Columbus IETF
- meeting.
- SNMP Security Working Group (SNMPSEC)
- In conjunction with the SNMPv2 Working Group, twelve documents have been
- completed and adopted by the IESG as Proposed Standards. They are
- currently in the hands of the RFC editor for processing for publication.
- By agreement with the new Network Management Area Director, Marshall
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- Rose, further work on SNMP security will be carried within the existing
- SNMP Working Group with assistance provided by the Security Area.
- TCP Client Identity Protocol Working Group (IDENT)
- The protocol specification has been published in RFC 1413 as a Proposed
- Standard. A network management MIB document was published in parallel
- as RFC1414. Using this MIB, a SNMP client can ascertain the same
- information that an Indent client can, thereby giving clients two
- options for implementing this service.
- This work item was officially closed at the Columbus IETF meeting.
- OSI Directory Services Working Group (OSIDS) - Applications
- There is no security activity in this area at this time. This work item
- was officially closed at the Columbus IETF meeting.
- TELNET Working Group (TELNET) - Applications
- A document specifying a combination authentication-encryption option was
- discussed, including replacing the individual option documents with this
- one document. A revised Internet-Draft will be posted.
- A Kerberos version 5 sub-option document was also discussed. A revised
- Internet-Draft will be posted.
- Router Requirements Working Group (RREQ) - Internet
- The previous single document has been split into four documents and a
- number auxiliary documents. Philip Almquist has responsibility for
- finishing the documents and submitting them to the IESG for publication.
- Mobile IP Security Working Group (MOBILEIP) - Routing
- If there existed an IP security option Mobile IP would not have to
- create its own. This raises the question of what the relationship
- between this security work item and the IP security work item is. This
- will be addressed in a document to be posted to internet-drafts.
- Audio/Video Transport Working Group (AVT) - Transport
- This activity will be reviewed to identify the security issues for the
- Amsterdam meeting.
- Domain Name System Working Group (DNS) - Transport
- A subcommittee will be created to deal with security issues. A mailing
- list will be created for use by the subcommittee.
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- Trusted Network File System Working Group (TNFS) - Transport
- The TNFS Working Group meets principally under the auspices of the
- Trusted Systems Interoperability Group.
- No progress to report.
- Integrated Directory Services Working Group (IDS) - User Services
- This activity will be reviewed to identify the security issues for the
- Amsterdam meeting.
- Export Control Issues
- Vint Cerf and Steve Crocker need to press forward on drafting a
- document.
- IP: The Next Generation
- A plan for processing a security review of the competing next generation
- proposals will be drafted for the Amsterdam meeting.
- ITAR Publication
- An on-line version of the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations
- (ITAR) will be created. In addition, it was noted that the ISSA
- published a summary of U.S. export law that would be useful to include.
- Key Management Strategies
- A review of key management strategies and activities will be drafted for
- the Amsterdam meeting.
- Network Database Privacy
- There is no activity in this area. This work item was officially closed
- at the Columbus IETF meeting.
- PEM and MIME Integration
- The meeting began with discussions of implementation status' and
- deployment strategies. There will soon be PEM implementations available
- in the UK and Germany as a result of work under the EC PASSPORT program.
- Interoperability testing is in progress. In support of the Internet
- certification hierarchy RSADSI and TIS announced the availability of
- PCAs.
- In addition to the PEM and MIME integration, the use of email addresses
- in distinguished names and the relaxation of the trust model for the
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- current hierarchy were discussed, but no consensus was reached. The PEM
- and MIME integration was also not settled since there was a fair amount
- of disagreement about the issues. A revised Internet-Draft will be
- posted.
- Random Number Generation Issues
- A document has been posted as an Internet-Draft that identifies the
- issues to be concerned about when generating random numbers. However,
- the document does not have a conclusion on how to generate random
- numbers given a set of requirements. A revision will be prepared.
- Routing Security Plan
- Radia Perlman will submit a brief white paper identifying the issues.
- Security Area Architecture
- A short description of the relationship between the IETF security
- activities will be drafted for the Amsterdam meeting.
- Working Group Liaison Checklist
- A checklist for use by security liaisons to working groups that will
- assist in tracking progress will be drafted for the Amsterdam IETF.
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