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- Common Architecture for Next Generation IP (catnip)
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Charter
- Last Modified: 23-May-95
- Current Status: Concluded Working Group
- Chair(s):
- Vladimir Sukonnik <sukonnik@process.com>
- Internet Area Director(s):
- Jeffrey Burgan <burgan@home.net>
- Thomas Narten <narten@raleigh.ibm.com>
- Internet Area Advisor:
- Thomas Narten <narten@raleigh.ibm.com>
- Mailing Lists:
- General Discussion:catnip@world.std.com
- To Subscribe: catnip-request@world.std.com
- Archive: ftp://world.std.com/pub/catnip/*
- Description of Working Group:
- CATNIP is a new version of the IP protocol, converged with a
- compressed form of CLNP, and a form of Novell IPX that permits
- general interoperation. The objective is to provide common ground
- between the Internet, OSI, and the Novell protocols, as well as to
- advance the Internet technology to the scale and performance of the
- next generation of internetwork technology. CATNIP has been assigned
- the IP version number 7. The CATNIP proposal has evolved from the
- TP/IX protocol (RFC 1475) and the TUBA proposal (RFC 1347).
- The working group is chartered to review the CATNIP protocol,
- evaluate issues arising during product development and deployment
- planning, and to document problems and explanations for any parts of
- the coexistance with IPv4 not covered directly in the CATNIP-IPv4
- interoperation design.
- CATNIP includes definitions covering the same ground as the TUBA
- project, and within the charter of the TUBA Working Group. This will
- be handled by coordination with the TUBA Working Group. The intent is
- to arrive at complete alignment between the TUBA work and the CLNP
- component in CATNIP.
- The group will also continue to be the forum for development of the RAP
- protocol and the TCP extensions while in experimental status; this
- work will need to be moved to the Transport and Routing Area(s) if it
- is to be advanced; this work is outside the charter of the IPng Area.
- Goals and Milestones:
- Feb 94 Produce Internet-Draft on CATNIP/TUBA technical differences.
- Mar 94 Submit CATNIP Internet-Draft to IESG for consideration as an
- Experimental protocol.
- Internet-Drafts:
- No Current Internet-Drafts.
- Request For Comments:
- None to date.