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- Reported by Einar Stefferud/NMA and Ray Freiwirth/RCI
- Minutes of the IFIP Electronic Mail Management BOF (EMAILMGT)
- Three EMAILMGT BOF Sessions were held at the Columbus IETF, under a
- special arrangement for the IFIP WG 6.5/6.6 Chartered EMailMgt Working
- Group to meet with the IETF to both draw on IETF attendance for
- participation, and to bring additional IFIP participation into IETF.
- IFIP WG 6.5/6.6 and the EMAILMGT participants are very pleased and
- grateful for the opportunity to serve and support IETF interests, and to
- draw on IETF resources.
- First Session
- Several Documents were distributed during the first BOF session, and the
- mailing lists for the various EMailMgt Task Teams and working groups
- were announced.
- Distributed Documents EMGT-93-02 through EMGT-93-14.
- The main EMailMgt list is: <ifip-emailmgt@ics.uci.edu>
- To subscribe to the list: <ifip-emailmgt-request@ics.uci.edu>
- Requirements Document Task Team: <em-tf-req@gateway.mitre.org>
- To subscribe to the list: <em-tf-req-request@gateway.mitre.org>
- MO/MIB Document Task Team <x400mib@dacnet.com>
- To subscribe to the list: <bernard@stubby.dacnet.com>
- Modeling Document Task Team: <ifip-tf-model@uninett.no>
- To subscribe to the list: <ifip-tf-model-request@uninett.no>
- IETF Mail and Directory Mgt MIB WG: <ietf-madman@innosoft.com>
- To subscribe to the list: <ietf-madman-request@innosoft.com>
- Ray Freiwirth led a review of the current EMailMgt Draft Requirements
- Document (EMGT 93-006). The emphasis of the meeting was on terminology
- and making sure that everybody understood the terms as used, and
- everyone understood the functions associated with the terms.
- One major area of discussion was how to identify a user that becomes an
- ``email manager'' for some functions that are allowed for that user by
- the real manager. It was decided that no special term is needed for
- such a user.
- The following sentence was added to the definition of ``user'':
- ``Has capability to monitor its own mailbox, local environment
- and remote logs, files, etc. as may be allowed''.
- Some current definitions will be further modified with regard to minor
- spelling/phrasing problems. The concept of a Relative Domain is still
- being discussed. It is not clear if the concept and definition of
- Manager Responsibility Area (MRA) needs to be expanded. We are trying
- to avoid the confusion that would follow from using the term ``domain''
- in yet another context with yet another meaning.
- It was noted that it is important for the document to state clearly that
- the EMailMgt requirements are not dictating a new kind of management,
- but rather calls for use of existing methods and tools to meet EMailMgt
- requirements.
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- Second Session
- Harald Alvestrand lead a discussion of his Draft EMailMgt Modeling
- Document (EMGT 93-002).
- The concept of a gateway needs to be clearly defined in the diagrams to
- show how Gateways fit into the EMail infrastructure (e.g., when they sit
- astride two different EMail environments). Omission of gateways would
- imply that EMail Gateways are outside the scope of EMailMgt! They
- obviously are not.
- It was generally agreed that most of the model diagrams need revision.
- The Dataflows diagram needs more work to indicate interchange between
- Management Responsibility Areas.
- Some managers will use information to reconfigure systems, which implies
- that there are different time-frames for different data flows.
- The following questions were raised regarding general terminology.
- o Why not define ``customer'' as defined in the English language?
- Answer: Because we need a clear a distinction between a user and
- customer. A customer makes value judgments. Users do not, unless
- they also happen to be customers at the same time.
- o Why not define mail service as just a mail transfer service?
- Answer: Inside the mail system there are many objects to be
- managed. Some of these objects might be managed by a single EMail
- manager, by a group of EMail managers or by a ``user/manager'' or
- just by a user.
- o Where does Message Store fit into this model?
- Answer: We need to identify split User Agent and Mail Box
- functionality, and call out that a user can manage part of the
- mailbox. The model needs better definition of users having some of
- the capabilities of a manager, and of users having some manager
- roles.
- In Section 3.2: the diagram needs to be expanded to show all the
- services that were identified in the requirements document (i.e.,
- Security, Routing, etc.). This relates directly to the ability to
- manage the EMail portion of the data that resides in any of the
- services, and the ability to use their services: Directory; Network
- Management; Logging; etc.
- Detailing of both MTA and UA model diagrams should be modified to show
- more dimension with respect to sources, queues and sinks (flow detail).
- Third Session
- This session was dedicated to reconciling all differences between the
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- use of terms in the Requirements and Modeling Documents. This was
- determined to be the key high priority objective of this set of EMailMgt
- meetings.
- Ray Freiwirth lead the discussion, following the requirements document.
- With the work of the previous two days and a better understanding of the
- model document, great strides were made in reconciliation.
- Requirements Section 2 needs to be better aligned with the model
- document, especially paragraph 4.
- For Requirements section 3.3.2 (Remote Email Service), there was a
- general discussion about IMAP. Somebody should cross-participate in the
- IMAP Group to make sure and that both Groups are aligned.
- The number one GOAL for both documents is to achieve alignment on the
- one hand, and comprehensiveness on the other. We are working to
- identify all the relevant elements and entities that require management
- and show how they relate to to each other in the overall model.
- Final Observations
- We could never have achieved our goals for this meeting without holding
- three separate session on three separate days. The final session on
- Friday was critical to pull everything back together in the end.
- It is noted that the next EMailMgt meetings are scheduled for June (OIW
- at NIST) and July (IETF at Amsterdam). Other meetings of EMailMgt Task
- Teams are also planned, and will be announced on the EMailMgt mailing
- list.
- Since the next meetings are several months into the future, we plan to
- complete edits of the EMailMgt Requirements and Modeling Documents and
- publish them as Internet-Drafts to obtain wider distribution and to
- facilitate more robust discussions on the main mailing list. The
- Internet-Drafts should be published by the end of April at which time we
- will begin the process of review, comment, revision, and adoption of
- these documents using consensus methods in the EMailMgt mailing list,
- based on the published Internet-Drafts.
- Attendees
- Harald Alvestrand Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no
- Jules Aronson aronson@nlm.nih.gov
- Robert Beer r-beer@onu.edu
- Richard Bjers rich.bjers@uc.edu
- Cyrus Chow cchow@ames.arc.nasa.gov
- Steve DeJarnett steve@ibmpa.awdpa.ibm.com
- Urs Eppenberger eppenberger@switch.ch
- Erik Fair fair@apple.com
- Francois Fluckiger fluckiger@vxcern.cern.ch
- Ned Freed ned@innosoft.com
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- Raphael Freiwirth 5242391@mcimail.com
- Marcello Frutig frutig@rnp.impa.br
- Christine Garland garland@ihspa.att.com
- Kenneth Goodwin goodwin@a.psc.edu
- Jeroen Houttuin houttuin@rare.nl
- Barbara Jennings bjjenni@sandia.gov
- Thomas Johannsen Thomas.Johannsen@ebzaw1.et.tu-dresden.de
- Kenneth Key key@cs.utk.edu
- Jim Knowles jknowles@binky.arc.nasa.gov
- Sylvain Langlois Sylvain.Langlois@exp.edf.fr
- Bruce Mackey brucem@cinops.xerox.com
- Ignacio Martinez martinez@rediris.es
- Keith Moore moore@cs.utk.edu
- Brad Passwaters bjp@sura.net
- Jim Romaguera romaguera@cosine-mhs.switch.ch
- Yzhak Ronen y.ronen@homxa.att.com
- Gary Rowe gjrowe@attmail.com
- Chris Shaw cshaw@banyan.com
- Sue Smith smiths.es.net
- Einar Stefferud stef@nma.com
- Panos-Gavriil Tsigaridas Tsigaridas@fokus.berlin.gmd.dbp.de
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