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- Minutes of the Benchmarking Methodology Working Group (BMWG)
- Reported by Jim McQuaid, Bay Networks, Inc.
- 1. Current Internet Draft document on ╥Network Element╙ testing.
- Jim McQuaid reviewed the status of this document as shown below:
- o "Nearly done" 1993-1994
- o "Final" editing pass February, 1995
- o (appendices incorporated; version 01 posted)
- o Reviewed by area director (MO) August 1995
- o (edited to reflect comments; version 02 posted)
- McQuaid briefly highlighted some of the changes in the 01 to 02 edit
- for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the current document. These
- include:
- o the insertion of language in section 4.0 "Evaluating the Results,"
- reminding readers about the statistical issues in testing, which are
- otherwise not discussed in the draft,
- o in the section 7.0 "DUT Set Up," the change from SHOULD to MUST
- regarding reporting the exact configuration and set of enabled
- functions for the device under test,
- o and, in the section 9.4, "Frame sizes in the presence of disparate
- MTUs," the need to test up to the limits of the largest MTU are
- emphasized.
- The group then reviewed the remaining issues/points of discussion
- raised against the 02 version of the draft. Each was resolved as
- follows.
- 1.1 Latency definition used in section 26.2, "Latency".
- An inconsistency was pointed out in this section. RFC 1242
- describes two possible latency measurement definitions,
- identified as "store and forward" and "bit forwarding" devices.
- The implicit definition in this section is a hybrid. It was
- agreed to remove the definition from this section and reference
- the two definitions in RFC 1242. Testing should report which
- definition was used.
- 1.2 Formula in section 26.5, "System Recovery".
- The formula currently stated in this section is inadvertantly
- backwards. System recovery is measured from timestamp A to
- timestamp B but the draft says to compute A-B. It was agreed
- that B-A is the correct statement of the method.
- 1.3 Scope of SNMP testing/Management Frame, Section C.2.4.3,
- "Management Query Frame".
- The actual frame could be added to this section, but the draft is
- sufficiently complete without it to go forward.
- It was clarified that the scope of the information requested by
- this SNMP frame should be for a single interface only, not for
- some other list of possible interfaces installed.
- It was agreed that the document should be revised to version 03 and
- posted in January. At that time there will be a last call and the draft
- will be forwarded to be published as an informational RFC. There was
- some discussion about whether or not this document fit in the new
- category of "Best current practice" documents and it was agreed that it
- did not really qualify for that.
- Before the next topic was taken up-and as an important transition issue-
- the question of the life cycle of this draft in the light of future
- developments was discussed. After discussion there was general
- agreement to the idea that the current ID should be published and
- that, as with RFC 1242, it would serve as a reference document for
- future efforts. Therefore a future document on switch testing, for
- example, need only discuss the points of difference with the ╥basic╙
- methodology described in the current draft. In effect, all the set up,
- reporting and other aspects of the methodology could be incorporated
- by reference into newer methodology drafts.
- 2. Ethernet Switch testing discussion
- Bob Mandeville and Ajay Shah presented some of the thinking behind
- the draft document circulated to the BMWG list (but not yet posted
- anywhere, read on). A lively discussion of about one hour raised a
- number of questions which will be addressed in the next draft. A
- partial draft that addresses some of the most contentious areas will be
- circulated to the list in January and, subsequently, a new ID will be
- posted. Bob Mandeville presented several important supplemental
- thoughts and figures. This material is available as a PDF file
- (Acrobat).
- The major question raised concerned the complex relationship of offered
- load, bi-directional traffic, Ethernet collisions and media limits versus
- switch limits. This issue is the foremost issue to be resolved. Some of
- the sub-issues raised in this discussion are listed below as 2.1.
- 2.1 Throughput: pattern of switching and loading
- 2.1.1 Determinate vs. Random vs. Cycled addressing of load
- synchronization? collisions - media
- 2.1.2 Overload, define it
- Q of congestion?
- Q of multiport?
- 2.1.3 Unidirectional vs. Bidir
- 2.1.4 Burst size / burst pattern / interframe/burst gap [too tied to
- tester architecture?]
- 2.1.5 Q of resonance / phase-lock (6 in, 6 out) in other words, could
- a specific burst pattern result in a specific output pattern
- which has some ╘magic╒ frequency resonance for a given
- device?
- The following issues were raised and proved to be much less
- controversial.
- 2.2 Behavior tests
- is A to B affected by congestion on C to D?
- handling of errored frames [runts, etc.]
- 2.3 Address handling / learning
- 3. Call setup testing discussion
- This was an exploratory discussion. Three scenarios were proposed as
- possible benchmarking frameworks.
- -----
- frames offered --->| DUT |-----> frames forwarded
- -----
- Figure A, simple call setup benchmark
- -----
- frames offered --->| DUT |
- | |<----> call setup
- call READY ACK <---| |
- | |
- -----
- Figure B, call setup ACK benchmark
- -----
- frames offered --->| DUT |
- | |(<----> call setup)
- call READY ACK <---| |
- | |-----> frames forwarded
- -----
- Figure C, call setup and data forwarding benchmark
- One of the points raised was a question about other metrics already
- established in the telephony world for benchmarking those such as
- Figure C. Shikhar Bajaj volunteered to look into this matter. He later
- circulated (to the BMWG list) a summary of a BOF on this topic at the
- ATM FORUM meeting in London. This was sent out by Gregan Crauford,
- chair of the TEST Working Group.
- McQuaid reviewed the ITU-T Revised Draft/Recommendation I.35bcp,
- dated 7/95, entitled "Call processing performance for a B-ISDN." This
- discusses benchmark setups similar to Figure C above and gives target
- objectives for 'national, international and end to end' telephone
- networks. A target of roughly 1350 milliseconds plus propagation delay
- is cited for national networks.
- Reported by Guy T Almes <almes@advanced.org>
- The working group met in a second session that was devoted to the IPPM
- agenda and chaired by Guy Almes.
- The chair used a set of slides to organize the session. These slides have
- been reproduced and follow these minutes. The written minutes will
- emphasize those points not in the slides or where there was significant
- discussion on points that are present in the slides. In the minutes, we
- will use the notation [slide k] to refer to the kth slide.
- The session began with a review of the IPPM BOF at Danvers, the
- IPPM/BMWG Meeting at Stockholm, and the interim IPPM/BMWG
- meeting at Pittsburgh in September [slide 3]. Further, the general
- qualities of metrics we want to define were discussed [slides 4 and 5].
- There then began a series of four brainstorming discussion. The first
- discussion [slide 6] focused on Delay Metrics. We discussed various
- technical issues in delay measurements, including the importance of
- pinging 'through' routers rather than 'to' routers. Another was the
- impact of caches on attempts to accurately measure delay. We then
- discussed various motivations for measuring delay, among which were
- the following:
- o To measure the presence and degree of congestion in an IP cloud. For
- example, if the baseline delay through a given lightly loaded
- cloud is known, then delay above that baseline is a measure of
- congestion of the cloud (or of fallback or erroneous routing through
- the cloud). One particularly interesting example of a delay
- measurement being used by one provider (Geoff Huston of Telstra)
- was to measure the percentage of time that delay across a cloud
- exceeds a given threshold. If the percentage above this threshold
- exceeds a given amount, then it is taken as an indicator that service
- is unsatisfactory.
- o To measure the likelihood that telnet, or some other delay-
- intolerant application, will work effectively. In all these
- discussions, Mike O'Dell noted that we need an improved
- understanding of the phenomenology surrounding IP clouds before
- we would really understand what to measure. The importance of
- understanding both the unloaded delay and the delay under load
- was discussed.
- The second discussion [slide 7] focused on Flow Capacity. An important
- distinction exists between the ability of a cloud to sustain a single
- high-speed flow (as in remote access to a supercomputer) and the
- ability of a cloud to sustain a large number of small flows (as with a
- large number of http GETs). Treno attempts to measure the former (cf.
- http://www.psc.edu/~pscnoc/treno.html). A related issue includes the
- measures of packet loss and variance of delay, since these will frustrate
- the ability of TCP flow control to be effective. Mike O'Dell used the
- term 'hit and run flows' to characterize the large number of brief
- connections that appear due to the Web. Non-TCP flows, such as voice-
- over-UDP and MBone flows, are also important to measure and
- understand. It was noted that while users desire to understand the
- ability of a given cloud to carry traffic, providers desire to understand
- the nature of 'offered load'. Sean Doran noted that the techniques we
- were discussing, both in delay measurement and with treno-like tools,
- would work better if routers implemented an ability to rapidly receive
- certain probe packets, reverse the source and destination addresses, and
- fire them back to the sender; this would dramatically improve the
- accuracy and reduce the overhead of such measurements when routers
- are subject of tests. Also discussed was the conjecture raised at the
- Pittsburgh meeting, that an ongoing estimate of flow capacity might be
- possible by combining (1) a baseline measurement of flow capacity, and
- (2) an ongoing measurement of variations in round-trip delay. In this
- context, it was noted that the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- implementation of Dave Mills maintained such an ongoing record of
- measured delay.
- A third, very brief, discussion focused on Availability [slide 8] metrics.
- Though a significant issue in the eyes of users (and therefore
- providers), the press of time prevented a thorough discussion.
- The fourth discussion focused on the role of router surrogates, or
- 'transponders', located at strategic locations on the Internet. Jamshid
- Mahdavi presented some slides on this topic. He noted that the
- Internet could largely be modeled as a graph whose vertices were clouds
- and exchange points, and whose vertices were connections from the
- clouds to exchange points. Two interesting issues were:
- o Whether such transponders should be placed (a) at exchange points,
- (b) just inside clouds near exchange points, (c) at user sites, or (d)
- some combination of these.
- o Whether such transponders should be (1) passive, responding, for
- example, to ping or treno probes, (2) active, initiating measurements
- among each other and storing the results for public distribution
- {using, for example, the techniques documented by the OpStat
- Working Group] and available to users via the Web.
- The session closed with a talk by Steve Corbato of the University of
- Washington. He described an approach to analyzing real-time
- network performance based on occasional fast (1-2 Hz) SNMP polling of
- router interfaces. His presentation example focused on the aggregate
- flow characteristics across a campus Internet border router. His slides
- are available at:
- http://weber.u.washington.edu/~corbato/ippmtalk/.