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- Reported by Ross Callon/DEC
- Minutes of the ISIS for IP Internets Working Group (ISIS)
- Agenda
- 1. Update to ISIS MIB (Chris Gunner)
- 2. Update to RFC 1195 (Ross Callon)
- 3. ISIS-BGP Interactions (Yakov Rekhter)
- Update to ISIS MIB draft
- Chris Gunner presented an updated draft of ISIS MIB. The major changes
- from the previous draft were:
- o The number of table were reduced from the previous version - now
- there are half as many tables roughly as previously.
- o No restriction on Set PDU's contents in the MIB specification. An
- agent, however, can impose one on the Set PDU's contents.
- There was a suggestion to link the IP destination object and the IP
- Forwarding Table.
- Additional detail-level reviewers of the ISIS MIB would be appreciated.
- It is expected that this will occur at the MIB is implemented. The
- IS-IS MIB is currently an Internet Draft.
- Update to RFC 1195
- Ross Callon presented an updated version of RFC 1195. The changes to
- RFC 1195 are listed in Section 6 of the new draft (which has been
- distributed to the Working Group).
- Following changes and topics were discussed:
- o Reference to final International Standard of ISO 10589. This is
- the biggest change to the draft. This allows several sections of
- RFC 1195 to be removed as they are redundant with corrections and
- improvements that have been made to ISO 10589. For example,
- Annexes on encoding of sequence number packets and on
- authentication are now redundant with ISO 10589.
- o The spec now allows announcement of the IP Router ID over
- unnumbered links. This is needed for Strict Source Routing,
- network management, and for locally originated IP packets over
- unnumbered links. The spec will be updated to specify that for
- routers which have only unnumbered links, the router ID must be
- 1
- announced in the LSP's as a Host Route. The spec should probably
- also include a brief description of what a router ID is.
- o What should be done when a router is a L1 and L2 router, doing RIP,
- but L2 is not IP capable? The spec now describes this in some
- detail, but some editorial clarification is needed (see the "mixed
- operation" section of the update to RFC 1195).
- o NSAP address for IP-only routers was discussed. There are several
- ways in which these can be obtained. This is currently being
- pursued in several other places for uses which include, but which
- go well beyond use in IS-IS. Therefore this should be removed from
- the update to RFC 1195.
- o There was a discussion of how to transition two instances of IS-IS
- which are operating in "Ships in the Night" mode to a single
- instance of Integrated IS-IS. Ross proposed two possible transition
- methods, one of which was well received and the other of which was
- quickly rejected. Implementations will not be required to be able
- to run two instances of IS-IS in this manner. However, if an
- implementation does implement the capability of running two
- versions of IS-IS in SIN mode, then the implementation must also
- implement the controls needed to be able to transition from SIN
- mode to integrated mode and vice versa.
- o An optimization of when to leak routes from L1 to L2 was discussed
- and approved. This would optionally allow selective leaking of
- routes from level 1 to level 2 LSPs, in a manner which not effect
- routes (except for an improvement in routes in one obscure case)
- but which would reduce the amount of information in level 2 LSPs,
- at the cost of slightly more work for the routers doing the route
- leaking. This feature would work well even when implemented by
- only some routers, and therefore can be optionally implemented and
- deployed.
- o There was a discussion of redundant manually configured summary
- routes. It was agreed that this issue was not particularly
- important, but that the spec should be complete and unambiguous.
- The decision was that when redundant summary addresses are manually
- configured, both are announced.
- o Dino Farinacci suggested that we can use the LSP protocols
- supported field to avoid creating a black hole when all routers
- within an area are not the same type (all OSI, all IP, or all
- Dual). Again this was a feature which will work well even when
- implemented by only some routers in an area (routers which do not
- implement this will interwork with those that do). This proposal
- was accepted.
- Ross agreed to update the spec based on this discussion, and to have
- this issued as an Internet Draft when available.
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- BGP - ISIS Interaction
- Yakov Rekhter presented the issues of interaction between BGP and IS-IS.
- After the discussion, Sharad Sanghi of ASN (sharad@ans.net) and Atul
- Bansal (bansal@wile.enet.dec.com) volunteered to write BGP-IS-IS draft.
- Leakage of routes between BGP and IS-IS was discussed, and it was agreed
- that this should be the same as in the OSPF-BGP case.
- The relationship between BGP router IDs and IS-IS router IDs was
- discussed.
- Piggybacking of BGP information in IS-IS packets was discussed. In
- those cases where all or most level 2 routers are border routers running
- BGP, this makes sense (IS-IS solves the n-square BGP link problem, and
- provides reliable multicast mechanism). However, in those cases where
- very few level 2 routers are border routers, the n-square link problem
- is not significant, and piggybacking requires non-border routers to
- store BGP information. It was therefore agreed that whether to
- piggyback BGP information on IS-IS packets or to run internal BGP will
- depend upon the network environment, and therefore both possibilities
- should be allowed. If a network has very few BGP speakers then I-BGP is
- a good solution. If a network has lots of BGP speakers and very few
- non-BGP speaking L2 routers then Piggybacking is most efficient.
- Auto-configuration of I-BGP neighbors was also discussed. Auto I-BGP
- configuration optimization was suggested as an efficient mechanism for
- discovering I-BGP neighbors. This feature eliminates the nightmare -
- manual configuration of I-BGP neighbors. This autoconfiguration can be
- piggybacked on IS-IS.
- Tagging is currently defined by RFC 1195. This should continue to be
- available.
- We also discussed how to pass BGP information between two I-BGP
- neighbors when one is doing OSPF and the other is doing ISIS? This
- required close cooperation with the folks working on BGP-OSPF
- interactions.
- Attendees
- Atul Bansal bansal@wile.nac.dec.com
- Robert Blokzijl K13@nikhef.nl
- Daniel Blum 4108980@mcimail.com
- David Bolen db3l@nis.ans.net
- Ross Callon callon@bigfut.enet.dec.com
- Ken Carlberg carlberg@cseic.saic.com
- Dean Cheng dean@sunz.retix.com
- Chi Chu chi@sparta.com
- Kurt Dobbins dobbins@ctron.com
- Dino Farinacci dino@cisco.com
- Chris Gunner gunner@osicwg.enet.dec.com
- Christine Hemrick hemrick@cisco.com
- Tony Li tli@cisco.com
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- April Merrill abmerri@tycho.ncsc.mil
- Dave Monachello dave@pluto.dss.com
- Dennis Morris morrisd@imo-uvax.dca.mil
- Yakov Rekhter yakov@watson.ibm.com
- Manoel Rodrigues manoel.rodrigues@att.com
- Sharad Sanghi sharad@ans.net
- Harvey Shapiro shapiro@wnyose.nctsw.navy.mil
- Ravi Srinivasan ravi@eng.vitalink.com
- Andrew Veitch aveitch@bbn.com
- Cathy Wittbrodt cjw@nersc.gov
- Osmund de Souza osmund.desouza@att.com
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